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Kim So Eun 김소은

Guest ilikemangoss

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socun89 화보 비하인드컷#파인애플



Lee Jun Ki revealed Kim So Eun‘s greediness for kissing scenes in “Scholar Who Walks the Night.”

On the July 12 broadcast of MBC‘s “Section TV Entertainment Relay,” the leads for the Wednesday-Thursday drama “Scholar Who Walks the Night,” Lee Jun Ki, Lee Yoo BiTVXQ‘s Changmin, Kim So Eun, and Lee Soo Hyuk gave an interview.

During the episode, Lee Jun Ki and Kim So Eun mentioned that they had worked together in the past on a movie called “Fly Daddy” in 2006. Kim So Eun, who was 17 years old at the time, said about Lee Jun Ki, “I used the honorific ‘Samchon’ (uncle) on him back then,” and teased him by saying, “Back then, he was amazing.”

Lee Jun Ki complained, “What was shocking is that when I fool around on set, she says, ‘He was cool back then.’” He then retorts, “Do you guys think you’ll never get old?”

Kim So Eun says another thing that changed is that “Now I’m kissing Samchon. I’m kissing him endlessly.”

Lee Jun Ki reveals, “We’re tired of kissing each other.” He then gets the final laugh as he teases, “Kim So Eun tells me, ‘Hey, I also want to try kissing Changmin oppa and Soo Hyuk oppa.’ She’s a greedy woman.”


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Still no filming updates from So Eun :D Is she waiting for the appearance of Hye Ryung in episode 03 tomorrow? I'm getting a bit excited, please don't let it be just a glimpse of her face at the last 2 minutes of the show~ 

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to be honest SWWTN is not my cup of tea. those kinda romantic scenes that some people call sexy, but a bit overused in my opinion, dont work on me anymore. they work when i was young, but now that i'm mature (i refuse to use the word "old" ;)), i find them boring. and the political conflicts dont really pique my interest. yet? hopefully it will become more interesting. 

if not for so eun i will not even watch this drama, and follow it only through recaps. the only thing that interests me is how so eun's character Hye Ryung will play important part to the plot. 

i believe her, or at least want to believe in her, that she takes this role, considering it as a challenge to portray different character than the ones she used to play. because character wise, i have to agree that Hye Ryung is more interesting and layered than Yang Seon.

her screen time is getting lesser in this last 3 episodes. and i totally understand the sentiments of those who only follow the show for so eun. i think having experienced this before from her other works makes me immune. at least SWWTN is more interesting than her previous work Happy Ending. so i'll try to keep following the show while hoping that her character is truly well written, if not, imma curse the writer for wasting my time anticipating her limited but impactful appearance in the drama.

Anyways thank you so MUCH to all who keep updating any so eun related materials in this thread. I know sometimes her other related threads like sorim couple and SWWTN thread have more updates than this thread. But i'm too lazy to keep following the other threads to find little update about her. So i thank you all a lot for keeping this thread updated.

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Guest nonaz

In all honesty, even tho this is something that i already expected it would be happen, still the news that i read today about the official statement that Soeun has decide to dropped the movie with Aaron Yan because of the #scholarwhowalkthenight has really left me flabbergasted. 

Like seriously. Who should i blame for this? Soeun for her bad choices of choosing her own project?? Or should i bombarded her agency, Fantiago with all my frustration over the"questionable" way, how they manage Soeun career? Or this is should be the responsibility of the movie production itself? because of the problem that occur within them which they cant manage it in best way, so, it has affected Soeun in some ways and costing her to withdraw herself? Or should i blame and mad at myself because i put so much hope on Soeun and because i adore her that i want her shine brightly as an actress?? Which it has take its toll on my emotion right now? 

I don't know what to think and what to expect anymore. All this while i try to keep the positive attitude and remains gravity. But this recent news really make me feels so sad. I don't mad at her. Just sad, to be honest. 

Seriously, what next?

First, i can't denied the fact that, i'm actually quite disappointed with the way her character in SWWTN. I don't give a crap about she the second lead and not the first lead, as i mentioned before as long as her role is good enough to wow! me as an audience and be given the right and justice of the writing of her character, equally and worth of amount of her screen time as a second lead character in the drama, it is enough for me. But, as for now, all i get is, the feeling like I've been cheated by the drama production. To be honest, based on the preview that i saw last week, even for tonight episode i don't think she will be appear on the screen or if she appear i don't think her airtime will last more that 5 minutes. Seriously, i hope i wrong though.

When i watch other drama, where second lead got a plenty and decent air time and like their character is significant to the whole story. But, with Soeun character in SWWTN where her character is just like a cameo. Seriously, i feels so jealous of that. If they really wants do her character as a role which just to keep the drama prolong since they need to covered up for 20 episode, why don't from the beginning they just put her name or says that she is just supporting role? Atleast it would lessen the disappointment and atleast for me as her fan, knows where i can put myself, my expectations for her role on the drama peacefully.

Yeah. But this is still early to judge the whole. Like it just episode 4 and If this pattern of her screentime continue in SWWTN until the last episode. Or they start to pickup her role by the end of the drama and since she decide to put her dedication to focusing on drama where she have to sacrifice a great chance of filming as a lead in international movie collaboration and like seriously, as a fans of her and since i do care about her, someone needs to wake her up after this. Please. Otherwise, this is going to be repetitive.  But seeing her photos that she updates in her SNS showing her happy face to filming. Its makes torn. I wants her to gear up her game as an actress but in the same time, if this kind of stuff that makes her happy. Then, who i am to says otherwise.  

But, in the eyes of specter like me. Its such a waste. Because as for me this movie, it is good medium and platform to market her name and venture her career in to the international filming industry. Being in female lead and got a chance to collaborate with an international actor from different country not only good for a marketing strategy but the experience and knowledge that Soeun will get later will be helpful as she wants to grows as an amazing actress.

I really hope despite the disappointment and frustration that i have right now because of this news, there something good will be happen for her soon. Really. I hope because she drop this movie and finish her drama later, then a very very good amazing opportunity comes and knocking her door instead.   

EDIT : Now i read that The production company official account of the film said they will change casting of Aaron Yan - Kim So Eun movie. So now i have no idea what's really going on. If Soeun still not being lead in the movie or will not be in the movie anymore, i guess it is still the same. Hope someone who knows better about this, please enlighten me on this matter. Thank you.

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Hi chingu @nonaz ^^/

It really is a pity that So Eun has to give up on the movie because of (yet another) clash in work schedule. This time delay in the part of the production team seems to be the main factor. May I have the link to the official statement?

Same here for SWWTN, we can only hope for more screen time for So Eun. Tbh, I'm happy to see her improvement in the last few episodes (especially her eyes). And yes, we never know how it is behind the scenes, so as long as she's happy, we'll keep supporting her work ^^

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Guest nonaz

Hi @ankodays :) 

I read at twitter. A lot of her fans at twitter saying the same things. I try to find the link of the sources. But I can't find it till now. They says from the movie official account. I hope this is just an another baseless rumours. :( 

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In all honesty, even tho this is something that i already expected it would be happen, still the news that i read today about the official statement that Soeun has decide to dropped the movie with Aaron Yan because of the #scholarwhowalkthenight has really left me flabbergasted. 

Like seriously. Who should i blame for this? Soeun for her bad choices of choosing her own project?? Or should i bombarded her agency, Fantiago with all my frustration over the"questionable" way, how they manage Soeun career? Or this is should be the responsibility of the movie production itself? because of the problem that occur within them which they cant manage it in best way, so, it has affected Soeun in some ways and costing her to withdraw herself? Or should i blame and mad at myself because i put so much hope on Soeun and because i adore her that i want her shine brightly as an actress?? Which it has take its toll on my emotion right now? 

I don't know what to think and what to expect anymore. All this while i try to keep the positive attitude and remains gravity. But this recent news really make me feels so sad. I don't mad at her. Just sad, to be honest. 

Seriously, what next?

First, i can't denied the fact that, i'm actually quite disappointed with the way her character in SWWTN. I don't give a crap about she the second lead and not the first lead, as i mentioned before as long as her role is good enough to wow! me as an audience and be given the right and justice of the writing of her character, equally and worth of amount of her screen time as a second lead character in the drama, it is enough for me. But, as for now, all i get is, the feeling like I've been cheated by the drama production. To be honest, based on the preview that i saw last week, even for tonight episode i don't think she will be appear on the screen or if she appear i don't think her airtime will last more that 5 minutes. Seriously, i hope i wrong though.

When i watch other drama, where second lead got a plenty and decent air time and like their character is significant to the whole story. But, with Soeun character in SWWTN where her character is just like a cameo. Seriously, i feels so jealous of that. If they really wants do her character as a role which just to keep the drama prolong since they need to covered up for 20 episode, why don't from the beginning they just put her name or says that she is just supporting role? Atleast it would lessen the disappointment and atleast for me as her fan, knows where i can put myself, my expectations for her role on the drama peacefully.

Yeah. But this is still early to judge the whole. Like it just episode 4 and If this pattern of her screentime continue in SWWTN until the last episode. Or they start to pickup her role by the end of the drama and since she decide to put her dedication to focusing on drama where she have to sacrifice a great chance of filming as a lead in international movie collaboration and like seriously, as a fans of her and since i do care about her, someone needs to wake her up after this. Please. Otherwise, this is going to be repetitive.  But seeing her photos that she updates in her SNS showing her happy face to filming. Its makes torn. I wants her to gear up her game as an actress but in the same time, if this kind of stuff that makes her happy. Then, who i am to says otherwise.  

But, in the eyes of specter like me. Its such a waste. Because as for me this movie, it is good medium and platform to market her name and venture her career in to the international filming industry. Being in female lead and got a chance to collaborate with an international actor from different country not only good for a marketing strategy but the experience and knowledge that Soeun will get later will be helpful as she wants to grows as an amazing actress.

I really hope despite the disappointment and frustration that i have right now because of this news, there something good will be happen for her soon. Really. I hope because she drop this movie and finish her drama later, then a very very good amazing opportunity comes and knocking her door instead.   

EDIT : Now i read that The production company official account of the film said they will change casting of Aaron Yan - Kim So Eun movie. So now i have no idea what's really going on. If Soeun still not being lead in the movie or will not be in the movie anymore, i guess it is still the same. Hope someone who knows better about this, please enlighten me on this matter. Thank you.

I've also heard about the rumours about her dropping from the movie filming but I'm not sure whether it's confirm or not. It is weird actually that we hear nothing about the progress of the movie filming that schedule to be release on Sept so the 'rumours' might be true. Would I be surprise if she dropped the project?.....No because it's not her first time doing it.

If I'm not mistaken, she faced some legal action when she dropped from filming the 'Fourth Period Murder Mystery' in 2009 although the major problems came from the production company. I don't know what happen with the legal action, maybe they solve the problem outside the court because the news died down instantly. But the consequences were quite severe because after that, she never act in a movie at all until last year. 

Of course we want to know who can we put the blame on. It seemed that she always face the same problem again and again. She can't seem to commit with more than one project at one time....


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Hi Lovely Angels:wub:

Its been a while I posted here...cannot help but to unlurk just to lift the mood up (even for a bit)

I too felt the same way as all of you but I would like to share a review by MisterX (who is well-known for being very harsh & critical with his opinion on K-dramas/actors) HERE

The writer gave the drama TSWWTN a mere 62 points on average but here is an excerpt on KSE in the drama:

"Let capable thesps like Lee and Kim So-Eun (who's always been a natural when donning sageuk garbs) handle these dynamics..."

and the writer gave a score of 70 for her acting in this drama!! (2nd behind LJK at 75). For a mere 10-15 min appearance as Myong Hee/Hye Ryeong, she managed to portray a good acting efficiently (I called it 'yuya yagira-ing' :P)

edit: Wow! I just browsed thru the MVP Section of the website (where the writer rates the stars based on raw talent, fundamentals, star power etc) and Soeunie is in the Top 50 @no. 32 alongside Hyun Bin & Cheon Woo Hee. Awesome! 

I browsed thru several other reviews there on other dramas to compare with other lead actors/actresses and indeed the writer was really hard-to-please (even Misaeng is rated at lower than 70, if I can recall correctly).

I felt proud with uri Soeunie but at the same time gutted for her to not be able to move further faster. What I can see here is, although KSE seems 'lack of presence' in the mainstream industry, talent like her wont be left unnoticed by critics and people who appreciate quality (vs. star power).

Nevertheless, in the end, we are spectators. Just like others to our lives. We can only keep on supporting and wish her for the best.

바이팅 소으나!

ps: this review was highlighted by uri @niki_wong  in her twitter. Thanks!


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