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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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I can personally account that Nobody is still a very popular hit among Asians - including ones in Italy.

Yesterday in the late evening I was in Milan, waiting outside my friend house before going at a summer fair. I was playing with the GPS to set the route when I heard someone singing Nobody and clapping. :w00t: It was weird to hear it as it is virtually unknown in Italy, so I turned around.

In a small nice park nearby there was about ten Asian adults, mostly women, singing Nobody and doing the dance. A man in front of them was leading the song, which was sung in a language I was not able to recognize (I'm sure it wasn't Korean nor Chinese).

I was still getting that it was the first time for me seeing someone singing a Wonder Girls song "live" - although a translation - that they switched quickly to another dance and song and the moment passed.

Sorry for this loosely WG-related account.

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Guest qoxie

Yay, I got the 2DT Justice EP at last~

Just received it from a relative flying back from the States.

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The Honolululu Star-Advertiser plugs the WG concerts again.

It also mentions JYP will perform.

Source: http://www.staradver..._this_week.html

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WG at the Mod Club Theatre (Toronto) concert.

Didn't notice Sunye's new hairstyle until now ...

Picture credit: 奶油girl @ Baidu

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Guest 01elegance

Went to the Toronto show at Mod Club Theatre and it was amazing! These ladies are fantastic live! If you haven't seen them you should! They are extremely charismatic and have enormous stage presence!

The wait, I must admit, was excruciating and completely unnecessary, we totally didn't need to go that early, since we had VIP tickets. Thanks to those tickets, we got to get through the line, take a picture with them, and got right to the front of the stage for the concert. We had a great place at the front as well since we weren't directly at the centre and continuously getting pushed and shoved.

I got to touch all of them! They are all so nice, and they definitely made an effort to make everyone happy! And even when they touch your hand, they look right at you, which they don't need to do but they did. Yeeun and Yoobin were definitely loving and giving people! And they noticed all the fans and they did the best they could to make everyone feel special. Yoobin at the end tried to touch as many fans as possible and she really didn't have to. The fans in Toronto are pretty crazy, not gonna lie, there were some INTENSE fans, and I think that not only shocked me but the girls as well. They definitely gave them a lot of love and even knew the chants and screamed out "I love you!" numerous times throughout!

They also look very pretty in person (but they had lotsa makeup on)! And what I really noticed was that when I looked at them, they weren't STICK THIN but they were just normal girls in terms of physique and the best part was that they looked healthy. They obviously sweat a lot when performing and can get tired but they really didn't show it. They were true professionals and really know how to get the crowd going. Real great performers.

Here are 2 videos that I took at the show:

Wonder Girls World Tour - Toronto - 2 Different Tears

Wonder Girls World Tour - Toronto - So Hot

I didn't take THAT many pictures or videos because I really wanted to enjoy the concert, and I definitely did. Honestly, LIVE these girls are fantastic, and pictures and fan videos don't really capture their presence and fun on stage. They definitely exude a lot of graciousness and appreciation for their fans as well.

I certainly appreciate, respect, and will support them more now after I've seen them live. And I encourage everyone who hasn't seen them to go see them! Even if you're not the BIGGEST Wonder Girls Fan, you should go.

I said it once, and I'll say it again, it was SO MUCH FUN! =)

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Guest Maila_Oscar

I know this is old news but someone just made a article on kpopnews.net so I figured share it.

[Videos] The Real Gentleman Award Goes To....

Posted by sukira on 12:58 AM

So wanna know who? It's No Other than Kim Heechul! He was given the gentleman award because of what he did to Sohee of Wonder Girls during Family Outing 2. He was given a wooden scratcher (the one you use to scratch your back) as a trophy.


Another Video is from Sohee of Wonder Girl's giving message to Heechul.

So does SOHEECHUL tandem works for you guys?

Article by:sukira@dkpopnews.net



This is NEW and it's so cute!


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Guest TheArchangel

I don't like pushing the girls to men too much but this video just put a smile on my face. WONDER JUNIOR FTW. I like Eunhyuk-Yoobin the most.


from: sunhaedongye

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Guest evanescent

Since I read that there's less fan accounts now during the second leg of the tour - I'll share mine in Toronto at the Mod Club :)

----- **

I arrived fairly early because I didn't have VIP tickets but really wanted a good view since it was a general admission venue. I arrived there at 2pm and there was a handful of people in line already but not as many as I had thought - lucky me. I came prepared with magazines and things to pass the time. the four hours didn't feel nearly as long as I was afraid it was. The line was around the corner and down the sidewalk by 5pm.


We were all wondering who our opening act would be but our hopes weren't very high since we heard the Vancouver concert didn't have one - but we did. She was a girl from the family channel that I wasn't familiar with, apparently from the show, Life with Derrick. She played acoustic, folk music and though she was good, I don't think she fit in very well with the crowd. We were all ready for the Wonder Girls.

Overall, it was great - there were some solo covers from American artists and as I recall, they performed Tell Me, Saying I Love You, Nobody, 2DT .. mostly, their promoted songs. I wish they did more korean songs from their first album versus doing covers.

Yubin interacted with the crowd really well, winking at us, touching our hands. One of the fans had a "paper fan" that said Sunye, be strong - and Yubin took it from that fan - so cute! At one point, a group of guys behind me had been able to pass their banner up to the stage and someone was signalling SoHee to take it but she totally ignored it! Yubin picked it up though and she showed Sunye and they both giggled.


One moment that I felt was really memorable was when they were singing Saying I love you, Sunye started to cry! HWAITING SUNYE! But I have a lot of smiling Sunye pictures!



All in all, it was a great concert and I really enjoyed it -met some great people too. Picture spam to follow -



4784833979_8aa49dffe1.jpg **don't pout sunye!**





If you want to see more pictures (if this isn't enough, click here: Flickr - Wonder Girls Concert

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Guest jason-pal

HEY WONDERFULS!!!! i was looking around on youtube and i stumbled upon a WONDERFUL video about fans in Vancouver Canada on june 29th,2010. its really unique and amazing lol.thanks 969 Media. seems like they interviewed fans and it turned out awesome.

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Guest qoxie


Monday, July 12, 2010

So after having had a wonderful time at their Mod Club Theatre show last night, I spotted three Wonder Girls out and about in Yorkville today enjoying their day off. Earlier today, I spotted newest and youngest member Lim out with her boyfriend. Around dinner time, I spotted SoHee and the group's rapper YuBin out and about looking for a place to eat dinner with their assistant, who spotted me also. I directed the girls over to The Hazelton's One Restaurant with a glowing review and they were excited to try it, taking me up on my recommendation. In exchange for the tip, SoHee and YuBin this photo for me which I had handy and they were so happy to know I had fun last night at the show, not being familiar with their material before. Random, I know!

Posted by MR. WILL-W. at 2:41 AM

Source: http://mrwillw.blogs...-yorkville.html

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Fanaccount of earlier (Denver) concert. No pics, though.

Just In–WG Are Still Amazing


I just got back from the Wonder Girls concert! It was AMAZING to say the least!!! It was a small venue, a not-so-lively crowd, and one rather rude bouncer trying to take all of our cameras, but it was AWESOME. And 2AM opened instead of 2PM, but they were still exciting!!!!

I’ll try to remember the setlist as best I can, but it isn’t exactly easily accessable.

They opened with intense short dances behind a curtain that got the crowd going. I can’t remember the opening number, but then they performed “Goodbye” from their first album. I wasn’t really expecting that, in fact I would have much rather expected to see “Ii Pabo”, but it was a powerful opener. All I could think of for the first couple of songs was WOW. They stunned me. What especially stunned me was that SoHee didn’t suck. She really seems to fail on Korean music shows, but this showed me completely different.

Then they got to the solos, which surprised me. Lim introduced all the other members, with the “So this is what you know about them…” (Sun is caring, a good leader; Yenny is sweat and gentle; YuBin is a “diva”; SoHee is the cutest thing ever) and then shocked me by going “But what do you know about me?” followed with Lil Mama’s “Lipgloss”…. a song I REALLY didn’t expect from Lim. Needless to say she ROCKED it.

YuBin performed Black Eyed Pea’s “Boom Boom POW” which was stunning. Her ability to not only speak English but rap it that well is amazing. In fact, my friend who came with me (not a previous WG fan) said at one point “I can’t believe how good their English accents are!” Haha.

SoHee danced (and I say dance because it was very obviously lipsynced, but that’s okay) to Beyoncee’s “Single Ladies”, which we’ve all seen her do on Korean music shows before. But you know, it was still better live twenty feet in front of you.

Yenny performed Duffy’s “Mercy” flawlessly. It was absolutely beautiful. Yenny’s voice is so beautiful. And finally Sun finished it off with a song by my favorite American artist, Lady Gaga. She performed “Paparazzi” powerfully.

Then they call came out and sang a samba-fied version of Pussycat Doll’s “Don’t Cha”. It was okay, but what really caught my attention was how creatively they transitioned it into their hit single “So Hot”. They just took a couple words, played them around, and BAM! So Hot!

After that they sang the Yenny-composed “Say I Love You”, which was beautiful. During it they sprayed the first few rows (which I was in) with “snow”–soap bubbles. Ruined my hair, but it cooled down the front area (which was SO NICE) and was perfect for the song.

They played the music video for “2 Different Tears” and then came right out and performed it–awesome!! I loved dancing to it. And then they got the crowd to sing along with their debut smash-hit “Tell Me”. It was a crowd-pleaser and they even stopped the music several times to hear us all singing. I loved it.

The end.

Or wait… maybe not?

They made us WORK for the encore. So much I actually almost fainted (my friend held me up!) from the screaming and heat combined.

But finally they came out and performed one last song, Nobody in all it’s full glory. THAT had everyone dancing. =D It was a nice ending.

Oh, and YuBin walked off stage with a Forever 21 bag. Coincedence one of my favorite members holding a bag from my favorite store? Hmmmmm….

Anyway. 2AM was okay, but GREATLY out-shined by the headlining act. They promised to come back to Denver (even though it was Englewood), and SunYe made us promise that we would all return if they did.

Can’t argue with that.

Source: http://tsukiki.wordp...-still-amazing/

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LIM has been spamming her Twitter the last couple hours.

She uploaded 9 photos. One was a duplicate, & another 4 were tourist pictures at Niagara Falls (she said she went with Sunye).

Here are the others. Doesn't her face look thinner since the 2nd leg of the tour began? Not as cherubic as before.

"what am i eating? APPLE!!!!!!! XD"

"me with my fav jacket! haha ><"


"this was before the show in....uhm....uh....^^;;;;;;;"

"am i angry? no. i am bored. :P"

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Guest i.said.goodbye

^^ I LOVE Lim's eyes!

So gorgeous!<33

Has this been posted?

Wonder Girls World Tour Vancouver, Canada June 29th, 2010 - 969 Media

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Guest valentino_rossi46

Lim went Niagara Fall with Sun YE :)

I went to see the Niagara falls with Sun today! & it was BEAUTIFUL! We were totally amazed! I'll upload the pix later! :D



Niagara Falls!




On our way to the Niagara Falls! :) I love nature!


Jane to Lim :

@WG_Lim u should have came out with us~~~~~~~

Does it mean Jane, So Hee and Yoo Bin wanna go out together but Lim choose went with Sun Ye ? LOL

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Guest qoxie

Fanaccount of the Toronto concert.

11th-Jul-2010 04:04 pm

Friday was a complete disaster for me... so much stress and so much failure wrapped into one day, and on top of that, I only got about 8 hours of sleep in two days. Not smart. Not smart at all. And man did my feet hurt from like.. 5-6 hours of shopping. So I wasn't exactly pumped up for the concert at the time.



First of all, Kate Todd was the opening act. I had no idea she'd be there.. and in a sea of Asian fans (mostly Korean boys, big surprise), she was a tad out of place. But she was actually really good. I was always a bit of a fan of hers, ever since she was on Radio Free Roscoe, and it's hilarious because one of my friends who wanted to go to the concert, but couldn't cause she was out of town actually knows Kate. It would've been hilarious if she had been there and been "OMG HI" or something.

Second of all... Mod Club is a very very small place. Fits like 400 people or something. I'm pretty sure it was like the smallest venue of the tour, and I was sooo close to the stage. It was AMAZING. Not to mention, pushing was not a factor, so the pictures and videos I took were pretty stable, other than the fact that my arm and legs were killing from standing so much and trying to stay still.

And the main part.. the Wonder Girls were freaking fantastic. Like.. they seem so skinny and what not on TV, which always makes me question how healthy they are, but in real life, they have curves. I'm not saying they are fat, but they're not stick thin, but still look fit and definitely really sexy and hot. And they are so much more beautiful in person.... I think I now have a slightly crush on Yubin. So. Pretty. My gosh.

Anyways, in terms of performance they did really well. I loved all the solos they did, and even though I had heard that people didn't like Sunye's cover of Lady Gaga, I really did like it, and I think she did a good job considering English is her second language. But by far, YeEun had the strongest solo performance. That girl can SING.

Hye Lim demonstrated that she is actually quite competent at singing, and I think I've come to find her as the stronger, if not strongest, dancer in the group. That and her English is actually really good, which surprised me. I am so happy they say Saying I Love you, and Stickwitu... those slow songs were so nice!








I definitely had a fangirl moment after. I was definitely freaking out.

Even though 2PM and 2AM didn't come... IT WAS SO WORTH THE MONEY. I would've paid more actually... it was SO small and intimate, definitely the best concert I've ever been to.


Interesting revelation about WG's opening act.

I checked further: her twitter said she's joining WG at Mississauga too http://twitter.com/katetodd

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Yeeun revealed WG's itinerary later this week (between Canada & Hawaii gigs)

@yeparkies_Ommi we're leaving for Hawaii on 15 th ..!

12:29 AM Jul 11th via web in reply to yeparkies_Ommi

@Ang3l0v3sn0w i'll be back on july 13th in NY as you know :)

12:24 AM Jul 11th via web in reply to Ang3l0v3sn0w

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Mod Club (Toronto) fanpics. Here's the 1st batch.

Picture credut: laurieho @flickr

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@TheArchangel: your siggi is so adorable. Love it lol.. i like this couple so much after watching CTP

WG's world tour goes so well, i'm happy for the girls, they worked so hard and their effort paid off. Sunye looks so a bit pale but pretty as usual.

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Guest TheArchangel

@TheArchangel: your siggi is so adorable. Love it lol.. i like this couple so much after watching CTP

WG's world tour goes so well, i'm happy for the girls, they worked so hard and their effort paid off. Sunye looks so a bit pale but pretty as usual.

Thanks, but it's not mine. I took it from this guy. http://www.youtube.com/user/sunhaedongye

edited my post already. I included the creator of the sunye-donghae pic.

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Guest qoxie

Something about a EXR-Pucca-WG clothing line for the USA, I think.

Isn't 4minute an endorser of Pucca as well?


Source: http://sports.hankoo...62210109530.htm

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30-second video promos of the SINGfest festival in SG.



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Awesome street interviews with Vancouver WFs at Vogue Theatre.


Cr: mine2wise @ soompi yoobin picture thread

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Guest valentino_rossi46

No 4Minute didnt endorse Pucca, last year, i dont remember the event, they introduced Pucca as Korean proud, and they just love Pucca a lot, a lot of their stuff have Pucca image: clothes, slipper, towel, mattress, glass etc

So according to Hankooki news, EXR will spread to the US and WGs will endorse EXR - Pucca, Pucca is very popular all over the world, this will be a big chance :)

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Guest TheArchangel

This is just a gossip but it is still news about Sunye. Seems like the SunHae thing is not just in Singapore. The scandal has reached Taiwan. Check it out.

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