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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Guest ellabel

^^ Annyeong Hunnies, most esp. to rubie, Ching, ylin, Autumnleaves, jicks and Mona dear!! *hugz* :wub:

Still in my ninja-mode and still darting here and there doing some lightining posts as much as i can. *sigh* So many work, so little time. :tears:

LBH seems to be very busy with his movies, we're lucky to get some news tidbits about him.

Good that rubes and Ching are keeping us entertained/updated with many BH articles and pics, some old, some new, some repeats, some first-time-seen but all very interesting read and eye candies. Kumawo-yo hunnies. *mwah!*

Cant help feeling proud when i hear/read sincere praises accorded to BH, as an actor and as a person.

When you hear so many distinguished ppl saying them, you will tend to believe without a doubt already that he is exceptional. He truly deserves all the accolades he's been receiving as he worked hard, dilligently and patiently thru the years to achieve whatever career accomplishments he has now. Luv my HUN-nie! :wub:

All those pics/teasers from GBW makes me want to watch it NOW! :w00t:

Cant wait to see BH's flawless acting as the BAD one. :w00t:

There's really something about Men being Bad..... :rolleyes:;)

My HUN-nie in Brad's Ocean Eleven role.... hmmmm..... I like! :lol:

BH usually gets elected to play the more meaty and handsome parts in those fantasy remakes. :lol:

No kidding! :sweatingbullets: Wouldn't it be nice if these 'guests' actually sign up to join us here..

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19 Guests!!!! :w00t: Gosh!!!

You are all welcome to reside here in the panda forest forever!

Our home is your home.

Dont be a stanger and do post comments.. anything BH. :)

Off I go...... Annyeong hunnies!

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Guest TY_KSW


LBH reveals limitless self-confidence about his acting, life and new movie "Addiction."

I love that first pix, Byunhunjang with unshaved face!! ayoo! :sweatingbullets:

hahhaha... where in the world are you! Ella ?

hiding in the forrest to wait for Hunnie huh? :lol:

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Guest ellabel

^^ hahaha... still in my K-hunks' world, Mona dear... hehehe... having a light load today so i can visit the forest and cruise aroung soompi world. :rolleyes:

How's my other 2 darlings... ohhh.. ok, our shared 2 hubbies or lovers? I've not been in their houses. Anyway, I know you're forever staying there together with my other fave peeps taking care of them. Hey!! where's our HUN-nie's siggy or avvie? You only love the warrior and the cassanova, huh? :P:lol:

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GI Joe update highlighted at dotcom

GI JOE 2009 worldwide release, movie crank-in on 11 February 2008 in LA, USA.

USA - August 7th, 2009

France - August 12th, 2009

UK - August 14th, 2009

Germany - August 20th, 2009

Poland - September 25th, 2009

ASIA - ????

Anyway.. hope someone can clarify this. Thanks.

이병헌의 할리우드 블록버스터 'G.I 조' 데뷔전 순항

2008-04-02 09:36

이병헌, 할리우드서도 통했다?

데뷔작 'G.I 조' 내년 유럽 배급 확정… 감독도 연기 만족


Original article at http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype2.htm?u...03/84c75102.htm

Translated by the babelfish

This bottle it breaks the Hollywood block bus to sprout and 'G.I the cruise the before trillion ' making a debut breaks, the bottle Hollywood it stands but it led? Debut work 'G.I trillion ' next year Europe distribution decisions also the supervision smoke satisfaction The saw star the bottle broke is repeating a Hollywood block bus sprouting debut transfer cruise. From the United States LA places motion picture 'G.I while photographing the person the bottle broke trillion ' meets 2009 whole world motion picture pans. It was a place where 2009 August 7th release schedule is decided recently from the United States, the France (August 12th) British (August 14th) Germany (August 20th) Poland (September 25th) back it decided a distribution day. Steven this motion picture where the smallness me cu supervision catches the megaphone the crank was caused by from the smallness city of the February 11th American LA neighborhood which passes. ' It applies the formation building which photographs the space shuttle ' in poem with motion picture set chapter, this bottle on the outside which it breaks it pushes, it is burnt su khwey tu the back saw star it is lining up. The smallness me cu supervision su thom syay this bottle which keeps the right railroad station broke showed a big sense of satisfaction is lingering rumors. The one side puts into the market under production cause of death of motion picture su pu with the action blood which stands the character of this motion picture kyu U and character accessory and video game. With release of motion picture it will join in and his character also it will be caught alive,, as the world star this bottle it will break and and and popularity also zooming curve to run the line of vision of the whole world pans and it is a view which will become.

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Guest TY_KSW

^^ hahaha... still in my K-hunks' world, Mona dear... hehehe... having a light load today so i can visit the forest and cruise aroung soompi world. :rolleyes:

How's my other 2 darlings... ohhh.. ok, our shared 2 hubbies or lovers? I've not been in their houses. Anyway, I know you're forever staying there together with my other fave peeps taking care of them. Hey!! where's our HUN-nie's siggy or avvie? You only love the warrior and the cassanova, huh? :P:lol:

heh dear.. still found no clear BADDIE Hunnie to make siggy dear..

I want to make a banner combine 3 guy in the role but still wait for THE BAD.. :lol:

GI Joe update highlighted at dotcom

GI JOE 2009 worldwide release, movie crank-in on 11 February 2008 in LA, USA.

USA - August 7th, 2009

France - August 12th, 2009

UK - August 14th, 2009

Germany - August 20th, 2009

Poland - September 25th, 2009

ASIA - ????

Anyway.. hope someone can clarify this. Thanks.

tsk tsk.. such long time to wait for.. nearly 1.5 year ahead.. :phew::(

Asia.. still no fixed date.. i guess end of 2009.. aish! :sweatingbullets:

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heh dear.. still found no clear BADDIE Hunnie to make siggy dear..

I want to make a banner combine 3 guy in the role but still wait for THE BAD.. :lol:

Aish.. TY.. you really don't need a specific "BAD" Hunnie capture if you want to make a banner (just) for him. :mellow:

The other banners doesn't look like a warrior or cassanova in their roles.. either.. :phew:

tsk tsk.. such long time to wait for.. nearly 1.5 year ahead.. :phew::(

Asia.. still no fixed date.. i guess end of 2009.. aish! :sweatingbullets:

At least the dates are already fixed. By hook or by crook, the production will have to ensure that the movie will be released on time. Paramount Pictures' reputation relies on those dates.

Looking at the dates (not including the Asian promo) BH will be really busy with the rest of the cast to promote the movie. It's no wonder he's staying longer in LA to really master the language as well because when promo time comes, he will have to respond to interviews and so much more. He has to be really confident and at ease with English, much better than he is now. It's no longer just for the scripts. Serious deal.

From now till August 2009, we still have a double Hunnie treat - GBW in summer 2008 and ICWTR in autumn 2008. :mellow:

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Guest TY_KSW

Aish.. TY.. you really don't need a specific "BAD" Hunnie capture if you want to make a banner (just) for him. :mellow:

The other banners doesn't look like a warrior or cassanova in their roles.. either.. :phew:

You are right dear Pandarub, the matter is, the warrior and the mobster are still pending for the bad!

that's my waiting... :sweatingbullets: I love the pix he riding hourse shooting but it is not clear!

i wish they allow me to have 3 banners.. hahah!

nvm.. i m thinking of the plot for the Korean BIG THREE! :w00t:

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We've got a bigger capture of that image at the fanclub, plus a cool BH interview that comes with it.

» Lee Byunghun Between Reason and Sensitivity

No kidding! :sweatingbullets: Wouldn't it be nice if these 'guests' actually sign up to join us here..

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Thanks so much for the link Rubie, I'm literally melting because of the hotness of the pics and the ones you posted... quick someone get a bucket and scoop me up! lol :sweatingbullets:

How do you join the fanclub Rubie? I tried to join a while ago but it wouldn't let me log in as it said my username or password were incorrect and I tried to log in again and it said the same thing :( Do you have to create a seperate account for the fanclub?

^^ Annyeong Hunnies, most esp. to rubie, Ching, ylin, Autumnleaves, jicks and Mona dear!! *hugz* :wub:

Hi ellabel :D Nice to hear from you, I hope you're doing well and not getting too snowed under with work. If you ever find yourself in a work emergency us panda's will be down in a flash with the snow plough lol :P

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Thanks so much for the link Rubie, I'm literally melting because of the hotness of the pics and the ones you posted... quick someone get a bucket and scoop me up! lol :sweatingbullets:

How do you join the fanclub Rubie? I tried to join a while ago but it wouldn't let me log in as it said my username or password were incorrect and I tried to log in again and it said the same thing :( Do you have to create a seperate account for the fanclub?

Hahaa H! Showing true Hunniepanda melting trait! LOL.

Yup.. the fanclub requires a separate account, to differentiate it from the huge database of members at the forum section. Just create a new one.. you can always use the same ID/PW as the forum as long as no one uses it for the fanclub. but it should be alright. Just a simple registration (again).. and all will be fine. But if the connection is a bit erratic, just leave it for awhile and come back to try again when there's less traffic.

Thanks H.. for joining us at the fanclub, really appreciate the love & presence. :wub:

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April 3, 2008 - credits to blog.naver.com/jinjis2/120049965002

할리우드 영화 ‘G.I. Joe’를 촬영 중인 이병헌 News Flash

2008/04/02 19:55

Lee Byung-hun Working on ‘G.I. Joe’

할리우드 영화 ‘G.I. Joe’를 촬영 중인 이병헌

[2008.04.02] (이병헌, L.A.에서 할리우드 영화 촬영)

Top Korean actor Lee Byung-hun is currently at work on his first Hollywood film.

한국의 인기 배우인 이병헌이 자신의 첫 번째 할리우드 영화를 작업하고 있다.

Lee is in Los Angeles shooting the military-themed action film, “G.I. Joe.”

이병헌은 로스앤젤레스에서 군대를 주제로 한 액션 영화인 “G.I. Joe”를 촬영하고 있다.

The big-budget movie is based on a hit U.S. comic book, TV show, and toy series that were popular from the 1960s to the 1980s.

거대 예산이 투자된 이 영화는 1960년대부터 1980년대까지 인기 있었던 미국의 인기 만화, 텔레비전 쇼, 장난감 시리즈를 토대로 한다.

Lee plays the role of Storm Shadow, an evil Japanese ninja who is a member of a terrorist organization called Cobra.

이병헌은 코브라라고 불리는 테러리스트 조직의 일원으로 사악한 일본인 닌자 스톰 섀도우 역을 연기한다.

“G.I. Joe” is currently in production and is scheduled to be released in the latter half of 2009.

“G.I. Joe”는 현재 제작 중이고 2009년 하반기에 개봉될 예정이다.

출처: youngtimes.co.kr

[출처] 할리우드 영화 ‘G.I. Joe’를 촬영 중인 이병헌|작성자 솔로몬

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Everyone Has a Secret movie thread



Fri July 23, 2004 -- previous EHAS article to share



image from donga.com, 2004-07-20

VIP celebs attended the premier included Player Entertainment boss, Mr Kim and his then-wife, actress Shin Eun Kyung, whom is at the advanced stage of pregnancy but yet still lends her support to LBH, with fellow colleague Lee Jung Jae, good friend Shin Hyun Jun, Song Yun Ah, Ha Ji Won were there too.

At the press conference, initially Director Jang Hyun Soo was nowhere in sight when the stars were invited on stage and Mr Lee ByungHun had to apologise on his behalf that though it was Director Jang 7th projects, he was just too nervous about the launch of the premier that he couldn't make it to the stage.The media and fans burst out with laughter.

At another media session after the premier, a lot of focus was on the character that LBH played.

LBH commented that when director Jang gave him this playboy role, he wasn't sure to roleplay him as an angel or devil. However, the outcome of the result was very satisfactory for himself.

LBH went on to compliment director Jang for having the ability to understand a woman's need and feeling and making the character able to meet woman's need and be loved. However, he mentioned that should there be such a person in reality, he believed this guy would had been beaten up.

Director Jang commented that he was very anxiuos that the media and audience may not be able to accept the immorality in the comedy film but after the review from the audience who had attended the premier, he was very comforted that most can accept the comedy movie.

LBH was asked which part of the movie had given him the deepest impression during filming, and he mentioned the sauna & hotspring scene with Kim Hyo Jin.

They had filmed the scene for almost a whole day from morning to night. He almost blackout and thought he may throw out blood as well as he had perspired too much that day due to the hot envirronment hot spring and furthermore, due to his weight loss during the period of filming this movie. He felt it was a pity that it was edited to 30 seconds of viewing only after all the hardwork.

LBH was asked whether there is any difficulties playing his role, and he replied that his initial plan to roleplay this character as an unrealistic person, (as an angel or devil) and yet the audience is able to accept him for his immorality and yet love him for who he is and feeling comfortable & enjoy the movie thoroughly. LBH believed he had meet his objectives and ensured his fans that they will enjoy the movie.

Source: Movist/Sportstoday/BHfantasyland, thanks to Aldersgate-soompi.com/2004




EHAS captures credited to bhfantasyland.com

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Translated by ylin and Hyc based on Chinese translation by Ping at bhjwlove.com

(Sorry for taking so long :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: )

Pardon any mistakes em95.gif

CINE21.com interview with Lee Byung Hun



Lee Byung Hun: It's time to re-discover myself now.


Lee Byung Hun of “The Good, the Bad, the Weird”, “I Come With the Rain” and “G.I. Joe”

Lee Byung Hun is currently one of the busiest persons in the Korean film industry. 2007 was a busy year and it doesn’t seem to be any better this year. After a short rest in 2006 when “Once in a Summer” had finished filming, he started with Director Kim’s “The Good, the Bad, the Weird” at the beginning of 2007. Then in early summer, there was the collaboration with Kimura Takuya in “Hero”; he worked with Director Tran Anh Hung in “I Come with the Rain” from mid-summer to autumn, at the same time having his Japan Arena Tour concerts and also decided on the Hollywood blockbuster “G.I. Joe”.

He was on board the plane to the U.S. immediately after finished shooting his parts on the 10-month long project “The Good, the Bad, the Weird”. On 23 January, when his filming were completed for “The Good, the Bad, the Weird”, he packed his luggage at the filming site and left immediately for Incheon International Airport. To begin with, he has to go through training in the United States for “G. I. Joe” and at the same time has meetings with various parties to discuss a number of global projects which it is not the right time to disclose anything yet. He is moving slowly from “Hallyu Star” to “World Star”. Since the middle of last year, an interview with Lee Byung Hun was being planned and thanks to all that it finally happened on 20 January, just 3 days before he left the country.

Q: Since the start of filming “The Good, the Bad, the Weird” last April, physical and mental fatigue has accumulated.

A: Perhaps the busiest year. Besides filming “The Good, the Bad, the Weird” and Director Tran’s “I Come with the Rain”, I was traveling to and fro China and Hong Kong, and at the same time having the “Arena Tour” at 4 cities in Japan. The initial plan was to do it after completing both movies but things were changed due to the increase in the filming schedules.

Q: How do you take on the character at “GBW”, it is not the first time that you acted as a villain? It is not a typical type of villain but the appearance gives that impression. Is it a burden?

A: Not sure since when this ‘I will cross the bridge when I come to it’ idea has started? Before this I always consider and question various things closely when a work is decided. I have to experience many trial and errors then. By the way I thought I wasn't late even now. So I want to give myself more choice now. If in the past, when I got a difficult role or which I was not interested in I will reject it. Now I feel that I should try something new. The ‘Bad’ in GBW is the first villain role in my 17 years of acting. It is coincidental that in ‘I Come With the Rain’ I also portrayed a bad character. Storm Shadow of G. I. Joe also appears to be a villain superficially.

Q: Was the decision made after “Once in a Summer”?

A: Not because of “Once in a Summer”, the decision was made during my break after “Once in a Summer”.

Q: How did Director Kim explain the character?

A: He talked about the situation at that era. As the most important thing in Chang-yi’s(The Bad) life is the reckoning of honor and he will fight for the best till he dies.

Q: What do you think of acting the villain for the first time?

A: Very interesting, the so-called rational and sentiment are working at the same time. I did not want to maximize the emotional part. It seems that the characters in 'GBW' should not be restricted to distinctive and natural performance only. It needs a little excessive and more expressive style, but must be exactly in line with the director’s requirements. So it is necessary to do correct and rational judgment. Just like when I did my first album recording, as I tried out every expression. When checking the performance from the monitor I can see facial expressions that I did not expect and felt that I can hate that feeling, really like a bad guy. Anyway, this is how I feel about the movie; it is full of fun.

Q: This is the role of a villain, do you have that feeling?

A: Because this is a villain role, I am already feeling part of it. There might be actions that are not the director’s requirement, or my pre-set performance. When seen at the monitor it turns out to be the all conceivable action. It is exhilarating feeling.

Q: According to the staff they also said it looks like a villain role.

A: Yesterday during photography, the director had also said that. There are two close-up shots of me smoking. First one is in the train, very cool. In the latter part, similar scene appears with very evil facial expression and sinister gaze. If comparing the two scenes, I do not seem to be acting coherently. But the director said, "The change is according to his reaction to the situation, not the change of character in the role."

Q: Was there a lot of thing to learn in order to prepare for “The Good, the Bad and the Weird” You have to learn how to ride a horse for the first time?

A: There were many things to learn. Unfortunately on the evening before my first horse-riding lesson, I missed my steps at home, fell and fractured my ankle and was taken to the hospital. It was a happy thing that I got to play “Lost Planet” the computer game which I have endorsed while recuperating at home. While the whole crew was busy preparing, I decided to tone up my muscles. The character is someone with large muscles? The character is someone who is very muscular and will give people the feeling of wickedness with just plain clothes. Hence, I got a trainer to help me when my leg was still in cast. The trainer required me to be sensitive and it was really hellish training.

Q: Many people were concerned with the issue that Jung Woo Sung and Song Kang Ho are friendly people. If everyone put in their utmost effort in their characters, won’t there be competition?

A: Don’t think so, there was no competition. Everyone knew the fact that all are very unique and excellent actors with a lot of acting experience. Everyone is conscious of the challenge and doing the best.

Q: How did the proposal to act with Kimura Takuya in “Hero” come about?

A: I was invited to a cameo role in “Hero” as I knew Kimura Takuya’s manager. I felt sorry as I had rejected a few invitations to SMAPXSMAP and therefore decided to take up the offer as I thought that it was nothing wrong to take part in the movie.

Q: Let’s talk about Director Tran Anh Hung’s “I come with the Rain”, how did it came about?

A: The Good, the Bad & the Weird was decided first. In 2006, we met when the director visited Korea. He said he liked the novel “His Son” and was planning to produce a movie based on it. I like the novel when I read it in my first year of university and was hoping to have a chance to act in a movie based on the story. I started to panic when I got the scripts later. As expected, it is not easy because it is an art movie (laugh).

Q: Why did you decide to do it since it is difficult?

A: Although there were some parts that I could not understand, I accepted the character and tried to comprehend it. I am thinking what kind of thing would I get from the director’s movie world? And also anticipating what I would be able to feel myself. I feel the challenge in playing this villain role. I want to try finding those things which I don’t understand when I was young.

Q: Why did the director choose you?

A: He said it started when he watched “A Bittersweet Life”, that captivated expression, exquisite emotion is not easily found in Asian actors…It could be that the role is a Hong Kong organization boss which is similar to “A Bittersweet Life” (Laugh)

Q: What type of story is “I come with the Rain”?

A: It is too complicated to explain clearly and I can’t reveal the production matter. To make it simple, the main character Kline became a detective after he was forced to leave the police force, went to Hong Kong in search of the missing son of a Chinese man from San Francisco. He was in contact with a Hong Kong police who helped him to secure some criminal information; Su Don Po is a gang leader, someone who is cold and heartless. On one fine day, Su met Shitao (Kimura Takuya) while he was looking for Lily, the woman who lives with him.

Q: Concurrently filming “The Good, the Bad and the Weird”, is the work load heavy?

A: About 15 times shooting. It was initially said to be twice only but in the end I was in Hong Kong for 5 or 6 times. Nevertheless, come to think about it, if only travelling between China and Hong Kong is just like travelling between Seoul and Jeju. But it actually took 13 hours per trip. Shooting location of GBW is in other cities. When I need to travel from the filming site of GBW to Hong Kong, I need to fly to Shanghai or Beijing first for my connecting flight to Hong Kong. And taking the flight so frequently that I feel like I am a pilot. (Laugh)

Q: It is in a foreign country with an art film director, is there any difference in the on-site atmosphere?

A: Yes, very different. The deepest impression is that there is a detail filming schedule and reporting time of actors for the next month to ensure the smooth running of the system. During shooting, there was some rain too. Of course this is the unique style of the producer, putting the busiest actors together. The most difficult thing is the love scene with Lily. She is the actress of Cyclo and Green Papaya and also the director’s wife. I felt embarrassed when the director is just beside us watching while he said “a bit more, add some more…” (Laugh)

Q: The deal for Josh Hartnett as the main cast is special. As a Korean Top Actor, do you feel inferior?

A: Maybe there is such a feeling at times, but is it necessary? Because he is affable like a friend, when the first time I went to Hong Kong for photography, Josh Hartnett took the initiative to greet me happily. It seems that this person had just watched "Bitter Sweet Life" DVD in the car. We cordially discussed about the remake of "Bitter Sweet Life" in US. Because this is the first time to use English during filming I was worried. But I think it’s all the same when come to expressing human feelings.

Q: How is the proposal to go into G. I. Joe being done? Accept the script first?

A: My management company BH Entertainment overseas marketing manager Charles had been discussing with my US agent about the works for several years. "G. I. Joe" was proposed last year. I feel that it has attraction. After getting the main idea I decided. The script was sent after a period of time. It seems that Hollywood fanatics hid near the studio and stole the computer. They even rummaged around the rubbish bins in the building to find the script. A lot of precautions were taken to prevent the script from being revealed. The script given to me was accompanied with “Do not copy” written in red letters.

Q: Based on what conditions you responded to the performance proposal?

A: To tell the truth, at first the negative reaction was about 60 %. The worrying part was that it is a high standard blockbuster movie with big production cost, anticipated by men and women of all ages. But if I don't do it, I might come to regret it. And when I asked everyone who always gives advice, all said that I should give it a try since I am given the chance.

Director Park Chan Wook also said to me, "It is fitting to do it."

Q: G. I. Joe is a famous cartoon in the United States. Is the setting of the movie same as the comic?

A: G. I. Joe is created from the beginning as toys and then made into cartoon series, and American soldiers are the main character originally. In Korea G.I Joe was introduced too, known as “G. I. Guerrilla army” (not sure if this is the correct term). Movie version of 'G. I. Joe’ is the story of G.I. Joe team against the evil Cobra force. They are international organizations which gathered members from various nations.

Basically it depicts a confrontation between them. Due to the request for security need from Hollywood side, I can’t disclose more.

Q: What type of character is Storm Shadow portrayed by you?

A: As a child Storm Shadow got ninja training from a master who was like a father to him. He was given ninja education together with a western child Snake Eyes. Although they compete with each other their relationship is like brothers. But one day their mentor was mysteriously murdered and Storm Shadow disappeared. Since then, the two destined to be arch-rivals. I heard that these two characters are most popular among the cartoon enthusiasts. Both have strong combat power and are mysterious figures.

Q: There is heated discussion in the Internet about Lee Byung Hun portraying a Japanese ninja.

A: When the casting is proposed my condition is that Storm Shadow should be Korean. Westerners are not able to distinguish nationality of Asians.

Moreover, the Japanese market is big and there are lots of Japanese characters. Anyway, my viewpoint is of course to establish the Korean set up, and the production side has readily accepted it.

Q: Would there be a lot of action scenes?

A: If talking about action scene, I would rather say it emphasizes more on big scale action than the number of scenes. When I was first cast in the story, I already said I am not Jackie Chan or Jet Lee. I absolutely cannot do that type of martial arts. The production side is aware of that too.

Q: Still basic training is necessary.

A: G.I. Joe will start shooting in March till June. I am going to the States now for one and a half month training.

Q: There seem to be several overseas projects at the same time. So the burden has increased?

A: G.I. Joe is different from Director Tran Anh Hung’s movie. My thought is to do different type of movies. I am thinking isn’t it time to find myself again? So I try out everything. Of course, when I have decided to appear in G.I. Joe, my view has expanded. From a different viewpoint, I think it's really useful for personal development with directors who have different ideas and style.

Q: Do you intend to move your work station to Hollywood or overseas?

A: No, my work in Korea still has not changed. If there is a chance of encountering excellent director, it doesn’t matter whether it is Hollywood or foreign countries, and certainly immaterial where and what to do there.

Q: I heard that all these overseas projects started from “A Bitter Sweet Life”.

A: I feel that it is fated for me to meet Dir. Kim Jee Woon. Because of this encounter there are lots of changes and I am grateful to him.

Q: Would you feel lonely working in Hollywood?

A: A director (sorry, not sure of the name) said not to have such thought. Even so, take it as a form of self-training.

Q: As Korea’s top star, you might not be recognized as such in US. Are you prepared for it?

A: Basically I am prepared for it in my heart. There might be friends who don’t really understand me, and not getting the best reception? I am thinking essentially this is the part that I have to submit to.

Q: How you became TV game “LOST PLANET” figure?

A: The game is the type that I like - must be the adventure game. I am no good in playing ball games, like “winning eleven”, I don’t play, because (laughter)the game that I especially like is biochemical crisis. It’s fun to be the model of the game and playing it as a fan. And it is very interesting to manipulate and control myself while developing the game. The photography took two days and not that simple as imagined. I sat before the pre-made machine making angry expression, happy face, and occasionally had NGs (laughter). After that the computer automatically processed them into three-dimensional images. It is a very interesting experience.

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Hahaa H! Showing true Hunniepanda melting trait! LOL.

Yup.. the fanclub requires a separate account, to differentiate it from the huge database of members at the forum section. Just create a new one.. you can always use the same ID/PW as the forum as long as no one uses it for the fanclub. but it should be alright. Just a simple registration (again).. and all will be fine. But if the connection is a bit erratic, just leave it for awhile and come back to try again when there's less traffic.

Thanks H.. for joining us at the fanclub, really appreciate the love & presence. :wub:

Thanks for the info Rubie, I've just joined. I'm now a LBH fanclub member, yay! I can't wait to start becoming active over there, I'll get a picture up and stuff tomorrow. I have to go to bed now, college tomorrow :(

Oh and thanks for the article Rubie. It said in there that the US are planning to remake BSL, noooo! :tears: It's one of my fave movies and I will go on a revenge rampage of my own if they screw it up :ph34r: lol I just hope that whoever they get for the lead is good, of course they won't be anywhere near as good as our Hunnie :rolleyes: They don't even need to remake it, why fix something that ain't broken eh? <_<

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Blurpanda here just got on the thread and saw panda CNN-ylin & Ching's translation for LBH's Cine 21 interview. :w00t:

I've not read it, will definitely savour everything slowly and surely... :blush: .. but before that ...

let me just say...



Really appreciate the translation. I realized it's been really difficult but you'll never know how much I truly appreciate the effort and everything. MWAH! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

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Oh and thanks for the article Rubie. It said in there that the US are planning to remake BSL, noooo! :tears: It's one of my fave movies and I will go on a revenge rampage of my own if they screw it up :ph34r: lol I just hope that whoever they get for the lead is good, of course they won't be anywhere near as good as our Hunnie :rolleyes: They don't even need to remake it, why fix something that ain't broken eh? <_<

Whoops.. panda-H.. preparing a rampage for BSL. You go girl! :w00t: Now I shudder thinking whoever's going to play Sunwoo... like.. NOOOOOO! :wacko:

--- BTW..

The translation is just awesome. :wub: You can just feel all the thoughts and emotions of BH when he talks about his movies, GBW especially and ICWTR, GI Joe. Wow.. he's just like we've known him to be and even more, just so precise and true to his convictions. Always the best person to say his mind and yet .. amidst the casual talk.. there is a lot of seriousness in his words. Nothing is taken for granted.

We've been talking about BH.. from a fan's perspective thinking that he's somehow a "latebloomer" when it concerns Hollywood and I tell you.. it's great to be proven WRONG by BH himself. He is in no rush at all.. he's taking everything in his stride... slow and steady. aWw.. this is so cool, so much to talk and discuss about BH.. his thoughts really said it all.

He mentions the best and his most admired directors, Dir. PCW told him to go for GI JOE knowing that he's been given the chance (their JSA connection is still too strong) and how 'fate' really played a hand in meeting Dir. KJW. Indeed.. it's because of BSL.. LBH really clicked with fans & critics' worldwide. And our BH.. despite his status, he would always remember and really appreciate those who had given him the opportunity & chance in the first place.

I'm so happy to be able to read this detailed and very heartfelt interview. Just warms my heart and you'll see me gush everytime reading it. :blush: I love how he had the chance to play "LOST PLANET' during his injury down-time. LOL.. our Hunnie.. so witty and never a dull moment. HE TAKES EVERYTHING TO THE FULLEST AND ALWAYS CHANGE FOR THE BETTER.

Bravo, ylin & Ching.. well done! Byunghun-ssi, we salute you! :wub:

ps: Josh Hartnett actually watched 'A Bittersweet Life' before meeting BH the first time. Perfect choice! :D Glad to know that he also greeted BH so warmly.. aWw.. :blush:

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You are welcome rubie. hug.gif Thanks for the big big hug. :lol:

ylin and I are so happy that finally we managed to finish the translation, after so many late night discussions and editing, and to share it here with all hunnie fans. :lol::lol::lol:

Hope we have not translated anything wrongly. :P

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Whoops.. panda-H.. preparing a rampage for BSL. You go girl! :w00t: Now I shudder thinking whoever's going to play Sunwoo... like.. NOOOOOO! :wacko:

--- BTW..

Bravo, ylin & Ching.. well done! Byunghun-ssi, we salute you! :wub:

You are welcome rubie. hug.gif Thanks for the big big hug. :lol:

ylin and I are so happy that finally we managed to finish the translation, after so many late night discussions and editing, and to share it here with all hunnie fans. :lol::lol::lol:

Hope we have not translated anything wrongly. :P

You are welcome, rubie...

The credit must goes to Ching coz she is the one who did the final part of the translation and also the editing. I was very busy and tired for the past few weeks :D

Hopefully, our translation is not too off the original interview as you all know there will be some % of loss during translation. Our apologies for that :D

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Guest ellabel

Translated by ylin and Hyc based on Chinese translation by Ping at bhjwlove.com

(Sorry for taking so long :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: )

Pardon any mistakes em95.gif

CINE21.com interview with Lee Byung Hun



Lee Byung Hun: It's time to re-discover myself now.

smileyclap.gifWah!!!! Such a wonderful english translation of the article on LBH. So proud of my 2 sistahs, Ching and ylin. smileybow.gifsmileybravo.gif

It's such a awesome interview, all pertinent questions and beautiful answers coming from our HUN-nie.

I'm so glad that many ppl (artists, directors, etc.) see and believe in his talents.

Thanks so much Hunnie sistahs for such a wonderful read. Mwah! :wub:

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