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Do Your Parents Beat You?

Guest SUMM3RxBABii

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Guest ching22194

yes they beat me it stops when im already in college

how glad i am when it stops

it has duoble effect,

it makes me strong but it also makes me timid

coz im afraid to make mistake

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Guest cheerydumdum

my mom and uncle used to hit me with this flexible, rubber stick that would make it sting like crazy if i got hit. one time, my uncle did it to my stomach and it left these marks/bumps there that would sting whenever i touched them and my mom had to put ointment on it to make it heal. i remember there was one time where i got dragged out of bed late at night and beaten with those sticks by my mom, my uncle, and probably my aunt and my other uncle too. they said that i was screaming in my sleep and that they needed to beat the evil spirit out of me. and when i went back to bed, i couldn't sleep because i was crying so hard and in so much pain. i was so scared and my uncle yelled whenever i moved an inch. i'll never forget that night. funny how when i brought it up again in an argument with my mom, my mom informed me of the spirit thing, but my aunt overheard and told me the next day that my mom would never do something as cruel as that.

good thing they don't do it anymore. they just yell at me.

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nah. my parents don't do anything of that sort. they're far more laid back compared to the "average" Asian parents.

even when I was little, they didn't hit us. they'd threaten to - whenever we did anything bad - but they never really did.

the threat was enough to make us learn our lesson.

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Guest k3ZERO

Beat .. sounds rather .. harsh?/violent? Haha, they just spanked me I guess - only when I was really young though - I was a difficult child ^__^"

But now, not anymore (:

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Guest 小甜密

HAHA. This brings back funny childhood memories. My ma always smack me with her bamboo sticks and clothes hangers out whenever I did something wrong. It always left me marks and takes a week to heal. I don't mind though, I understand that's how kids in China are disciplined; many kids there are discipline in the same way so it's consider a norm for them. When I first came to America, I realize people are extremely against child abuse. And I was like, "How the heck did you raise a child then? o_O"

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Guest icemat

I used to get hit by both my parents a lot when I was younger, and even more by my two older brothers. But now, things are different. My parents never even raise their voices or hit me, and neither do my brothers. It's weird not feeling pain. I kind of like it now :)

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Guest lido0LmisSundersto0D

omg yes!

they used those dusting bamboo sticks. stung like mad.

however, compared with some i read here, mine doesn't seem so bad.

but they've stopped now, probably because they can't be bothered to buy those sticks anymore..

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Guest Allison

When I was younger, I got slapped in the face by my mother.

& Before, they used to whip my butt with a belt >__< It's okay now though, ahaha <3

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Guest Atmosphere.

Not beat, but like make me do like push up, or whatever you call it. Like you have to stand like you're doing push up for a long time.

I hated that. My dad's the one who did that to me most of the time even during high school days.

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Guest yours.truly.

my mom used to hit me when i was little if i did something bad but she stopped a long time ago. then she switched to just using her very dramatic voice. i turned out to be a good kid. =)

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Guest SavannahBee

Personally, I've never been beaten. However, I have seen some of my friends get beaten by their parents with wooden spoons.

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Guest desertrose1290

i realize this is a bad response.. but part of me wants to say, isn't it normal when we're Asian?

i know that with my family, cousins, and Asian friends.. beating is very normal. my parents don't do it anymore because my mom was always against it and they've learned better, but as children.. it was a very common thing.


x SaRaNg HaE x - yes, the feather duster! ): my grandparents used that and bamboo branches..

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