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Guest ivykiddo

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Guest najoong

I've always wanted one.

Especially like a Japanese or French penpal :)

Then I can have some friends from there and learn the language a bit more.

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Guest amioneichan

I've never had a penpal before =)

Name: Mimi

Email Address: amioneichan@hotmail.com

Gender: female

Age Range: 15-18

Location: US

Penpal Intro/Request:

I'm fine with email or snail mail. I prefer an out of US penpal but if you reside in the US, it's fine :D

I love music, photography, and dramas.

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Guest speaker1004

ive always wanted one, but never got around to actually getting one.

in sixth grade my friend (who lived about an hour away) and i would send each other letters cause we thought we were too cool for e-mail. haha....

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Guest velvetsky

Ohh i used to have a penpal!

I had like three I think rofls

all from korea, but I got too lazy to reply to them all so we kinda lost contact


hrms I don't think I should have one right now

since, I know I'll get too lazy to reply back.

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Guest rawrrx3

woww :) i've always wanted to have a penpal ^^

Name: Leanne

Email Address: sherkeitang51@hotmail.com

Gender: Female

Age Range:15

Location: United Kingdom

Penpal Intro/Request:

Age range 14-18? I don't mind which gender ^^ , and i would prefer snail mail from out of UK, but email is okay too :]

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Guest Joo.Se.Fii.N.

I love talking to people overseas.

When I was in elementary, I used to have a penpal.

(Forgot where she was from lol)

Name: Josephine

Email Address: rawrritsjo@hotmail.com

Gender: female

Age: 16

Location: US

Penpal Intro/Request:

I would love to have a pen pal living outside of the US, but it's fine if you do. :3

Age and gender don't matter to me, just as long as you're interested in meeting new people.

And since I don't really check my email, I'd prefer if you'd just message me here on soompi. lol

But I do check it from time to time. ^______________________________^

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Guest slumber-lan

Name:leah C

Email Address:happyleah1412@hotmail.co.uk


Age Range:16


Penpal Intro/Request: (age, location, gender, email or snail mail ect.)

i would rarther outside UK...or it could be from Uk acually, since i need asian friends! and snail mail since its more authentic! but dont mind emails,

dont mind male or female , ages between 14-18 ~~ish

>>>Hmmmm I a BBC,, and dont acually have any asian friends,,,Their all english!, i LOVE japaese music , especally from animes( e.g bleach, naruto) and i im a totaly gaming freak (so anyone whos on the xbox live just ask for my gamer tag!)

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  • 1 month later...

I was going to make a penpal thread too, luckily i googled it. I want a pen pal! XD


Email Address:craze-upgoing@hotmail.com


Age: 17


Penpal Intro/Request: I would like to have a snail mail pen pal. It would make opening the mailbox much interesting other than the bills. u_u. lol. it would be from anyone, anywhere. ;D

- i like tons of things. kpop,jpop,jrock, whatever. basically, no genre, just music. XD. epik high's new album is coming out! ok, i love shinee! and ooo, the dramas.

alright, life has been too boring since it's holiday now. 1 more month to sch starts! :mellow: but still, yep yep. I can write in both english or chinese. Chinese is cool. currently learning korean, so hard. u_u LOL. pm me or email? :unsure:

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Guest aizutto

In case anyone is interested in penpalling with me:

Name: iana

Email Address: peach_girl85@hotmail.com

Gender: Female

Age : 23


Penpal Intro/Request: I don't really mind..

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Guest Jasarn

I've never had a penpal before, sounds pretty cool! If anyone wants to penpal -

Name: jason

Email Address: jasonnchen@hotmail.com

Gender: M

Age: 17

Location: Sydney

Penpal Intro/Request: I don't really mind, although I'd rather someone from China/Korea/Japan. If they can speak Mandarin that would be awesome as I'm really trying to learn it. Email or Regular mail is fine, although I've never sent snail mail in my life so I'm not sure how to do it, but it would be fun to have the physical letters ^^

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Guest danaisVIP

Name: dana

Email Address: danaisxVIP@yahoo.com

Gender: F

Age: 13

Location: NJ, USA

Penpal Intro/Request: i don't really care, but i'd like a penpal from like overseas, perhaps someone in korea or japan .

LOL, everyone wants a penpal from over there . XD but i don't raelly care . XD

i love love love big bang, boys over flowers, and lost of other kpop artists ~! :D

i'd like to send old fashion letters . XD because i love recieving and sending mail .

it's like : " oh look i have a letter in the mail ! :OOOO "

hahaha . XD

and i am a bit mature for my age ... sometimes .

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Guest uh-ohxev

Oooh! I've always wanted a penpal.

Probably someone in Asia or Europe, I have a ton of friends spread out 'cross the USA... and its already hard to keep in contact with all them! XD I have alot of friends in Europe because my favorite un-k-pop (XD) band is from Germany, and so on the forums I go to of that band they are all from Europe. But, I have no friends in Asia... except 1 from Tokyo, but I don't talk to her much.

If I had a penpal though it'd be old school with actually mailing the letters, not e-mail. Cause' penpals by email don't sound as exciting!

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Guest FallenLove

My cousin used to be my penpal [:

I missed those times.

I remember the day my cousin said,

let's use email *__*

no more surprises ~

no more cute stationery ~


i think it's because the economy is bad ]:

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Guest 5ugarh1gh

i rmb when iw as in grade 4, my teacher organized for us to have penpals.. & i exchanged letters with a girl from like nova scotia for a while... but then we lost touch after a couple months! ><

actually now that i think about it, i wonder how she's doing... haha :T

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jeez... few years ago I recieved a letter from Japanese girl but I never wrote back to her! I was stuupidd. I hope I can find the letter somewhere...

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Guest AiMango

we were forced to have one in grade 3. our teacher assigned us to write to them like every month or something. then we had to meet them at the end of the year. and i remember having to say aloud what we learned about each other and everyone would say "she likes pokemon" or something stupid.

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Guest Painterlyy

I was assigned a penpal in elementary school like everyone else. It was pretty cool. We got to meet each other at the end of the year on a trip.

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Guest gennovia

aww this thread is so awesome !

i'd like a penpal! i think i did one in elementary school, but i dont think the teacher mailed it out cuz i never recieved a letter back =/

Name: Jeanne

email address: jeannehuynh@yahoo.com

gender: female

age range: 14-18 .. someone my age (im 17)

location: CA, US

Penpal Intro/Request: umm i'm ok with with anyone, but it'd be cool if i had a penpal from out of the country (like korea =P).

anyones fine with me =D

pm me if youre interested in being my penpal

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Guest ~.Linh.~

Yeah, I used to have one from the UK, the US and Japan lol

Kinda lost contact though...I think I was the one who forgot replying xD


Letters are much more personal than e-mails :)

But e-mails are way faster xD

Name: Sabrina / Linh

e-mail: pm :)

Gender: Female...duh xD

Age: I'm 18. I think I'd prefer s/o >17

Location: Germany

Penpal request: Well...you should be nice :)

other than that...I'm easily satisfied lol

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