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Guest ivykiddo

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Guest classic x


well, heres some stuff about me for reference;

asian and living in new york!

im not that anime/korean celebrity obsessed hehe

retail therapy at its best! :)

im a christian so i like talking about religious stuff :)

um i like sending little gifts out, its fun!

im a pretty chill person

i would like someone who could exchange mail

somewhat frequently, not like once every 2 months

hahahahha thats it!

oh yeah, high schoolers would be best!


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Guest CorruptedSilence__nomore

I have about two you can say. We really just chat online. Well....that was long time ago. HAHA. I haven't really chatted with them in a long time .__. But they're pretty cool. Its fun to talk to them :) I get all giddy and stuff HAHAHA XD

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^ I AGREE lol.

I had a few penpals in Elementary school

(forced on by teachers :P) and none of them

actually stuck.

Just send me a message if you want me as a penpal~

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Guest happy kudasai

sounds fun.

i had an accidental penpal once.

he emailed me,

and then i replied and all.

but we lost contact after my internet stopped working one day.

oh wells.

a new penpal would be cool, methinks.

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Guest GaeasX

^ A penpal is someone you don't know, usually in another state or country, who you write letters or emails to just to get to know other people in other places.

I used to have a penpal in middle school. My teacher wanted to demonstrate the importance of communication and improve our letter-writing so she connected with a school in another state. The first thing my penpal asked me was

"So...do everyone in Las Vegas live in casinos?" "Do you gamble?"

A penpal program sounds interesting.

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Guest Urban.love

I had a penpal in 5th grade. These kids from Illinois wrote letters to us after the 9/11 attacks.

I wrote a couple letters but then forgot. Then in 6th grade she sent a letter to my JHS and we started writing again.

Once again I stopped writing lols so we dont talk anymore.

Now I have 2 penpals from Korea. One is snail mail and one I email.

Ahh they are so sweet. My snail mail pen pal is always sending me cute gifts!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest blu3gyrl

i used to have several penpals - one from minnesota USA, one from germany, one from sweden (who suddenly stopped replying my letters) and one from singapore whom i still keep in touch with these days. the singaporean penpal sends me cute and artsy gifts a lot. i dont mind having new penpals :) just message me.

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Guest ashley-x3

i had two penpals before but after a while my mom found out and told me to stop =\

one is from france and another from hong kong

now i want one again, but im scared it's a guy disguising as a girl and then he'll come to kill me :ph34r:

isn't anyone else scared of that?! ^

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ive always wanted a penpal!

my friend joined interpals..and i did too..but idk how to work it there. haha.

anyone seeing this want to be my penpalll?!


im in california btw[;

and in hs[:

and half chinese/caucasian[:

haha i feel stupid typing this..kind of>>

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Penpals are fun to have xD

I love receiving hand written stuff from people xD

I only have one penpal from soompi, but it was really fun writing letters

If anyone else wants to be a penpal with me just pm me xD

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