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Guest ivykiddo

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Guest rezjjoo

Actually I haven't, but I'm going to get one :] someone from France ^^ I am studying French on my school and just a day ago my teacher asked us if we would be interested to email with a France student who were studying English ^^ . And I thought it sounded interesting and who knows, he/she maybe likes k-pop XD omg hahahah And I will also learn more French from it and I will also help someone to learn English :)I fell like such a great person lol XD

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Guest lildre4m3r

my last penpal was during middle school, we somehow just lost contact.

i would like a new penpal, i'm 18yr  (19 next month ^-^) girl and live in cali.

pm if you want to write =)

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Guest v3rmillion

I got a penpal recently. She's from Taiwan and she's pretty funny :D

the only thing that kinda sucks about snail mail is that it's expensive to mail stuff overseas. Even though it doesn't seem like much at first, it adds up.

Oh well, but having a penpal is pretty fun! :D

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I'm from Vancouver, and I have a bunch of penpals from across the country. Last summer I went on a trip to Quebec for 5 weeks and I became close friends with a lot of Newfoundlanders, and we mail each other all the time because it's hard to keep up with everyone otherwise. I love snail mail because it's a nice surprise at the end of the day! =)

I hope that still counts as a penpal! haha

I'm open to having more penpals, just PM!

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  • 4 months later...
Guest pop_corn

Sounds real fun to have one! But sadly, noooo, I do not have one currently.

I used to have one when I was in primary school but we kind of lost contact with each other, dunno why :sweatingbullets:

Btw, I'm from Singapore! Anybody interested just PM me LOL :rolleyes:

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Guest Friedriceking

My primary school offered the penpal service in year 5, I wrote something to him, got a reply back and then wrote back to him again. Never heard from him again D:

It was fun though! A very slow way to communicate but that's what made it more satisfying and enjoyable after receiving it in the mail haha, I wish I could have a penpal again, I remembered it being really fun!

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Guest Leopoldine

I never had a penpal.

Sounds fun actually. Writing letters is cool since nobody writes them anymore.

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Guest belle-epoque

I wish I had a penpal too :(

I wouldn't mind getting to know someone else that doesn't live anywhere near me.

Writing, emailing, sending presents.... sounds fun :)

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Guest heyjustin

OHOHOHOH!! I want a penpal =O

I live in the U.S and would live to have friends from people in Asia

I find having a penpal would be extremely fun and I would learn so much about their overseas life.

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:D I have one, we met over soompi actually. Hehe, it started off as random soompi comments to one another, to lengthy pm's, and extended msn conversations. It's been about three .. maybe four years? I don't know, but we're still talking and we're actually prepping to send each other letters. It's very nice, seeing how she lives half a world away from me, it's nice to see how similar life can be with someone that lives so far away - it's almost scary. But it's cool. Yeah penpal, e-pal, pal. Whatever that would be called, I'm happy. 
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  • 1 month later...

i emailed penpals?

but they stopped replying after a while. :(

i did have a snailmail penpal.

she sent me little gifts from korea.

i bought some souvenirs intending to send them back.

but i never got a chance to send them cos life just got so hectic. :vicx:

it's the 2nd year passing already and they're still in my drawers....

i WILL send them one day.

hopefully her address is still the same,

and that she'll find them a pleasant surprise. . :ph34r:

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