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A review on timeslip dr jin.

credit to : http://www.vingle.net/posts/44781-Time-Slip-Dr-Jin-Ep-22-FINALE-Recap

Time Slip Dr Jin Episode 22

The battle continues at Gwanghwa Island. The ministers all panic as they see the French army taking away food, books, and killing everyone. They all start blaming each other but Ha Eung (HE) steps up and says "Let me lead the army myself into battle!" The other ministers mock him and say "What happens if you lose - your political career will be OVER." HE turns to them and says "What if I win??? Havent you learned, that doing nothing is the worst thing in times of crisis" *swoooon so cool*

HE decides to recruit the warriors that hunt lions to help him fight off the invaders. Jin Hyuk also asks to go along to cos Young-rae is on the battlefield.

Yi Han (YH) goes to ask Kyung Tak (KT) to join him on the battlefield and tells him that it's HE's specific request. KT mocks him of course, and keeps drinking his sorrows away. YH tells him that it's his one chance to restore the glory of his family name.

HE sets off for battle the next day and... is joined by KT! They discuss battle strategy - the French army has powerful cannons (on wheels whats more!) and well, HE and gang are scared. They decide to wait till the next day for supplies before attacking.

HE is discussing strategy with KT, and when HE's back is turned, KT starts to draw his sword to try to kill him..... OMO... but at this moment dr Jin runs in - ruining KT's moment. Looks like he'll have to wait to exact his revenge.

In the meantime the evil ministers meet with the French Army to give them a map of Ganghwa Island. They're trying to help them defeat HE - super evil! Sacrificing the lives of innocents just for their selfish purposes.

Back to HE's tent - KT disregards Dr Jin and makes a lunge for HE. He pulls out his sword and a struggle ensues, and in the end Dr Jin pins KT down. BUT, they hear canons from afar ... the French army is drawing near, no time for this domestic violence nonsense boys! They hurriedly make plans and Dr Jin comes up with the idea of attacking the French army from both sides to distract them. Dr Jin leaves to inform the other army camp, but he has one request - he asks that KT be released also to protect Youngrae.

The 2 men arrive at the other army camp and meet Youngrae there. They prepare for battle and heal as many sick soldiers as possible.

BATTLE STARTS. ohhhh KT leads the men from the city, but... they are getting slaughtered. nooo... the French Army manages to enter the city, and they pounce upon Youngrae and Jin Hyuk. ahhhhh! KT rushes in to save them though - he's already wounded. KT fends off the invaders while Jin Hyuk hides Youngrae. but one man is not enough.... KT gets stabbed repeatedly by the French army, and he finally falls to his feet. Jin Hyuk manages to kill the last French soldier, but it's too late... nooo... KT lies on the ground, and Youngrae runs to him sobbing. She tries to stop the bleeding but it's too late. KT grabs her hand and says, "Miss Hong, I have something to say to you. No matter what everyone says, you will always be mine." 
ahhhhhhhhhhh. i dont know what to say. Can you guys feel my pain??? KT's tears roll down his face, and he dies. Youngrae keeps trying to stop the blood, but she watches him die before her eyes and she cant stop crying either. She suddenly collapses too (looks like fate is too strong...)

Jin Hyuk tries to save Youngrae but... she tells him to go back to his own era, back to his future. He cries and says "I couldnt save my own love, but you... you I must save." nooooooooo.... why is everyone dying.... the attack to save Ganghwa Island seems to work, and Yi Han comes to the army camp only to find that KT is dead. He holds him in his arms and wails - omg it is the most heartbreaking cry ever. damn. this is the 2nd time I'm watching this and still I'm crying...

Scene switches back to Dr Jin. He manages to stitch up Youngrae, but just then, another French soldier comes over and stabs him. He staggers away, and falls... and.... FLASHBACK TIME....

Dr Jin returns to his future. He's back on his hospital bed, and his beloved Min-Na is still in a coma. His fellow doctor tells him that he was found on Ganghwa Island dressed in weird clothes, and that they removed a big tumour from his head. No one recalls that he had operated on a tumour patient earlier. Some things have changed... but Jin Hyuk is not sure what... Min Na suddenly goes into cardiac arrest, and Jin Hyuk starts performing CPR on her (very vigorously I must say! you guys have to watch to know what I mean) Jin Hyuk keeps trying to revive her and refuses to give up... and suddenly, she comes back to life. Flashback to Youngrae, who wakes up in the Joseon Dynasty too. Jin meets a young Choon Hong and tells her "When you meet me in the future, please tell me that Min Na is ok. She didnt die." Jin Hyuk realises that the mysterious man he saw before he went back in time was actually another version of him, who came back to the future so he could change the course of time. He goes to flip the history books (can I just interrupt here to say SONG SEUNG HUN IS GORGEOUS) and realises that Youngrae is okay.

Min-Na finally wakes up and says "Oppa... I had a long, really strange dream. I called you Dr Jin in that dream. Isnt that strange..."

I think the writer is Jaejoong's fan but still admit that oppa is handsome . :) 

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liltash85 said:

A review on timeslip dr jin.

credit to : http://www.vingle.net/posts/44781-Time-Slip-Dr-Jin-Ep-22-FINALE-Recap

Time Slip Dr Jin Episode 22

The battle continues at Gwanghwa Island. The ministers all panic as they see the French army taking away food, books, and killing everyone. They all start blaming each other but Ha Eung (HE) steps up and says "Let me lead the army myself into battle!" The other ministers mock him and say "What happens if you lose - your political career will be OVER." HE turns to them and says "What if I win??? Havent you learned, that doing nothing is the worst thing in times of crisis" *swoooon so cool*

HE decides to recruit the warriors that hunt lions to help him fight off the invaders. Jin Hyuk also asks to go along to cos Young-rae is on the battlefield.

Yi Han (YH) goes to ask Kyung Tak (KT) to join him on the battlefield and tells him that it's HE's specific request. KT mocks him of course, and keeps drinking his sorrows away. YH tells him that it's his one chance to restore the glory of his family name.

HE sets off for battle the next day and... is joined by KT! They discuss battle strategy - the French army has powerful cannons (on wheels whats more!) and well, HE and gang are scared. They decide to wait till the next day for supplies before attacking.

HE is discussing strategy with KT, and when HE's back is turned, KT starts to draw his sword to try to kill him..... OMO... but at this moment dr Jin runs in - ruining KT's moment. Looks like he'll have to wait to exact his revenge.

In the meantime the evil ministers meet with the French Army to give them a map of Ganghwa Island. They're trying to help them defeat HE - super evil! Sacrificing the lives of innocents just for their selfish purposes.

Back to HE's tent - KT disregards Dr Jin and makes a lunge for HE. He pulls out his sword and a struggle ensues, and in the end Dr Jin pins KT down. BUT, they hear canons from afar ... the French army is drawing near, no time for this domestic violence nonsense boys! They hurriedly make plans and Dr Jin comes up with the idea of attacking the French army from both sides to distract them. Dr Jin leaves to inform the other army camp, but he has one request - he asks that KT be released also to protect Youngrae.

The 2 men arrive at the other army camp and meet Youngrae there. They prepare for battle and heal as many sick soldiers as possible.

BATTLE STARTS. ohhhh KT leads the men from the city, but... they are getting slaughtered. nooo... the French Army manages to enter the city, and they pounce upon Youngrae and Jin Hyuk. ahhhhh! KT rushes in to save them though - he's already wounded. KT fends off the invaders while Jin Hyuk hides Youngrae. but one man is not enough.... KT gets stabbed repeatedly by the French army, and he finally falls to his feet. Jin Hyuk manages to kill the last French soldier, but it's too late... nooo... KT lies on the ground, and Youngrae runs to him sobbing. She tries to stop the bleeding but it's too late. KT grabs her hand and says, "Miss Hong, I have something to say to you. No matter what everyone says, you will always be mine." 
ahhhhhhhhhhh. i dont know what to say. Can you guys feel my pain??? KT's tears roll down his face, and he dies. Youngrae keeps trying to stop the blood, but she watches him die before her eyes and she cant stop crying either. She suddenly collapses too (looks like fate is too strong...)

Jin Hyuk tries to save Youngrae but... she tells him to go back to his own era, back to his future. He cries and says "I couldnt save my own love, but you... you I must save." nooooooooo.... why is everyone dying.... the attack to save Ganghwa Island seems to work, and Yi Han comes to the army camp only to find that KT is dead. He holds him in his arms and wails - omg it is the most heartbreaking cry ever. damn. this is the 2nd time I'm watching this and still I'm crying...

Scene switches back to Dr Jin. He manages to stitch up Youngrae, but just then, another French soldier comes over and stabs him. He staggers away, and falls... and.... FLASHBACK TIME....

Dr Jin returns to his future. He's back on his hospital bed, and his beloved Min-Na is still in a coma. His fellow doctor tells him that he was found on Ganghwa Island dressed in weird clothes, and that they removed a big tumour from his head. No one recalls that he had operated on a tumour patient earlier. Some things have changed... but Jin Hyuk is not sure what... Min Na suddenly goes into cardiac arrest, and Jin Hyuk starts performing CPR on her (very vigorously I must say! you guys have to watch to know what I mean) Jin Hyuk keeps trying to revive her and refuses to give up... and suddenly, she comes back to life. Flashback to Youngrae, who wakes up in the Joseon Dynasty too. Jin meets a young Choon Hong and tells her "When you meet me in the future, please tell me that Min Na is ok. She didnt die." Jin Hyuk realises that the mysterious man he saw before he went back in time was actually another version of him, who came back to the future so he could change the course of time. He goes to flip the history books (can I just interrupt here to say SONG SEUNG HUN IS GORGEOUS) and realises that Youngrae is okay.

Min-Na finally wakes up and says "Oppa... I had a long, really strange dream. I called you Dr Jin in that dream. Isnt that strange..."

I think the writer is Jaejoong's fan but still admit that oppa is handsome . :) 

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***But then again, I actually think “Dr. Jin” is a really good sageuk. SSH is a truly and completely guilty pleasure…..SSH is HOT! I can watch him anytime. This is an interesting interview. Whenever I read interviews like this from him, I find him such a nice, self-aware, and genuine-sounding man. This interview is reminding me why I liked him. I prefer him to do light rom/com type stuff. He’s not the best actor but for me, his acting is fine - it was amazing how well he carried off a story that left much to be desired in it. Reading all those criticisms about his acting, I feel really bad for him because I adore him. He grows as an actor. I remember the first drama I watched SSH was in “He was Cool”, which I enjoyed very much then “Autumn’s Tale”. I hope he goes on to choose better projects & accomplishes his personal wish to settle down! I’m sure it won’t be hard for him to get a girl.:)]


Song Seung-heon on acting, ratings, and Dr. Jin

by javabeans | August 13, 2012


There’s a strange dichotomy about Song Seung-heon that occasionally crops up, and this interview is another example of it.

Essentially, he’ll act in a project and be mediocre in it despite incredible hype, and occasionally even be terrible. I’ll wonder how on earth he got to be as famous as he is, then remember The Pretty, which in his case possesses so much force of its own that it practically has its own entity. There are also the occasional stories hinting at a sizable ego and star demands, and you’ll wonder if he’s some kind of diva.

But then I’ll see or read an interview with him like this one, or the one following My Princess, and he’ll be so self-aware that I find myself confused and reevaluating. You mean Dr. Jin… makes sense? (The person, I mean, sadly not the drama.)

I guess it boils down to: He seems like a nice guy. Still can’t act, although he does win points for (1) knowing it and (2) admitting it. Too bad personality doesn’t always translate into onscreen skills — because you can SEE him straining to act in Dr. Jin, and you want to go there with him, but you just can’t. Especially when the script and the directing are falling to pieces all around him.


Song explained his prior reluctance to dip into the period drama genre: “For whatever reason, I’d had the preconception that doing a sageuk would be boring. I also thought I was still lacking [as an actor] to attempt one. I had thought to try it later, after I’d built up more experience, but I found the premise extremely interesting. Dr. Jin helped get me past a lot of my sageuk fears. I’d like to give a sageuk a proper try next time.”

Calling Dr. Jin his most difficult-to-shoot drama in terms of physical comfort, he said, “This summer was really hot. Filming was extremely taxing. The costumes are hot because they’re Joseon-era clothes, I had to wear a wig… but thanks to Dr. Jin, I was able to feel the fun of the sageuk genre.”

Song Seung-heon had already read the original manga Time Slip Dr. Jin when he’d been approached to do the role. “I was extremely happy,” he explained. “He’s not just a simple doctor, but he gets to meet real-life people in history and see historical events unfold.” AND ALSO CHANGE THEM, YOU DOLT.

Sorry, sorry. Must remember: Song Seung-heon is not Hyuk. Song Seung-heon is not Hyuk.


If there’s anything that gives him disappointment, it’s the drama’s “melo” line, aka the love story between him and co-star Park Min-young.

“In the Japanese drama that storyline is restrained. But our director said, ‘In a Korean drama, we can’t leave out the melo loveline,’ and put it back in. However, the director, writer, and I differed in our opinions of what happens when Jin Hyuk meets Young-rae in the Joseon era.”

Huh. Good for you, Song Seung-heon! I had a feeling the director was the main problem in this drama — if by “feeling” I mean it’s glaringly obvious from every single frame in the show — but who would’ve guessed it was Song wanting more restraint? More purism to the original story?

In Song’s opinion, the central point of Jin Hyuk’s character is: “He traveled to Joseon to save the woman he left in the present, Mina.” Thus in his mind Hyuk wasn’t out to romance anyone else and Song wasn’t thrilled with the director’s insistence that Hyuk falls for Young-rae, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.


He said, “They look the same, but they’re not the same person.” THANK YOU, sanity. “I asked the director, ‘How can they fall in love just because they look the same?’” You would think that would be the first thing a writer or director would consider in a doppelganger drama, but I guess we shouldn’t give the PD too much credit here.

It’s too bad Song had to go with a storyline he didn’t believe in; perhaps if he’d been invested in it, he would have been more suited to emoting their angsty scenes. He said, “Later, I saw that Young-rae had to be saved in order for Mina to also live. That’s an example of the type of melo thing I was a little disappointed in.”

That aside, Song enjoyed everything else about the drama shoot — his fellow cast members, the staff, the filming atmosphere. Asked about his co-stars, he said, “I shot a movie with [Lee] Beom-soo hyung ten years ago called Once Run. We were friendly, too. With this project, though, I sensed a more seasoned Beom-soo sunbaenim than from back then.”

“This was my first time meeting [Kim] Jaejoong-sshi, but I think he’s got talent. We became friendly after talking a lot and sharing our concerns. It’s also my first time meeting Min-young-ie, and after first just seeing her usual bright image, I could see in this drama that she was really good at playing both characters.”


Ratings: “Up against A Gentleman’s Dignity, naturally we lost. But someone said that the people who win medals aren’t the only ones to be praised — those who didn’t win medals also worked hard and sweat blood. You shouldn’t judge merely based on someone not winning a medal. We did lose in the ratings, but the director, writer, and actors all worked hard. We weren’t a so-called makjang drama. We faced difficulties like editing despite the MBC union strike. I have no regrets.”

With two big stars heading those two dramas, there was a lot of pre-show talk about whether Song Seung-heon’s starpower would beat Jang Dong-gun’s, or vice versa. “Just being compared with Dong-gun hyung is excessive. I’m thankful just for the comparison. I didn’t feel any pressure,” Song said.

What about all the criticism about Song’s lack of acting ability?

“I can’t always feel satisfied with my acting. However, in this drama Jin Hyuk encountered a lot of extreme situations, and as a result I was able to show a much more dynamic side to my acting than in previous roles. I feel like I’ve broadened my range a bit. Of course, the disappointment is greater, but on a personal level I’m satisfied that I was able to portray those sides.”


The interviewer asked whether he thought the criticism of his acting came because he was so good-looking (too pretty! too pretty!) even when he “ruined” his image (by dirtying himself and mussing up his polished image). Song replied, “That’s not it. There are a lot of good-looking actors who ruin their images and don’t get criticized about their acting. I have to perform well in order to keep those comments from arising.”

If he were to be given a time-slip opportunity, would he choose to be an actor again? After some silence, Song replied, “Again? Um… I suppose I should answer that I would do it no matter what, right? Hahaha. If I could go back in time, I’d like to try being an athlete, at golf or soccer. Of course, this is assuming I’d be good at those. [Laughs] When I watch [Cristiano] Ronaldo dribbling the ball, I sometimes wonder what it would be like to drive onward like that, feeling that kind of joy. I hadn’t dreamed of being an actor since childhood; it’s something that started from a chance opportunity, so I hadn’t prepared much for it. If I could go back, I think I’d study acting in a more methodical way.”

He added, “I’d also want to go back to my middle and high school years. I was really happy then. High school seems like just the other day, but 15 years have passed by in a blur. My maternal grandmother raised me, and passed away when I was in middle school. If I could go back to that time, I’d want to treat her better — she died of cancer — and later on that was something I regretted a lot.”


Song only recently began using Twitter (on May 31), and now communicates with fans via Facebook and me2day as well. He said, “I first heard of me2day while shooting My Princess and started using it then. I had thought those things didn’t really suit me, but Jaejoong and the others around me use SNS a lot. I hadn’t even intended to change my phone, but I thought if I didn’t get a smartphone I’d get left behind the times. [Laughs] After using SNS, I find that my fans really like it. I don’t use it frequently, but I can see the fun of it.”

He has plans to return to film now that Dr. Jin has wrapped: “I haven’t been cast for sure yet, but I think I’ll be going back to the past.”

Question: As a top star and Hallyu star, what is your final dream?

“Marriage. Hahaha. Deep in my heart, my biggest dream is to raise a happy family with a wife and children I love. It might not be so for an actor, but I think personal happiness is about raising a family. Looking at my friends, they’ve all had babies and are living happily, and I’m envious of that. My ideal type is… as my sunbaes say, the person who makes you feel giddy at first doesn’t last long, and you should marry the person who’s your friend, whom you can talk with comfortably. Then again, there are people who tell me to take my time getting married. [Laughs] If I had to choose between love and work? Without hesitation, I’d pick love.”


Via Mk.co.kr , Part 2, Part 3

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Hello everyone who likes SSH! Thank you all for news, pictures, comments............
Song Seung Hun is a actor talented, a man intelligent, beautiful and neat, a good  person, with a special character.Song Seung Heon has the most beautiful eyes, which show his goodness, beautiful soul, heat ,sensitivity ...... special personality ......  I want to be happy!
All the best!

[interview] Song Seung Hun

The star with dark skin first sighed in regret. He then continued to speak up about the Korean wave sweeping across the world, and the reality hidden behind it. This hallyu star is named Song Seung Hun, and he has been on the scene for almost 18 years.

Song Seung Hun’s interview was originally supposed to be about how he feels about the conclusion of MBC’s Dr. Jin and his plans for the future.

However, he seemed to think otherwise, as he used the opportunity to talk about his thoughts on the Korean wave and the sad environment Korean productions have to bear.


Song Seung Hun up close

The hallyu star’s face was tan. He had to film outside in the sun in temperatures that reached highs of 35 degrees Celsius, and because Dr. Jin is a traditional drama it wasn’t like he could find a cool building to walk into. This was how Dr. Jin was completed, and the actor showed he was both relieved and sad that the drama was going to be over.

At first, it was to be a meeting with a good-looking actor. He, however, started to touch on the sad realities of production and the negative views on the Korean wave. He wasn’t just an actor acting for his own benefit; he showed he holds responsibility as a hallyu star.

It was a meaningful piece for you, as it was even your first traditional piece. How do you feel now that it’s over?

“It feels great (Laugh). It was the most physically straining piece I’ve ever worked on. Because it was set in the Joseon Period, I had to wear wigs and costumes that had me sweating. The other actors and the staff also had to bear with a lot.”

Does the drama hold any special meaning for you?

“It was my first traditional piece, so I felt the pressure. I always believed that traditional pieces would be boring and not fun, but through this opportunity I learned it could be attractive through the historical facts hidden in the piece and my meetings with the characters. I broke down the prejudice and fear I held toward traditional pieces with Dr. Jin. If I get the chance, I want to try acting in a real factual period piece.”

You acted alongside many actors, such as Lee Bum Soo, Kim Jae Joong and Park Min Young.

“I met [Lee] Bum Soo hyung (big brother) through a film 10 years ago. We continued to keep in touch, but the Bum Soo hyung I met again as an actor was a completely different person. He had gained an energy and strength during the 10 years we had been apart. In the case of [Kim] Jae Joong, we talked a lot about concerns as actors and singers, and I always thought Miss [Park] Min Young would be bright, but I found that she acts in a really smart way.”

How was the Korean ‘Dr. Jin’ differentiated from the Japanese original?

“The Japanese version has Dr. Jin meet a man named Ryoma, and in the Korean version he meets Heungseon Daewongun, so the basic frames are the same. In the Japanese version, however, the romantic parts were downplayed, while we tried to liven that up. The Korean version was also different in that we mixed in a parallel theory with Park Min Young playing two characters. Of course, it sparked some debate.”

Your competition with ‘A Gentleman’s Dignity’ made issues also.

“In viewership ratings, we definitely lost, but like in the Olympics, we can’t only praise those who get medals and blame those that didn’t when they all worked so hard. We lost in viewership ratings, but our cast, staff and writers all worked hard in a bad environment. I believe it’s a drama that we won’t be embarrassed to talk about.”

There were also issues on your battle with Jang Dong Gun.

“I’m honored and thankful to even be compared to [Jang] Dong Gun sunbae (senior). I wasn’t burdened by that because he’s a sunbae and actor I like. Rather than concentrate on the competition, I concentrated more on the realities of drama production.”


What are the realities of drama production?

“I hope they become friendlier for actors and staff. It feels like we’re all rushing too much. From the fifth episode, we had to shoot two episodes in a week. If the episode was to air at 10 p.m., we continued filming until 6 p.m. on the same day. It will be hard for foreigners to understand what it’s like. Still, I’m awed at how Korean people get through those absurd schedules.”

Song Seung Hun is a hallyu star. Do you think any new responsibilities come with that title?

“In the past, we would make content for Korean audiences and that was it, but in the last five or 10 years, the age of Korean cultural content has come, with our dramas going overseas. Korean dramas and K-Pop have become stronger than those from Japan. It’s a great opportunity and everyone should be proud, but I’m sad that some keep denying it.”

What do you mean when you say they’re denying it?

“Some say that the Korean wave is a bubble and that it’ll die down soon, but after leading it for 10 years we’ve made it into a culture of its own. Still, people say that it’s a bubble and don’t look on it with kind eyes. It’s a big deal when people from overseas listen to K-Pop or watch Korean dramas and come to Korea, but some don’t know how precious they are. We need to take this across Asia and the world, but I’m sad this is happening.”

You’ve just finished filming Dr. Jin. Do you have any new goals?

“Marriage (Laugh). It’s important to be a great actor and to try to go to Hollywood, but I honestly just want to build a happy family with my loving wife. It won’t be easy, but if I start to love someone I think I’ll choose to marry her without any hesitation. My ideal type is a woman that I can talk to like a friend, and I want to have more than two children.”

Do you want to play any specific types of roles as an actor?

“I don’t think I’ve ever acted in roles that I′ve been able to throw my all into, like psychopaths or murderers. I want to try a role I can completely throw myself into.”

What do you aim for as an actor?

“I want to gain more experience and cut short all the controversies about my acting skills. Even in Hollywood, some actors that used to be famous for their looks become skilled actors as they gain more experience. I also believe that the day will come if I continue to fit myself into my roles. I’ll have to work hard to make such controversies die down.”

Photo credit: Storm S Company


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***But then again, I actually think “Dr. Jin” is a really good sageuk. SSH is a truly and completely guilty pleasure…..SSH is HOT! I can watch him anytime. This is an interesting interview. Whenever I read interviews like this from him, I find him such a nice, self-aware, and genuine-sounding man. This interview is reminding me why I liked him. I prefer him to do light rom/com type stuff. He’s not the best actor but for me, his acting is fine - it was amazing how well he carried off a story that left much to be desired in it. Reading all those criticisms about his acting, I feel really bad for him because I adore him. He grows as an actor. I remember the first drama I watched SSH was in “He was Cool”, which I enjoyed very much then “Autumn’s Tale”. I hope he goes on to choose better projects & accomplishes his personal wish to settle down! I’m sure it won’t be hard for him to get a girl.:)]


Song Seung-heon on acting, ratings, and Dr. Jin

by javabeans | August 13, 2012


There’s a strange dichotomy about Song Seung-heon that occasionally crops up, and this interview is another example of it.

Essentially, he’ll act in a project and be mediocre in it despite incredible hype, and occasionally even be terrible. I’ll wonder how on earth he got to be as famous as he is, then remember The Pretty, which in his case possesses so much force of its own that it practically has its own entity. There are also the occasional stories hinting at a sizable ego and star demands, and you’ll wonder if he’s some kind of diva.

But then I’ll see or read an interview with him like this one, or the one following My Princess, and he’ll be so self-aware that I find myself confused and reevaluating. You mean Dr. Jin… makes sense? (The person, I mean, sadly not the drama.)

I guess it boils down to: He seems like a nice guy. Still can’t act, although he does win points for (1) knowing it and (2) admitting it. Too bad personality doesn’t always translate into onscreen skills — because you can SEE him straining to act in Dr. Jin, and you want to go there with him, but you just can’t. Especially when the script and the directing are falling to pieces all around him.


Song explained his prior reluctance to dip into the period drama genre: “For whatever reason, I’d had the preconception that doing a sageuk would be boring. I also thought I was still lacking [as an actor] to attempt one. I had thought to try it later, after I’d built up more experience, but I found the premise extremely interesting. Dr. Jin helped get me past a lot of my sageuk fears. I’d like to give a sageuk a proper try next time.”

Calling Dr. Jin his most difficult-to-shoot drama in terms of physical comfort, he said, “This summer was really hot. Filming was extremely taxing. The costumes are hot because they’re Joseon-era clothes, I had to wear a wig… but thanks to Dr. Jin, I was able to feel the fun of the sageuk genre.”

Song Seung-heon had already read the original manga Time Slip Dr. Jin when he’d been approached to do the role. “I was extremely happy,” he explained. “He’s not just a simple doctor, but he gets to meet real-life people in history and see historical events unfold.” AND ALSO CHANGE THEM, YOU DOLT.

Sorry, sorry. Must remember: Song Seung-heon is not Hyuk. Song Seung-heon is not Hyuk.


If there’s anything that gives him disappointment, it’s the drama’s “melo” line, aka the love story between him and co-star Park Min-young.

“In the Japanese drama that storyline is restrained. But our director said, ‘In a Korean drama, we can’t leave out the melo loveline,’ and put it back in. However, the director, writer, and I differed in our opinions of what happens when Jin Hyuk meets Young-rae in the Joseon era.”

Huh. Good for you, Song Seung-heon! I had a feeling the director was the main problem in this drama — if by “feeling” I mean it’s glaringly obvious from every single frame in the show — but who would’ve guessed it was Song wanting more restraint? More purism to the original story?

In Song’s opinion, the central point of Jin Hyuk’s character is: “He traveled to Joseon to save the woman he left in the present, Mina.” Thus in his mind Hyuk wasn’t out to romance anyone else and Song wasn’t thrilled with the director’s insistence that Hyuk falls for Young-rae, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.


He said, “They look the same, but they’re not the same person.” THANK YOU, sanity. “I asked the director, ‘How can they fall in love just because they look the same?’” You would think that would be the first thing a writer or director would consider in a doppelganger drama, but I guess we shouldn’t give the PD too much credit here.

It’s too bad Song had to go with a storyline he didn’t believe in; perhaps if he’d been invested in it, he would have been more suited to emoting their angsty scenes. He said, “Later, I saw that Young-rae had to be saved in order for Mina to also live. That’s an example of the type of melo thing I was a little disappointed in.”

That aside, Song enjoyed everything else about the drama shoot — his fellow cast members, the staff, the filming atmosphere. Asked about his co-stars, he said, “I shot a movie with [Lee] Beom-soo hyung ten years ago called Once Run. We were friendly, too. With this project, though, I sensed a more seasoned Beom-soo sunbaenim than from back then.”

“This was my first time meeting [Kim] Jaejoong-sshi, but I think he’s got talent. We became friendly after talking a lot and sharing our concerns. It’s also my first time meeting Min-young-ie, and after first just seeing her usual bright image, I could see in this drama that she was really good at playing both characters.”


Ratings: “Up against A Gentleman’s Dignity, naturally we lost. But someone said that the people who win medals aren’t the only ones to be praised — those who didn’t win medals also worked hard and sweat blood. You shouldn’t judge merely based on someone not winning a medal. We did lose in the ratings, but the director, writer, and actors all worked hard. We weren’t a so-called makjang drama. We faced difficulties like editing despite the MBC union strike. I have no regrets.”

With two big stars heading those two dramas, there was a lot of pre-show talk about whether Song Seung-heon’s starpower would beat Jang Dong-gun’s, or vice versa. “Just being compared with Dong-gun hyung is excessive. I’m thankful just for the comparison. I didn’t feel any pressure,” Song said.

What about all the criticism about Song’s lack of acting ability?

“I can’t always feel satisfied with my acting. However, in this drama Jin Hyuk encountered a lot of extreme situations, and as a result I was able to show a much more dynamic side to my acting than in previous roles. I feel like I’ve broadened my range a bit. Of course, the disappointment is greater, but on a personal level I’m satisfied that I was able to portray those sides.”


The interviewer asked whether he thought the criticism of his acting came because he was so good-looking (too pretty! too pretty!) even when he “ruined” his image (by dirtying himself and mussing up his polished image). Song replied, “That’s not it. There are a lot of good-looking actors who ruin their images and don’t get criticized about their acting. I have to perform well in order to keep those comments from arising.”

If he were to be given a time-slip opportunity, would he choose to be an actor again? After some silence, Song replied, “Again? Um… I suppose I should answer that I would do it no matter what, right? Hahaha. If I could go back in time, I’d like to try being an athlete, at golf or soccer. Of course, this is assuming I’d be good at those. [Laughs] When I watch [Cristiano] Ronaldo dribbling the ball, I sometimes wonder what it would be like to drive onward like that, feeling that kind of joy. I hadn’t dreamed of being an actor since childhood; it’s something that started from a chance opportunity, so I hadn’t prepared much for it. If I could go back, I think I’d study acting in a more methodical way.”

He added, “I’d also want to go back to my middle and high school years. I was really happy then. High school seems like just the other day, but 15 years have passed by in a blur. My maternal grandmother raised me, and passed away when I was in middle school. If I could go back to that time, I’d want to treat her better — she died of cancer — and later on that was something I regretted a lot.”


Song only recently began using Twitter (on May 31), and now communicates with fans via Facebook and me2day as well. He said, “I first heard of me2day while shooting My Princess and started using it then. I had thought those things didn’t really suit me, but Jaejoong and the others around me use SNS a lot. I hadn’t even intended to change my phone, but I thought if I didn’t get a smartphone I’d get left behind the times. [Laughs] After using SNS, I find that my fans really like it. I don’t use it frequently, but I can see the fun of it.”

He has plans to return to film now that Dr. Jin has wrapped: “I haven’t been cast for sure yet, but I think I’ll be going back to the past.”

Question: As a top star and Hallyu star, what is your final dream?

“Marriage. Hahaha. Deep in my heart, my biggest dream is to raise a happy family with a wife and children I love. It might not be so for an actor, but I think personal happiness is about raising a family. Looking at my friends, they’ve all had babies and are living happily, and I’m envious of that. My ideal type is… as my sunbaes say, the person who makes you feel giddy at first doesn’t last long, and you should marry the person who’s your friend, whom you can talk with comfortably. Then again, there are people who tell me to take my time getting married. [Laughs] If I had to choose between love and work? Without hesitation, I’d pick love.”


Via Mk.co.kr , Part 2, Part 3

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ann_1 said: Hello everyone who likes SSH! Thank you all for news, pictures, comments............
Song Seung Hun is a actor talented, a man intelligent, beautiful and neat, a good  person, with a special character.Song Seung Heon has the most beautiful eyes, which show his goodness, beautiful soul, heat ,sensitivity ...... special personality ......  I want to be happy!
All the best!
You’ve just finished filming Dr. Jin. Do you have any new goals?

“Marriage (Laugh). It’s important to be a great actor and to try to go to Hollywood, but I honestly just want to build a happy family with my loving wife. It won’t be easy, but if I start to love someone I think I’ll choose to marry her without any hesitation. My ideal type is a woman that I can talk to like a friend, and I want to have more than two children.”

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Did Song Seung Heon become closer with his co-stars?


Did Song Seung Heon become closer with his co-stars?

In an interview, actor Song Seung Heon who acted in a drama, Dr Jin was asked if he became closer with his co-stars and he truthfully said "I became close with JYJ’s Jaejoong and Beom-soo hyung. I was in an action movie with Beom-Su hyung. It was great that we got to meet 10 years later to co-star in the drama. As for Jaejoong, he seemed to have worried a lot as he was transforming himself from a singer to an actor. He also seems to have passion as an actor. I gave Jaejoong a lot of advices. Telling him good things, wanting to be of help. Then we’ve become close."
It is good to know that through this drama, Song Seung Heon and singer-turned-actor JYJ's Kim Jaejoong became close.

Credit: K-Style
Translated by: Starfieldsho @ PrinceJJ
Written by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net

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Guest bigmomma

Hi all! Although i'ts my first post here, i'm not new on soompi--just want to share some SSH fan art--hope you guys like it! :bz

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