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Hwanhee 환희

Guest SUjjang

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Guest ayadaokin

Aigoo!!! Don't think they would do that! Kekeke! They have already said so that they refused to face each other when singing on stage. Even when the producer arranged their positions, they would still not face each other, that's why you see them facing the audiences or away from each other. Since they are singing love songs, they don't want to give the impression that they are singing to each other, hence coming up with the wrong assumption. It would be quite funny if they do so and I could imagine them like in the recording room where they burst out laughing at each other's expressions!!! LOL

haha, but for some reason i feel like i want to see them sing to each other, even if they laugh during the performance! it's so cute whenever they're sweet to each other. it makes me feel like they're THE best of friends :D

oh cheka, when i read your post i couldn't resist uploading this fanvid i have in my ftts treasure trove. you fanned the need in me to spread some yun-min love hehe! anyways, it's one of the most beautifully made fanvids i've come across of ftts...hwanhee's "superstar" dedication to brian. some of you might have seen this before. if i'm not wrong, hwanhee dedicated this song at least twice to brian, once in the twice concert (it's in the middle of the fanvid, with pictures of brian on the large screen while hwanhee does his solo. watching it almost gives me the biggest goose bumps! :)), and another time on YDH's love letter last year. hwanhee mentioned that brian is his superstar.

AWWWWWWW THATS SO CUTE. BRIAN IS HWANHEE'S SUPERSTAR. AND HE DEDICATED IT TWICE awwww see cheka!! this is what i love! hehehehe.

ah so excited for the performance!!

yeah im not even gonna go into detail about the album. i get so confused

just tell me when its out girls. i dont want more headaches <_< hehe.

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hello everyone *waves*

i'm not sure if this has been mentioned here before but did you guys know our hwanhee is going to be in a drama (i think it's a drama might be a movie but i'm 98% sure it was drama sorry i have a bad memory) anyways i think the drama is called i love you (something like that) i read it off an artical some where online i'll try to find it and post it up

i finally watched the nice and slow performance wow for a second there i wasn't sure if that was really hwanhee or not he was doing some pretty naughty things


From the group Fly to the Sky, Hwanhee returns to acting after a year. HwanHee has been casted for the drama, “I Love You”, adapted from a manhwa (comic). In this drama HwanHee will be in between a newly married couple and shows great maturity. Lastly in MBC’s ‘Over the Rainbow’, HwanHee has his second drama as a leading male figure.

HwanHee will lay off the “hard” image and will play a “broken” character through acting for ‘I Love You’. HwanHee will play the character, Park Byung Ho who was thoughtless and threw away his child for a better income and lfe to escape the abuse (Translation is a bit off) who later regrets this and learns to love.

For the drama ‘I Love You’ a sponser company JS Pictures says that, “HwanHee will be a cheap group band (Translation is off) and will show different sides of acting.”

The comic, ‘I Love You’ is about a young bride who finds her husband sincere. The drama will have two couples who are added as the three couples show lovey-dovey relationships of love.’I Love You’ stars Ahn Jae Wook and Seo Ji Hye also having HwanHee as a lead.

Credit: Naver

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Guest maisara

Ahh, new HwanHee pictures. He looks so adorable on those. Haha. Close view of his face with the camera, those are the best pictures. XD I haven't seen that, now I wanna watch =O Thanks for sharing! =D

Haha Mai, now you want to be his buttons? I'll be something else... 8D But I'll keep it a secret. LOL

aaahh!!! finally i can post! last nite the board is offline :(

hah Sheryl, now im curious what izzit??? :rolleyes: so do you still dont wanna share with me abt it? :P i bet HwanHee himself wanna know where it is! :lol:

cheka, mai, ujiyus1.....am I right or what? isnt Hwan Hee so hot and sexy in those caps? at one time his lip is actually a heart shape *drool* :D

and the way Brian and him play around each other, it is so good to see. Brian, as usual, imitate Hwanhee a bit, HwanHee ran out when he heard the noise, and when he see Brian, he protested. I guess, cant understand what they say but the body language suggests that. *think about body language* ;)

one more titbit, they cant record in the same room together cos they will start laughing when their eyes meet. so all these years, they record their portion individually....(did i mention this already? sorry if I did)

Yumi, i cant agree more with u here, but trust me ure so right... im already melting just by watching those scaps, he's damn hot man! :w00t: look at his lepz, his smile... aahhh... i'm dying! :lol:

i havent watch the vid yet but talking abt Brian imitate HwanHee, it reminds me what Brian did when theyre doing Love Letter in Bali, i was laughing so hard when HwanHee sang Like A Man and Brian imitate him! :lol: (during Love Bungee Jump segment). Brian is so naughty!

really??? wow! i dont know all this time they're recording it individually! thanks for sharing it, Yumi. hahaha, no wonder if they perform live on stage, they hardly look at each other :lol:

Kayla, thanks a lot for the latest GIFs! :w00t: i love all of them esp the one where he licked his lepz **naughty mode** :lol:

Fe, thanks for the download link. watched it yesterday... OMG i really miss him in long hair! :sweatingbullets:

Niko, ujiyus... so u gals wanna be his angels huh??? but what to do, I ALREADY AM!!! :P

blessed, ure most welcome!

cheka, pauline, fttsluva, kdramanut **waves**

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Guest ayadaokin

haha yeah yeah mai!

lmfao; it was hilarious when you said *naughty mode*

HAHA. just for hwanhee.

quick question, i know this might have been posted before [in either this thread/ftts thread/brian thread] but how could you convert or watch flv flies without having to download another player?

yay 153!

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Guest fttsluva

fttsluva, yu can go back and edit your own post so the pic wont show....try that... :phew

thanks for the advice, im not really good at all of this,

so in future i think its best i just stay away from the quote thing. :blush:

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Guest Kimmie

^Lol, don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. =)

From the group Fly to the Sky, Hwanhee returns to acting after a year. HwanHee has been casted for the drama, "I Love You", adapted from a manhwa (comic). In this drama HwanHee will be in between a newly married couple and shows great maturity. Lastly in MBC's 'Over the Rainbow', HwanHee has his second drama as a leading male figure.

HwanHee will lay off the "hard" image and will play a "broken" character through acting for 'I Love You'. HwanHee will play the character, Park Byung Ho who was thoughtless and threw away his child for a better income and lfe to escape the abuse (Translation is a bit off) who later regrets this and learns to love.

For the drama 'I Love You' a sponser company JS Pictures says that, "HwanHee will be a cheap group band (Translation is off) and will show different sides of acting."

The comic, 'I Love You' is about a young bride who finds her husband sincere. The drama will have two couples who are added as the three couples show lovey-dovey relationships of love.'I Love You' stars Ahn Jae Wook and Seo Ji Hye also having HwanHee as a lead.

Credit: Naver

That was posted before. But I'm still so excited for his new drama. I can't wait until it comes out. *dies* I get you I'll be time times more jealous of this drama then I was in OTR. Haha. T_T *dreads the kissing scenes*

Mai: Haha. You'll have to guess, cause I'm not telling. I might get jumped at by some fans. LOL

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Niko, ujiyus... so u gals wanna be his angels huh??? but what to do, I ALREADY AM!!! :P

Mai : I thought you are already a MIC-STAND or button or..... :huh::huh: ..he heee...I guess all of us want to be something or somebody to hwanhee..right???? :phew::phew: Have you watch star paparazzi??? You have to watch it girl..You'll gonna love it. :w00t::w00t: .. I kinda obsessed with this vid clip ya know... watched it like more than 10 times...am I crazy or what??? :phew::phew:

Niko : hey...I also having a problem with .flv file... :(:( ... I can only hear the audio and no image... mmmmm???

**waves to everybody**

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That was posted before. But I'm still so excited for his new drama. I can't wait until it comes out. *dies* I get you I'll be time times more jealous of this drama then I was in OTR. Haha. T_T *dreads the kissing scenes*

thanks for telling me i wasn't sure if it was posted before or not i still haven't gone through all those pages i missed :crazy: .

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Guest ayadaokin

^Lol, don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. =)

That was posted before. But I'm still so excited for his new drama. I can't wait until it comes out. *dies* I get you I'll be time times more jealous of this drama then I was in OTR. Haha. T_T *dreads the kissing scenes*

Mai: Haha. You'll have to guess, cause I'm not telling. I might get jumped at by some fans. LOL

i wanna guess!

its kinda hard guessing though. i figured you, one of his like DIE HARD fans, would be something reaaaally REAAALLY close to his body. and always on him hahaha. hmmm..

an earring? LOL best guess..

Mai : I thought you are already a MIC-STAND or button or..... :huh::huh: ..he heee...I guess all of us want to be something or somebody to hwanhee..right???? :phew::phew: Have you watch star paparazzi??? You have to watch it girl..You'll gonna love it. :w00t::w00t: .. I kinda obsessed with this vid clip ya know... watched it like more than 10 times...am I crazy or what??? :phew::phew:

Niko : hey...I also having a problem with .flv file... :(:( ... I can only hear the audio and no image... mmmmm???

**waves to everybody**

haha *waves back, and then to everyone else*

i know mai; seriously! choose something. me and ujiyus1 can be his angles. you're a mic and button LOL.

its kinda funny how we're talking about this, because its actually kinda dumb and kiddish hahaha, but oh well its hwanhee..

*sigh* so dreamyyy

yeah the .flv file thing; not even gonna try lol..until someone helps us! :D

thanks for telling me i wasn't sure if it was posted before or not i still haven't gone through all those pages i missed :crazy: .

oh i forgot to tell you lol, sorry pauline!! its been posted. haha! now i've told you. theres a thread up for the drama already, if you want it tell me! he's not gonna be the lead though, he'll be a second lead AGAAAIN.. & i know how you feel dear. this place is like a highway; if you missed your exit it's hard to get back.. :huh:

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i know mai; seriously! choose something. me and ujiyus1 can be his angles. you're a mic and button LOL.

its kinda funny how we're talking about this, because its actually kinda dumb and kiddish hahaha, but oh well its hwanhee..

*sigh* so dreamyyy

yeah the .flv file thing; not even gonna try lol..until someone helps us! :D

ha haaa... ANGELS OF HWANHEE.... :w00t::w00t: ..hah!! I love it lol. :rolleyes::rolleyes: .. the rest of you can be the mic-stand and button and earing...etc....he heee ;) ..

I know..its kinda dumb and kiddish but as you said ....its Hwanhee... he ROCK my world (and your world too right??? :lol::lol: ) ..turning it upside down :wacko::wacko: ...muaha haaaa


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Guest lovegoodfood

ha haaa... ANGELS OF HWANHEE.... :w00t::w00t: ..hah!! I love it lol. :rolleyes::rolleyes: .. the rest of you can be the mic-stand and button and earing...etc....he heee ;) ..

I know..its kinda dumb and kiddish but as you said ....its Hwanhee... he ROCK my world (and your world too right??? :lol::lol: ) ..turning it upside down :wacko::wacko: ...muaha haaaa


Hello sistas!!! Still talking about the mic stand??? LOL

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Guest .alyak_

Yeah, I remember that. They have a special dedication for each other. Normally they don't look at each other when they perform. Both have qualities which each one of them admire the other of ......... the special bond ........ ! :wub:

I've just watched the Happy Sunday Are You Ready second part, continuation of last week's show. It's side-splitting hilarious and HwanHee is absolutely gorgeous and sexy and ........ ! Omo! He and Brian are just great to watch, the friendship & love between them is so very obvious in there! A must-watch, everyone!

Cheka, I remember watching old clips before their 5th album and seeing Hwanhee and Brian look at each other a few times too. I guess they've passed that stage. ^_^ Isn't the second part the best? The wrestling arena part was my favorite. Brian and his split....hahah. and Hwanhee and his cute self. omo! it's so funny.

Hello sistas!!! Still talking about the mic stand??? LOL

Apparantly everyone is still obsess with that clip. HAHAHAH.....

As for the FLV video. If you want to convert the video go to this site.


If you need help just PM me alright?

Again, looks like I won't be here this weekend to spazz with you gals.

I don't like it one bit, Fly to the Sky's comeback and I'm going to miss it!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's okay. I'll catch up with you gals. Have fun while i'm gone too.

You better have 10+ pages ready for me to read all your spazzes.

(i'll be here Friday; hopefully. Saturday and Sunday i'll be gone; most likely.)

I'll check back once in a while if I can get near a computer too!


Mai, Cheka, Fe, yumi, Kimmie, & everyone else!!!

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Guest ayadaokin

Hello sistas!!! Still talking about the mic stand??? LOL

haha hey! yeah i guess we are! HAHA!!

kayla: thanks so much dear for the .flv help.

we'll miss you this weekend!

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Guest maisara

Apparantly everyone is still obsess with that clip. HAHAHAH.....

As for the FLV video. If you want to convert the video go to this site.


If you need help just PM me alright?

Again, looks like I won't be here this weekend to spazz with you gals.

I don't like it one bit, Fly to the Sky's comeback and I'm going to miss it!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's okay. I'll catch up with you gals. Have fun while i'm gone too.

You better have 10+ pages ready for me to read all your spazzes.

(i'll be here Friday; hopefully. Saturday and Sunday i'll be gone; most likely.)

I'll check back once in a while if I can get near a computer too!


Mai, Cheka, Fe, yumi, Kimmie, & everyone else!!!

Hello Kayla *waves*

yeah, i guess until HwanHee comes out with another sexy moves then only we'll stop talking abt the nice and slow performance :lol:

but im wondering what object will he use this time??? :rolleyes::lol:

thanks for the link above too!

so u wont be here this weekend too? :( we're going to miss u for sure...

come back soon okies and of coz with more HwanHee goodies for us here esp GIFs that involving him licking his lepz :lol: **naughty mode again**

and we'll try to get 10 pages for you... hopefully we can, hihi!

haha yeah yeah mai!

lmfao; it was hilarious when you said *naughty mode*

HAHA. just for hwanhee.

yay 153!

hi Niko!

:lol: when we're talking abt HwanHee i guess everyone of us here are always in naughty mode rite??? :P

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Guest rainme4ever

Yeah, like Kayla, I'll be MIA this weekend too......i am going to a concert, his name is RAIN, bet you all know who he is right? :w00t:

Rain was my first love. The minute I heard Hwanhee's voice and one look at Hwanhee, the rest is history, I only fall in love more & more each day with Hwanhee. But I make this commitment to meet my other Rain fans a long time ago so I cant back out but I sure will be thinking of our hot & sex Hwanhee while I see Rain's perfect body.....*drool* hmmmmm....wonder what is up on Hwanhee's sleeve s this time around? what will he shows us this time other than N&S?

What a bummer, <_< missing out the weekend of FTTS's comeback but I am sure your ladies will keep us posted when we come back, wont you? :)

Oh....good morning or good night to everyone.....

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Guest ayadaokin

haha hi mai. im always in naughty mode when im hwanhee-ing lmfao

aw yumi we'll miss you! HAVE FUN!

i quoted this earlier, but i had another question about it:

oh cheka, when i read your post i couldn't resist uploading this fanvid i have in my ftts treasure trove. you fanned the need in me to spread some yun-min love hehe! anyways, it's one of the most beautifully made fanvids i've come across of ftts...hwanhee's "superstar" dedication to brian. some of you might have seen this before. if i'm not wrong, hwanhee dedicated this song at least twice to brian, once in the twice concert (it's in the middle of the fanvid, with pictures of brian on the large screen while hwanhee does his solo. watching it almost gives me the biggest goose bumps! :)), and another time on YDH's love letter last year. hwanhee mentioned that brian is his superstar. here's the link:

LQ unfortunately, and i'm sorry i've forgotten the source. anyways, creds to the amazing fan who made this. enjoy.

so its a fan made vid! didn't read that part; haha, at first i thought it was a real vid.

i thought it was hilarious how hwanhee was singing and brian's pictures were being shown in the back "don't you remember you told me you love me babyyy" and brian's picture comes up LOLLL so cute

anyway heres my question:

does anyone know where i can dl/watch the superstar performance AND the recording?? i absolutely LOVE that song and i couldnt belive my ears when i heard hwanhee start singing it. the vid frenetic posted for dl waaas a fan vid but also showed him recording the song and performing it, but just little clips.

i even cried... :tears:

edit-- HAHA!

i started singing it outloud and instead of saying

"dont you remember you told me you loved me ba-by"

i said

"dont you remember you told me you loved me hwan-hee"

HAHA!! i found it funny and cute.

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Guest cheka

Cheka, I remember watching old clips before their 5th album and seeing Hwanhee and Brian look at each other a few times too. I guess they've passed that stage. ^_^ Isn't the second part the best? The wrestling arena part was my favorite. Brian and his split....hahah. and Hwanhee and his cute self. omo! it's so funny.


Mai, Cheka, Fe, yumi, Kimmie, & everyone else!!!

Hello to all HwanHee darlings!!!

Kayla love, have a good weekend away. I'll be celebrating my birthday with the boy's comeback!

The Happy Sunday episode was just great. HwanHee was playful and sporting. He and his image ...... his friends knew exactly where to mess him up!!! Omo! I like the way he tried to hold Brian back to prevent him from falling over in the candle game!!! So sweet! And that smile of his at the end of the last round, just before he blew out the last candle ......... my heart missed a beat when he suddenly broke out that smile!!! :wub:

I've been watching his performance in Open concert to warm myself up for the big day on Friday! LOL The white outfit he wore there was just breathtaking! :sweatingbullets:

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Kayla : thanks for the .flv guide...try it later coz now I'm DL the "happy sunday part 2"...don't wanna mess it up.. but it feels like forever dl it..my comp is so slow or is it just me :phew::phew: ...too anxious to watch the show....arghhh...its gonna be one stressful day for me waiting for it..

So..you'll be away yaa...gonna miss you!! No need to worry ...we will continue drooling and spazzing abt hwanhee here...might be more than 10pgs... he hee... :D:D even the mic-stand talking takes 4-5 pages.. muahaahaaa :w00t::w00t:

Yumi : aaawww...you're away too :huh::huh: ... but ...wow!! going to Rain's concert ...hope you'll enjoy yrself there while I drool abt hwanhee... I'm your ANGEL..hwanhee!!! ;);)

**waves to everyone**


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