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F4 2nd Teaser Pg 96

Guest virvir111

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WOAH, Lee Min Ho looks like Takuya Kimura in the pics...

I don't like Kim Bum's coat in the first pic, it looks too big for him.

But they're still the best looking F4..hehehe..

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Guest MiyuKanata09

Min Ho (Jun Pyo)


Hyung Joong (Ji Hoo)



Kim Bum (Ee Jung)


Kim Joon (Woo Bin)



Credit: DCinside/ as tagged/ baidu and lilcrash of soompi

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Guest dropdeadbarbi

I'm definitely going to tune in and watch closely for the outfits the men and women sport on the show. I can imagine the show being somewhat "Gossip Girl" like.

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

hyunjoong look so effing hot...

can't wait...


... but Domoyogi looks... :mellow:

I think he looked better before the perm BUT he must embrace the role.

I hope he straightens it throughout the drama.

I feel like the jdrama HYD had Domoyogi's curly hair die down.

I forgot if the manga intentionally had Domoyogi's hair die down because he felt that he needed to impressed Makino since she had a thing for guys who looked like Hanazawa Rui.

Again, HYUNJOONG... is such a hot piece of mocha frappacino!

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Guest virvir111

Josun dynasty's grass girl.

In her filmography she has already been parted of 5 sitcoms and a few dramas. Boys over Flower is her first trendy drama

" All of the dramas that i have been apart of were Historical dramas.

i've felt more comfortable with acting in historical dramas now,

but now that i've been casted in a trendy current drama,

i feel like i can be able to control my acting a bit more with more diversity."

" I didnt know anything about <Boys over Flowers>.

However Since a year ago, netizens and fans would always talk about me being fan-casted in the drama,

so i asked about it and heard that it was going to a big scale production.

I actually thought about whether to take part in the drama or not.

I've been developing a new calm and mature image through my historical dramas,

and i felt worried about going back to the happy go lucky and tomboyish image from my debut days.

But i thought if i didn't take part now i wouldnt have another chance in the future so i decided to take part"

Dont Make Fun of Me because I'm a Noona..

Filming has been fun so far and reminds of the days of <NONSTOP5> (comedy series with MCMONG,,HaHa,, Jan Geun Seok, Han Ye Sul,,Tablo etc.)

"Its fun being able to wear uniforms again.

I really love uniforms, and when the drama filming ends

I'm going to ask the staff if i can keep my uniform.

This could possibly be the last uniform i'll be able to wear ever so i want to keep the uniform as a souvenir"

" F4 are really nice and friendly.

I'm a type of person who can't really go up to people first because i'm shy,,

so i'm really thankful that they are more braver than i am.

But i really don't like it when they call me "NOONA~!" infront of people :tears: ..

.i was so surprised when Minho said he was 3 years younger than me..([laughs]


"Jandi is a more 'who cares about what others think of me? Whats wrong with me?' She has alot of confidence and women power."

" Jandi always fights and argues with the person that likes her

and eventually she will end up falling in love with JunPyo.

Jihoo is a person that jandi doesnt really want, but someone she looks up to,

he is someone that Jandi wants to protect, and in the beginning she mistakes that for love.

Maybe thats the difference Jandi saw in love between JunPyo and JiHoo. "

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Guest virvir111


In Junpyo's world there is nothing that can't be done. Born into one of the World's Top 30 most richest man's family, son of one of the biggest corporation in the world,, he has always lived life the way he wanted and got everything he wanted. He doesnt know what ' facing hard obstacles in life ' means. His a kid who doesn't know what failing in life is either.

" When i went to my audition i even permed my hair. I wanted to show them my determination."

" When i got the part, i felt that there was nothing in this world that could intmidate me. [PUHAHAH]

i started my ' how to become full of myself luxury boy project' around August when i got the role.

JunpYo is a boy who can do EVERYTHING except knowing how to swim. he can ride horses, play golf, Squash,

piano.. i had to learn these during my practices. i even had to perm my hair 4 times to get this thing to look as it

does now..!

" JunPyo is a really scary, violent, and has overflowing charimsa, but when he meets Geum Jandi, junpyo becomes more human and loosens up, even men would look up to this kind of change.. i think..(laughs."

INTERVIEWER.. " but don't you think your height of 185cm is a bit too tall??"


" although he is really rude and can talk in really mean manner, his posture and aura is what i need to show alot on screen. the director always tells us how to pose to come out better..

" before filming i was sort of worried and felt pressured about taking the role,, but surprising on the day of filming that was all gone and i was relaxed.. "

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Actually I think Hyunjoong looks hella tired in most of the newer pictures. If you focus on his eyes, they look like either he's been crying for hours or he hasn't got any sleep for days. Sadly, the latter might just be true.

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Guest virvir111

Actually I think Hyunjoong looks hella tired in most of the newer pictures. If you focus on his eyes, they look like either he's been crying for hours or he hasn't got any sleep for days. Sadly, the latter might just be true.

thats the point.. he isnt supposed to look happy..lol.. thank goodness we got married got cancelled.. he can focus on filming now.~

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Guest colloquy

I don't like the girl she's ugly.

Who gives a mini cooper? Makino is not supposed to be pretty. It seems like they fugged her up a bit, and for good reason. -_-

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Guest virvir111


I honestly felt pressure to be part of the F4. i would be lieing if i said i didn't feel a least bit of pressure. But I'm working hard so i hope it will be shown on screen just as much.

To make sure the manga would be able to be accepted more to korean viewers, i will be a Celadon Pottery Making artist , and the son of one of the korean independent activists from the early 1900s, as well as the future owner of Korean Historic Museum.(they like own every one of korean artifacts..) . I'm going to be playing a teen who debuted at the age of 16 as a korean traditional pottery maker that UNESCO (organization that deals with world's historical artifacts and wonders of the world etc..) had chosen/accepted as a respected genius.

My character is good mannered playboy. On the inside,, the character has been hurt alot. he has been hurt alot in the past with his first love and holds deep inside other tragic happenings with his family.

" i played a young child role in <East of Eden> and now i'm going to be playing a grown up playboy role which is alot different from my previous drama.

"Its more important to be loyal and focused on my character role and to bring out as much as i can to satisfy my role than to show up on screen the longest. Either reading over the script once twice or a hundred times, each time i read it, the script seems different and new. If i'm able to understand my character to the fullest, i think i can become part of the character and live life in the eye of the character while filming. this is my goal."

So Ee Jung is a character who is very picky and knows how to keep his perfect, clean image. even while filming KimBum is just as focused. from how the film is being shot to looking at the stylists selection of clothes for F4.

" So Ee Jung is ME. Of course i have to act like him on set. So Ee Jung always gets his point across and makes sure his opinion is taken and listened to by others." [laughs]

DOESNT HE FREAKING SOUND SOOO MATURE???!? N HIS THE YOUNGEST! so differnt from Minho's interview.. ( who yelled at the interviewer..lol..but something JunPyo would do..)

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Guest virvir111


I dont really read or have interest in manhwas..but i've read <BOYS OVER FLOWER> for this role.

I'm sort of amazed that i will be able to take part in this drama production. My ent. company asked me to audition for something so i went, but i didn't know it was for <BOYS OVER FLOWERS> until i got casted. I seriously don't know why or how i got picked. I just thought,, 'well this is my first audition so i guess i will do what they tell me.'(laughs). But i don't want the viewers or the casting directors and staff to say " why did they/we pick him.?" so Im going to do my best to satisfy the viewers. i dont want to dissapoint myself or fans who are expecting alot for the drama. "

T-Max is the group he is in.the Maknae in the idol group, but on set. Jun is the oldest.

" my members found out that i had been casted for the role when GROUP8 formally announced the casted people for the F4. They all called me a traitor saying how could i not have told them earlier,, i sort of wanted to keep it a secret because i felt pressured and sort of scared in a way."

" i'm in love both with being a singer and pursuing my acting career. i can't choose between the two, they are both different and have their own characteristic i want to be part of."

" in F4 im the oldest,, its awkward because i'm usually the youngest, but the kids (F4) are really good and listen well..(lol) they are all nice and are helpful to me. I'm really shy but if i get to know someone really well i end up usually being the loudest. "

" in the drama i'm going be to playing a playboy.. but that's probably my biggest challenge because usually when i have interest in a girl, i cant even talk usually end up ignoring them for some reason,, maybe i'll get really into the character and start up some scandal.."[laughs]

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Guest .moony.

haha I love those 3 guys interviews! Thanks for the translation virvir. Yeah Yunpyo is supposed to be veryy tall, so minho fits that perfectly XD btw in that pic above minho looks so much like the Tsukasa from the manga o.o I didn't see this when i saw his pics earlier but now i do. he does resemble tsukasa A LOT.

I'm already lovin the F4 even before watchin this drama ;_;

okay enough spazzin from me xD

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Guest virvir111


I usually dont monitor myself,, but for <BOYS OVER FLOWER> I definitely will. The first manhwa i ever read was <BOYS OVER FLOWERS>. When i was asked audition by GROUP8 i wanted to go to the Manhwa borrowing place to read over the manga, but i was so embarrased. I was too embarrased to go to the TrendFantasy manhwa section, so i told the manager to just go to ChunGaeChun ManHwa store and buy the entire series and i'm reading it at home. All the series are scattered all over my house right now because i'm reading them again for the role.

I get goosebumped out and still feel a tickly having to say all those mushy line for the drama because I'm really into manly adventurous dramas and movies, and can't really say those things easily,, but i dont think it'll be a problem because the viewers are going to be watching me as Yoon Ji Hoo who has the image of the classic romantic guy. I'm going to try my best for the viewers."

Just like a son of a rich man, Ji Hoo is supposed to be perfect and good at everything.

" I'm practicing to hold chopsticks more properly right now.."

" It was really awkward meeting the other F4 members but after we had a Soju Party and had a few drinks we've become closer, we let go of everything, all the worries we had and the pressure we had that night. I call KimBum to go play pool on the freedays. It's so much easier acting because we are much closer now.. I want to reshoot all the previous scenes that we did on the first day of filming!"

" When i told my friends about me being casted,, they all said 'just act like how you usually act!'

A quiet but random 4 dimensional Flower boy is Kim Hyun Joong image among koreans and this is also the same for the character of Yoon Ji Hoo.

"I'm really shy too,, i think 80% of our personalities are similar. but Yoon Ji Hoo is more feminine and overwhelming sometimes,,, i really like partying crazy and doing what guys do for fun,, so i'll have to practice a bit more.."

" i can play the guitar so i'm more used to holding the strings with my left hand but using the stick and controlling it is a bit hard for me, but so far right now i can play the "happy birthday song" with the violin."

i'm starting to hate the look of Min Ho (Jun Pyo)...

remind me too much of jerry yan...eeww...

could u seriously stop with the bashing comments.i'm not just pinpointing at you im sort of saying this in general. keep the negative comments to YOURSELF. it wont do ANY1 ANY GOOD. like seriously.. u dont have to say "eww.." its rude and disrespectful to fans of jerry yan.although i have no clue who he is,, i dont need a "whose better looking whose ugly comparision getting started in this thread.." . please read the rules NO BASHING! im pretty sure it says that in big font letters on the first page in RED.. its sort of HARD TO MISS. unless your blind or something. BESIDES itsa COMMON SENSE RULE ON SOOMPI ANYWAY. i'm kind of getting tired of trying to remind ppl with some respect.. but it kind of gets really tiring after all that.

sometimes i just cant wait till the drama starts cuz when it does i'm prolly going to peace out this thread..lol. i want to share the new news with all the ppl in the positive manner.. n those rude comments kind of kills it for me as well as ppl who want to come in here and get some new information and leave without getting pissed at closedminded ppl's comments.

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Guest honeybean

Thank you so much for the translation virvir111! I really enjoy reading it!

You are awesome!

Thank you for always bringing us awesome updates, translations, and pics!

Really anticipating this drama!

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Thanks vivir111 for the translation!


I get goosebumped out and still feel a tickly having to say all those mushy line for the drama because I'm really into manly adventurous dramas and movies, and can't really say those things easily,, but i dont think it'll be a problem because the viewers are going to be watching me as Yoon Ji Hoo who has the image of the classic romantic guy. I'm going to try my best for the viewers."

Just like a son of a rich man, Ji Hoo is supposed to be perfect and good at everything.

" I'm practicing to hold chopsticks more properly right now.."

" When i told my friends about me being casted,, they all said 'just act like how you usually act!'

A quiet but random 4 dimensional Flower boy is Kim Hyun Joong image among koreans and this is also the same for the character of Yoon Ji Hoo.

"I'm really shy too,, i think 80% of our personalities are similar. but Yoon Ji Hoo is more feminine and overwhelming sometimes,,, i really like partying crazy and doing what guys do for fun,, so i'll have to practice a bit more.."

" i can play the guitar so i'm more used to holding the strings with my left hand but using the stick and controlling it is a bit hard for me, but so far right now i can play the "happy birthday song" with the violin."

OMG, I couldn't stop laughing when I read Hyun Joong's interview...l could totally imagined his 4 D personality and LOL, the randomness of his answers!!!

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Guest virvir111

Thanks vivir111 for the translation!

OMG, I couldn't stop laughing when I read Hyun Joong's interview...l could totally imagined his 4 D personality and LOL, the randomness of his answers!!!

imagine what i had to go through translating that.. i was like "???wtf??? " "okay... " "umm.. " " haha,,rofls.." "ENOUGH!".. the entire time translating it.

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