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Guest aycel02

Someone suggested or asked to make a header banner with Yoo Ah In, so I did one. Tell me what you think. I didn't want to add any special effects because I didn't want to ruin that sexyness of his :lol: And btw, I'm a new fan. I love him so much!!! He's the reason why I'm still watching SS. I'm not that crazy about the main couple as much as JS and YH.


Edit: Sorry I don't know why it double post

yehey! i was the one who suggested (or one of) that, and that is a terrific header! :wub: excellent job!

thanks so much!

SKK is ending! i'm gonna miss yoo ah in so much, does anyone know what's his next project!

good thing there's this wonderful thread and of course our Yoo Ah In Preventorium :wub:

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Guest pumpkinareo

Rxgoodleaf and jaeshinah, thanks for your hard work translating the interviews and expecially Yoo Ah In's tweets :X Those things made me understand more about him and his thought (at least a part of his thought).

Though I was a bit disappointed when you said you would not translate his tweets anymore (cause I really really want to read them >.<), I am very grateful for your contribution :X You're so awesome ^^

I knew Yoo Ah In from "Antique Bakery" but paid not much atttention, but till SKKS, I really fell for Guloh, then I began to search for things around YAI. Actually, his personality makes me very impressed and curious... To feel such mature thoughts behind such cutie face makes me impressed.

By the way, they're old, but these are some caps of YAI I made in April Kiss





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Isn't it great that Yoonhee picks Sunjoon instead of Jaeshin so we can keep Jaeshin to ourselves?? ^_^

I'm such a bad fan, I totally forgot he had April Kiss drama too, lol. Adding that to my list! I'm watching SKKS 19 right now. Guhro Sahyung, soooo hawtt.

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YAI delivers tremendously and excellent performance once again in the father and son scene. He enacted emotional sequences so amazingly that it can bring tears in anyone’s eyes. You feel attached to him and feel his pain,there is never a dull moment every time YAI stay on the screen. He simply stole the show once again. His facial expressions were superb and his stellar and heartwarming performance through out the whole drama you can feel every emotion what he is going through and for someone to act in such a way that delivers an powerful impact like that should receive an award. I sincerely wish that YAI gets nominated in the best actor category or best performance. I personally think he is bound to win every single award.

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hi guys! im also a Jaeshin fan. like everybody here, im sad coz i won't be able to see Jaeshin. Yoo Ah In's role in SKKS really suits him, it's really taylor-made for him. He's got a smiling face that i've never imagine he could portray such character as Jaeshin. i hope on Yoo Ah In's next project, he will retain his mustache/goatee. i think that's what made him more appealing, don't you agree? & of course, his super white teeth :D it's so white it's like "glow in the dark" teeth :lol:

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Guest tinysunbl


OMG I don't think I have the courage to watch ep. 19 and 20. First I don't want to say goodbye to Gunro, second to Yong-ha, third to the rest of the cast. It's been an incredibly fun ride and really, I don't want to get off. I'm heart-broken to see the above caps of Jae-shin, but happy at the same time. Ah In definitely has had his moments to shine!!!!

Thanks so much for the dramabeans header pooh4ever, it'll surely make my religious trips to dramabeans everyday much more fun. I practically squealed when I saw an Ah In header there once.

@pumpkinareo, 1crazynyt: awesome caps! I got my Ah In cuteness and angsty shot of the day. No need for coffee now, cuz my YAI insomnia syndrome is coming back, I could feel.

So glad many have visited and commented on the blog. We got more than 2000 visits/day and lots of comments. Yay more and more people are becoming Ah In virus carriers!

Yoo Ah In's next project, he will retain his mustache/goatee

This I'm not sure. I think it really depends on the character. The mustache is perfect for Guel-ro, but I'm not sure about the mustached Ah In. After the Vogue girl photoshoot I'm skeptical about the mustache~Beside issues in the concept and the styling of that shoot, there's something about it that irks me.

I personally love how he looks as Park Hyun Kyu in He Who Can't Married. His glasses are so in fashion, nerdy, preppy but chic at the same time.

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Guest pumpkinareo

Isn't it great that Yoonhee picks Sunjoon instead of Jaeshin so we can keep Jaeshin to ourselves?? ^_^

I'm such a bad fan, I totally forgot he had April Kiss drama too, lol. Adding that to my list! I'm watching SKKS 19 right now. Guhro Sahyung, soooo hawtt.

In April Kiss, he acted in one episode only but I like how he expressed in that film ^^

@tinysunbl: I'm happy that you like them ^^

Here are some cut clips ^^

Gulim couple, ep 19 cut: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8xV3nH585w

Jaeshin cried, ep 19 cut: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc8L-GWMY5Q

Credit: Yoo Ah In DC Gallery and reup by me

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Guest tinysunbl

Here is another cut for Gun-ro's crying scene. It's an MV I think:

Okay, I promised myself that I won't watch this till it ends and there's subs. But I'M DYING RIGHT NOW ABOUT THE CRYING SCENES people have been talking about. And I heard the bromance of the Moon-Gu couple reaches its climax this episode! This is so sad and bad: I think I won't come to soompi at all in the next several days. Take care everyone!!!!! I'll be back once I finish SKKS and privately say goodbye to my Gun-ro :(

@ icedevil0289: Just a friendly reminder that you shouldn't quote the entire message, especially when you reply only responds to a part of the message. The mod won't be so happy to see that.

Oh yeah, remember all the tweets translated in this thread, courtesy of Rxgoodleaf unnie, everyone?

I posted on the blog and a native Korean has offered some further explanation and context to the tweets, making them a bit clearer:

[10/14/2010] 감정을 말하는것은 오그라드는 일이고, 감추는 것은 시크한. 사이 좋은 세상. 촌스러움을 무릅쓰고 ‘시크’하지 못하게 표현된 예쁜 마음들 하나라도 더 들여다 볼 수 있기를. 나는 내 감정에게 가능한한 가장 촌스러운 사람이고싶다.

If you say what you feel, that’s being too expressive (un-cool), if you hide it you are being chic. World of brotherly love. Despite the risk of being called rustic (unfashionable) I would like to see more of non-chic pretty minds. I would like to be the most rustic person, to the limits of my emotion. (cr: Rxgoodleaf)

Further explanation by AncientKingdom, a native Korean speaker: Koreans feel shy when they talk about their feelings, especially love. So he says “do not feel shy when you guys say you love me even if it means you are the most rustic person.” ^^;;; Most Koreans feel uncomfortable when they express their inside feelings and we think it’s chic or cool to hide their feelings~ So he says he will become the most rustic person cause he doesn’t want to hide his feelings. And he never hides his opinions about social issues or feelings.

“The house” -you didn’t translate it^^ ㅋㅋ- 그 집, 내게 귀 기울여 달라던- that means his mini-hompy, he calls his mini-hompy “my small house or hong sik’s small house”, he always wants to be listened by people. Oh~ What do I say~ ^^;;; To the point! What he wants to says is: “Thank you for loving me. And do not be shy to say you love me cause it is not a rustic behavior as I always say to you. If it is the rustiest behavior to say ‘you love me’, then I’ll become the rustest man of all. I have no time to feel shy, cause one more second , I have to watch your beautiful minds to me” ^^ He is the smartest man! right?

[yeah he's so smart and cute. Great pick-up lines that I'd love to hear from boys!!!!-tinysunbl ]


[10/28/2010] 감정을 표현하는게 어째서 오글거리는 일이냐던 나의 지랄은 좀 더 과감히 당신네들의 손발을 앗아가기 위한 계획적인 밑밥이었던거죠. 푸하하 봐줘요 내가 어디까지 촌스러워질지. 난 요즘 유행하는 변질된 몇개의 단어들이 퍽이나 맘에 안들거든. 정정해야겠지?ㅋ

My ranting about not being ashamed (hasitant) to express one’s feelings was my intentional plan to snatch your hands and feet more boldly. (not sure but I think he means to leave you feeling helpless???) Puhhaha Watch me how unfashionable I can be. I really don’t like few of the current popular mutated words. Should I refrain? (laugh) (Rxgoodleaf)

Further explanation by AncientKingdom: his tweet says~ Oh~ can I do it again? ^^;;; little bit shy~ ^^;; It’s about feelings again. ^^ He says~ Why do you feel so shy when you express your feelings? – I always talk to you. And it is my bait for you. If you feel shy to express your feeling (especially you love me~) I’ll consider you as the rustest person. That’s all I said and that’s the reason I went nuts(?) on my writings. You became my prisoners in my feeing~”

And he thought ‘the concept of the feeling’ is just a hasty definition. Before defining our feelings or locking up the concept in a few academic words, we have to look our mind thoroughly, feel it perfectly and then name it, define it. However, even the close looking, we are too arrogant cause how dare we define our feeings, how dare lock up the feelings in a few words….. ^^;;; You know? he really wants to be listened , and I hope he is happy now~ I’m happy now because of him. ~


Okay I lied. I just went and watched the crying scene. It's sooooo good. OMO it reminds me soooo much of Heuk San's injured and angsty scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah In is definitely at his best when acting vulnerable and angsty!!!!!!!!!!! I can't possibly love him more cuz my heart is full of him already ~faint~

Who else think Ah In's wet lips while crying are very sexy?

*EDIT again*

Speaking of lips, I can't help sharing this. THIS IS DANGEROUS TO HEALTH and inappropriate for work-place. You have been warned^^


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Guest Asha Summer

YAI delivers tremendously and excellent performance once again in the father and son scene. He enacted emotional sequences so amazingly that it can bring tears in anyone’s eyes. You feel attached to him and feel his pain,there is never a dull moment every time YAI stay on the screen. He simply stole the show once again. His facial expressions were superb and his stellar and heartwarming performance through out the whole drama you can feel every emotion what he is going through and for someone to act in such a way that delivers an powerful impact like that should receive an award. I sincerely wish that YAI gets nominated in the best actor category or best performance. I personally think he is bound to win every single award.

OHHHHHHHH MY GOSH! OUR YOO AH IN NAILED IT!Haven't watch episode 19, (I'm on vacation, but can't help but take a peek on this thread..heheheh addicted much eh?) Goodness, just seing those stills, i wanted to cry myself too! 1crazynyt, soo agree with you, someone who can delivers acting like that deserves an award! Bias or no Bias...he surely deliver!

Wave to all VIRUS Carrier! Well..well..our family is GROWING! Sooo happy! :wub::wub::wub:

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Thanks guys, but someone pointed out that I misspelled the word "obsession", so I have to go fix it and resend it to dramabeans :lol:. I guess I lost focus while doing this header because the pics were to distracting :lol:

And jaeshinah sorry to disappoint you, I have to make the header PG-13 :lol: Even without the nipple, he biting the shirt like that is enough to drive me crazy xD.

And btw, does anyone have that one pic of him in those gold glasses; the one with like small chains or something in it. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Initially, I wanted to use that pic, but I couldn't find it so I use those two pics instead.

I'm going to try to make some more headers for him since I feel like one isn't enough. If anyone has any pics that she would like to uses, please post it. I really need some pics of him as well.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Oh yeah, remember all the tweets translated in this thread, courtesy of Rxgoodleaf unnie, everyone?

I posted on the blog and a native Korean has offered some further explanation and context to the tweets, making them a bit clearer:

Whoever she/he was, invite to join Soompi!

I can always use someone to "critique" or "elaborate" my translation... really! (<-not kidding about this... I want to do justice to Ah In's writings)

Although I am Korean-American, I came to US at very young age so, I am really Americanized ie don't know Korean custom very well... I can tell you that Americans are NOT shy about expressing their feelings! LOL


*** Spoiler ***

"The Gurl Oh Crying Scene" everyone is talking about...


잘못했습니다. 아버지보다 제가 더 아프다고 까불었습니다.

I am sorry. I carelessly said I was hurting more than you father.


잘못했습니다. 더 형을 사랑한다 자신했습니다.

그것도 잘못했습니다. 제가 잘못했습니다, 아버지.

I am sorry. I was so sure I loved hyung more. I am sorry for that. I am so sorry, father.


그러니 이선준 풀어주세요. 그자식하고 나, 우린 아직 재대로 시작도 못했단말입니다.

So, please let Lee Sun Joon go. He and I, we haven't even begin to live.


제발... 제가 다시는 아버지를 증오하지 않을수 있도록 도와주십시오.

Please... save me from having to hate you agin.


아~ 다신 다시는 그런 지옥 속에서 살고 싶지 않읍니다.

Ah, I don't ever, ever want to live in that kind of hell again.

I rest my case... and you wonder why I've been a fan of his for so long?!

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Thanks Rxgoodleaf for the brief yet so rich translation of MJS's amazing dialogue..Ever since I watched EP 19 live till now, the crying scene still spinning around my head. What a powerful performance, dialogues and acting wise. His acting has overshadowed many great ones. YAI the super star of tomorrow or rather today.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Thanks Rxgoodleaf for the brief yet so rich translation of MJS's amazing speech..Ever since I watched EP 19 live till now, the crying scene still spinning around my head. What a powerful performance dialogues and acting wise. His acting has overshadowed many great ones. YAI the super star of tomorrow or rather today.

Awww... you beat me to it!!!

Just kidding... I was going to make some gif of the Gurl Oh and Ye Rim "reunion scene"...

Compliments to great gifs!


News artcle related to Jae Shin's tearful scene...

대다수의 시청자들이 유아인의 눈물신을 이날의 압권으로 꼽았다. 한 시청자는 "재신이 아버지의 등 뒤에서

'잘못했습니다'라고 대사 칠 때 심장을 '턱' 치는 느낌이었다. 감춰놨던 깊은 상처가 터지거나

혹은 아무는 느낌이 제대로 전달됐다" 며 시청소감을 남겼다.

Most viewers picked Yoo Ah In's tearful scene as the highlight of the episode.

"When Jae Shin said 'I am sorry' behind his father's back, I felt as if my heart was punched(?).

His delivery of revealing deep hidden scar or healing of the scar was right on the ball."

또 다른 시청자는 "유아인의 연기력에 놀랐다. 표정, 감정, 시선, 목소리 톤, 대사 속도 등 모든게 완벽했다.

어찌보면 손발 오그라드는 대사일 수도 있는데 유아인이 느낌을 잘 살렸다. 진정성이 느껴지는 연기에 나도 모르게 울컥 눈물이 났다"며 칭찬을 아끼지 않았다.

Other viewer said, "Totally surprised by Yoo Ah In's acting ability. His expression, emotion, look (gaze),

voice, tone and pace of the line delivery were all perfect. The lines could have been overplayed but Yoo Ah In made

them come alive. His genuine (sincere) acting made me cry all of sudden."


Another article...

"유아인만의 걸오를 표현했다는 말씀, 행복했다!" 마지막 인사 ("Yoo Ah In's Unique Portrayal Of Gurl Oh, Made Me Happy!" His Fairwell

'걸오앓이'를 일으키며 가장 뜨거운 사랑을 받았던 문재신 역의 유아인은 "처음 문재신을 맡고 나서 자신있다 얘기했지만

사실 불안하고 걱정을 많이 했다. 하지만 자기최면도 걸고 스스로 컨트롤하면서 노력했다"고 털어놨다.

Causing 'Gurl Oh Al Yee', the most loved character, Moon Jae Shin of Yoo Ah In said, "When I was first casted as Moon Jae Shin, I said I was confident that I could pull it off but actually I was nervous and worried a lot. But, I worked on self-hypnotizing and tried to control myself."

"다행히 많은 분들이 유아인만의 걸오를 색깔있게 잘 표현했다고 말씀해주셔서 행복했다"고 말한 그는 "아직 부족한 점이 많지만 큰 사랑 주신 분들께 감사하다. 고생하신 작가님, 처음으로 편지를 써드려 본 감독님, 동료배우들과 스태프도감사하다. 기쁜 만큼이나 아쉬움도 크지만 가슴 속에 오래남을 작품이 될 것 같다"며 시원섭섭한 마음을 드러냈다.

"Fortunately a lot of people told me that Yoo Ah In's portrayal of Gurl Oh was colorful (diverse) and I was very happy. Although I am still lacking in a lot of ways, I am very thankful for all the love you have given me. The much suffered writer, the director whom I have written a letter of thanks to for the first time, my fellow actors and staffs, I thank them. Feeling as much joy as missing (the drama), it will stay in my heart for a long time."

Done for the night! Tomorrow is THE BIG day! Good night!

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Guest aycel02

Thanks guys, but someone pointed out that I misspelled the word "obsession", so I have to go fix it and resend it to dramabeans :lol:. I guess I lost focus while doing this header because the pics were to distracting :lol:

And jaeshinah sorry to disappoint you, I have to make the header PG-13 :lol: Even without the nipple, he biting the shirt like that is enough to drive me crazy xD.

sorry to cut your post,

i'd be distracted too if i was looking at that picture of him blush.gif

i hate that SKK is ending tonight :tears:

has anyone seen this: YAI bday with SJK

uploaded and shared by Shirley @ SKK thread

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Guest jaeshinah

IT'S OVER ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I have never felt this strangely sad about a drama ending before... ahh my Moon Jaeshin... how I will miss you tears.gif

In a fit of sadness I went to our lovely seek_sik's twitter as soon as SKKS finished airing and was lucky enough to run into a tweet that was only 5 seconds old... and it wasn't hard to translate!

here it is~


A heart endlessly seeking knowledge. A heart that can break me out of myself. I am not the answer; I must not stop before the answer but must keep asking and discovering, and find a way to not close any doors to myself. How could there be an answer when neither the wind nor I ever stop?

Our wonderful philosopher wub.gif

Also a bit hilarious cause there's Ah In accidentally wrote a typo in there..... (읺고 isn't a real word) hehehhehehehehe tongue.gif


And jaeshinah sorry to disappoint you, I have to make the header PG-13 :lol: Even without the nipple, he biting the shirt like that is enough to drive me crazy xD.

And btw, does anyone have that one pic of him in those gold glasses; the one with like small chains or something in it. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Initially, I wanted to use that pic, but I couldn't find it so I use those two pics instead.

Hahahaha that's okay... i GUESS tongue.gif

Were you looking for these?



Sadly they aren't very HQ.... 

I got them from here! http://bit.ly/c7ZfxD (<-- bit.ly'd cause the actual URL has a word that has to be censored on soompi keke)

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Ahhhh Haaaa~~~~

Just Finished the last episode of SKKS...

Was on the edge of my seat until the very end...

Not the most satisfying ending but I can live with it... as if my opinion matters... LOL

I think I am going to rewatch from the beginning now...

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Guest jenjnyjen


Hi everyone! Haven't watched SKKS last 2 episodes yet, so I'm skipping like crazy through this thread's unread pages to avoid spoilers. Goshhhh :( I think when SKKS ends I'm gonna rewatch everything 2x. First is to get familiar with the dialogs, the second is to watch without sub and focus on the acting arghhhhhh :(

Very nice pictures of him, got that from the SungKyunKwan Scandal (성균관 스캔들) Fanpage in facebook.



Ohh ohh and tadaaaa

YAI's interview & birthday celebration

Hehe lotsa goodies from the facebook fanpage. Anyone thinking of making an active one for Yoo Ah In in facebook? Facebook is easy to navigate so maybe it'll be easier for sharing and stuff.

@Rxgoodleaf "Fortunately a lot of people told me that Yoo Ah In's portrayal of Gurl Oh was colorful (diverse) and I was very happy. Although I am still lacking in a lot of ways, I am very thankful for all the love you have given me. The much suffered writer, the director whom I have written a letter of thanks to for the first time, my fellow actors and staffs, I thank them. Feeling as much joy as missing (the drama), it will stay in my heart for a long time."

I'm so happy and relieved at the same time reading this. I'm thankful that he enjoyed working on the drama like we do :)

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Guest akluvka


I've just finished watching the last ep of SKKS.

The scence JS was in the roof with another HBS is so cute LOL. The hiccup came back to him and the way he correct blue paper made me laugh crazily.

So so cuteeee ~~

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

I'll miss him and this film so much.

Hope to watch his new film soon.

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Guest tinysunbl

I know a better version of the Bday vid here.

I'm so happy when I came on to soompi just now and Yoo Ah In thread appeared in the "HOT TOPIC" section. Hehehe so now RxGoodleaf won't feel lonely here anymore.

I haven't watched the last episodes yet but I also heard most say that the ending is okay, not amazing but not too bad either. I don't really care about the ending, kinda see how it ends already without watching...All Korean drama's endings always leave something to be desired anyway.

There is a rumor flying around about Ah In's next project. Since it's a rumor I take it as a grain of salt. Only hope that he would get lots of rest and carefully pick the next project. I prefer to see him as a modern man, since both of my crush, Huek San and Jae-shin are saguek heros already.

Here are some extra resources for everyone who misses SKKS:

The SKKS Spazzing Community@livejournal lol@the Jae-shin-Yong-ha R-rated fanfic there. hat off to the fan who wrote them. They sure have wild imagination!

A reader over at the Blog suggeststhis fansite with lots of drawings and goodies of Jae-shin.

@Jaeshinah: thank you so much for the trans. Do you mind if I repost your translations on the blog?

@Pooh4ever: I have TONS of pics of Ah In, some of them are very good quality but I haven't found time to upload. When I do I'll let you know.

@ jenjnyjen: I visited the facebook fanpage too. So happy that many people like the page and hang out there. I think it's good to have many fansite for Ah In, but they should be spread out different places to target different community. If facebook has already had a page, making another one would not be very efficient. I think we need a livejournal fansite or blogger or some sites at other social networks. What do you think?

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