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Guest mathed2001


I recently found this forum.  There are many fans who wish to know more about Ah In.  Could I post this? I will, of course, credit you for translating the interview.  Thank you!


As promised, Cine 21 Yoo Ah In interview... it was rather lengthy and in depth... so, I am translating parts that were interesting and revealing to me...according to the interviewer, the interview was about 100 minutes...

Inteviewer: Choi Kang Chil Woo was your first drama in 5 years. Can we talk about that?

Ah In: I thought the character (Heuk San) wasn't something I would ever have the opportunity to play. While filming, truthfully... Uhm... I did try my best not to regret my choice (decision). That was the most important thing. (The drama) did not do well in ratings or was thought highly by the critics but it was an experience for me on personal level. It was very difficult for me. It was more painful than any emotion I have ever felt while playing a movie character. I do not want to repeat (the experience) again but I am satisfied with the fact that I did try. (It was) very, very difficult. Really.

Inteviewer: Was it difficult physically?

Ah In: No, I did not mind the physical part. The filming location was not a fun place to be. I could not be myself and that was frustrating. Poor communication and the director was authoritarian... *smile* I thought to myself that I should be careful about what I say but why do I feel so relaxed today? Uhm... Anyhow, what is not is not. As an actor, the feeling of being used as an instrument or a machine was not pleasant. To make a better product, it would have been nice if there were a lot of dialogue and listening (to each other) but it was not so. I actually thought about doing dramas much later. But, I thought let's just do it first then think... Now, I don't want to do it ever again.

Inteviewer: Did you have any reservations about doing Choi Kang Chil Woo? (To me) Yoo Ah In is too youthful to be in a historic period piece.

Ah In: I did not have any reservations about the character. I didn't have any problem (portraying the part). To the fans who came to like me from Choi Kang Chil Woo, I am sorry to say but it was not a happy memory (experience for me).

Inteviewer: Your mini hompy is very important part of Yoo Ah In the actor. Different than most actors, you write your deepest thoughts. And, your writing is rather cynical...

Ah In: Uhm... I am not always melancholy, cynical, or negative. *smile* I just want to expose things that people never notice and pass by or things they want to dress up in pretty packages. I don't want to be a public mannequin, either. At first, people said I was pretending to be mature or trying to appear cool. But now it feels like part of my nature.

Interviewer: When you write (in mini hompy), are you conscious of the readers?

Ah In: Of course. Mini hompy is part of my desire to express myself. As such, I do hope people read them. I think I am doing the right thing.

Inteviewer: Do you have a diary?

Ah In: Yes, if you see 100 writings in mini hompy, there are 900 others that you don't see.

Inteviewer: It could be a rather delicate question but the picture of you putting on a lipbalm created a rumor that you were homosexual. The netizens created all sort of conjectures and stories. I saw that you wrote something to the effect "Do what you will!" under that picture.

Ah In: I wanted them to feel ashamed. The creator of such overblown, false, and distorted rumor is really like this. Do what you will. That was my attitude. I was hurt. Frustrated. It wasn't that they touched a sensitive issue but I hated the fact that I became a plaything (to them). If I didn't want to be abused, I could have taken down the picture but I had hoped that when they revisit after awhile they would feel ashamed.

Inteviewer: You are not smoking...

Ah In: Isn't it No Smoking here? I am going crazy right now. *smile*

Interviewer: When did you start smoking?

Ah In: *smile* Sixteen?

Inteviewer: You live by yourself now.

An In: Yes, since I was seventeen.

Inteviewer: I heard you were scouted in front of your High school and came to Seoul. Did you quit school then?

Ah In: After I transferred to Seoul then I quit (school).

Interviewer: Why?

An In: Actually, there were a lot of reasons... Uhm... *smile* Nothing big. I just didn't want to (go to school). It wasn't that I got into trouble in school. I just thought that school system and I don't get along.

Inteviewer: So you took the High school equivalency test to get into college.

Ah In: Yes.

Interviewer: You've filmed Come To Play. Were you uncomfortable?

Ah In: I was uncomfortable. I did it because it was something I had to do. I think I was very unlike myself (on the show). It is not easy for me to adapt to social system. *smile* If given a situation, I can handle it but I suffer for it. I get sick (I think he is saying psychologically effected).

OK, the interview was 3 pages long... above translation is maybe 1/4 of what was in the interview...

I am disheartened to read that Choi Kang Chil Woo was not an enjoyable experience for Ah In because I think he did an excellent job as Heuk San... despite the director  dry.gif

As to "gay rumor", doesn't every good-looking actor has one at one point or another in his career? Not that it makes a difference to me...

Anyhow... I am getting the picture of Uhm Hong Sik the person behind the actor Yoo Ah In... and I like what I see!  ^^

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Been getting 'temporarily unavailable' messages for that Entertainment Relay. Is anyone experiencing the same thing? Cos I've tried it a few times since this morning.

Since I posted the MU link on two other threads maybe? Or, it's the MU site itself...

Anyhow, here is alternate link... uploaded to MediaFire on 10/30/2010...

Entertainment Relay via MediaFire



I recently found this forum.  There are many fans who wish to know more about Ah In.  Could I post this? I will, of course, credit you for translating the interview.  Thank you!


As I keep saying, you CAN use any of my translations, pictures, or gifs as long as you credit Soompi (not necessarily me)...

I am all for internationalizing Yoo Ah In!

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Guest chloefargo

Thank you for translating the interview piece.  Some interesting insight.  Intelligent.  Independent and truthful.  He seems to have a voice and depth.  I hope he continues to grow in his craft and become a great actor.  He is off to a great start. 

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Guest sasgrace

Thank you for translating the interview piece.  Some interesting insight.  Intelligent.  Independent and truthful.  He seems to have a voice and depth.  I hope he continues to grow in his craft and become a great actor.  He is off to a great start. 

UHM...I don't agree when you say "I hope he become a great". I can't agree with you here...Because he is already a great actor with raw feelings.

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Guest mathed2001

Since I posted the MU link on two other threads maybe? Or, it's the MU site itself...

Anyhow, here is alternate link... uploaded to MediaFire on 10/30/2010...

Entertainment Relay via MediaFire


As I keep saying, you CAN use any of my translations, pictures, or gifs as long as you credit Soompi (not necessarily me)...

I am all for internationalizing Yoo Ah In!

Thanks, Rxgoodleaf!  Not be able to understand Korean makes it really difficult to follow Ah In.  Through this forum, I was able to learn more about him. 

Thanks again!


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Guest tinysunbl

A couple of his tweets:

Oct. 28

1. 그대들이 사랑이라고 부르는 지금의 그 마음들. 철없던 어린날의 추억이나 나이답지 않은 주책으로 허무하게 마감시킬 생각은 없습니다. 나는 그렇게 무능하지도 내 자신에게 무책임하지도 않아요. 사랑사랑사랑타령 여기까지 하죠?ㅋ 심각병은 나 하나로 족해!

2. 감정을 표현하는게 어째서 오글거리는 일이냐던 나의 지랄은 좀 더 과감히 당신네들의 손발을 앗아가기 위한 계획적인 밑밥이었던거죠. 푸하하 봐줘요 내가 어디까지 촌스러워질지. 난 요즘 유행하는 변질된 몇개의 단어들이 퍽이나 맘에 안들거든. 정정해야겠지?ㅋ

3. 시크, 쿨, 허세, 촌스러움, 과잉, 개념, 상식, 보통. 을 포함한 어처구니 없이 남발되는, 정작 그것으로 지적 허영이 들통난 겉핥기식의 정의들. 들여다 보고 고민하고 그제서야 '정의'해도 우리의 건방진 판단들은 경솔함을 피해가기 어려워.

4. 진지하게 오랫동안 깊숙히 들여다보기. 그리고 하나의 단어를 쓰는것. '시'가 죽어간다는 통탄의 말은 단순히 시라는 장르가 죽어간다는것 보다 훨씬 광범위한 어떤 '행위'의 말살을 가슴아파함이 아닐런지. 아 다시봐야겠다. 그 영화. 나 퇴근

5. 난 도배의 죄책감과 언팔의 공포를 견디지 못하고 잠수 좀 타겠습니다. 한 열두시간이면 되겠니? 스크롤의 압박감. 두둥!


6. 대가리에 꽃달고 놀아나기엔 꼴통이나 돌아이나 미친놈이나 그런 말들의 운동장(혹은 놀이터)이 훤씬 자유롭지. 넓고.

7. 자학이라니! 이것이야 말로 진정한 '편의'가 아니겠나. 나는 무수한 단어들로 꽤나 넓다란 운동장을 지었지만 이걱 또한 우물이라네헤헤헥헥 숨막혀!

Haven't on there for couple of days so I may lose touch with things. Pardon me if some of these have been posted/translated here.

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Guest chloefargo

UHM...I don't agree when you say "I hope he become a great". I can't agree with you here...Because he is already a great actor with raw feelings.

Let me clarify.  I think he is a good actor and has raw emotion like you said.  His portrayal of JS in SKKS is amazing (and great)  and one of the reason I watch this show (the other being Song Joong Ki).  Out of the young Korean actors I've watched of late, he has raw talent.  

When I wrote "great actor", I was using the term symbolically and thinking high level in terms of  actors in cinema who have (a) stood the test of time and(B) a body of work that is exceptional; for example, in the US, for me, Robert DiNero, Marlo Brando, Sean Penn, Lawrence Olivier, etc.,  For me, these actors are "Great Actors".    Within this context, the fact that I think he has the potential to be a "Great Actor" is a compliment. 

Thanks for your comment!

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Guest jenjnyjen

@Asha Summer Yes, me too, I'm completely biased. I cry at YHee-LSJ's happy/romantic scenese, thinking what if MJS sees this? Would it be nice if JaeShin stand a chance? Etc. Arghhhh babo =.=

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Guest jaeshinah

Hi everyone,

New Yoo Ah In victim here <3 My love for this man and his tremendous acting talent is my favorite discovery of SKKS and although I am far behind many of you YAI-loyalists who have been with him since Chilwoo, Antique Bakery, or earlier, I hope you don't mind my shy venturing out into Soompi from lurker to official poster status to join you all... =)

I just spent the last 2 or 3 hours reading this entire thread from start to finish because, right, I am obsessed, and wanted to offer to translate some stuff if you guys want it... I'm actually a translator for a different fandom on a different forum, so I don't have a lot of time, but I noticed that Rxgoodleaf translated some articles (you are amazing, by the way!!! Thank you for keeping this thread alive for years, now. *bows*) in part, and I was thinking of going back and doing some of the longer ones in full. But I don't really want to trample on Rxgoodleaf's territory, so I thought I'd ask before doing anything.. 

Also don't ask me to translate Ah In's tweets... hehehehehehhe. I am Korean-American and the complexity of Ah In's vocabulary and grammar is often way over my head to translate properly. Seems to be a common refrain here in Soompi. :P


Well, I translated a 2007 interview with YAI that Rxgoodleaf posted ages ago, just to show you what I was thinking of doing... enjoy~


My name is: Yoo Ah In. My real name is Um Hong Shik.

The name Yoo Ah In: I began using it when I started acting. It's pretty, and it also has the meaning 'one' in German (Ah In = ein).

Birthday: 1986, October 6

Family: Mother, Father, and two older sisters. 

Similarities to Yongtae of <Shim's Family>: I have thought seriously about the secret of [my] birth before. (Laughs) I'm a bit different from the rest of my family in both looks and personality. I left high school early and lived on my own, and there have been many cases where I collided against the walls of the world, alone. So when I get in trouble with my dad, he has occasionally lamented, "My son couldn't possibly be like this!"

Dandook University, Movie Acting Major: I entered this year. The professors' words (T/N: probably lectures, feedback, advice, etc.) are excellent and it is so wonderful to be with fellow students who are passionate about acting.

Novels, poems, mysteries, or other books: I like them all, but I'm reading a psychological book entitled <There are Reasons for Everything That Goes Wrong in My Life> for fun right now. People who read a lot of books and think that they hold the answer [to everything] become ensnared by that knowledge and may suffer from its betrayal, but I tend to read and just think, 'So this is how this person thinks.'

In many forms: I enjoy expressing myself. Acting is dynamic/kinetic expression, but quiet/static forms of expression like writing or drawing suit me well, too. I like singing and dancing pretty well, too.

In your former life, you were a gisaeng: I have heard this before. I was at an event for a movie with my fans where you would look at your saju (T/N: The 'four pillars' of your birth year, month, day, and time that is supposed to express your identity and fortune) and act out your former life. There, I was told that I had been a gisaeng in my former life like Hwang Jini (T/N: Legendary gisaeng from the Joseon Dynasty famed for her beauty and wit) and had broken too many hearts, so I would live a lonely life this time around. I was a bit sad when I heard that.

The arm muscles you showed in <Shim's Family>: The shooting took place in the summer so I hurriedly went to the swimming pool. (Laugh) My regular body has barely any body fat so if I exercise I tend to put muscle on quickly, but I don't really like exercising that much.

What you are most interested in these days: Red Hot Chili Peppers. And school life. 

Thoughts on the movie <Hannibal Rising>: I think it would be fun to take on a role like the main character. Instead of a typically rough, scary-looking murderer, I want to try playing a [more complex] two-sided character.

Being with Jung Woo Il of <Unstoppable High Kick>: We are in the same company and are of similar ages, and so we get along well as two colleagues who will continue to act in the future. We have a relationship where we can give each other advice, but honestly, compared to [the little] I do for him as a hyung, Il Woo follows me well.

I worry about loneliness a lot, but: I don't go around trying to find something that can assuage my feelings. There are people who think that hanging out with friends or spending time with the person  you love will dissolve your loneliness, but I think that those kinds of things will only help you forget your loneliness for a short time. I think people are meant to exist in loneliness by nature.

To be 21 years old: It is youth. It is an insecure youth during which you must collide with life, and it is the peak of youth. If you are fearful [of something], you end up not doing it, and if you think you will become hurt by going down a certain path, you end up not walking down it, but I think it is during youth that you have the will to overcome that fear. So I am uneasy, but I think I can do anything [i want].

Taking a step back from myself: There are times I do this. I don't run ahead without thinking and just keep going; as I [move forward], I look back at myself once in a while. While asking myself, Do I have a clear mind? Am I doing well? Is this right [for me]?

My ending as a person: Whatever happens, it doesn't matter. Even that is probably not an ending, but merely one moment. If I can't go back [and change anything] anyway, I would rather live a fun life. 

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

I just spent the last 2 or 3 hours reading this entire thread from start to finish because, right, I am obsessed, and wanted to offer to translate some stuff if you guys want it... I'm actually a translator for a different fandom on a different forum, so I don't have a lot of time, but I noticed that Rxgoodleaf translated some articles (you are amazing, by the way!!! Thank you for keeping this thread alive for years, now. *bows*) in part, and I was thinking of going back and doing some of the longer ones in full. But I don't really want to trample on Rxgoodleaf's territory, so I thought I'd ask before doing anything.. 

You are always welcome to translate and contribute to this thread! Nice to have someone who can translate better than me! LOL As I said it over and over again, I tend to translate what I understand from reading not necessarily word for word...

"Complexity of Ah In's vocabulary and grammar is often way over my head" <- TOTALLY agreed! I feel your pain... REALLY... why do you think I need Advil/Motrin afterwards?!


On that note, my "attempt" at translating totally convoluted Ah In's Tweets! But first...

아인아~ 제발! 번역하는 사람좀 생각해서 라도...

Ah In ah~ Please! Think about the translator...

OK, strike that! If he wrote differently (more simple), it wouldn't be him! LOL

1. 그대들이 사랑이라고 부르는 지금의 그 마음들. 철없던 어린날의 추억이나 나이답지 않은 주책으로 허무하게 마감시킬 생각은 없습니다. 나는 그렇게 무능하지도 내 자신에게 무책임하지도 않아요. 사랑사랑사랑타령 여기까지 하죠?ㅋ 심각병은 나 하나로 족해!

1. Your current state of mind, so called love. I don't want to dismiss (waste) it as a memory of a mere child or as an opinion of someone unbecoming of his/her age. I am not that incompetent or irresponsible to myself. (talking about) Love, love, love, I should end here? (laugh) Being serious, myself (as one) should be enough! ** side note: got coffee going **

2. 감정을 표현하는게 어째서 오글거리는 일이냐던 나의 지랄은 좀 더 과감히 당신네들의 손발을 앗아가기 위한 계획적인 밑밥이었던거죠. 푸하하 봐줘요 내가 어디까지 촌스러워질지. 난 요즘 유행하는 변질된 몇개의 단어들이 퍽이나 맘에 안들거든. 정정해야겠지?ㅋ

2. My ranting about not being ashamed (hasitant) to express one's feelings was my intentional plan to snatch your hands and feet more boldly. (not sure but I think he means to leave you feeling helpless???) Puhhaha Watch me how unfashionable I can be. I really don't like few of the current popular mutated words. Should I refrain? (laugh)

3. 시크, 쿨, 허세, 촌스러움, 과잉, 개념, 상식, 보통. 을 포함한 어처구니 없이 남발되는, 정작 그것으로 지적 허영이 들통난 겉핥기식의 정의들. 들여다 보고 고민하고 그제서야 '정의'해도 우리의 건방진 판단들은 경솔함을 피해가기 어려워.

3. Chic, Cool, Bravado, Unfashionable, Superfluous, Concept, Common Sense, Ordinary. Excessive use of them, because of that intellectual vanity of superficial righteousness is exposed. Even after scrutinizing and pondering then understanding the true meaning, it is difficult for us to avoid our tendency to make hasty judgements. ** banging my head on the table, 아인아~ 제바알! Ah In ah~ Puleeeeze! **

4. 진지하게 오랫동안 깊숙히 들여다보기. 그리고 하나의 단어를 쓰는것. '시'가 죽어간다는 통탄의 말은 단순히 시라는 장르가 죽어간다는것 보다 훨씬 광범위한 어떤 '행위'의 말살을 가슴아파함이 아닐런지. 아 다시봐야겠다. 그 영화. 나 퇴근

4. Take a serious, long and deep look. Then write one word. The poetry is dying, perhaps this deep lament points out more wide range (scope) of some blackouted out (denied) acts (deeds) then the mere fact that the genre of poetry is dying. I should take another look. That movie. I am done. ** need to get some caffeine in me... not awake yet........... **

5. 난 도배의 죄책감과 언팔의 공포를 견디지 못하고 잠수 좀 타겠습니다. 한 열두시간이면 되겠니? 스크롤의 압박감. 두둥!

5. Feeling guilty for wallpapering and not being able to withstand the fear of retaliation (?), I am going to submerge for awhile. Would twelve hours be enough? The pressure to be chic. (single drum beat)

6. 대가리에 꽃달고 놀아나기엔 꼴통이나 돌아이나 미친놈이나 그런 말들의 운동장(혹은 놀이터)이 훤씬 자유롭지. 넓고.

6. To be able to run around with flower in your head, it is more free to be in stupids', hard heads' or crazies' playgrounds. More space. (I think he is talking about voicing his opinion in different forums)

7. 자학이라니! 이것이야 말로 진정한 '편의'가 아니겠나. 나는 무수한 단어들로 꽤나 넓다란 운동장을 지었지만 이걱 또한 우물이라네헤헤헥헥 숨막혀!

7. Self-torment! Isn't it really biased. I have built a playground with so many words but they tell me it's still a well. (short of breath) Can't breath!

OK, I am officially resigning from translating Tweets... I don't understand his Tweets! Especially since I don't have any point of reference... as to what issue he is talking about... and, I don't have the time to follow his Tweeter!!!

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Hahaha, Rxgoodleaf, just reading your side notes make me smile. I can't express enough my gratitude! Thank you so much for the translations even though it's giving you a headache.

jaeshinah, thanks for the interview translations. Damn, we're so freaking lucky to have multiple Korean speakers in the thread! YAI made me depressed for a second there, when he was like 'I think people are meant to live in loneliness' LOL, shirohhhhhhh, I hate loneliness the most!

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Guest deathangelxd

Ahhh, I just finished episode 18 of SKKS. Hehe, like everyone here, I'm also upset that the character Moon Jae Shin will no longer exist after Tuesday. I've grown so attached to that man (Jae Shin mostly, but also Ah In). Honestly though, the latest episode pissed me off. I guess it was inevitable seeing as the drama was destined only to be 20 episodes long, but I felt like the transition from her spending a lot of time with Jae Shin to her completely falling in love with Sun Joon was poorly executed. It felt like the screen writer used Jae Shin only as a plot device to get Sun Joon jealous/transition into the SunJoonxYoonShik/Hee storyline. I'm ranting and being slightly vague, but what I mean is I felt like the screen writer did something like, "oh, okay, Jae Shin, you're done with your role of making Sun Joon feel jealous; they're the main focus of the story now, so why don't you just go off and live a nice life. Kaytxksbye." ASGHOEAHGOE HOW AGGRAVATING. I know that they're together now, but would it kill her/him/whoever it is writing the script to put in a few more friendly scenes between Yoon Hee and Jae Shin? ACCCK. Okay, I'm done ranting about the episode.

It was my first time screen-shotting something and I couldn't help but notice that his acting was actually REALLY good. By good, I mean to say that I noticed that his acting came off as very natural and he was careful about even subtle movements. Having had to play the scenes with Jae Shin multiple times, it was interesting to see how a small shift in the direction he was looking at actually had a huge impact on the feeling of the entire (screen-shot) capture/scene.

ACK. THIS IS SO DEPRESSING. I SAVED THE SCREEN SHOTS ON A WORD DOCUMENT AND NOW I CAN'T GET THEM OFF. NOOOOO. :( sorry dudes, unless you can help me with this problem... no yummy screen shots for you guys. @___@

Rxgoodleaf Thank you for all the work you've done! Awwwww~ I'm being selfish and greedy but please don't stop translating his tweets! You do such a great job with translating his writing and I really enjoy it; it would be a shame if nobody translated his tweets for his non-Korean fans. :/

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Guest mathed2001

Thank you, Rxgoodleaf and Jaeshinah, for all your hard work of translating all those interviews and articles (and not to mention the most recent Ah In's tweets)!

There is a new report, which I can't read, on the website (http://v.daum.net/link/10841621). If any of you have time, could you take a look and let us know what the report s about?

Many thanks!!

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Guest sasgrace

Ahhh, I just finished episode 18 of SKKS. Hehe, like everyone here, I'm also upset that the character Moon Jae Shin will no longer exist after Tuesday. I've grown so attached to that man (Jae Shin mostly, but also Ah In). Honestly though, the latest episode pissed me off. I guess it was inevitable seeing as the drama was destined only to be 20 episodes long, but I felt like the transition from her spending a lot of time with Jae Shin to her completely falling in love with Sun Joon was poorly executed. It felt like the screen writer used Jae Shin only as a plot device to get Sun Joon jealous/transition into the SunJoonxYoonShik/Hee storyline. I'm ranting and being slightly vague, but what I mean is I felt like the screen writer did something like, "oh, okay, Jae Shin, you're done with your role of making Sun Joon feel jealous; they're the main focus of the story now, so why don't you just go off and live a nice life. Kaytxksbye." ASGHOEAHGOE HOW AGGRAVATING. I know that they're together now, but would it kill her/him/whoever it is writing the script to put in a few more friendly scenes between Yoon Hee and Jae Shin? ACCCK. Okay, I'm done ranting about the episode.

It was my first time screen-shotting something and I couldn't help but notice that his acting was actually REALLY good. By good, I mean to say that I noticed that his acting came off as very natural and he was careful about even subtle movements. Having had to play the scenes with Jae Shin multiple times, it was interesting to see how a small shift in the direction he was looking at actually had a huge impact on the feeling of the entire (screen-shot) capture/scene.

ACK. THIS IS SO DEPRESSING. I SAVED THE SCREEN SHOTS ON A WORD DOCUMENT AND NOW I CAN'T GET THEM OFF. NOOOOO. :( sorry dudes, unless you can help me with this problem... no yummy screen shots for you guys. @___@

Rxgoodleaf Thank you for all the work you've done! Awwwww~ I'm being selfish and greedy but please don't stop translating his tweets! You do such a great job with translating his writing and I really enjoy it; it would be a shame if nobody translated his tweets for his non-Korean fans. :/

I perfectly understand what you mean. What strikes me with this show and the annoying latest episodes is I still don't know WTF wouldn't a girl/woman like YH choose a GUY like JS to a monotonous boy like SJ and not feel even the slighest attraction for JS. Even in a drama this is exxagerately irreal. I guess in the novel I can understand but in the drama BIG MYSTERY....

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Guest dahheekeem

I perfectly understand what you mean. What strikes me with this show and the annoying latest episodes is I still don't know WTF wouldn't a girl/woman like YH choose a GUY like JS to a monotonous boy like SJ and not feel even the slighest attraction for JS. Even in a drama this is exxagerately irreal. I guess in the novel I can understand but in the drama BIG MYSTERY....

omgoodness! i completely agree with you!! although i do believe taht micky yoochun is a fantastic singer and dancer it seems as though throughout the whole drama he has one single expression!!! i just .... don't understand... haha

and just to share~ in case people haven't seen this~ i saw a video clip of his SECOND variety show performance!!!

YOO AH IN!!!<3

he is SO CUTE and so MANLY and ROMANTIC....ALL AT THE SAME TIMEE!!! :D love himm~~~ kekeke^^

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Guest tinysunbl

Thank you jaeshinah for the translated interview! I'm so glad that there're more translators here to help our guardian angel Rxgoodleaf, who is having a headache right now, all thanks to Ah In's tweets :(

I can't even understand the deep meaning of his tweets in English lol, so I can see how hard it must be to translate.

In the interview, there is one part when he says "where I collided against the walls of the world." LOL I can't help but laughing at such an expression. He speaks as if he's from the 19th century.

Ahhh, deeta, Eric's radiant smile in this thread makes me tempted to rewatch Strongest Chil-woo. Maybe just flipping through for Heuk San and catch Chil-woo's moonlight transformation.

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Someone suggested or asked to make a header banner with Yoo Ah In, so I did one. Tell me what you think. I didn't want to add any special effects because I didn't want to ruin that sexyness of his :lol: And btw, I'm a new fan. I love him so much!!! He's the reason why I'm still watching SS. I'm not that crazy about the main couple as much as JS and YH.


Edit: Sorry I don't know why it double post

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Guest jaeshinah

Rxgoodleaf, thanks for the welcome and I will be happy to help out with translating happy.gif I have several articles open right now that I can't wait to get to... I'm at work right now but I will do them as soon as I get the chance!! Also, if anyone has articles they would like to see translated, please PM them to me or link them here=)

deeta, mathed2001, and tinysubl, thank you for the warm welcome ^__^ 

pooh4ever: That is a BEAUTIFUL header!! way to combine my two favorite pictures of YAI ever into one beautiful banner. Seriously my head is spinning. <33 I *am* a little sad you cut out his nipple, though.... hehehehehe.

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