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Guest Shiroiyuki

Thank you so much Rxgoodleaf for translating everything~!!!!

I can't imagine this thread without you^^.

By the way, I just checked the blog you guys made for our dear YAI~!!!!

But I don't understand his writings...especially the one that is titled, "thirty"

can somebody care to explain it?

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Dang! the thread is really going fast...! No wonder its a virus..

and guys, about drama wiki,, i was just wondering why i cant seem to visit it... it says 'This domain name expired on Oct 27 2010 03:48PM

Click here to renew it.'

what does that mean?

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Guest sasgrace

Hi sasgrace, YH’s blindness amazes me as well. How on earth a potential character like her becomes so insensitive, so ignorant toward her senior, and even to Sun-joon at times? I love SKKS and I still do, but so annoyed at Yhee and her crying buckets.

Know what, whenever I have a chance, I secretly vote your post up when yours get down somewhere else, ha ha.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ! Thank you MWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAH. I guess I am too straight but I can't help when this is too obvious that MJS- and to some extent SJK- became the only reason I want to finish this show ! Sorry but YH lost her guts loooooooooooooooooong time ago and I think she is not better than HE's character- who has flaws but who is courageous too. I mean in real life this is "impossible" for a girl or a woman to not be attracted by MJS's charm-look at episode 1 when he saved YH- thus, in this kdramaland, it even looks fake when YH completly ignores this boy's sexyness : even Park Min Young agrees with me.

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@ Movy and sasgrace

I better voice out my opinion since the two of u are discussing Yhee's character. At first, I was a bit annoyed and begun to dislike her character and wanted to drop SKKS. But who's gonna be lost if I did drop the drama? Of course, mine. But a good friend of mine gave me an advised to watch the 15 and 16 coz MJS did shine the most in those 2 eps and she was absolutely right and I begun to realize something. I'm happy that Yhee and MJS didn't end up together. MJS deserves better and I dont think Yhee can give him that. I'm not saying that she is not suited for him, but we all know that she's in love with LSJ and MJS doesn't need to share anything. He needs a 101% love solely his alone. I hope by the end of SKKS they will give us some preview about his young bride.

PS. @sasgrace I thought I'm the only one giving u a thumb's up when u always get thumb's down. But after 15 and 16 I never went to SKKS thread.


@tinysubl What do u think about the headers?





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Guest tinysunbl

Well~ Even I have NOT been able get ahold of the movie!!!

@dahheeKEEM*: when our boss Rxgoodleaf says that she has NOT got hold of the movie, it means for sure that this movie DOES NOT exist in the cyberspace lol! I still have a tiny hope that some avid fan will get hold of the CD and upload it. Till that day we just have to wait, patiently. I was intrigued by the premise of the movie, but the unhappy issues revolving around it really spoiled it for me. I may just want to watch it to complete my fangirl's life.

@1crazynyt: YOUR BANNERS=LOVE. Lovin' the dark concept. lol@the sec header^^ You know me too well and I'm all blushed. Is there a day that I come to soompi without having my heart wrecked into pieces by pics like those?

I'm having a HUGE crush on Heuk San in Chil-woo right now. Love Heuk San even more than Jae-shin. Listening to his theme now on the OST. Sexy music for a sexy man....

I found a clip of Ah In's commercialon Nates. My Korean is getting better cuz of him lol.

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Also, SKKS with only two episodes to go, Jae Shin was wounded. The viewers responded "Is Gurl Oh being killed off?" "No way! Can't happen!" "If Gurl Oh is killed, I am going to do something (protest)!" "Please do not do this when it's almost at the end!".

If they kill off Gurl Oh, believe me, KBS will have people picketing and protesting in front of the broadcasting station!


Sorry! (breathing at the same time trying stop laugh xDD)

Oh Yes, I think same too xD

Well, at first of all, my english sucks, so I'm So sorry if nobody understand me :tears: (snif!)

Every day, when I enter to soompi (to search and read anything of SungKyunKwan Scandal, of course :lol: ), always enter too here (and I laugh a lot and blushing -or worse-)

I notice to the site of Yoo Ah In. I visited too ^^ But wordpress hate me and not let me post the pics (Q___Q)

@miraschinn and @1crazynyt, yours headers is sooooo cooool and pretty!!! Wow!! O__O ;)

So, mine I post here ^^






I hope you enjoy blush.gif

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Guest aycel02

just finished reading javabeans recap of Strongest Chil Woo, so that i know which episodes Ah In appeared in :P i'm so looking forward to watching it

Is heuk san's father in Chil-woo; yoon hee's dad in SKK? kinda look like him


and also when he was masked in that, totally HBS!



yoo ah in :wub:


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Guest tinysunbl

] heuksan.jpg

Awww my current love Heuk San! Thanks for sharing the pics. As much as I love the emo Huek San and kind of wish for a more epic ending for him, I love his smile in the above cap. That's probably the first time Heuk San ever smiles the entire show. I may rewatch Chil-woo after SKKS. I'll watch entire ep. 1 just for a brief 2 sec appearance of Heuk San.

Aylam, 1crazynyt, miraschinn, Asha, and f0reveralways, I said this a billions of times in my PM already, but just want to reiterate that your works are much appreciated. Last night I went through this entire HOT thread again and was, again, amazed by the dedication and talents of many fans here. You're all so inspiring! (Okay excuse me when I roll into a cheese ball :) ) Here is a list of fan-arts I've so far compiled. I'll collect gifs and icons over the weekends. If you have anything you'd like to share, just let me know.

asth has volunteered to keep a twitter updates for all Ah In news. If you use twitter you can follow here. There is a F Yeah Yoo Ah In (Google it, cuz soompi doesn't let me post the link ahaha) on Tumblr, now we have a Yoo Ah In twitter. Yay!

Now off to listen to Heuk San theme (OST 9) again. Loving it~

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

From SKKS episode 17...


Gurl Oh watching Yoon Hee talking with Sun Joon...

The "썩소" (bitter sweet smile)...


News article from 10/28/10...



처음 유아인이 걸오 문재신 역에 캐스팅 되었다는 소식을 접했을 때, 원작 소설 속의 거칠고 강한 이미지를 기대했던 사람들은 물음표를 띄웠다. 기골이 장대하고 걸출한 사람이라야 어울릴 것 같은 문재신과 맑은 얼굴과 귀여운 눈웃음으로 기억되는 배우 유아인은 문재신을 떠올리기엔 상반된 느낌이 강했던 것.

When the news of Yoo Ah In being casted in the role of Gurl Oh Moon Jae Shin broke at first, people expecting the rough and strong image as in the novel put question mark. The role of Moon Jae Shin would be more suitable for someone who stood out as strong willed and straight where as Yoo An In conjured up innocent face and cute smile, a conflicting image.

그러나 첫 회 방송에서 유아인은 대중의 걱정을 깔끔하게 배신하며 걸오 문재신 역으로는 다른 누구도 상상할 수 없을 정도의 완벽한 모습을 보여 주었다. 분명 대중이 상상했던 원작 속 재신과는 차이가 있었지만, 기대와 현실의 간극을 자신이 가진 매력으로 꼼꼼히 채우며 새로운 재신을 만들어 내면서, 사람들은 유아인이 만들어 낸 ‘유아인식 걸오’에 흠뻑 빠져들고 말았다.

However, in the first episode Yoo Ah In completely overturned public concern by portraying Gurl Oh Moon Jae Shin flawlessly as no other can. Of course there was slight difference from original Jae Shin from the novel, but Yoo Ah In filled the gap between expectation and reality with his special kind of appeal and created new Jae Shin. People fell in love with "Yoo Ah In's Gurl Oh".

<성균관 스캔들>의 재신 역에 대해서 유아인은 “지금의 나를 가장 잘 나타낼 수 있는 역할을 만난 것 같았다. 내가 가진 여러 가지 모습들 중 하나를 홍벽서의 목소리를 빌어 표현할 수 있어서, 문재신으로, 홍벽서로 지냈던 지난 몇 개월은 더 없이 행복했다”고 웃으며 전했다.

Of Jae Shin, Yoo Ah In said "I feel that I was given a role where I can shine as current me. Because I was able to show part of me through Hong Byuk Suh and Moon Jae Shin, last few months have been heaven for me".

이어 “새로운 연기를 할 때 배역을 ‘고르는’ 것이 아니라 ‘만나는 것’이라고 생각한다. 내 몸에 맞는 옷을 고르듯 스스로 이해할 수 있는 캐릭터에 나를 투영시키는 것이 가장 솔직하고 정확하게 소화하는 방법이라고 믿는다. 끊임없이 현실에 문제를 제기하며, 자신에게 맞지 않는 옷이 욕심이 난다면 찢고 꿰매고 새로 묶어 꼭 맞는 역할로 만들어 가는 배우가 되고 싶다”고 전했다.

"When you start a new acting role, I think you don't choose the role but you meet the role. Like choosing your own clothes, I believe that you need to understand the character before you can project the character in honesty and correctly. Continuously throwing questions at reality, if you covet something that does not fit, you rip it, stich it or retie it to fit you. I want to be that kind of actor."

Ah~ Spoken like Ah In I know...

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Guest Asha Summer

I can't believe it's just 2 episode left for our Gul Oh...Sure gonna missed our MJS! I'm sorry to say this, but @ SKKS, for me, there are no 1st or 2nd LEAD..., i just saw MOON JAE SHIN in every episodes! (I'm truely deeply bias MJS fan). Yoo Ah In's portrayal of MJS is just awesome. He makes him so ALIVE..you can feel him in every episodes ...the pain...the sadness... the kindness...the love.

I'm sad, it's ending. I'm (still) hoping for Season 2...and i'll continue waiting. I also heard that the ending will be an open-ended one. Honestly, I'm cool with that! love it actually :wub: ...another MAYBE... A word pointing at open doors and wide horizons...Maybe...

I won't be able to be here for the whole weekends and during the Halloween, I won't be able to see the live SKKS ending...so guys, happy spazzing! Don't cry too much ok? We still have this thread even after the SKKS ends...and we have the YOOAHIN HAVEN too! :wub:

ADVANCE HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! :ph34r: HBS halloween custume will be great right? hehehhe...in every ocassion..YAI aka MJS aka HBS will always be a part of me! Not a fan girl much eh?

Just sharing my small tribute to our resident WILD HORSE...(1crazynyt, i used the pictures you posted last time, hope you don't mind...)

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@ tinysunbl, what_life & movall

So glad you like the new YAI profile pic! :D Tinysunbl, the one I originally coloured was full-sized (not cropped down for DramaWiki), using the original B&W version. If you want it for the photos section of your awesome Ah In blog, let me know and I'll post it up! It's looking great, by the way; I have it happily bookmarked. XD I'm really amazed at the creativity in this thread! The banners are so pretty.

i've prepared myself for getting over the end of SKKS by 'acquiring' his 2 older movies, and will have to watch Antique Bakery again..



Wow, I wasn't here for a couple of days and missed the honoured visit of Soomp! :P This (and all the new articles about him flooding out) makes me so happy because his popularity's clearly growing! I hope Ah In gets a bit of rest after SKKS ends and then picks a new project that will promote his image even further.

Speaking of growing popularity, Ah In's been topping the artist search engines at Nate and Daum for the last 2 weeks or so. He's consistently in the top 3-4.


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Guest tinysunbl

hey everyone, this is a compilation of Sharp 1 summaries/recaps of Ah In's scenes by RxGoodleaf. Perfect midnight snack to munch on before sleeping.

@hanjae: welcome back! I'd love to collect all the pics, so feel free to share!

So happy his name is rising in popularity. I myself visit Nate and search for him several times a day (with the excuse of practicing Hangul typing) LOL.

Night all. I'm off to get my beauty sleep.


Thanks Salasala for the art-works. I added them under the fanarts section. The wallpaper is now on my desktop hahaha.

Folks at DCInside posted a link to promote our site. Isn't it awesome? Whoever did that rocks!


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Guest salasala

Since the finale of SKKS is coming soon, I thought I'd post here. I first watched YAI in Antique Bakery, but after SKKS, I have become a big fan. He is an amazing actor and I hope he gets a lead role in a drama soon, where he will finally get the girl! :D

@tinysunbl I wanted to contribute to the blog (which is awesome btw), so I made a wallpaper + some icons:

yaie.th.jpg(Click to enlarge)


Thank you Rxgoodleaf, for translating articles, tweets etc. :)

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Here's the full-sized version, tinysunbl:


And LOL I do the exact same thing you do! I kind of... sit there throwing his name into the search engine and poking at his profile page in the hopes that it'll go back up to #1 XD It's been a few days since it has been though, oh well.

Wow, I wonder who posted the YAI blog link at DC! I guess some Korean fans really do watch Soompi too :D Kind of like how I blindly browse through DC without really knowing what anything says, haha.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

From SKKS episode 18...

Gurl Oh forever watching out for Yoon Hee...


늦었다 잠 않자고 책만보면 키않큰다

It's late. If you don't sleep and keep reading, you won't grow.


Gurl Oh giving Sun Joon an advice...


사람들이 비겁해 지는건 지키고 싶은 누근가 있기 때문이다

The reason people become cowardly is because they want to protect someone.


김윤식 너한테 그런사람 않이었나?

Isn't Kim Yoon Shik that kind of person for you?

Gosh... only two more episodes to go... it's ending too soon!

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Guest tinysunbl

From SKKS episode 18...

Gurl Oh forever watching out for Yoon Hee...

%7Boption%7D b4gw1e.gif

Gurl Oh giving Sun Joon an advice...

%7Boption%7D 34rhovl.gif

The reason people become cowardly is because they want to protect someone.

%7Boption%7D 2nbwu2o.gif

Gosh... only two more episodes to go... it's ending too soon!

Thank you for the gifs. I specifically avoid jae-shin's scenes ep. 17 and 18 because I want to watch all 4 last eps. in a row, but can't resist peaking at all the spoiler gifs lol.

In the second last (gif) scene, I wonder when JS says "The reason people become cowardly is because they want to protect someone," he specifically thinks of his father. The reason his dad plays along with SJ's dad is to protect him. Jae-shin must know this very well although he's always cold and angry with his dad.

I came across this manga artist site today. She's a fan of Jae-shin, so she made tons of comics, stories and wallpapers. They're in Japanese but quite amusing to look at, esp. the comics (and you can read the gist of it with google translate). So here is the link to her YT channel (which contains the links to the comics).

@hanjae: Thanks for the pic. It's from 2009 the Face shoot isn't it? I have seen many versions of this pic but yours has the best quality.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

It's been a while since I softsubbed anything...

Can't even remember the last time!

So, excuse the less than perfect timing... slightly out of sync in few places...

Anyhow, here is Entertainment Relay (10/23/2010) SKKS section only... approx 6 minutes total...

.avi file (approx 65mb) and .srt file in zipped folder... uploaded to Mega Upload on 10/30/2010...

Click on the cap for the download link...


If you are going to hardsub, you are welcome to use my subtitle... as long as you credit Soompi (not necessarily me)...

As to watching with softsubbed subtitle? I am not sure what software ppl are using anymore, so please ask someone else...

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Guest tinysunbl

@Rxgoodleaf: You can watch clip with softsub with VLC media player (right click on clip->video->subtitle track). Thanks so much for the sub. I'm off to watch now.

Everyone remembers the Jae Shin Comics that I mentioned yesterday. The artist who makes the comics has allowed me to share the link with everyone. The manga-style caps of Jae shin is beyond cute. Click on the pics to go read:



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Been getting 'temporarily unavailable' messages for that Entertainment Relay. Is anyone experiencing the same thing? Cos I've tried it a few times since this morning.

With regards to Moon Jaeshin's ending in SKKS, I doubt they're gonna kill him off. I mean that would be a HUGE left turn from the original novel. The drama version has had some differences from the novel, but I don't think they're gonna go that far. To be honest, the last few episodes of SKKS has lost it for me, which is really disappointing cos I was like one of the uber crazy SKKS fans. But now I'm watching the drama just for Gu Yongha and Moon Jaeshin and hoping for a better ending than these last couple of weeks' eps.

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