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Guest Rxgoodleaf

I've been wanting to redo Heuk San gif for the longest time...

Finally got around to it...

Ah In as 흑산 (Heuk San) in 최강칠우 (Choi Kang Chil Woo) 2008...


He looked so young and innocent looking then... so different from rough and tough 걸오 (Gurl Oh)!

From CKCW episode 6...

The best Heuk San moment in my book!


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Guest jenjnyjen

I want more exposure for him; for his talent and ability though. I want him to be awarded. I also hope that he won't be disturbed as I've read the past interviews saying that he could not adapt well in the chaotic idol world. Yes his look is very fine, so it's easy to associate him with the pretty/beast idol image. But, he's far more mature than his age group and I think calling him with such names won't flatter him. Also, with the bubblegum popularity, it's hard to imagine Yoo Ah-In, who lives independently since 17, gets his privacy intruded. Especially with the adventurous lifestyle he has, I bet there are gonna be a lot of people ready to watch and comment on him negatively. He often states being uncomfortable, because he's unable to express his free, deep, dark and critical self. The personality that contrasts many people's expectations.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Uhm Hong Shik aka Yoo Ah In-sshi. Wishing you a good life with health, successful career, love, and any other factors to fulfill your equilibrium. The Sungkyunkwan Scandal has been great for me and I hope you enjoy working on it as much as your fans do. Thank you for the top-notch performance and I hope to see more of you with other exciting projects after the drama ends.

p/s: Sorry guys, I might sound too serious? Anyway, I'm new here, my name is Jennifer. I know from SKKS, but I've predicted that he has s a reserved personality. Then I found this thread and many other articles, which convinces me even more (I read from the first to last page since the afternoon hahahaha). Nice to meet you all, hehe :)

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

I love moments like this!

From SKKS episode 11...

Yoon Hee and Gurl Oh discussing Yoon Hee's father...



저희 아버진 정말 어떻분 이셨을까요?


What was my father really like?

멀 물어봐 당현이 좋은분 이었을거다

부전자전 몰라?

JS aka GO:

Why do you (even need to) ask?

Of course, he was a good person.

Father like son, don't you know?

Talk about chivalry!

Cho Sun equivalent of tying the shoes... awwwww....

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Guest icedevil0289

p/s: Sorry guys, I might sound too serious? Anyway, I'm new here, my name is Jennifer. I know from SKKS, but I've predicted that he has s a reserved personality. Then I found this thread and many other articles, which convinces me even more (I read from the first to last page since the afternoon hahahaha). Nice to meet you all, hehe :)

No need to apologize. I like your analysis on his character. I think that's one the reasons I really like him, besides the fact that I believe he is talented. He is actually an intriguing person and I've read like one or two of his poems and some of his tweets, and he is a deep thinker. As you said before he is quite uncomfortable with the idol life and doesn't like comforming the ways of an idol. I think before skks, he was able to sort of stay in that comfort zone of his so to speak, but now it might be a bit more difficult. Most of his movies were indepedent and the dramas he did were not to so well known so while he did get exposure, it wasn't like anything big. Skks is a mainstream drama packed with alot of popular people and his popularity has increased tremendously. Not saying he wasn't popular before, but I think he is even a lot more popular and with more exposure, I think comes a price where you are unable to be yourself because more attention is on you.

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@sheil omg he was soo cute in sharp 1 and so was go ara. Wow her ears. lol ,but not she was a cutie as well. If he was in my highschool, I totally would have had the biggest crush on him. do you know where I could find subbed episodes of sharp 1. I have found ones of sharp 2, but not of the first season.

unfortunately,, i cant find it either..for years now...T^T

sorry, i cant help..

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

I have been a fan of Ah In since 2008 (actually since watching CKCW).

Watched all of his dramas, movies and TV shows.

Read most of the articles about him.

Read his postings in his mini hompie.

I posted like crazy in the beginning of this thread as you can see.

Took over the thread eventually. :)

So to help some newcomers here, let me sum up Yoo Ah In as I know him.

He is mature beyond his years. Perhaps because he lived on his own since 17.

He wants to be known as an “actor” rather than an “idol” because

he already experienced the “flash In The Pan” fame (after BOL).

He chooses his projects very carefully because he does not want to be type-casted.

That’s probably why his list of work is rather short.

He is very outspoken which got him into trouble (the “Sky And Ocean” movie fiasco).

He is also very adventurous. There was a picture of him in a “supposedly” gay bar which

started a rumor that he is gay. I think the rumor is still floating around. But what good

looking actor has NOT been rumored to be gay? Not that it matters to me.

He is very talented (as an actor of course, but that goes without saying).

He was in a famous art school when he was street-casted to be on BOL.

There is a picture of UJH that he drew while taping MWCGM.

Writes dark but beautiful poems (if you understand Korean, you should really check

out his mini hompie). He wrote a beautiful love poem on YSMM on the spot!

I don’t know him personally and I have no desire to.

I believe that as a fan you should admire the actors for their talent and respect their privacy.

I don’t usually write this long of a post but since a lot of you have been sending me notes asking

for previous postings that were edited out, I have to tell you, most of them are LOST when my hardrive crashed. It’s not that I don’t want to share, I don’t have them to share…..

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

One more before I turn in...

From SKKS episode 12...

Gentleman Gurl Oh vs Sweaty Gurl Oh... ;)


The moment Gurl Oh realized that he was in love with Yoon Hee...

Sweet dreams everyone!

It's 6 minutes to Ah In's B-day (US Pacific Time)...

Happy Birthday!

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Guest akira_power_enter


Here u go! Uri Yoo Ah In's tweeter. If u can understand Hanguk, plz translate 4 us :wub:

And YEAHHHH i promised to bring cake. Happy Birthday once again Uhm Hong Sik shi~!!!


I like his real name too but Yoo Ah in sounds very unique and it somehow suits him well :wub:

@Rxgoodleaf: i love reading your comments about Ah In. It makes me want to know more about his past, his personality. All i know is that he didnt get used to the idol's life and tHat's why he drank and smoke alot. I wonder how hard it was for him back then. :unsure: Living so soon on his own, getting to know a life which not what he's imagined. And i agree with him being adventurous, i can tell just by looking at his photo. I think he is the type of person who wants to try everything out.

And i also love the fact that he wrote poems. hehe (im not a fan of poems myself but still..) When u guys say Ah In's mini homepi, is that his cyworld account?? could sumone repost the link plz? And im urging to watch AH In in YSMM; i cant find it on youtube tho. I'd really appreciate if u guys can help me find it. Thanks so much in advance :wub:

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Guest jenjnyjen

twitter: @seeksik

He doesn't use it much though. I guess he's not a chatty type. But his tweets are interesting and well thought.

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My bags are already packed including my laptop but I can't let this day pass without greeting you on your special day. This day has been sooooo significant for me, I am going home for a month vacation after a year of hardwork overseas aside from that, what makes me more excited is the thought that a better year for you has come on your big day.

We all wish that all your hardwork and patience will pay off.. Just hang in there and the right time for you is almost here. We will always support you and saranghaeyo!!!


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Guest akluvka

At my place now, it still be 6th of October. So ...


All my love now are for you. Wish you the best lucks in your life and your career!.

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Guest what_life

the girl who!, thank u for such cute pics!! he looks adorable in sageuk garb n party hat. i love his smile the most. my baby's growing up to be such a fine mysterious black ninja w/ the cutest smile.

Rxgoodleaf, thank u for the summary. i'm totally on board with you. i'm content w/ observing his achievements as an actor and have no desire to over analyze and judge his personal life. though, don't mind knowing yoo ah in the person either. :P like what some people were saying in this forum, i do hope that he can cope w/ the new explosion of fame, stay true to himself and continue to choose his projects carefully so that he can grow to be a well-rounded actor (and person). it doesn't hurt that he has become super hot and sexy and manly and fine and drool-worthy and cute and cuddly and did i mention HOT?? and.. shall i continue on? where was i? oh yea.. but my initial admiration comes from his acting so i hope he continues to wow me (us) in that aspect. btw, ur Heuksan gif :wub:

sigh... i really wish i could watch SKKS ep 11 & 12 w/ eng sub. i need my Georo/Moon Jae Shin fix!! i've been restraining myself from taking a peek at the vids until the subs are complete. :tears: oh, i found April Kiss, a 2004 drama, on youtube (unfortunately, it's japanese subbed). Yoo ah in played the younger version of the main lead and he looks so young! i can't believe he already lived on his own by then. Here's the link for those interested:

April Kiss Ep 1 part 1


1crazynyt, you're killing me w/ those gifs

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Guest akira_power_enter

@the girl who!: thanks 4 sharing :X I can see some Geoloh's and Yeorim's bromance here :wub:

@what_life: thank uuuuuu! i ended up watching the whole first episode of April Kiss. Ah In looked so young and cute. His character in this drama is ..somehow similar to Jaeshin in SKKS. I dont know if he gets the girl in the end or not but from what i've seen is that the girl loves the other guy more and Ah In is like a friend or a older brother.... well... :tears:

Im gonna pray hard from today on coz i really want to see YOO AH IN shine as a main lead (and plz PD-nim, let him get the girl :wub: )

@1crazynyt: Thanks for these wonderful gifs <3 they are my fav scenes in epi 11 and 12.

1.gif: i luv the moment when YS turns his head to look at JS, but he looks away then smiles.. awwwww. He is a shy Geoloh blush.gif

2.gif: "Mi chi num" =))) i dont know if he was talking about Yongha or about himself (for liking Yoonshik) maybe both :phew:

3.gif: he was playing but his mind is sumwhere else.....

4.gif: this must be the best moment of Jaeshin in epi 12... he realized that he has feelings for Yoonhee T______T (why couldnt it be Yongha??? whyyyy?) I want a happy ending 4 mah Jaeshin huhuhuhuhuhu

------- edited --------

i ended up backtracking AH In's thread again, and i must say a HUGE THANKS to Rxgoodleaf. :wub: u know why rite? ;)

And now im FINALLY understand his stage name. I always though, why YOO AH IN??

i have no idea that this is the reason

Yoo Ah In is stage name. Ah In is from "ein" in German meaning "one".

OMG i almost fainted as i read this line. I mean i lived in Germany for more then 8 years now. And im so suprised to know this. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i wonder why he thought of that. Does he know German? ahhhhh im so excited, i think i cant sleep blush.gif thank u Rxgoodleaf for translating, without u i can never get to know about the meaning of his stage name :X:X:X:X thanksssssss :wub:

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Every time I hear this song it reminds me of him.. Suited him perfectly. That's why I cant get over the song.

Oh his eyes, his eyes

Make the stars look like they're not shining

His hair, his hair

Falls perfectly without him trying

His nails, his nails

I could kiss them all day if he'd let me

His laugh, his laugh

its so sexy

He's so beautiful

When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change

Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile,

The whole world stops and stares for awhile

Cause boy you're amazing

Just the way you are.

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