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[drama 2008] Cruel Temptation / Temptation Of Wife 아내의 유혹

Guest huangsy

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

Ae Ri's son did do a DNA test, and the results were in Ae Ri's favor. I wouldn't be surprised if she changed that richard simmons too though.

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Ae Ri's son did do a DNA test, and the results were in Ae Ri's favor. I wouldn't be surprised if she changed that richard simmons too though.

What! :o

I think she changed it or got the DNA of his real father whom I think is Eun Jae's brother! :ph34r:

I hope something happens to the little boy and the find out that his blood type doesn't match (like AB -vs- O)

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

It was in a very short scene, where some guy brings the papers to Eun Jae's former father-in-law. I think episode 29 or 28? Can't wait for Jang Seo Hee to do some of her infamous screaming in today's episode! *sigh* Brings back memories of Miss Mermaid!

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

OMFGSH. EPISODE 32 IS FREAKING OFF THE CHAIN. JANG SEO HEE DELIVERED another ferocious performance. THE QUEEN is back b*tches!!! There are so many dumb k-actresses out there who try to act like a richard simmons and try to be evil, but they do not hold a candle next to Jang Seo HEE!! It's time for payback, and it's time to watch the other characters suffer underneath the hands of Eun Jae and wish they had never seen the light of day. She rocks my world.

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Guest pinkwave


She is cute but the spot on her nose is quite distracting. Proberly because, well, it looks like a spot. :phew:

Hahaha!! The "spot thingy" that you've mentioned was totally funny..haha....

I read on an article that the the ratings was 21.9 something from 19.6....and it was the 3rd highest program since monday...too bad i was not able to watch these past few days...can't wait for my break!!! Im so excited to see Jang Seo Hee's superb acting!!! This drama is way too interesting...heehee...

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Guest pinkwave

I can't really do summaries or subtitles, but if you guys have ANY questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them for you.

--The dad was going to give all the inheritance to Eun Jae's baby and not to his son. Everything would be in Eun Jae's bab's name.

--The dad thought Eun Jae was trying to steal the land that he gave the mentally challenged aunt, but it was Ae Ri and Eun Jae's husband (or as I like to call them Boris and Natasha) that changed to papers to Eun Jae's name.

--The mom found out that the Eun Jae's future boy toy was in contact with his crazy sister, and didn't tell the mom about it. Up until then, the mom blamed herself.


thank you very much...since i've been watching without subtitles so i never knew what was going on, i just depended on their actions..hahaha...

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Guest Aquajoh1986

Just want 2 confirm... did EJ lose the baby because of the rough current.... finally got 2 see episode 31 today. What did the guy that saved EJ say 2 his mother? Does he have to move away from the mother? I wonder what reason did she give because personally, I think she uses emotional blackmail to get him 2 do things such as marry someone he really didnt want 2 marry etc. I dont know if I like he character... what is her deal?

uhm.... what revelation did the father-in-law hear from the conversation between the mother and that cheating husband that he literally fell 2 his knees. I wonder if it explains about the mischief the pulled 2 cause the father-in-law 2 turned against EJ?

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

--Eun Jae lost the baby because she swallowed too much sea water when she was drowning and the baby wasn't able to breathe properly.

--Eun Jae's boytoy orderd his doctor friend to extract the fetus from her body without her permission and that's why she goes batsh*t psycho on him.

--Eun Jae's boytoy wants his mother to keep him as a son even though he feels bad about So Hee. His parents threw him away as a child, and he feels like he's being thrown away again.

--So Hee's mom takes Eun Jae's boytoy out of her inheritance and she takes him out of the family name.

--So Hee's mother is a fantastic actress and she plays similarly complex roles in "Lotus Flower Fairy" and "Women of the Sun." She puts up a ice cold facade in order to mask her real feelings towards her children, because she doesn't know how else to cope.

--So Hee's mom also put out an application of a new intern for her makeup company, which is a obvious red herring to Eun Jae's joining the company and becoming successful soon, since she made her own natural makeup when living in the hellhole of a household.

--Concerning the revelation, the father-in-law found out that Boris, his idiot mom, and Natasha forged the property papers for the father-in-law's sister into Eun Jae's name. He feels guilty because he didn't believe Eun Jae when she told him she had no idea why her name was on the property contract. Boris & Natasha schemed that plan so that the father-in-law would turn his back from Eun Jae completely and would proceed with a divorce.

--Regarding Eun Jae's character in episode 32, she is pissed off beyond reasoning. She was about to jump off a bridge to commit suicide, but her inner Ah Ri Young from "Miss Mermaid" told her that this was a revenge drama, and that she needed to make the viewers happy. So Eun Jae started screaming "I'M GOING TO LIVE" over and over and over again, and she's working and living at the hospital as her secret base. But later, she will strike back and nuke the living daylights out of Boris and Natasha and all of their retarded family members!

thank you very much...since i've been watching without subtitles so i never knew what was going on, i just depended on their actions..hahaha... Thank u.... i now know what direction the drama is a least going eith EJ becoming successful and more than likely competing w/ Ari's business.

No problems guys! Ask away with any questions you have, I more than happy to answer.

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Guest Aquajoh1986

Thank u.... i now know what direction the drama is a least going eith EJ becoming successful and more than likely competing w/ Ari's business. That was harsh of So Hee mother 2 just 'throw away' her son like that. I dont know if I want him to get some revenge as well. I mean that was just so cruel, the woman has to recognize that So Hee was obsessed and she went about solving the problem the wrong way. I blame her.....

regarding the actress of So Hee mother... i really like her especially in As High as Heaven and Earth and in You Are My Destiny.

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I wonder how long the father-in-law will live.... in the last few episodes, he kept on holding the back of his head... I wonder if the PD will give him a stroke and either make him die or be paralyzed and the evil couple takes over the company and the inheritance :tongue2:

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Do we have any idea what the relationship between wimpy Boris's father with EJ's boytoy's adopted mother yet? And is gomonim their daughter instead of his sister? It would serve the idiot mom of Boris right ... her husband having an illegitimate child and disguising her as his sister and keeping her in the house and hopefully eventually ditching her for boytoy's mom. She encouraged her son doing that ... so we'll see how she enjoy being in EJ's position. It would be funny how parallel both father & son's lives are ... even more so with both women being successful in the same industry at that.

Actually I kind of kind understand So Hee's mom ... SH is after all her birth daughter and it's natural that she's suspicious and blames boytoy for things getting so out of hand ... he must be an idiot if he didn't sense anything untoward in the way the adopted sister clings to him and discourage her earlier. She look like she want to jump him any chance she gets ... anyway, it's freaky how touchy (physically) they are even for siblings considering he's adopted. Ok ... that makes the mom a real idiot too for not noticing anything either. I think walking in to his office & finding him in a hug with the daughter certainly doesn't help his case.

SH reminds me of Choi Ji Woo when I first saw her ... and doesn't Ko So Young have a similar spot on her nose too? So she looks like a cross between the 2 to me.

Anyway, most of the characters in this drama are all so extreme ... seems to be the trend in kdramas these days. And doesn't it make one think twice about adopting or taking in someone's child ...

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

There hasn't been any information about Eun Jae's father-in-law and boytoy's mom besides some mysterious looking photo. If I pick up any semblance of a hint, I'll make sure to bring it up here. However, your theory seems extremely interesting! Hopefully, the actual secret will be just as interesting.

I just want Eun Jae to slap Boris' mom once. JUST ONE HEARTY SLAP.

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I read on an article that the the ratings was 21.9 something from 19.6....and it was the 3rd highest program since monday

Looks like more and more people are starting to watch this drama!

Ratings about 20% are great!

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Guest pinkwave

There hasn't been any information about Eun Jae's father-in-law and boytoy's mom besides some mysterious looking photo. If I pick up any semblance of a hint, I'll make sure to bring it up here. However, your theory seems extremely interesting! Hopefully, the actual secret will be just as interesting.

I just want Eun Jae to slap Boris' mom once. JUST ONE HEARTY SLAP.

Yeah!! One hearty "miss mermaid" slap for Boris' mom and aeri, the b**ch...heehee...BTW, why use boris and Natasha?? but yeah, kinda match the 2... heehee...

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

LOL, Boris and Natasha are failures of villains. They are ineffective and losers, and that's why I would never, ever call Ae Ri and Eun Jae's ex-husband true villains. They are just pathetic, worthless individuals (like Boris and Natasha) who got lucky by the grace of God in messing with Jang Seo Hee. There's almost a comedy to watching them torment Eun Jae, because they don't realize how deluded and idiotic they are in WHOM they're messing with. Normally, I would HATE Ae Ri's character, because she's so awful. And if she was messing with any other actress besides Jang Seo Hee, I would think she was truly horrendous, but because her rival is THE MISS MERMAID, you can't do anything but pity her soon-to-come destroyed future.

The only other character I can think of that could match Jang Seo Hee's special brand of "evilness" (heh) is maybe Kim So Yeon's character in "All About Eve."

It's also going to fun later watching Ae Ri and Boris' idiot mom duke it out further. It's a win win situation for the viewers, because we don't need to root for a side, and we can just watch these two b*tches claw at each other.

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Guest thesweetestkrn

i just got done watching eps 18-33

yes .. i watch them back to back

i started this drama a few weeks ago out of bordem

i was watching with my mom, and i found the story plot very interesting

so i kept on watching .. man its very addicting

a new story line for once .. but the whole drowning/suicide thing is so over rated

anyways ... i hope that eunjae gets her revenge

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haa hhaa :lol: !! i loved how at the end of ep. 33 AR brought her son (dont know his name) and announced to GB's mom's friends that this little boy is their son, that they're getting married / engaged (something along those lines).. and her friends couldnt believe it.. then the aunt (i luv this woman) came and yelled at AR and tried beating her up! she said something about EJ? (i think).. :D the friends were outraged!!

-did the aunt say EJ died?

-were the friends in disbelief that GB was marrying another so soon after EJ?

-i know they couldnt believe they couldnt believe that GB had a son out of wedlock...

but their expressions and GB's mom's was priceless! ;)

~can someone translate the end of the scene from today's (ep.33) episode?

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That was one crazy first two episodes of the week... I still have to watch last night's episode tonight... It was really intense... I can really feel EJ's hate and all those mixed feelings... Can't wait for the start of her revenge.. KB will now be haunted by EJ's "ghost"... good for him... his guilty feeling (even without conscience) will follow him wherever whenever... AR thinks that she has KB all to herself now and that she'll live happily... Huh, she doesn't know what awaits her in the near future... I can feel that there is going to be a jump in the years... Can't wait for the more successful and stronger EJ's return...

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

What happened was that Natasha blackmailed Boris' idiot mom. Boris' idiot mom was suppose to go to Eun Jae's parents to give them tons of money from the father, but Natasha told her to keep the money and that she would keep it a secret only if Boris' idiot mom accepted her as daughter-in-law. The scene with the two friends put Natasha in the power position and she came to announce her marriage to them, and Boris' idiot mom couldn't say anything because she kept the money that was for Eun Jae's family. Basically, the friends said they couldn't hang around someone who would let their husband cheat, divorce his wife, and drive the daughter-in-law to suicide.

They're really making Eun Jae work for her revenge aren't they? The scene today where she had to give away her shoes was ridiculous. But, I'm glad she's working for herself and didn't accept her boytoy's presents. Too many K-drama heroines accept help from a man too easily, but Jang Seo Hee is of course on a different level~

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