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[drama 2008] Cruel Temptation / Temptation Of Wife 아내의 유혹

Guest huangsy

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

and the gist of her rant: how am i supposed to meet my parents in heaven again, having done so much wrong, with nothing to show them? it

Oh no. That's not what she said. She's much more of a c*nt than that remember? She actually said, "I'M GOING TO BEAT MY DEAD PARENTS IN BEING ALIVE. THEY CAN'T COMPETE WITH ME. WHY SHOULD I DIE!? I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG." Yes. She is crazy.

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Guest mekka

This might be a dumb question, but why is EJ brother going to jail for beating up a cheater and an adulterer, why is Aeri not in jail or brought up on charges for assault? This drama really gets under my skin. Everybody wants to beat up on the poor guys but the rich guys scathes away? Rubbish! :rolleyes:

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Guest Greenrose934

Oh no. That's not what she said. She's much more of a c*nt than that remember? She actually said, "I'M GOING TO BEAT MY DEAD PARENTS IN BEING ALIVE. THEY CAN'T COMPETE WITH ME. WHY SHOULD I DIE!? I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG." Yes. She is crazy.

ohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo B):)

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Guest Greenrose934

I want to see SH and AR ,who's the winner B)

Let Boris's family taking back everything ,what Pres Min will be doing ?

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uptill now Aeri still havent learned any lesson or have a tinge of repent for all the bad things she had done. even when she's the one who actually caused her parent's accident, she didnt even wants to admit it ...all along she has been blaming eunjae family for using her insurance money when actually thats not true..imo Aeri is a person who never ever spent even a minute of her life to do some self reflection of what she had done in her life, in her mind its always others who did the bad things towards her ...*gasp* its very tiring to live and deal with this kind of person in reality...i really dont like nino, talk alot and its always garbage, hahah seriouly i feel like spanking him upside down...Gyobin is the most useless creature kdrama ever created in his mind are only 2 things sex and money...its funny how he's trying to win eunjae back now ...gosh gyobin should be sent to the end of the universe and do some soul searching...it seems right now Aeri is experiencing what Eunjae has been thru like being forced to go for an abortion, walking along the river bridge crying in despair, its like a rewinding of the events with a different person hopefully she wont have to go thru of being drown by Gyobin like Eunjae did...the writer really have nothing left in their bag to wrap up this drama, they are recycling previous ideas from the earlier part of the drama....

when can we really see eunjae succeeds...its hopeless tiring to watch Aeri screaming day in day out...why cant she talk without screaming for a minute....really a mental toture watching her like that...

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Guest sunshinek

Today episode was so interesting I loved the scene when GW got drunk and starting drinking some more then kissed SH and tried to take her clothes off saying isn't this what you wanted LOL Then he got another drink LOL he can't even look at or touch SH without drink LOL. But i'm glad the pres. min is reflecting on what she has done to her son's life. But why did EJ call her in the first place i know she was just letting her know whats going on with GW but he left the house and the job already so why does the pres. min need to know what he is doing?

Could anyone tell me what happened at the make-artist contest? I didn't understand what SH and AeRi have planned and what GB overheard. Can anyone tell me what happened?

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LOL WTF?! Now AR blames EJ's family for her family's death?!

Even though you are mentally crazy, you must remember there were only 3 people in the car, with one of them throwing clothes around...

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Guest Greenrose934

This drama ................could be more than 200 episodes because AR still has a lot of ideas not .... coming out yet,and even the same with SH too............

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WTF? Is SH now teaminjg up with AR again?

And AR wins the contest? (what das daesang mean?? winner, right?)

how come she freaking wins the contest with 2 people in the jury who should hate her!!

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WTF? Is SH now teaminjg up with AR again?

And AR wins the contest? (what das daesang mean?? winner, right?)

how come she freaking wins the contest with 2 people in the jury who should hate her!!

She bribed some of the judges on the panel..... hopefully, she will be caught and her title denounced..... :angry:

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I think SH is luring AR to believe that she is helping her to destroy EJ. But in reality, she is using this as an opportunity to get back the money she gave AR.

As to the preview that showed AR was the winner of the contest, I hope it was not true and just AR's imagination/dream.

My goodness, we are down to the last 12 episodes and I wish the writers gave EJ a break.

WTF? Is SH now teaminjg up with AR again?

And AR wins the contest? (what das daesang mean?? winner, right?)

how come she freaking wins the contest with 2 people in the jury who should hate her!!

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Guest normiejean

I figured Soohee would come back also however watching her got on my last nerve. I just couldn't take another crazy batch screaming to the top of her lungs. Doesn't she look and act like Aeri's son? SH is running around like a five year old kid having a temper tantrum and each time you see her you have to say to yourself..... "Why isn't she in a mental institution???"

Although Aeri screams and shouts just as much as SooHee she does not belong in a mental institution she belongs in jail! and Boris the guy who suffers the most from delusions of grandeur (i.e. it's ok to kill your wife and when you find out it didn't work it's also ok to pursue her as if nothing happened and convince yourself that she wants every ounce of your body - yea right! the jerk!) anyway, this guy should be sentence to working 24hrs a day as a pole dancer in a gay bar.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is soooo right, gerryg! I think Borris' outrageous, unremorseful behavior comes from his being spoiled from his equally nonsensical and class-less mother.

What I've always wondered though, is why So Hee staged her death, and that it was at this particular time (Eun-jae's wedding and final realization of her happiness) that she re-appears? Does anyone know why the cards are played that way?

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Guest globo

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is soooo right, gerryg! I think Borris' outrageous, unremorseful behavior comes from his being spoiled from his equally nonsensical and class-less mother.

What I've always wondered though, is why So Hee staged her death, and that it was at this particular time (Eun-jae's wedding and final realization of her happiness) that she re-appears? Does anyone know why the cards are played that way?

cuz its a drama... they write ridiculous scripts to get you hooked (i.e. hyper screaming machine sohee)

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Guest normiejean

wow this whole drama has a bunch of crazies and people i want to kill personally, transcending time and space.

prez. min is sort of pitiful, having no normal daughter--one a crazy richard simmons and one a nicer crazy idiot. except you can't really feel for her because she chose to break eunjae's heart to "save" her daughter, instead of putting her into an asylum where she belongs.

the crazy richard simmons, aka so hee, is not even a real character. she's a shamless insane lady.

the other crazy richard simmons, aka aerie, is also not a real person. she just flares her nostrils and makes her eyes real wide. but she also belongs in the crazy house.

the crazy mother in law is also shameless, screaming at the top of her lungs in every scene even though everything she says is FALSE. and stupid, just like her.

the crazy once husband, son of crazy mother in law, was crazier but has toned down a bit, to give more screen time to the other crazy ladies.

gun woo... oh how far and fast you have fallen. sure, you wanted to "save" your little sister (by marrying her? what kind of sick universe do you live in, man.) but you really should have put her into an asylum. with everyone else in the drama. you are now a spineless a-hole...

and... those are basically the people i have the most issues with. the only really righteous person is eunjae-- and only so recently because she has decided to live for herself, FINALLY, than living for revenge/love/etc. :rolleyes:

can you tell this drama elevates my blood pressure? don't get me wrong, it's all in good fun, but i wish there would be better, more likeable characters. and one last thing that ticks me off is how everytime there's a big step towards the positive, happy ending, there are two steps backwards to prolong misery. like when eunjae gets the better of aerie, aerie gets the better of eunjae and we're back to where we started, if not even more backwards. sheesh <_<

HAHAHAHA! I agree with you, violetish, it is very high blood pressure causing!

I really liked what you said: "the only really righteous person is eunjae--and only so recently because she has decided to live for herself, FINALLY, than living for revenge/love/etc.", because it shows how much growth eunjae has achieved from all of these tribulations and madness. I know its really disappointing though, to a lot of viewers on how Eunjae never really fulfilled her revenge completely for a satisfactory amount of time (as we do believe this is a revenge drama and the plot should flow in this manner), observing how much Eunjae has grown is really a lesson for us; a real life lesson that people looking in from the outside can learn from: revenge, despite how sweet it can be, never really brings about true, long-term happiness. I'm uberly glad that Eunjae finally started living for herself and herself only; that's what you call a Miss Independent; she's risen from the ashes.

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Guest pinkwave

yeah...normiejean is right...i think what is most important is how a person can rise up from the abyss...revenge can be a way for us to get what you think is "right for you" but it really is not...now, im not disappointed that EJ didn't finish her revenge...instead, the writer gave us a lesson about karma and how a mistreated person can be rewarded in the end without the need for revenge... oh well...it is ironic coz based from my previous posts, i was shouting: "ej..kill the b**s" but now....punishment is coming to aeri and sohee "naturally"...and EJ becomes a successful woman...

i guess this drama gave us lessons hidden in scenes which you somehow see as garbage..it really is not garbage at all...

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Guest Greenrose934

Boris's sister 's really lazy , why she pretends to be blind to stay home while only her father working for whole family living ??

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