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[movie 2009] Closer To Heaven 내사랑 내곁에

Guest kdramafanusa

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The hair looked familiar, but I just couldn't pinpoint who it belonged it when I saw the pic. Yoon Jung-Hee! Thanks. :)

Must be a good drama since you are following it. :P I can't start a new drama right now....

Thanks for the updates Shirley. :)

I can't wait to see pics tomorrow.

Hope everything will go well. :)

ke we have a nice small group of people watching the drama together , it is quite fun.^l^you can start it later , it is abt 50 esp^we are more then half way there

i was at Haeundae last year but in spring . .lol maybe i can try to see if i can catch this movie in seoul during autumn if all goes well . i think Dir Park movie normally make it into PIFF , that is where he got recognition for his first movie , which caused a huge stir.

i hope KMM exercise caution on the weight thing . because i used to read about Seoul Kang Gyu , it is very demanding thing to do to your body . Seoul Kang Gyu used to be the most known for his ability to lose and gain weight for his movies but it was like for different movies not in one single movie . .

last year the movie industry wasnt that exciting apart from a few production , i hope this 2009 goes well too!^

PS : i 've ordered my dear enemy and Go Go 70s! yipee^it's been a while of not knowing what to watch for kmovie!

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Guest piano_lady

Reposting from KMM's thread :)


김명민 하지원 '내 사랑 내 곁에', 2월 7일 크랭크 인

KMM, HJW's <My Love By My Side> will start filming on Feburary 7

OSEN | 기사입력 2009.01.30 08:16

[OSEN=조경이 기자] 배우 김명민(37)과 하지원(30)이 주연을 맡은 영화 '내 사랑 내 곁에'가 2월 7일 크랭크인 한다.

KMM and HJW's <My Love By My Side> will start filming on Feburary 7.

영화 '내 사랑 내 곁에'는 30일 박진표 감독과 주연배우를 포함한 스태프들이 자리한 가운데 영화의 대박을 기원하는 고사를 지내고 2월 7일 크랭크 인 할 예정이다.

They will offer a sacrifice ( kind of ceremony to wish) where all the members including Director Park Jin Pyo, main characters, and the staff will wish a big success of the film together on 30th of January and start filming on February 7.

<MLBMS> is a movie about a man suffering Lou Gehrig and a woman loving him devotedly.

KMM is going to act Jong Woo, a patient who is suffering a incuralbe disease but a man of great humor and self-respect. HJW is Ji Soo, a funeral conductor....

'내 사랑 내 곁에'는 루게릭 병에 걸린 남자와 그를 헌신적으로 사랑하는 여자의 러브스토리를 담는다. '너는 내 운명'의 박진표 감독이 4년 만에 선보이는 멜로 영화다.

김명민은 극중에서 난치병 환자이지만 유머러스하고 자존심이 강하며 사랑에도 적극적인 매력남 종우 역을 맡았다. 처절하게 병마와 싸우는 모습을 연기하며 관객들의 심금을 울릴 예정이다.

하지원은 장례지도사라는 직업을 가진 당찬 여자 지수 역을 맡았다. 지수는 천성이 밝고 씩씩한 인물로 종우가 루게릭 병에 걸렸다는 것을 알면서도 모든 것을 감내하고 스스럼 없이 사랑하는 인물이다.

하지원은 극중 캐릭터를 위해서 7년 동안 길렀던 긴 생머리를 단발로 자를 만큼 캐릭터에 몰입하고 있다는 관계자들의 전언이다.

진정성 있는 드라마와 관객의 정서에 직격탄을 날리는 호소력 있는 연출로 유명한 박진표 감독과 탄탄한 연기력을 바탕으로 한 김명민 하지원이 어떤 시너지를 낼지 주목되고 있다. 올 가을 개봉할 예정이다.


And these are the photos taken by a fan by chance.

A lady uploaded these pictures on her blog.

She was eating at the restaurant in Hannam-dong, Seoul, with her friend,

and noticed KMM and HJW eating there too.

How lucky she is!

These pictures were uploaded 1 or 2 days ago... I'm not so sure...

In the first photo a man and a lady in the back are KMM and HJW. The man in black leather jacket is of course KMM, and the girl with short hair is HJW.

In the second photo, the man whose face you can see, eating soup sitting across them, is KMM's manager as you remember.

You can see a little bit of KMM's face!



I wish I could run into him by chance some day!! :rolleyes:

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Guest kdramafanusa

^ Thanks for sharing. :)

i hope KMM exercise caution on the weight thing . because i used to read about Seoul Kang Gyu , it is very demanding thing to do to your body . Seoul Kang Gyu used to be the most known for his ability to lose and gain weight for his movies but it was like for different movies not in one single movie . .

Seeing how KMM got into his previous roles, I think he'll go to the extreme for this film too.

I really hope that it'll be a very well made movie so that it's truly worth his and everyone's effort.

lol maybe i can try to see if i can catch this movie in seoul during autumn if all goes well . i think Dir Park movie normally make it into PIFF , that is where he got recognition for his first movie , which caused a huge stir.

Hope you will get to see it, would love to read your review first.

most of us won't experience it til 2010, so far away. :P

PS : i 've ordered my dear enemy and Go Go 70s! yipee^it's been a while of not knowing what to watch for kmovie!

Oh Shirley, please post your reviews when you get to see them; I tend to like the same stuffs as you do. :)

I read that 'my dear enemy' (sold out at the online stores i buy from) is very good, so were jeon do-yeon + ha jung-woo there.

My local dvd rental store is no longer there...Might take me a while to receive mine.

I'll have to check out family honor; I stopped by the thread to see which episode it's up to now, i love it there. You & Mic in the same thread. :wub: I won't be able to catch up...

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Guest piano_lady

I am posting the google translations now coz somehow they make sense this time :P

'My dear to me' twists and turns, ending keuraengkeuin

2009년 02월 03일 (화) 07:24 스포츠한국 Tuesday, February 3, 2009 07:24 Sports Korea


영화 <내 사랑 내 곁에>가 8일 크랭크인 한다.

Movies <my love by my side,> will be on June 8 keuraengkeuin.

김명민 하지원 주연의 영화 <내 사랑 내 곁에>(감독 박진표ㆍ제작 영화사 집)가 순조롭게 촬영을 준비 중이다.

A movie starring hajiwon gimmyeongmin <my love by my side,> (Director bakjinpyo and studio production house) is ready to shoot well.

<내 사랑 내 곁에>는 최근 김명민 하지원 등 주연배우를 비롯해 제작 관계자들이 모인 가운데 고사를 지내고 크랭크인을 앞두고 있다.

<My love by my side,> and the main actors, including the recent production hajiwon gimmyeongmin officials gathered before the test is doing keuraengkeuin. 이미 미팅을 가지기도 했던 김명민과 하지원은 고사를 지낸 뒤에도 작품에 대한 의견을 나누며 의지를 다졌다.

Prayer meetings have already been gimmyeong after former civil works and hajiwon comment for the test are determined sharing.

<내 사랑 내 곁에>는 권상우가 캐스팅됐다 하차하는 우여곡절을 겪은 터라 제작진은 더욱 세심히 촬영 일정을 챙기고 있다.

<My love by my side,> to get off the twists and turns, Kwon said the cast and crew suffered so that is more prudent to cut shooting schedule.

김명민은 루게릭병에 걸린 환자 역을 소화하기 위해 각종 의학 자료를 공부하는 것은 물론, 체중을 감량하며 영화 준비에 만전을 기하고 있다.

Lou Gehrig's disease took on the role of civil gimmyeong patient to swallow, as well as study materials for the various medical, weight loss, and the movie is being made ready to secure.

<내 사랑 내 곁에>는 루게릭병 환자(김명민)와 장례지도사(하지원)의 지고지순한 사랑을 그릴 예정이다.

<My love by my side,> the Lou Gehrig's disease patients (gimmyeongmin) and funeral jidosa (hajiwon) love of drawing and will be mild.



Gimmyeongmin this time, 'This Lou Gehrig's patients' transformation

2009-02-03 11:12:20 2009-02-03 11:12:20 sb_titleR.gif


배우 김명민이 '강마에' 이미지를 벗고 루게릭 환자로 연기변신 중이라는 소식이 전해지면서 팬들의 기대감을 모으고 있다. Actors gimmyeong min 'to gangma' This Lou Gehrig's naked image news spread, the patients are in turn acting as expectations of the fans said.

김명민은 오는 7일 크랭크인 하는 영화 '내 사랑 내 곁에'(감독 박진표)에서 루게릭병에 걸린 남자 종우 역을 맡았다. Min 7 days keuraengkeuin the gimmyeong a movie, my love by my side '(Director bakjinpyo) to Lou Gehrig's disease took on the role of men was jongwoo.

몸이 점점 마비되어가는 모습을 연기해야 하는 만큼 김명민은 출연을 확정 지은 이후 줄곧 루게릭병에 대한 연구에 돌입한 것으로 알려졌다.

I need to smoke more and more as the attack is going to star on the building of civil gimmyeong for Lou Gehrig's disease research since doliphan said.

김명민 소속사 관계자는 "현재 김명민 씨는 (루게릭병) 환자들을 많이 관찰하고 의학 관련 영상 및 자료를 찾아보며 공부하고 있다"며 "특히, 루게릭병은 살도 많이 빼야 하는 만큼 체중 관리에 들어간 상태"라고 전했다.

Agent gimmyeongmin the "current gimmyeongmin Mr. (Lou Gehrig's disease) patients and observed a lot of video and data chatahbomyeo related to study medicine," said, "The Lou Gehrig's disease to remove the flesh as much weight management in the state," he said.

이에 팬들은 "역시 신뢰가 가는 배우다" "정말 제대로 된 최고의 배우" "명민좌의 연기가 벌써 기대된다" 등의 찬사를 보내며 기대감을 드러냈다.

The fans, "also learn to trust" "It was the right actor, the best" "Myung Min will already left the smoke" and was expected to spend his praise.

한편, 영화 '내 사랑 내 곁에'는 불치병에 걸려 시한부 인생을 사는 남자(김명민)와 그의 곁을 끝까지 지키는 여성(하지원)의 가슴 아픈 사랑을 그린 멜로물이다.

Meanwhile, the movie 'My love, my side, the shelf life of terminally ill men (gimmyeongmin) and the end of his side to protect women (hajiwon) Green melromul of love is painful.


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Guest piano_lady

Member of girl group Brown Eyed Girls is joining KMM and HJW in her debut in the film industry

브아걸 가인, '내사랑 내곁에'로 스크린 데뷔

2009년 02월 06일 (금) 18:33 스타뉴스

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김현록 기자]



'브아걸' 가인, '어쩌다' 배우까지

2009년 02월 06일 (금) 19:30 노컷뉴스



브아걸 가인 스크린 데뷔, 영화 ‘내사랑 내곁에’ 캐스팅



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Guest piano_lady

Update on the filming

영화 '내사랑 내곁에', '전우치' 경남 촬영열기 뜨거워

Briefly, KMM will only start filming his movie in Jinju, which is located in the southern coast of Gyeongsangnam-do from 10 February to 21 May 2009.

Among the shooting locations are Jinju Medical Center and Jinhae crematory.



Ah, I bet his fans will go and visit him on the set! :w00t:

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Guest theflamealchemist

Ah, I didn't know there was a forum for this movie yet!

Glad to have found it...

I am anticipating this movie so much! (More like KMM... :sweatingbullets: )

I am sure this will be a huge hit! :D

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Guest kdramafanusa


경상남도가 떴다..영화 드라마 촬영장소로 인기

경상남도 일원에서 영화와 드라마 촬영의 뜨거운 열기가 이어지고 있다.

2월 10일부터 5월 21일까지 진주 의료원, 진해 화장장, 명동초등학교 일원에서 올해 9월 개봉 예정인 ‘내사랑 내곁에’ 촬영이 시작된다.

‘베토벤 바이러스’, ‘하얀 거탑’의 주인공 김명민, ‘다모’의 여주인공 하지원 등이 출연하는 이 영화는 (주)영화사‘집에서’ 가 제작하고 박진표 감독이 메가폰을 잡는다. 장례지도사(하지원 역)와 난치병을 앓고 있는 환자(김명민 역)와의 사랑을 다룬 멜로드라마이다.

창원=윤정희 기자(cgnhee@heraldm.com)


Scheduled to open this September.

김명민, 루게릭병 연기위해 10kg 감량중..“한끼 두 숟가락만 먹어”

[2009-02-10 14:15:01]



KMM's manager spoke to Newsen on the 10th; he revealed that KMM will gradually lose weigh. Currently weighing 70-72kg, he will shred about 5kg in the beginning; toward the 2nd half of the film where the character's health deterioates, he will lose another 5kg. He's currently starting his lose-10-kg plan.

He eats 2 spoonful every meal now, he wouldn't eat anything else.

Before starting the latter half of filming, the director will give 2 weeks to further increase the weigh loss. Seems like the director asks for a total of 10kg.

He's been studying the hand movement and postures of Lou Gehrig's patients.

김명민, 3개월동안 수십kg 감량 연기 도전

2009-02-10 오전 7:49:09


He will drop more than 10kg within 3 months of filming.

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Guest kdramafanusa

Source: Naver

Via: KPculture

Preparation for My Love By My Side

2009 February 7

by KP

The movie My Love By My Side (내 사랑 내 곁에), featuring Ha Ji Won and Kim Myung Min, starts filming next week. The plot surrounds a man who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ASL) and the woman who loves him devotedly. Park Jin Pyo (You Are My Sunshine) is directing.

In the movie, Kim will play Jong Woo, a man who suffers from the incurable disease, yet maintains his good humour and strong pride. Ha Ji Won’s character is Ji Soo, a bright, energetic funeral planner who loves Jong Woo in spite of his condition.

Kim Myung Min replaced Kwon Sang Woo in this role. To prepare, Kim read dozens of books on Lou Gehrig’s Disease. His agency representative stated that Kim often does a lot of reading to study his roles. He also spent time with patients who have the disease. (He is reputed for his hard work in immersing in his characters.) On Ha’s part, she chopped off her hair that she had grown for seven years.

It was also just announced that Son Ga-In of Brown Eyed Girls will be making her big screen debut through My Love By My Side. She will be playing an athlete who becomes disabled through an accident. Her character and Jong Woo become acquainted when they end up sharing a hospital room.

The movie will premiere this fall.

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Guest piano_lady

Thanks for the updates, KD!

So the movie is scheduled to open in September?

Is that the current photo of HJW?

Reposting from KMM thread

Latest photo of KMM taken on 2 February in Hanyang Hospital in Seoul.

KMM visited a patient suffering from the Lou Gehrig disease.

MBC covered the visit and it will be aired on March 26.


credits to Cat for the info and the photos :)

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KMM is one hardworking actor, no wonder the PD is so pleased with him.

I believed the 10 kg wt loss is part of the project regime in this movie of the leading actor.

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Guest kdramafanusa

Seol Kyung-Gu ( 설경구 / 薛景求 )

Date of Birth : 01-MAY-1968

Field : Actor

Related Links: Cine21


[KoreanFilm.org] Sol Kyung-gu (b. May 1, 1968) studied at Hanyang University Department of Film and Theater, and upon graduation appeared in numerous theatrical productions. In the mid-1990s he began taking on minor roles in feature films, but it was not until 1999 that he made his breakthrough with major roles in The Bird That Stops in the Air, Rainbow Trout, and above all else, Peppermint Candy. The critical acclaim and larger-than-expected popular appeal of this film instantly transformed Sol into one of the most respected young actors in Korea.

After the rather heavy-themed work of his early career, Sol then appeared in a mix of genre movies and more serious work. He starring in the romantic comedy I Wish I Had a Wife with Jeon Do-yeon in 2001, and then acted in a Japanese TV drama produced by NHK.

The year 2002 was huge for Sol, starring in three major films which effectively made him into one of the most popular actors in Korea. As a violent police detective in Public Enemy he won both local acting awards and many new fans as the film drew close to 3 million viewers. In August, he starred in Lee Chang-dong's highly acclaimed third film Oasis, which won the Best Director Award at the Venice Film Festival, and which won him yet more acting awards in Korea. Finally in November, he acted together with Cha Seung-won in the smash hit Jail Breakers by popular director Kim Sang-jin.

Sol continued his hot streak in 2003 when he starred in Silmido directed by Cinema Service founder Kang Woo-suk, which became the first Korean film in history to gross 10 million admissions. His next role was as the title character in Rikidozan, about the legendary ethnic Korean pro wrestler who became a national hero in Japan in the 1950s. Sol gained 20kg for the role and also delivered 95% of his lines in Japanese. Despite winning great praise for his performance, however, the film vastly underperformed on its local release.

In 2005, Sol starred in the sequel to Public Enemy, which ended up outgrossing the original, and also signed on to star in a melodramatic love story together with Song Yoon-ah.....

Filmography [KMDb/KOFIC]

Haeundae (2009)

Public Enemy Returns / Public Enemy 1-1 ( Kangchuljung ) (2008)

Venus and Mars ( Ssaum ) (2007)

Voice of a Murderer ( Gue-nom Mok-so-ri ) (2006)

Cruel Winter blues (Yeol-hyeol-nam-ah) (2006)

Lost in Love ( Sarang-eul Nochida ) (2005)

Another Public Enemy (Gonggong ui jeok 2) (2004)

Rikidozan: A Hero Extraordinary (Yeokdosan) (2004)

Silmido ( Silmido ) (2003)

No. 815 / Jail Breakers (Gwangbokjeol Teuksa) (2002)

Oasis ( Oasiseu ) (2002)

Public Enemy (2001)

I Wish I Had a Wife (Nado Anaega Isseoseumyeon Joketta) (2000)

The Legend of Gingko (Dan-Jeok-Bi-Yeon-Su) (2000)

The Bird Who Stops in the Air (Se nun Pyegokseoneul Geurinda) (1999)

Phantom, the Submarine (Yulyeong) (1999)

A Peppermint Candy (Baghasatang) (1999)

Rainbow Trout (Song-eo) (1999)

Girls' Night Out (Cheonyeodeul-ui jeonyeogsigsa) (1998)

A Petal (Kkoch-ip) (1996)

Love Story (Leobeuseutoli(Love story)) (1996)



International Film Festivals [KOFIC]

2008 Fribourg International Film Festival (Oasis) (Tribute to Lee Chang-dong)

2008 Fribourg International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) (Tribute to Lee Chang-dong)

2008 NatFilm Festival (Cruel Winter blues) (Asian Tiger)

2008 New York Asian Film Festival (Public Enemy Returns) (International Premieres)

2008 San Diego Asian Film Festival (Public Enemy Returns) ()

2007 Ankara International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2007 Shanghai International Film Festival (Lost in Love ) (Non-Competition)

2007 Udine Far East Film Festival (Cruel Winter blues) ()

2006 Fukuoka Asian Film Festival (Lost in Love ) (Competition )

2006 Arsenals International Film Forum (Oasis) (KIM & Chi. The South Side )

2006 BLACK MOVIE festival de films des autres mondes (Oasis) (Bodies : a Chronicle )

2006 Bogota Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2006 Castellinaria International Festival of Films for Youth (Oasis) ()

2006 Newport Beach Film Festival (Rikidozan: A Hero Extraordinary) (Feature Film )

2006 Paris Cinema (Peppermint Candy) (New Korean Cinemas )

2006 the Tiger Eye Firecracker Showcase (Peppermint Candy) ()

2005 Fukuoka Asian Film Festival (Another Public Enemy) ()

2005 Deauville Asian Film Festival (Rikidozan: A Hero Extraordinary) (Panorama )

2005 Fantasia Film Festival (Another Public Enemy) (Korean Cinema )

2005 Fantasia Film Festival (Silmido) (Korean Cinema )

2005 Filmasia Film Festival (Another Public Enemy) (Focus on Korea )

2005 International Istanbul Film Festival (Oasis) (Korean Cinema )

2005 International Istanbul Film Festival (Silmido) (Korean Cinema )

2005 Tokyo International Film Festival (Rikidozan: A Hero Extraordinary) (Closing Screening)

2005 Transilvania International Film Festival (Silmido) (Supernova )

2005 Tribeca Film Festival (Rikidozan: A Hero Extraordinary) (Wide Angle )

2005 Udine Far East Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2005 Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinema (Oasis) (Section thématique: Naitre et étre différent)

2005 Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival (Public Enemy) (Korean Cinema Special)

2004 Bergen International Film Festival (Silmido) ()

2004 Fantasia Film Festival (Jail Breakers) (Korean Cinema)

2004 Filmfest Hamburg (Silmido) ()

2004 Jakarta International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2004 Jakarta International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2004 Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival (Silmido) (Eastern Showcase)

2004 Melbourne International Film Festival (Silmido) (Regional Focus)

2004 Palm Springs International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2004 Portland International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2004 Stockhom International Film Festival (Silmido) (아시아 이미지)

2004 Transilvania International Film Festival (Oasis) (Focus Korea)

2003 Auckland International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Barcelona Asian Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Black Nights Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Brisbane International Film Festival (Oasis) (Asia Pacific section)

2003 Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Cairo International Film Festival (I Wish I Had a Wife ) ()

2003 Cairo International Film Festival (Jail Breakers) ()

2003 Cairo International Film Festival (Public Enemy) ()

2003 Cannes International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Chicago International Film Festival (Oasis) (World Cinema)

2003 Cinema Novo Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Fantasia Film Festival (Public Enemy) (Faces of Korea)

2003 Fantasia Film Festival (The Legend of Gingko) (Faces of Korea)

2003 Focus on Asia Fukuoka International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Göteborg International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 International Film Festival Rotterdam (Oasis) ()

2003 Jameson Dublin International Film Festival (Public Enemy) ()

2003 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Oasis) (Horizons-Awarded Films)

2003 Leeds International Film Festival (Oasis) (Wide World)

2003 Melbourne International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Munich International Film Festival(Filmfest Muenchen) (Oasis) ()

2003 NatFilm Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Palm Springs International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Prague International Film Festival Febiofest (Peppermint Candy) ()

2003 San Francisco International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Seattle International Film Festival (Jail Breakers) ()

2003 Seattle International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Seattle International Film Festival (Public Enemy) ()

2003 Sofia International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2003 Udine Far East Film Festival (Jail Breakers) ()

2002 Fukuoka Asian Film Festival (Public Enemy) ()

2002 Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival (The Legend of Gingko) ()

2002 Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (The Legend of Gingko) ()

2002 Fantasporto Oporto International Film Festival (I Wish I Had a Wife ) ()

2002 Shanghai International Film Festival (Public Enemy) ()

2002 The Times BFI London Film Festival (Oasis) (World Cinema)

2002 Tokyo FilmEx (Oasis) (Special Screening)

2002 Toronto International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2002 Vancouver International Film Festival (Oasis) (Dragons and Tigers)

2002 Venice International Film Festival (Oasis) (Venezia 59)

2001 Barcelona Asian Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) (Guest Country Korea)

2001 Brisbane International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2001 Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2001 Cleveland International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) (Asian Adventure)

2001 Moscow International Film Festival (The Legend of Gingko) ()

2001 NatFilm Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2001 New Directors/New Films Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2001 Portland International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2001 San Francisco International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2001 Shanghai International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2001 Shanghai International Film Festival (The Legend of Gingko) ()

2001 Udine Far East Film Festival (I Wish I Had a Wife ) ()

2000 Black Nights Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Bratislava International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Cannes International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Chicago International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Focus on Asia Fukuoka International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Montreal World Film estival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 The Times BFI London Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Titanic Budapest International Filmfestival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Tokyo International Film Festival (The Legend of Gingko) ()

2000 Toronto International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Umea International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Vancouver International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2000 Warsaw International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

2003 Seattle International Film Festival (Oasis) ()

2000 Bratislava International Film Festival (Peppermint Candy) ()

'Peppermint Candy', 'Oasis'


'Public Enemy', 'Silmido'


'Jail Breakers', 'Voice Of A Murderer'


[add more later]

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Guest kdramafanusa


Original Article: Nownews.seoul 2009-02-17

English Translation Credit: cat.on.the.tin.roof@KMM_Soompi_thread

This is the first article reporting KMM's new film "My Love By My Side" with the public photos taken from the film shooting location.

‘내 사랑 내곁에’ 김명민, 루게릭 환자로 변신

Kim Myung Min in "My Love By My Side" Changes into Lou Gehrig Patient

지난해 MBC 인기 드라마 ‘베토벤 바이러스’로 ‘강마에’ 신드롬을 일으켰던 배우 김명민이 새 영화 ‘내 사랑 내곁에’로 연기변신에 나섰다.

Kim Myung Min who brought a "Kang Mae" syndrome in last year's major hit MBC drama "Beethoven Virus" changes into a new character in his new film "My Love By My Side".

주인공 ‘종우’ 역을 맡은 김명민은 난치병 환자지만 밝은 캐릭터로 적극적으로 사랑 찾기에 나선다. 병으로 점차 쇠약해져가는 캐릭터를 연기해야 하는 김명민은 10Kg 체중 감량 투혼에 들어갔다.

Jong Woo KMM plays is an incurable patient but a cheerful person, actively looking for his love. Since he has to act a character becoming weak from disease, KMM already started a diet program to lose 10 kg.

지난 2월 10일 크랭크인 한 ‘내 사랑 내 곁에’의 첫 촬영은 경상남도 진주의 한 장례식장에서 이뤄졌다.

The first film shooting was performed in a funeral parlor in Jinhae, Kyungsamnamdo on February 10.

영화의 첫 장면이기도 한 이날 촬영은 종우(김명민)와 지수(하지원) 두 주인공의 운명적 만남 장면.

The shooting of the day was for the first scene of the film as well as a fateful encounter of two persons Jong Woo and Ji Soo.

어린 시절 한 동네에서 자란 종우와 지수는 20여 년 만에 장례식장에서 어머니를 여읜 ‘상주’와 ‘장례지도사’ 신분으로 우연히 재회한다. 종우는 자신을 잘 따르던 지수를 한눈에 알아보지만 지수는 병약한 모습의 종우를 알아보지 못한다.

Jong Woo and Ji Soo who had lived in the same town in their childhood met each other again by chance as a chief mourner and a funeral conductor after twenty years. Jong Woo recognized Ji Soo at once, but Ji Soo didn't recognize him in a sick figure.

벌써부터 한층 야윈 얼굴의 김명민은 루게릭 환자로 완벽하게 거듭난 모습으로 눈길을 끌었다. 제작진은 “검은 상복을 입고 휠체어에 몸을 실은 채 ‘종우’ 캐릭터에 몰입한 그의 모습에선 전국을 뒤흔든 신드롬의 주인공 ‘강마에’의 모습은 더 이상 찾아볼 수 없었다.”고 전했다.

KMM, with his lean face, becoming a perfect Lou Gehrig patient surprised people. The staff said they could not find any of Kang Mae in him who devoted himself to the character Jong Woo wearing a black mourning suit and sitting in a wheel chair.

어머니를 잃은 슬픔과 자신도 불치병을 앓고 있는 남자의 복잡한 심경을 눈빛과 표정만으로 실감나게 그려낸 김명민은 그가 탄생시킬 또 하나의 캐릭터에 대한 기대감을 고조시키기에 충분했다.

KMM expressing complex feelings of Jong Woo suffering from an incurable disease and sadness of losing his mother is stimulating our expectation about another new character he is creating now.

김명민은 촬영 전 수개월 동안 루게릭 병에 대한 자료조사는 물론이고 실제 루게릭 환자들과 주치의를 정기적으로 방문하며 철저한 캐릭터 분석에 들어가는 등 감독 및 스태프들조차 혀를 내두를만한 열의를 보여온 것으로 알려졌다.

KMM who had read the data on the Lou Gehrig's disease for months before shooting and visited patients and doctors regularly to analyze the character perfectly impressed the director and the staff with his passion.

장례지도사라는 독특한 직업을 가진 여자 ‘지수’로 분한 하지원 역시 이날 염을 포함한 장례절차를 능숙한 솜씨로 진행하며 깊은 인상을 남겼다.

Ha Ji Won, playing a funeral conductor Ji Soo, also impressed them, performing the skillful funeral procedure including dressing the deceased.

씩씩한 성격의 배역을 위해 한동안 고수해온 긴 머리카락을 과감히 단발로 잘라 화제가 되기도 한 하지원은, “배우로서 일생의 기억에 남을 작품을 만난 것 같다. 최선을 다하겠다.”는 남다른 각오 그대로 한층 성숙한 연기를 기대케 했다.

HJW who had her hair, which she kept for years, cut short to express Ji Soo's brave personality looks very resolved, saying "It's going to be a film that I will remember for the rest of my life as an actress. I'll do my best."

한편 ‘내 사랑 내 곁에’는 4개월 간의 촬영기간을 거쳐 올 가을 개봉 예정이다.

"My Love By My Side" will be released this coming fall after four months of film making.

서울신문NTN 정유진 기자 jung3223@seoulntn.com

기사일자 : 2009-02-17

Maybe this is the first encounter of two people as well as the first scene of the film according to the article. I guess KMM perfectly expressed his disappointment when Ji Soo didn't recognize him.He just looks really disappointed!!


enlarged photos from DC Inside.



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Guest kdramafanusa

Source: Javabeans

Kim Myung-min loses weight and the Kang-mae image

February 17th, 2009 // by javabeans


Kim Myung-min is Maestro Kang no more.

Shortly after creating a pop-culture phenomenon with his Daesang-award-winning role as the prickly, irascible “Kang-mae” in Beethoven Virus, Kim Myung-min is shedding weight along with that persona.

The first stills have been released for the upcoming movie My Love By My Side, which commenced filming on February 10 and also stars Ha Ji-won (Hwang Jini), who sports a new short haircut.


Back before filming had begun, I’d mentioned Kim’s intention to take a Method acting approach to his character, who’s dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease. (Despite his prognosis, the character displays a bright personality and positive attitude — a total 180 turnaround from the dour Maestro, no?)

Kim plans to drop a total of 10 to 12 kg over the course of filming, having initially gained some weight to make the contrast more stark. He’s already lost 5 kg, and will shed the rest in time with his character’s deteriorating health. Kim reportedly started at a weight of 72 kg, which is now 67 kg. His goal is 60 kg. YIKES. (In pounds, that’s 158 to 147 with a goal of 132.)

The first scenes shot involve a reunion of sorts for Kim’s and Ha’s characters, who had grown up in the same neighborhood. Now, twenty-something years later, they happen to meet again at his mother’s funeral (she works for the funeral home). He recognizes her at once — she used to follow him around back in their youth — but because his appearance has been worn down with illness, she doesn’t recognize him.

My Love By My Side will film over the next four months, and aims for a fall release.

Via Now News, Sports Chosun

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Guest kdramafanusa



'Boys Over Flower' Jung Eui-Chul & 'Brown Eyed Girls' Ga-In join the cast.

He plays the co-worker of Ha Ji-Won; she plays a figure skater who's admitted to the intensive care unit.


Jung Eui-Chul 정의철


DOB: 1985-04-19

Height / Weight: 186cm / 70kg

Related Links: Management Company | Fan Cafe | Cyworld | Daum | Cine21 | Soompi


O Kam Do 오감도 (2009)

My Love By My Side 내 사랑 내 곁에 (2009)

Romantic Island 로맨틱 아일랜드 (2008)

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do 도레미파솔라시도 (2008)

Moonlight Of Seoul / Beastie Boys 비스티 보이즈 (2008)

Hakgyo Danyeo Ogeseumnida 학교 다녀오겠습니다 (2007)

3 Colors Love Story 3人 3色 러브 스토리 : 사랑즐감 (2006)

TV Series

Boys Over Flower 꽃보다 남자 (KBS, 2009-01-05 ~ ) official

Nonstop 6 - Rainbow Romance 레인보우 로망스 (MBC, 2005-10-24 ~ 2006-11-03) official

Biscuit Teacher And Star Candy 건빵 선생과 별사탕 (SBS, 2005-04-13 ~ 2005-06-02) official


Ga-In 가인


Name: Son Ga-In 손가인 (Member of female group Brown Eyed Girls)

DOB: 1987-09-20


Related Links: Fan Cafe | Cyworld


My Love By My Side 내 사랑 내 곁에 (2009)

TV Variety

A Family Is Necessary Season 1 가족이 필요해 시즌1 (MBCevery1, 2008-07-22 ~ 2008-09-30) official

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thanks for the updates . .ohhh jin hae!! is it the one near busan !

..lol i was in busan because of jinhae!! the cherry blossom was the most beautiful, entire area all full with the flowers ,it was too perfect like a painting .

then i think the movie will be full of the cherry blossom scenes ?!! though i still never manage to find that railway track ^

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