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[drama 2005] Love I Want To Kill/ Ijuksa 이죽일놈의사랑


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Guest fatgrrl_slim

Spoiler alert : Bi's dialogue to his brother at hospital where he cried,

"Did you sleep well ? Good Morning. Ah, it's not morning, whatever, good morning. Look at you, look how unclean your eyes are ! Look at this dead skin, look at this, so so dirty. You seem dirtier than Misuk, what a shame. You see, you're different from me. You're damn clever, damn cool. Don't you know I told my gangs

about you ? You ruin the family's reputation."

And BK started to weep.

edit : Translation taken from a clip.

See? Bok Gu is a clean-freak. :lol:

The way Bi delivered his lines here was just fab.

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hershy kissez

ehh i havent translated in a long time so the translatations might be a little rusty >_<

Eun Suk is holding Bokku who is severly injured in her arms pleading him not to die and kisses him in sorrow.

Bokku is rushed to the hospital. after seeing the necklace eun suk gave to him he is slightly moved..

Eun Suk then goes visit Bokku at his home after leaving the hospital.

Bokku was originally beginning this to get sweet revenge for his brother Min Gu

after learning about his sad love with Eun Suk...by trying to get Eun Suk to suffer from her memories with Min Gu..

But Eun Suk not knowing anything starts falling deeper for Bokku.

Jun Sung now realizing where Eun Suk's heart is decides to rearrange the marriage to an earlier date.

Additionally, Da Jung spontaneously finds out that Bokku is Eun Suk's bodygaurd and rebukes him harshly.

Ahh....... exactly as what I predicted... so no worry guys... BG still the Apun Namja... like we all expect him

to be...

yea yea kill.. I am showing off

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Ahh....... exactly as what I predicted... so no worry guys... BG still the Apun Namja... like we all expect him

to be...

yea yea kill.. I am showing off

Bam..the napum namja in BK will stay to fight another day ! :P

But doesn't Dajung sense something fishy now that she knows BK is Eunseok's bodyguard. I hope to see more relevations on this point later on or else....mssing bits and pieces again.

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I'm gonna post this one more time because some people do not like searching through previous pages. :)

Episode 6Summary







credits to me :)

In the hospital, Bokgu hears his friend crying. His friend comes and starts to cry in front of him. Bokgu asks him if his brother died. His friend tells him that Mingoo almost died and that he won't come to the hospital anymore. Bokgu calls his friend and he is happy because he was there with his brother the whole time. Bokgu enters the room and asks his hyung, "good morning, did you sleep well?" He sits down and wipes his face. He tells him how much he bragged about his brother. Bokgu starts to cry when Mingoo seems to move his mouth.

Eun Seok is cleansing her face when she looks at the doll. She tries to remember Bokgu's name, but she cannot remember. She asks the doll, "you tried to kill me and you saved me. Why are you trying to confuse me?" She hits the doll on her forehead because she is confused and doesn't know what to do. Bokgu is in the gym punching the punching bag again. At the gym, Bokgu's friend is watching Eun Seok's cf on tv and asks Bokgu, "Do you get nervous when you stand next to someone that pretty?" He also tells Bokgu that "Kim Sarang will kill everyone the day she finds out that Bokgu is a bodyguard for Eun Seok."

Kim Sarang is lying on the ground and saying, "Either you will die or we will both die if I don't get my money." The people in the car try to back the car up but Kim Sarang's friends are lying back there as well. The lady finally gets out and gives her the money. The husband asks, "do you accept credit cards?" Kim Sarang says, "yes!" Kim Sarang cooks her friends a nice meal because they helped out. She wants them to help her out more often when she needs more help. Kim Sarang anwsers the phone but no one is talking. Then someone tells her that her mother... The scene moves on and Eun Seok's mom is playing "Go" with her friends. Her friends start to compliment Eun Seok's mother and her intelligence level. Then, Eun Seok's son tells them "how does "Go" have to do with academics? and it looks like you're letting my mother win." Eun Seok's daughter says, "Mrs. Oh is being nice so she can ask for a position for her son in LKW's company and Mrs. Kim is being nice so she can aquire some company bonds." Eun Seok's mother asks her daughter if she doesnt have to go to school. But Eun Seok's brother tells her that there is no school on sundays. The doorbell rings and Eun Seok's brother lets LKW inside. LKW is walking in when he meets Eun Seok's mother. He hands her a bouquet or flowers and greets her friends. Eun Seok's mom tells them to go and they leave. Eun Seok's sister comes out and LKW hands her a bouquet of flowers as well. LKW asks for Eun Seok, but Eun Seok's sister says she is sleeping in her room. LKW asks why is she sleeping this late and Eun Seok's mom answers by saying, "she is very tired these days."

Bokgu arrives at a cemetary and sees Kim Sarang begging her step-brother to allow her to say goodbye one last time. The step brother tells some people to take this richard simmons out of here. Kim Sarang tells her step brother that she is his brother. The step brother pushes her back and says, "why did you come just today? did you want to get some money from her will?" Kim Sarang says, "no, I just wanted to see her one last time." Some people drag Kim Sarang away when her step brother is hit by something. Bokgu tells him to stop being so cold and tells him to allow Kim Sarang to say goodbye to her mother. The step brother says, "who the hell are you." Bokgu says, "I'm just a free lancer and you better let go of her hand before I throw this remaining shoe at your head." Bokgu walks up him and smacks his cap down for treating his sister like a richard simmons. The step brother hands the guy the portrait and tries to punch Bokgu. However, Bokgu kicks him in the stomach and is about to beat him up, but Kim Sarang stops him from fighting. As he is walking home, he says, "you're lucky today." Kim Sarang looks back and starts to cry. Bokgu asks her if she wants to say goodbye one last time. She says, "it's okay" However, Bokgu walks back and lets Kim Sarang bow to her mother one last time. Kim Sarang says, "even if my step brother talks back, do not hit him back. Just let him beat you up." Bokgu acknowledges this by nodding his head.

On the bed, Eun Seok tells Pero that she dream't of him. Eun Seok is confused because she doesn't know why is acting all funny. She grabs the bouquet and reads the note, "i wanted to kiss you because you looked really pretty when you were sleepy, but i resisted myself. I'm jealous of the Pero, when are we going to kiss?" Eun Seok walks down the stairs and sees her family having a good time with LKW. Eun Seok's father compliments LKW on his "chess" skills. LKW tells Eun Seok's father that he learned "chess" from a professional so he could have a fun time with him more often. Eun Seok's mother can't believe this and says, "i hope our grandchild will be smart like LKW and pretty like Eun Seok." LKW also tells Eun Seok's mother that he will learn "Go" very soon. Eun Seok's mother keeps saying how LKW is perfect. Eun Seok comes down and asks LKW if he would like to drink with her. They arrive at a restaurant and Eun Seok tells LKW, "you don't have to buy this place tonight, no one comes here because the appetizers are disgusting. I keep this store alive." Eun Seok is about pour LKW some soju but LKW asks for hot chocolate instead. She gives LKW some change and tells him to get hot chocolate from the vending machine across the street. LKW asks her "do you remember when i took you to my hotel room the day we were drunk?" Eun Seok says, "what were you gonna do?" LKW replies by saying, "to sleep with you, but I couldn't do anything because of the scary bodyguard. He says sorry and asks Eun Seok to punch him." Eun Seok stabs him with the end of the spoon.

Bokgu is walking alongside the street when Kim Sarang chases after him. She wants to put on some bandaids on Bokgu but Bokgu doesn't want any on his face. [Kim Sarang's step brother beat the crap out of him, but Bokgu did not fight back.] Kim Sarang says, "why didn't you dodge the punches?" Bokgu says, "you told me to get beat." Kim Sarang is mad and wants to beat her brother up, but Bokgu says, "what do you think you're doing?" He grabs her hand and walks alongside the road. Eun Seok is walking home while LKW is driving right next to her. Eun Seok rings the bell to her house and LKW calls her name. Eun Seok goes inside and shuts the door. She sits down and thinks about what LKW said at the restaurant "I couldn't do anything because of the scary bodyguard." She thinks back and remembers Bokgu trying to take her back to her hotel room. Eun Seok reaches in her bag and calls her coorindator. She asks her, "when i was drunk in Pusan, who took me back to my room?" The coordinator answers by saying your bodyguard brought you back.

Bokgu is walks to Mingoo's hospital room when the phone rings. The display says Cha Eun Seok and he answers it. Eun Seok asks Bokgu, "did you sing "that" song while i was drunk?" Bokgu says, "what song?" Eun Seok says, "far away.. in the sky.." Bokgu looks at Mingoo and continues to listen. Bokgu says, "I don't know. Do you have anymore questions?" Eun Seok says no and Bokgu hangs up. Bokgu enters the room and reads the hospital bill, the cost of everything is $139,000.

The next day, Kim Sarang and her friend are walking back home with a bag full of groceries. Her friend asks Kim Sarang for a bowl of beef broth. He tells her that Bokgu can't eat it because Bokgu does not like beef broth. Kim Sarang hits him because she knows he is lying. Outside of Kim Sarang's house a couple of mobsters ask for Kang Bokgu. Her friend tells her that "these are Bokgu's scouts." Kim Sarang tells them to get lost before Bokgu beats them up. The phone rings and they get a phone call from Bokgu. As they are leaving, Kim Sarang says, "You're gonna die if you touch Kang Bokgu." After they leave, her friend says, "I think they're looking for our Kang Bokgu because he needs the money to pay for Mingoo's hospital bill." Kim Sarang thinks and says, "Bokgu would never want to be a gangster because he doesn't like being called a gangster."

Bokgu is on the phone with his brother and he hears him say, "Do not hit anybody, do not use violence." {recording of what he said prior to his coma} Bokgu says, "sorry, just one more time." and he hangs the phone up. Inside a office, Eun Seok sees Bokgu looking at the sky. Inside a company meeting, the speaker says, the new company model will be Cha Eun Seok. Kim Sarang is chopping cucumbers when she cuts her hand. Meanwhile, Bokgu is in a club getting a drink from a mafia leader. Bokgu looks at the envelope and takes the money. He goes inside the bathroom and looks at how much he has. [$400,000] Eun Seok is driving home at the same time and pulls the car over. She remembers Bokgu talking to his friend and his friend saying, "are you crazy?! how are you gonna join hands with gangsters?! actually, why don't you just kill your brother?" As Bokgu grabs his friend by the shirt, his friend says, "if I were your brother, i would kill myself instead of seeing my younger brother kill himself." Bokgu let's go and walks away. Bokgu is waiting inside a car and he gets a call from Cha Eun Seok. Eun Seok asks Bokgu to come to her real quick but Bokgu says he is really busy right now. Eun Seok screams and pounds the window. Bokgu gets out of a taxi and walks over to Eun Seok's car. He knocks on the window and Eun Seok rolls down the window. She says, "I didn't know who you were.. you look different without your suit. She says the wierd people left a minute before." Bokgu walks away and the scene changes. Bokgu's car stops two cars in the middle of the road. He gets out the car and runs to the other car and hits the window with his bat. The car starts moving and Bokgu rolls over. He starts to fight everybody, but he eventually gets knocked down by a couple guys. His body is dragged and they start to kick him. All his fellow gansters run away. From the same direction, Eun Seok comes to Bokgu and tells them to stop. Bokgu starts to get beat up but Eun Seok comes in and stops them. The gangsters tell her to go away and are about to hit her, but Bokgu covers his body over her. He takes the beating for her and the episode ends.

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

ehh i havent translated in a long time so the translatations might be a little rusty >_<

Eun Suk is holding Bokku who is severly injured in her arms pleading him not to die and kisses him in sorrow.

Bokku is rushed to the hospital. after seeing the necklace eun suk gave to him he is slightly moved..

Eun Suk then goes visit Bokku at his home after leaving the hospital.

Bokku was originally beginning this to get sweet revenge for his brother Min Gu after learning about his sad love with Eun Suk...by trying to get Eun Suk to suffer from her memories with Min Gu..

But Eun Suk not knowing anything starts falling deeper for Bokku.

Jun Sung now realizing where Eun Suk's heart is decides to rearrange the marriage to an earlier date.

Additionally, Da Jung spontaneously finds out that Bokku is Eun Suk's bodygaurd and rebukes him harshly.

Oh, so my analysis is wrong and right at the same time. Good! :D

Albert, thanks again for the wonderful summary!

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ehh i havent translated in a long time so the translatations might be a little rusty >_<

Eun Suk is holding Bokku who is severly injured in her arms pleading him not to die and kisses him in sorrow.

Bokku is rushed to the hospital. after seeing the necklace eun suk gave to him he is slightly moved..

Eun Suk then goes visit Bokku at his home after leaving the hospital.

Bokku was originally beginning this to get sweet revenge for his brother Min Gu after learning about his sad love with Eun Suk...by trying to get Eun Suk to suffer from her memories with Min Gu..

But Eun Suk not knowing anything starts falling deeper for Bokku.

Jun Sung now realizing where Eun Suk's heart is decides to rearrange the marriage to an earlier date.

Additionally, Da Jung spontaneously finds out that Bokku is Eun Suk's bodygaurd and rebukes him harshly.

thanks 'hershy kissez'

this drama is 16 esp ? ..............hm.......then maybe...the brother should awake ..make things more complicated ..now thinking of it .eun suk is reallly a pituful woman ...she did no wrong yet ..she is make to suffer and worst is she dont even know why ..and when she does ......~ :blink:

I'm gonna post this one more time because some people do not like searching through previous pages. :)

[. Bokgu's car stops two cars in the middle of the road. He gets out the car and runs to the other car and hits the window with his bat. The car starts moving and Bokgu rolls over. He starts to fight everybody, but he eventually gets knocked down by a couple guys. His body is dragged and they start to kick him. All his fellow gansters run away. From the same direction, Eun Seok comes to Bokgu and tells them to stop. Bokgu starts to get beat up but Eun Seok comes in and stops them. The gangsters tell her to go away and are about to hit her, but Bokgu covers his body over her. He takes the beating for her and the episode ends.

you are a goood boy..albert~~.** is this the longest u ever written in soompi haha~~ .....i think how she come to his rescue will again be reveal in next esp ..beginning ~ ..


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OMGGGG that episode was amazing!!!!! ah i am goin crazy here. the story is developing oh so nicely haha wow so mushessuh how he juss all of a sudden jumps out and shields her. ahhhhh i was dying!! although them kkang pae's needed to chill out. and the previews!! i now look forward to mondays! :]

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Guest fantasian

i'm up to episode two now. It's ok, bi's acting is alright (though i'm always subconsciously constantly comparing him with so ji sup in misa)

there's nothing in this drama that has caught my attention yet. In my opinion they're trying way too hard with this drama and are making it too melodramatic. I dont know.. i just havent experienced any feeling with this drama yet. Maybe the hype overkilled it?

i like how its shot though, some very nice scenes.

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ehh i havent translated in a long time so the translatations might be a little rusty >_<

Eun Suk is holding Bokku who is severly injured in her arms pleading him not to die and kisses him in sorrow.

Bokku is rushed to the hospital. after seeing the necklace eun suk gave to him he is slightly moved..

Eun Suk then goes visit Bokku at his home after leaving the hospital.

Bokku was originally beginning this to get sweet revenge for his brother Min Gu after learning about his sad love with Eun Suk...by trying to get Eun Suk to suffer from her memories with Min Gu..

But Eun Suk not knowing anything starts falling deeper for Bokku.

Jun Sung now realizing where Eun Suk's heart is decides to rearrange the marriage to an earlier date.

Additionally, Da Jung spontaneously finds out that Bokku is Eun Suk's bodygaurd and rebukes him harshly.

thank you soooo much for translating that for me ah i cant wait for episode 8 and 9!!!!!!

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Guest kalinda

Anyone still wants eps 5 & 6?







this is what I usually do, tried to dl the clip first and watch only after Albert (tks so much) or any other kind soul put up a summary. I won’t dare watching without some guidelines, I’ll be lost in space and I don’t want that….:D

My favourite scene in eps 5 would be when KBG rushed to LKW’s hotel room.. I could sense his care and worries that he won’t let anything happen to ES .. for whatever weird reason.. I guess KBG is also confused with his feeling. . I get the sense of his inconsistency, 1 minute he’s having this revenge look and the next thing we know, he’s vulnerable towards her as he’s human after all. I think this drama successfully gets into me, I mean without really talking too much, we are taken to what went through KBG’s mind. He’s such a caring person, it breaks his heart seeing his brother like that and yet he can’t help feeling caring towards the one he thought responsible for it.

My fav scene on eps 6, no question about it, the last scene, it’s heartwrenching! How he tried to protect ES eventhough he’s very badly injured. It pains me looking at KBG’s face (it reminds me of seeing sangDoo .. it always breaks my heart seeing SD’s sad face), I can feel that no matter what his feeling towards her gets deeper and deeper! And I choose to free myself for whatever the storyline has to offer. I won’t predict bec. it will disappoint me if I have favour the story has to go this way or that way. So far this works for me :D

Most importantly, for me Bi still talks with his eyes.. it’s been proven with so many scenes, the last one would be when he received the money from the gangster(?)… he took it and yet with his eyes like that, we know that he’s not happy and kinda sad he is doing it (for the mafia that is). I also LOVE Bi’s crying scene, just love it.. not to much and yet soooo sad…

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Guest .:LaUrEn.:

OMG. this was such a friggin good episode. the last scene was so moving. when eunsuk tried to stop the gangmembers and when bokku protected eunsuk. and bi's acting is totally blowing me away. i was never a big bi fan, but i think i'm getting there. :wub:

next week's episode looks sooooooo good!!! i love all that romantic stuff. ^_^ ahhhhhhhh i can't believe i have to wait a whooooole week to see the next episode!!! gah....

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Guest ladymac

Thanks again Albert!!!!

SEE I TOLD you all that telephone pole wasn't such a nice guy!!! :angry: He was going to take advantage of ES while she was 1)drunk (which, by the way, would be RAPE!!) then 2)when she was asleep!!! WTF??? :angry: Me no likey him!!! :angry::angry:

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