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True Blood

Guest sirce

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Guest kp1shadow

I was like who the heck was that women coming down but hall. Atfirst i thought it was be rachael evan woods but then i was like OMG. HIIISS MAKERR! :]

Yeah marrianne is annoying. I like sam and Daphne together. Is it just me or is the redhead getting more and more annoying.

I can't wait for the next episode. It isn't as thrilling or steamy as season one :/

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Guest pandoras0nymph

I just watched last night's episode. I'm totally freakin' excited for Barry's appearance. If they're adapting Barry from the book, he'll definitely be back. I knew Sarah was going to hit on Jason. I saw it in her eyes and the way she looked at him. I had hoped for Jason to reject her though unfortunately he's a manwh*re. I'm kinda getting sick of the Marianne story line. I kinda just want it to be over except Tara's new boyfriend can stay. The show always needs some non-vampire eye candy.

ERIC, ERIC, ERIC!!!! I want more ERIC!!!! I especially want an EricxSookie hook up and *spoiler* since Bill's maker made an appearance at the end of the episode I'm hoping there will be one at least by the end of the season. Plus, I want more JessicaxHoyt. I'm loving them.

spoiler from the book about Bill and Sookie's relationship (highlight to read): (not sure if the producers will follow it exactly)

Basically Bill's maker calls him back to her side b/c she wants to use him. Sookie finds out that he's been cheating on her with his maker and they break up. Eric and Sookie grow closer.

P.S. Does anyone know how many episodes there will be this season? I know it's the summer so it probably be shorter than a lot of other shows that run from fall to spring.

yeah, i guess sarah wants to take revenge on her husband's being secretive.. hehe

it was funny when lafayette danced and did the "worm" hahaha

and they made godric, as eric's maker...

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Guest Autumn1430263885

OMG i was right! daphene is a shifter CHYEAAA!

i like dahene and sam together..the shifter couple ^^

jessica and hoty...such puppy love,,LOL @ jessica and her eating disorder thing with bill xP

and steve...holy crap he's fricken nuts..physco. everyone @ the church is physco

and OMG STAN!!!! they compltely ruined him! he sucks! what happened to the sexy nerdy blonde T_T. maybe they thought he'd be too similar to eric? =(

geesh i really dislike marryann...freeloader...poor tara being the victum x( LOL @ sam asking tara 'are you high??'

arlene's true colors are finally starting to show....bish ==

also wow...godric...COMPLETELY different from what i imagined. i imagined him as really big and muscular...

and ZOMG was that lorena @ the end? wtf she comes so early...wasn't she supose to be in the third book??i can't remember....but wtf hope that doesn't mess up the third season's storyline since she plays a huge part.

overall....pretty boring episode. not much stuff happened.

oh yea...also where's pam? T_T i really like pam.... i hope she came to dallas withj eric =D don't like isabelle if that was her...the lady with stan >_>

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Guest pandoras0nymph

ive read that godric is supposed to be roman vampire right? how come he speaks swedish with eric? and why does he have tats on his body?

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Guest xx0_gigi

i'm recently a new fan. i think its kinda ironic everyone is having sex with everyone else. can't wait for the next esp. it's going to rain fire when bill's maker comes on to the show . :)

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Guest Autumn1430263885

lol i donno...but alexander skarsgard is swedish, and in the books eric supose2 be a former viking, and knows a lot of old languages, and sometimes speaks them in the books, so they decided to use swedish as his second language...how convenient.

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why is it that this season is becoming so~~~annoying?

too many story lines, too many characters messing with each other

i'm already forgeting what the major plot is ~ the godric&fellowship of the sun?

the good parts that have eric, pam, lafayette, jessica with hoyt are scarse and i'm already sick of sookie and bill thing >_<

same goes for maryanne she could just tell what she wants and leave the scene~~~

i hate that they made godric eric's maker ù_ú

and what's with lorena showing up??

thank god barry just showed up. he looks more interesting than i imagined :D now that's a big plus.

they keep messing things up and stuffing the episodes with more than they oughta

and i'm sticking with the books.

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Guest dumpyfledgling

^^I agree that the writers/producers/directors are trying to put too much into one episode but we must remember that this is only a summer series, which means that we only get around 12 episodes from when it begins to when it ends. They only have so much time to show the audience the story. We must remember that the books are great but "True Blood" is only based off the Sookie Stackhouse series. It is not an exact book to television adaptation. Just like the Harry Potter books can only fit into so many hours of film, there is only so much of the books that can be made into television. The writers did take out some important things from the books but they also added some things to make it more television friendly. While the writers may not be following the book series exactly I think they have done a good job capturing the essence of Sookie and the people in her life. I say we just sit back and enjoy.

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Guest Iridescence

I used to watch this show when it first came out, but I don't really watch television in college, so this show kinda fell off my radar. Recently caught up to it and I have fallen in love with the show once again.

I really want to see how Godric is in the current era, seeing as he looked quite animalistic in the Norsemen-era.

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Guest prismatic_star

Damn, I wish I had HBO. It stinks having to rely on the net. All this waiting is making me anxious.

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Guest pandoras0nymph

i cant open watchtvsitcoms! grrrrr where can i watch it! cant watch it on ninjanet either!

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Guest ★ rain-a-sky ★

^maybe you can try yidio? They have a lot of links there where you can watch the show.

wow. The last episode was...wow. Major cliffhanger ending.

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Guest CorrectionYourWrongImRight

am i the only one that thinks the new guys are hot??> ahahahaha

Godric, young, but HOt.

and i think the new telepath is yummy too!! :lol:

btw JESSICA. is absolutey gorgeous. i mean like stunning!! and her and that human are sooo cute! :lol:

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Guest losborrachos

Huge spoilers. lots of stuff going down this season.

methinks that is eric and sookie in bed :w00t: damn it looks intense. loving evan rachel wood. now if we can get the maryanne storyline to wrap itself up somehow...

also, alexander skarsgard is a sexy beast. sexy. beast.

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Guest NanaMun

Wow, didn't think the plan was going to go that way. Sookie is just a firecracker. I might need to rewatch. Cause I don't think I understood why they were thrown in the basement. But then again, I wasn't paying as close attention as I usually do.

Very interesting ep though and every character is facing quite a bit of trouble.

Poor Sam. :(

And I really wonder what Eric and Pam are up to making Lafayatte sell V again.

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