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True Blood

Guest sirce

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haha me too.. i have to torrent it since i don't have HBO.. :[

but i'm going to watch ep3 tomorrow :]



hoyt and jessica are super cute together :]

hahahahah eric's expression when the doctor says that sookie can be fed blood is funny

I don't have HBO and I just stream it on ninjavideo.net.

They usually have the episode up a few hours after it airs and it's amazing quality.

Just remember to click on the little ninjavideo helper to be able to watch the videos.

This episode definitely made up for last week's episode. Hoyt and Jessica are adorable, and I even find the lady from Fangtasia funny when she had the gun (Gigi I think?)

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Guest dumpyfledgling

^^I completely agree. Hoyt and Jessica are so adorably hilarious together. I've always liked Hoyt's character from the book (he always gets the short end of the stick for being the sweet guy). I think they have portrayed him perfectly and I definitely want to see more of him and Jessica.

I'm hoping the writers don't stray too far from the books and try to create one of those forever, epic romances between Bill and Sookie. I'm totally looking forward to an EricxSookie hook up. Preferably in the near future.

Prediction: The demon that slashed Sookie has something to do with Marianne????

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Guest losborrachos

hoyt and jessica is my new favorite couple on this show after they ruined the great potential that was sam and tara.

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Guest NanaMun

The song at the end of this week's ep made me giggle.

Definately a good thrilling episode.. That demon-like creature charging at Sookie was freaky and that woman digging in her skin was something that made me thankful for not eating while I watched.

Best part for me: Eric winking at Lafayette. He is such a naughty boy :)

Look forward to next week.

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Guest kp1shadow


i hate eric and sookie

i hope bill and sookie stay together! haha

since in the books sookie didn't love bill but in the tv show she does :]

i see some ericxLafayette in the future .. LOL

i heard AB likes bill so he might actually keep sookie and bill together but keep to the storyline.


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Guest pandoras0nymph

what?? no episode this sunday? why?!!?!?

wait, are you sure she's a circe? ive read she's a maenad which explains the gyrating/vibrating she does.. the love of partying,all the hedonistic things. and then tears their flesh apart.

seeing lafayette cry when he got home was heartbreaking..

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Guest Autumn1430263885

what ! are you freaking kidding me....that would be so boring if AB kept bill and sookie together.

i need some eric in there to spice things up ;) hot hot hot! XD he better not keep the ericxsookie stuff out cause then the e x s fans would be VERY mad heh heh....

yea no episode....something about the fourth of july? i duno some holiday in the us.

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Guest kp1shadow

okay that is stupid!

i would much rather watch true blood!! only because i'm a loser.

hahah but true blood is LOOSELY based on the southern vampire series by CH.

i love bill and sookie :D

yea i know. when lafayette started crying it was really sad.!

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Guest dumpyfledgling

what ! are you freaking kidding me....that would be so boring if AB kept bill and sookie together.

i need some eric in there to spice things up ;) hot hot hot! XD he better not keep the ericxsookie stuff out cause then the e x s fans would be VERY mad heh heh....

yea no episode....something about the fourth of july? i duno some holiday in the us.

I would be so disappointed if there were no EricxSookie in the future, preferably the near future. After the first couple books, the only reason I kept reading was to see what would happen between these two. I especially love Eric's whole amnesia story line. I really, really hope they include it in the television adaptation.

It's July 4th weekend in the US. Independence day for us Americans which means there will be obligatory American patriotic specials on television rather than the regular programming.

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Guest res0nate


Click for full, my tribute to TB even though it isn't much haha.

Who cares about America, damn you HBO!

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Guest pandoras0nymph

so sad........ hmph! but 4th of july is saturday right?? what a sad weekend, no true blood!

hoyt is such a sweetheart its sad he's bad with women. he's too shy... but i know he'll be a good boyfriend. lucky jessica!

the eric-sookie fight was cute! hahaha

eric:i'll grow on you

sookie: i prefer cancer!

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Guest losborrachos

in another forum, someone has an idea for a scene with bill giving jessica "the talk". this really needs to happen.

and those were nice pumps.

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Guest kp1shadow

Haha. I know! Damn HBO and their patriotic ways. -.-

I think that the actors that play Sookie and Eric have NO CHEMISTRY.

I love Pam. She's so funny.

Is Jessica apart of the actual books because I know that instead of Bill steaking Longshadow I think it was Eric instead..? I'm not too sure about that.

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Guest pandoras0nymph

I've only seen one episode, but I must ask... are there a lot of sex scenes? l

a lot of nudity and sex scenes.

but it was appropriate since this is for mature audience, and the show is more on SEX AND BLOOD.

But i gotta tell you the nude scenes.. hmmm ryan kwanten is a sexy beast

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Guest Autumn1430263885

I would be so disappointed if there were no EricxSookie in the future, preferably the near future. After the first couple books, the only reason I kept reading was to see what would happen between these two. I especially love Eric's whole amnesia story line. I really, really hope they include it in the television adaptation.

It's July 4th weekend in the US. Independence day for us Americans which means there will be obligatory American patriotic specials on television rather than the regular programming.

same here. After i read the second book, i was totally hooked on eric and was always looking forward to all the eric parts. Although i actually didn't like the eric amnesia storyline when i first read it....he was a different eric with a different personality, not the eric i knew :x but after finishing all 9 books, i guess it is his 'real human self' and adds to the sookiexeric drama! I wonder if they're follow the fourth book in the fourth season....cause if so bill won't be in it at all..cept for like the end. <---put spolier tags for those haven't read the books :]

Haha. I know! Damn HBO and their patriotic ways. -.-

I think that the actors that play Sookie and Eric have NO CHEMISTRY.

I love Pam. She's so funny.

Is Jessica apart of the actual books because I know that instead of Bill steaking Longshadow I think it was Eric instead..? I'm not too sure about that.

even though i'm a exs fan...I agree >< stephen and anna have really good on screen chemistry but alex and anna not so much...i'm hoping the chemistry will grow. i also hope that anna and stephen's off screen relationship won't affect the t.v show relationships =( i mean their chemistry is great for when they're together but i don't want it to affect her supose to be upcoming relationship with eric! alex is great at potraying eric, but the things that he needs to work on is that CONNECTION with anna/sookie, and his flamboyant side(that all the eric fans LOVE)...which i hope we will see from him as the episodes continue...=]

And no Jessica is a new character created by AB....there's a lota little changes and things that AB made/went in depth to. And yes it was ERIC who staked longshadow...not Bill. They made Bill nicer in the show, when Eric is nicer in the books =(!! alex is still hot though ~sigh

also....another small yet BIG change is that bill will be there @ the orgy that takes place in the second book!! bill was supose2 be in some other city doing business so sookie called up eric to come with her >(

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Guest kp1shadow


I love bill and sookie. :D

ahah. i do agree. Eric is quite hot.

I think AB is doing a good job though for true blood.

A lot of people like it.

I like how it is towards a more mature audience compared to other Vampire Tv Shows and movies.

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