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Guest S.O.M.E.XDAY

hello bri!!

remember me?

I'm here to request anyway. Love your newest icons. I'm in the need to change my icons..hope you can help.

Images: junsu01 | junsu02 | junsu03 | junsu04 | yoochun01

Text: wait

Colors to avoid: i love all colors, dont worry

ps: Junsu's 01&02 pics are airport picies. I hope you dont mind *I just love him in white*. If It's not HQ enough, you dont have to use it okay. Thank you in advance Bri!

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Guest last love.

keke thank you! oh i'm not creative. i got the idea to do that after seeing a friend's set of collage icons, which are SO much better than mine. i like your donghae banner~ i saw it in rebecca's tr thread. lucky you

Yes, you are. Don't be so modest! ;D HAHA. And thanks! :] I like it too! *stares in admiration! <333 My poor Donghae looks so overworked nowadays. T_T Luckily, that photo seems a bit photoshopped to make him look at least a bit less tired. =.=; And no, no! Not lucky me! Lucky you to have such pro skills!

I love the icons you made for promise.me! *O* There's so much variety in your icons that it hurts. XD I love the textures you used, too! :3 Can't wait to see more hot results!

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Guest donghae.


omo,you remember-ed me.(=

&you can actually make 5icons out of 1picture,you're good.

i love every single icons,thankyou.=D

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Guest *sunhee

Images: http://i33.tinypic.com/2q869zk.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/153oa43.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/2eoxl40.jpg

Text: (optional) JungMin or textless

Colors to avoid: (optional) bright colors


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Guest SSONG.

OMGGG. thank youu for the icons. <33

I don't mind simple icons at all actually.. I love simplicity xDD

I love the coloring on the icons

and the textures you used. ^^

do you mind if I use the icons at a different forum though?

I'll be sure to credit you.

but anyway, thanks again!

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Guest b a n g!
b a n g!: margaret i hope you don't find this weird, but i actually know who you are lol. i've seen you in rececca's TRs. yes i write haven and i apologize for not updating :3 yay for another donghae lover!! you can request anytime cause i don't think i'm ever going to be full of requests heh

hahahaha actually i dont xP cause sometimes i know who ppl are just by seeing them in other ppl's threads and by reading comments you just find out who they are xD hahaha sometimes i feel like im a stalker :ph34r: but im not xP or am i?? lols jk

oh its okay for not updating one reason why i cant write a fic

one id probably forget to update, it would suck, and probably be veryyy cliche>.< d:

okayyyy when you have like 39032850832 requests to finish remember wht u said! ahah ;] jkjk

btw just looking at those icons makes me want to request

Changmin!!! gahh i never see stuff of him i around hes not loved enough T^T

and Donghae wow you can make so many icons from just one pic!

if i knew how to make icons id probably need a different picture for every icon xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

hihi~ you can all shoot me for not updating. i was icon/ps inspirationless for two whole weeks =__=

i had a thing for black and white yesterday sooo...

replies ♥;

dear can you zip your pics in a folder for me? my comp gives me trouble when i open too many links one after the other.

aha dongbri xD im so used to ppl calling me brihae instead. you haven't been online
where did my tiffunnie go? and i don't need to teach you anything! hello you got 2nd place in the variation challenge 8D

haha you are too cute. thank you ^___^

haha i'll make you some icons. i need to make icons for a lot of people xP are you ever coming back? <33

yoosu my fav dbsk boys! i hope you like your icons


i think donghae looked better at the smtown concert? i think he gained some weight. and ahem he wore a tank top in the man in love perf and his arms look bigger ^O^ lol this set of results not a lot of variety xD

lol yes i remember you and i've seen you agnes's threads. you're welcome (:

your first and third pics were hard to work with, so i just stuck to the second. sorry there's so much b&w :3


you are very welcome
of course you can use them at a different forum. are you using them at this
?? if you are you can credit me as Twinkie86~

b a n g!:
lol i'm s stalker 8D you can request maragret! i told you i won't have a lot of requests. changmin's overshadowed by his hyungs but i know a few girls who love him and only him.

- bri

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hello bri! :D im shya {REMEMBER ZE NAME! *hypnotizes you*}

hahahhs, anwyays i think your icons are reeeeal prettaye! IM JEALOUS, CAUSE THE ICONS I MAKE ARENT HALF AS NICE *pouts*

i loooove the two gd icons + jae + hae ones! your colouring and use of textures are like alkshfkashj. hahhas.

i wanna request. but im too lazy to look for more pictures. lol.


and awww. i spot yoosu up there! ^^ but me has yet to like and get used to chunnie's hair. eeeks =x

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Guest last love.

i think donghae looked better at the smtown concert? i think he gained some weight. and ahem he wore a tank top in the man in love perf and his arms look bigger ^O^ lol this set of results not a lot of variety xD

- bri

*SHOOTS! BANG! BANG! I joke. <3

Haha. I think he did too! *Q* Donghae needs to eat. I'll be a good wife to him, and cook and feed him whenever he's hungry or looking on the skinny side. *Q* Don't worry, Donghae-oppa! I'll always be here for yooouuuu~ .. Wow, I sound like an ELF, or something. x: HAHAHA. I think I'll just stick to my original husband, Choi Seunghyun. <33 Bwahahaaaa. And this set of results gives me inspiration, yo. ._. I've been inspirationless for the longest time. T_T I only touched my GIMP program last night to make a poster. XD And the poster turned out crappy, too! D: Eeeeerg. T_T Anyways, I want to see more, sooooon. <3

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co-wifeyyyyyyy<3 Guess who's stopping by ? haha

I just wanted to say thaaaaat... YOUR ICONS ARE SO GOOD ! geeze. You freaking pwn even more (: why can't i get better like you D: ! but anyways, I miss you, co-wifey ! And Hae too D: Hopefully I can stop being a lazy butt and go to SJFH more often :x <333333you

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Guest S.O.M.E.XDAY

oh Bri..thank you very much. I love the icons.

the Yoochun's one is jjang!

am going to use it and of course will credit it to you too.

Thanks for your hard work.

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Guest esoteric.

Ah I'm sorry. I have no clue how to zip the files into a folder. If someone is willing to tell me, I'd most gladly do it for you :x So sorry for my noobishness.

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aizyn: haha you are too cute. thank you ^___^

Cute? :blush::lol:

Bri. The YooSu icons are totally loved <33

I love Junsu's icon! The second one especially.

You makes him look extra hot. Yes, he is already hot.

But, he's much hotter in that icon! ^_^

Tra-la-la. Inspiration! Come back to Bri! Come back *zoom*

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Guest jingaling.

hi bri. im jing~

i love your icons *Q*

Images: http://i38.tinypic.com/fdavjb.jpghttp://i34.tinypic.com/2lj2lfs.jpghttp://i35.tinypic.com/2ip66d.jpghttp://i33.tinypic.com/nyiu5h.jpg5http://i36.tinypic.com/rrqi6b.jpghttp://i36.tinypic.com/2ebwgvn.jpghttp://i36.tinypic.com/14ddemh.jpg

Text: (optional) ----

Colors to avoid: (optional) ----

thank you ^_^

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Guest yetibenny

bri tufu your icons are to die for<3

love the bnw junsu ones!


and i see one of my smexy jae icon gifts

*feels completely speical and happy* lol<3

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Ahhh, your icons are so pretty!!

I'm Jenni~ :D.

Lovely meeting someone with such amazinggg skills XD.

Images: 1 2 3

Text: (optional) For the first two you can put "DORK", but if you choose the last one I'd prefer no text XD.

Colors to avoid: (optional) I'm coolies with anything ^_^

Thankk you mucholy!!

I will be looking forward to the gorgeous results :D~

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