Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173 Posted April 24, 2006 Posted April 24, 2006 吉岡秀隆 Yoshioka Hidetake & 石ĬYoshioka Hidetake plays Keisuke, a former pianist who injured his hand saving the life of a young girl five years previously. Her parents were injured in the event and so Keisuke has cared for her ever since. Chiori has been unable to speak since birth, but has an extraordinary talent for music. She can hum any tune, after hearing it once. With Keisuke's tuition, Chiori has now become a talented pianist. One day, Keisuke and Chiori visit a sanatorium for a small concert, where they meet Mariko (Ishida Yuriko), whom Keisuke recognizes as his schoolmate. In fact, Mariko was in love with Keisuke and has anxiously prayed that one day she would see him again. After the concert, however, Mariko and Chiori are struck by lightning, and in trying to save Chiori, Mariko sustains serious injuries. The doctors tell Keisuke that Mariko will die in four days, but when Chiori wakes up, she begins talking, saying: "Keisuke, I'm Mariko. I'm trapped in Chiori's body..." This touching love story, directed by Sasabe Kiyoshi (Half A Confession) is based on the acclaimed best-selling novel, by Asakura Takuya. 第1回「このミステリーがすごい!」にて大賞を受賞した、浅倉卓弥の同名ベストセラー小説を原作に、「半落ち」の佐々部清が監督を担当した純愛ストーリー。それぞれの胸に痛みや悲しみを抱える3人の男女が、あるひとつの奇跡を通して癒されていく姿を、ファンタジックに描いている。主演は「北の国から」シリーズの吉岡秀隆と、「解夏」の石田ゆり子。また、天才少女ピアニスト役を、オーディションで選ばれた尾高杏奈が好演している。映像特典として、予告編などが収録されている。 真理子が務めている療養センターに、如月敬輔という元ピアニストが、天才ピアノ少女・千織を連れて慰問コンサートにやって来る。敬輔は数年前、とある事件に巻き込まれて左手を負傷し、ピアニストとしての将来を断たれていた。だが、そのときに救った少女・千織にピアノの才能を見出し、孤児となった彼女を引き取ってピアノ演奏を伝授。千織は今や、立派なピアニストに育っていた。一方の真理子は、幼なじみでもある敬輔の今回の訪れを、何日も前から心待ちにしていて…。 數年前的一次意外,令鋼琴演奏者如月敬輔的左手受傷,從此不能彈琴,少女千織失去了家人變成孤兒。千織的腦部雖然有障礙,可是卻是一個音樂天才。敬輔因此決定收養千織,並教授她彈琴。在敬輔的細心栽培下,千織已經成為一個出現的鋼琴演奏者。某日,他們來到一間位於在小島上的療養院舉行演奏會,而在療養院等著他們的,正是在中學時代暗戀著敬輔的真理子。在這所療養院中,敬輔、真理子和千織三人共同經歷了一個四天的奇蹟… 《四日間之奇蹟》改編自淺倉卓彌的同名小就,故事講述失去了夢想的敬輔、失婚的真理子和天才少女千織三人,共同經歷了一個四天的奇蹟,讓他們明白愛是永遠存在的。電影由《半自白》導演佐佐部清執導,《來自北國》吉岡秀隆、《解夏》石田百合子主演。 Chinese Title Name : 四日之奇蹟 SOURCE : 四日間の奇蹟 四日間の奇蹟 四日間の奇蹟 四日間の奇蹟 四日間の奇蹟 四日間の奇蹟 四日間の奇蹟 I luv this movie....worth watching japanese of my favorite japanese movie this year :phew: :D
Guest crazyMuka Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 goodness, t3n5h1_chu_k015h173, do you know Japanese?? I love Japanese movies but the only ones I could ever be able to watch are those that come with English subtitles, and not that many Jmovies carry English subs >__<; Ooh well, this sounds like another great movie, and it seems like one that I'll be missing out again -___-a
Guest kakashi Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 sounding pretty good. yeah .. wonder if there are english subs out for it?
baoi Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 wow.. i kinda want to see this now.. SO MANY I WANT TO SEE!
Guest Moe Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 Ah, thanks for the info. I want to check this movie out. Sounds interesting.
Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173 Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 goodness, t3n5h1_chu_k015h173, do you know Japanese?? I love Japanese movies but the only ones I could ever be able to watch are those that come with English subtitles, and not that many Jmovies carry English subs >__<; Ooh well, this sounds like another great movie, and it seems like one that I'll be missing out again -___-a Yeah i know japanese,chinese & korean.I love japanese & korean movies,chinese movies not bad too i like chinese movies back in 1999-2001 but not now anymore Many new good japanese movies lately also the drama I just finish watching 1 Litre Of Tears,Nouka No Yome Ni Naritai (j-drama) & My Girl (k-drama) Yeah i agree,so many j-movies no english subtitles I keep updating for new j-movies or maybe old j-movies that good one
Guest Aoijen Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 I know this movie from my friend but not all I dun know this Story I hope this story good for collection for all fans Movie Japanese
Guest sweet_treats1812 Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 whoa, this looks interesting..wonder if any clubboxes have it?
Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173 Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 If anyone looking 4 this movie theme it is ENJOY!!!! ETERNALLY ~ HIRAHARA AYAKA
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