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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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[HanCinema's News] Rain Shares Fashion-savvy New Photos With Fans




Rain recently uploaded some new photos to Instagram. One is in color, with a jungle jacket. The other is in black-and-white, with a checkered pattern. He has the same serious look in both.


The photos have proved popular and inspired speculation about how this is the visual he used to get Kim Tae-hee to fall in love with him. 'Rain"s new movie, "The Cyclist King", about a legendary bicycle athlete from the Occupation era, releases on February 27th.






Written by William Schwartz

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Jung Ji Hoon as 'Bicycle King Uhm-bok-dong' 






He stepped on the bike pedal like a racehorse running alone.  He turned around in a 420m track from 8 am to 6 pm for six to seven months in an infinite loop. He was better than anyone who was tough, but 'loneliness and fighting' was not easy. "I turned around the track and thought, 'who am I, where am I now?'


It is the story of a singer and actor Jung Ji Hoon (Rain 37) since his debut. He took on the leading role in the movie "Bicycle King Uhm - bok - dong", which opens on the 27th. It is a work that depicts the real story of famed cyclist Uhm Bok-dong, who became a symbol of pride for Koreans when he defeated Japanese cyclists and won the championship in a bicycle race which took place during the Japanese colonial rule of Korea.




On the 20th, Jung Ji-hoon who was at Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, took time out to participate in an interview to promote his upcoming film “Uhm Bok Dong.”


He took all bike racing scenes personally without any double. Just like a national cyclists he received the same training for three and a half months. During the filming, he was always in the training track, cycling for eight hours a day in the same place. He is well known for his physical fitness, but he remembers the time "I felt like I was in hell with a squirrel," he said. ““My body doesn’t feel the same anymore on stage. That’s why I consistently work out, but a singer who dances is similar to an athlete. Your body needs to be in its prime. Right now, I’m not in my best state. I think I need to eventually let go of my title as a singer who dances.”


"When I ride a bicycle I cannot say enough, but my thighs have become very thick. I usually wear 32-33 size pants, but when I wear that size now my thighs do not fit anymore so, I wear my pants in size 38-40 now. I had to reduce my thigh muscles by withdrawing from this undertaking."



His last Korean film appearance was seven years ago, R2B: Return to Base" (2012). Jung Ji-hoon, a singer & actor read the script, which Lee Bum-soo, the actor & producer wrote and said, "I felt that there was something very exciting in the story." 


In the movie, it appears to be intense, but full of enjoyment for cyclists. 


"I looked into & searched and found that he was as great as Sohn Kee-chung, although there was a story about this some previous years, based on the advice and the information I have received from my old folks."


During the movie filming, there were many twists and turns. The director was replaced during mid-filming and the shooting took three months longer than originally scheduled due to natural disasters.


"It was true that I had a hard time," he said. "I tried to do my best all the time, no matter what outside influences there was. All the staff suffered a lot during summer, but we all persevered."



Jung Ji-hoon married an actress Kim Tae-hee in 2017 and had a daughter now. Is there any difference? 


““I exercise, day and night. However, I need to draw the line at some point. I don’t know when that will be. It might be two, three, or four years later. If my body allows it, I would like to continue promoting as a singer, but I’m also preparing myself to let go of the singer Rain. I cannot follow the trend these days. Although I go to the club and listen to the music that young people listen to these days.


We asked about Kim Tae-hee and his daughter, he said, ““Nothing has really changed for me. Nothing changed just because I started a family and I became a father. But I now have a first rule. I am going to separate my family and work.  I adore my child and I want to show her to all of you, but I realized that this can’t happen.  I really don’t want my family to get hurt later on".


He has been active as a singer and actor for 20 years.


"I have two jobs, being a singer & an actor and sometimes I get confused. Soon, it's time to drop one of them. Being a dancing singer has a shelf life, but I will dance until my body moves. 



Jung Ji-hoon is very active in SNS these days. He is also in communication with young friends these days.


He said, "I have music that can be played by people in their twenties.”Sometimes I go to the club to meet young people who know how to make songs."


Jung Ji-hoon said that he would like to participate in an independent short films made by university students. 


"I would like to participate in a variety of works even if I have a small role as an actor because I am in the process of improving my career as an actor. It is my dream to work for a long time like Ahn Sung Ki."


Jung Ji-hoon mentioned to doing a drama and another movie appearances with his next project, and will release an album at the end of the year and go on a concert tour.





credit : https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=001&aid=0010646099&spi_ref=m_entertain_twitter








'자전차왕 엄복동' 정지훈 "자전거 특훈, 지구 한 바퀴 돌았죠"


(서울=연합뉴스) 조재영 기자 = 자전거 페달을 밟고 또 밟았다. 혼자 앞만 보고 달리는 경주마처럼 6∼7개월간 아침 8시부터 오후 6시까지 420m 트랙을 무한 반복으로 돌았다. 몸이 힘든 것은 누구보다 잘하는 그였지만, '외로움과 싸움'은 쉽지 않았다. "트랙을 돌며 '나는 누구인가, 지금 어디에 있는가'하는 생각이 들었죠."


데뷔 20년 차 가수 겸 배우 정지훈(비·37) 이야기다. 그는 오는 27일 개봉하는 영화 '자전차왕 엄복동'에서 타이틀롤을 맡았다. 일제강점기 일본 선수들을 제치고 조선인 최초로 '전조선자전차대회'에 우승해 동아시아에 이름을 떨친 실존 인물 엄복동을 그린 작품이다.


20일 서울 종로구 삼청동에서 만난 정지훈은 촬영 당시 힘든 기억을 하나둘씩 꺼냈다.


그는 모든 자전거경주 장면을 직접 소화했다. 이를 위해 국가대표 사이클 선수들이 받는 훈련을 3개월 반가량 똑같이 받았다. 촬영 중에도 말만 트랙이지, 흙바닥과 다름없는 곳에서 하루 8시간씩 질주하며 연기했다. 훈련과 촬영 기간 모두 합하면 지구 한 바퀴 정도를 자전거로 돌았다고 한다. 체력 좋기로 소문난 그이지만, 그때를 떠올리며 혀를 내둘렀다. 정지훈은 "다람쥐 쳇바퀴 돌듯 타다 보니 마치 개미지옥에 빠진 것 같았다"면서 "상대적으로 건강한 저도 힘든데, 보조 출연자분들은 탈진하거나 토하기도 했다"고 회상했다.


"자전거를 이루 말할 수 없이 많이 타다 보니 허벅지가 엄청 두꺼워졌어요. 원래 32~33 사이즈 바지를 입는데, 그 사이즈를 입으면 허벅지가 맞지 않아서 38~40 사이즈를 입고 허리띠를 졸라맸죠. 지금은 안 먹고, 살 빼는 운동을 해서 허벅지 근육을 줄였습니다."


그의 한국영화 출연은 '알투비: 리턴 투 베이스'(2012) 이후 7년 만이다. 정지훈은 선배 연기자이자, 이 영화 제작자인 이범수가 건넨 시나리오를 읽고 "박진감 넘치는 무엇인가가 있다는 것을 느꼈다"면서 "사람들이 잘 모르는 엄복동 선수를 알리는데 일조할 수 있을 것 같았다"고 말했다.


영화 속 엄복동은 궁핍하지만 그 누구보다 순수하고, 자전거에 대한 열정이 가득한 인물로 그려진다.


"자료를 찾아보니까 엄복동 선수는 손기정 선수만큼 대단한 분이셨더라고요. 물론 그분의 말년에 대한 이런저런 이야기가 있긴 하지만요. 제 주변 친척 어르신들을 찾아뵙고 들은 조언과 각종 자료를 토대로, 엄복동을 순수하고 올바른 청년으로 생각하고 연기했죠."


영화가 완성되기까지는 우여곡절이 많았다. 감독이 교체됐다가 다시 합류했고, 자연재해 등으로 촬영이 당초 일정보다 3개월가량 더 늘어났다.


그는 "마음고생이 심했던 것은 사실"이라면서도 "어떤 외부의 영향이 있더라도 내 자리에서 최선을 다하려고 했다. 모든 스태프가 한여름에 고생을 많이 했지만, 누구 한명 이탈하는 사람 없이 열심히 찍었다"고 강조했다.


정지훈은 2017년 톱스타 김태희와 결혼해 딸을 뒀다. 달라진 점이 있을까.


"결혼도 했고, 불혹의 나이를 바라보고 있으니 조금 더 어른스러워져야 하는 것 같아요. 하지만, 음악 하는 사람들은 아이 같은 면이 있거든요. 그런 면이 없으면 요즘 트렌드를 따라가지 못하죠. 어른스러워져야 하는데, 클럽에 가서 요즘 젊은이들이 듣는 음악도 들어야 하니까, 아이러니하기도 합니다."


내친김에 김태희와 딸의 근황을 물어보자, 그는 "가족과 일은 철저히 분리하려고 한다"면서 "제가 사랑스러운 딸을 자랑했을 때 언젠가 칼과 화살이 되어 돌아올 수 있을 것 같다"며 말을 아꼈다.


가수와 배우로서 20년간 활동한 그는 최근 고민도 가감 없이 털어놨다.


"제 직업이 두 개이다 보니 가끔 헷갈리기도 합니다. 어느 순간 둘 중 하나는 내려놔야 하는 시기가 오겠죠. 댄스 가수는 유통기한이 있으니까요. 다만, 전 제 몸이 움직일 때까지 제 스타일대로 춤을 출 것이고, 체력관리를 해서 그 유통기한을 조금 늘려보려고 합니다."


정지훈은 요즘 젊은 친구들과의 소통에 부쩍 공을 들인다.


그는 "10~20대에 먹히는 음악을 해야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 도태된다"면서 "가끔 클럽에 가는 것도 노래를 좀 만들 줄 아는 젊은 사람들을 섭외하고, 만나기 위해서"라고 말했다.


정지훈은 대학생이나 고등학생들이 만드는 독립 단편 영화에도 기꺼이 참여하고 싶다는 뜻을 밝혔다.


"그들 중에 제2의 박찬욱, 봉준호 감독이 나올지 누가 알겠습니까. 저는 배우로서 경력을 쌓아가는 단계인 만큼 작은 역할이라도 다양한 작품에 참여하고 싶습니다. 안성기 선배님처럼 천천히 오랫동안 작품을 하는 게 제 꿈이에요."


정지훈은 차기작으로 드라마와 영화 출연을 논의 중이며, 올 연말에는 앨범을 내고 콘서트 투어에도 나선다.






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*** It’s his choice & we have to respect his privacy. I will always support whatever his choices are. Most of celebrity parents want their family out of the spotlight, anyway. :P






Rain Opens Up About Keeping His Daughter Out Of The Spotlight And Protecting Family From The Public




Rain shared his thoughts on speaking publicly about his family.

On February 20, the singer-actor participated in an interview about his latest film “Uhm Bok Dong.”

Rain married actress Kim Tae Hee in 2017, and the couple welcomed their daughter in the same year. When asked if this changed his decisions about acting projects, he replied, “Nothing has really changed for me. Nothing changed just because I started a family and I became a father. But I now have a first rule.”

He continued, “For instance, I could speak positively in the past and say something like, ‘My child is like this and my family is doing this and that.’ But I think the world has become a scary place these days. I adore my child too, so I want to show her to all of you, but all of that returns to bite a person later on. I realized that this can’t happen and I want to completely separate my family and work.” He added, “I really don’t want my family to get hurt. They don’t impact the way I choose my projects, but I’m always careful when talking about my family.”

“I hate to bring this up again, but I’m someone who had many emotions related to guilt about my mother,” said Rain. “Because of that, I don’t have sound judgment when my family gets hurt. Since I’m a celebrity, it doesn’t matter that the public talks about me. But when people talk about my family, I tend to cross the line and not have sound judgment.”

“Uhm Bok Dong” is a film based on the true story of a Korean cyclist of the same name. Uhm Bok Dong became a hero after beating Japanese athletes and winning first place in a bicycle race during the Japanese colonial era. The film will premiere in theaters on February 27.




Source (1) / soompi news

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Rain On Being Called A World Star, Praises BTS’s Global Success




Rain had nothing but praise for BTS in a recent interview.

On February 20, the actor of the upcoming film “Uhm Bok Dong” spoke about the popularization of Korean culture and the “BTS syndrome.”

Rain was described as a “world star” after working in Korea and abroad as a singer and an actor. Recently, BTS has been recognized for promoting Korean culture and music all over the world through their music.

“People called me a world star at the time because it wasn’t something that had happened before, but I think it was an exaggeration,” said Rain. “I think that all Koreans currently working abroad should be applauded.”

He continued, “Because of them, people in other countries are learning about Korean culture and studying the Korean language. When I went on overseas tours in the past, I had to do the Q&A in English. But now when I ask in Korean, [the fans] understand everything and respond. They’re studying through YouTube because of K-pop singers, Korean actors, and Korean content.”

“In that sense, BTS is really amazing and wonderful,” added Rain. “I also think that others, including TWICE, need to be more recognized from here on out. I sometimes meet up with PSY and say that I’m so happy. PSY and I are both producing. If groups like BTS and TWICE do well now, then a bigger star can come out in the future. I think it’s a proper phenomenon.”

Rain will be making a comeback to the big screen through the film “Uhm Bok Dong,” which is based on a true story about a cyclist who wins first place in a bicycle race during the Japanese colonial era.




Source (1) / soompi news

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"I'm confused of being a singer and an actor at the same time"





Actor Jung Ji-hoon (Rain) is confused between being a singer and being an actor.


Jung Ji-hoon said in an interview at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Seoul on the 20th, prior the release of the movie.


Since debuting as a singer in 1998 as a member of Fan Club, Jung Ji-hoon has been a singer.  "In the year 2002, I debuted as a solo singer, he said.” I was a rookie as a singer in the field then when I suddenly was offered to do a drama 'Sang Doo! Let's Go To School'. 


Jung Ji-hoon said, "Everyone has asked," why do you want to be an actor? "I was one of the members of the former boy group band and I wanted to be an actor as well. I was able to do the drama and even after a little more time, I confess that I needed to decide whether this is what I want, being a singer or an actor. "


Jung Ji-hoon said, ““My body doesn’t feel the same anymore on stage. That’s why I consistently work out, but a singer who dances is similar to an athlete. Your body needs to be in its prime. Right now, I’m not in my best state. I think I need to eventually let go of my title as a singer who dances.”


Jung Ji-hoon added, "I am more competitive to become a good actor. It stimulates me steadily." 


He continues to be a producer as well. Jung Ji-hoon said, "I am collecting songs, and I am aiming to collect more and support children who are doing good music nowadays.  I have already collected a few of them."


The movie 'The Bicycle King Uhmbok-dong' is a film based on the true story of famed cyclist Uhm Bok-dong, who became a symbol of pride for Koreans when he defeated Japanese cyclists and won the championship in a bicycle race which took place during the Japanese colonial rule of Korea.



The movie "The Bicycle King Uhmbok-dong" will be released on February 27th.





credit : https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=477&aid=0000163751&lfrom=cafe








[SPO★TALK]"가수냐 배우냐, 비와 정지훈의 갈림길에서 고민중"


[스포티비뉴스=김현록 기자]배우 정지훈(비)가 가수의 길과 배우의 길을 고민하고 있다고 털어놨다.


정지훈은 오는 27일 영화 '자전차왕 엄복동'(감독 김유성) 개봉을 앞둔 20일 서울 삼청동의 한 카페에서 인터뷰를 갖고 이같이 말했다.


1998년 솔로 가수로 데뷔한 이래 가수 비로, 배우 정지훈으로 분야를 가리지 않고 활동해 온 정지훈은 "과거엔 뭔가로 각인된 사람이 다


른 일을 한다는 것, 바람을 피운다는 것이 받아들여지기 힘든 구조였다. 2000년대 초반에는 더했다"면서 "신인상을 받고 가수로서 탄탄대로를 가자 했을 때 제가 갑자기 '상두야 학교가자'라는 시놉시스를 읽고 무조건 하겠다고 매달렸다"고 연기를 시작하던 때를 떠올렸다.


정지훈은 "다들 말렸다. '왜 굳이 연기를 하고싶니'라고 여쭤보셨다. 전 연영과 출신이고 연기가 하고 싶었다. 무대포 정신인지 무조건 한다고 했는데 다행인지 사랑도 받고 혼도 나며 여기까지 왔다"며 "비와 정지훈이 함께 올 수 있었다. 저조차도 조금 더 시간이 지날수록 비와 정지훈의 길을 이 길인지 이 길인지를. 정해야 할 것 같다"고 고백했다.


정지훈은 "몸이 옛날같지는 않다. 스포츠선수처럼 춤을 추려면 몸의 전성기가 필요하다. 사실 몸의 전성기는 지나가는 시기다. 댄스가수라는 역할은 내려놔야 하지 않을까 하는 생각도 든다. 아침저녁 꾸준히 운동을 하지만 어느 순간에는 선을 그어야 하지 않을까"라고 고민을 토로했다.


정지훈은 "진짜 연기 잘하는 선후배 동갑내기와 견주어 내가 경쟁력이 있나. 꾸준히 저를 자극한다. 저에게 더 냉정해졌다"며 "예전에는 가수 겸 배우 둘 다 하니까 전투력이 있었던 거지 이제는 배우를 하려면 연기를 정말 잘 해야 한다. 진짜 배우 타이틀을 가지고 가겠다면 버려야 할 것도 많지 않을까. 나름대로 시험하고 싶은 것 같다"고 말했다.


가수는 물론 제작자로의 활동도 계속하고 있다. 정지훈은 "곡을 모으고 있다. 요즘 잘 하는 음악하는 아이들을 모아서 지원하는 것이 목표"라며 "제작자로서 준비하고 있는 것이 사실이고 이미 몇 팀을 모았다. 조금 있으면 보실 수 있을 것이다. 신인 가수와 작곡가, 작사가들이 있다"고 덧붙였다.


영화 '자전차왕 엄복동'은 일제강점기 희망을 잃은 시대에 일본 선수들을 제치고 조선인 최초로 전조선자전차대회 1위를 차지하며 동아시아 전역을 제패한 실존 인물 엄복동을 소재로 삼은 작품이다. 정지훈은 타이틀롤 엄복동을 맡았다.


영화 '자전차왕 엄복동'은 오는 2월 27일 개봉한다.








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Five-minute Interview with Jung Ji-hoon about "Bangtan Boys (BTS) and Twice






Actor and singer Jung Ji-hoon praised the group "Bangtan boys" band (BTS) and Twice.


On the 20th, Jung Ji Hoon the actor of the upcoming film “Uhm Bok Dong” spoke about the popularization of Korean culture and the “BTS syndrome, which was held at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul.


Jung Ji Hoon was described as a “world star” after working in Korea and abroad as a singer and an actor.   “People called me a world star at the time because it wasn’t something that had happened before, but I think it was an exaggeration,” said Rain.


"I think that all the Koreans who work overseas now as well as the BTS should really be applauded.  Because of them, people in other countries know about Korean culture and food & studying the Korean language.


Jung Ji-hoon said, “When I went on overseas tours in the past, I had to do the Q&A in English. But now when I ask in Korean, [the fans] understand everything and respond. They're learning through YouTube because of K-pop singers, Korean actors, and Korean content.  BTS is really amazing and wonderful,” added Rain.


I also talked to PSY and say that I’m so happy for BTS. PSY and I are both producing. If groups like BTS and TWICE do well now, then bigger stars can come out in the future."


On the other hand, the film 'Uhm Bok-dong, starring Jung Ji-hoon' will be released on the 27th.






[Kim Ji-young reporter news@fashionmk.co.kr/

photo = RAIN Company 

credit : http://www.theceluv.com/article.php?aid=1550649847238773012








[5분 인터뷰] 정지훈 “방탄소년단(BTS)·트와이스, 대단하고 멋있어”    


[더셀럽 김지영 기자] 배우 겸 가수 정지훈이 그룹 방탄소년단(BTS), 트와이스를 칭찬했다.


20일 서울 종로구 삼청동에 위치한 한 카페에서 영화 ‘자전차왕 엄복동’에 출연한 정지훈의 인터뷰가 진행됐다.  


가수로 국내와 해외에서 왕성한 활동을 펼쳤던 정지훈은 ‘원조 월드스타’라는 수식어에 겸손함을 표하며 “그 당시에 없었던 일이니까 그렇게 평가를 해주시는 것”이라고 말했다.


이어 “방탄소년단뿐만 아니라 지금 현재 해외에서 일하는 모든 한국 사람들은 정말 박수를 받아야 한다고 생각한다”며 “그것 때문에 한국의 문화, 음식을 알고 한국어를 공부한다”고 했다.


정지훈은 과거 해외활동 당시 월드투어 콘서트에서 영어로 번역한 멘트를 준비해 관객들에게 말했다면 현재는 한국어로 말해도 외국인 관객들이 한국어를 공부한 상태여서 이해를 한다고 했다. 그는 “K-POP 가수, 한국 콘텐츠들 때문에 그들이 직접 공부를 하는 것”이라며 “방탄소년단, 트와이스 이런 친구들이 앞으로 더욱 더 잘 돼야 한다고 생각한다”고 응원했다.


이와 함께 싸이와 자주 만나 이야기를 나눈다며 “저도 싸이 형도 제작을 하고 있지 않나. 방탄소년단, 트와이스 이런 친구들이 잘 해놓으면 앞으로 더 큰 스타가 나올 것이라고 생각한다. 올바른 현상이라고 생각한다”고 했다.
한편 정지훈이 출연한 영화 ‘자전차왕 엄복동’은 오는 27일 개봉한다.  




[김지영 기자 news@fashionmk.co.kr/ 사진= 레인컴퍼니 제공]


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*** I love his confidence in protecting his family at all costs. I really understand and respect his decision. I'm happy for him and Kim Tae Hee.  Although I must admit I would absolutely love to see a family picture but, some fans can go really crazy over things. I think he made the right decision by doing this. Go Rain! :P






Rain explains why he and Kim Tae Hee are private about their baby and marriage




Rain explained why he and his wife Kim Tae Hee are private about their baby daughter and marriage.

Rain and actress Kim Tae Hee welcomed a baby girl in October 2017, but they've kept their child away from social media and headlines in general. At the press conference for the upcoming movie 'Uhm Bok-dong' on February 20, Rain expressed, "I think I'm different after having a family. There's nothing I feel I have to do necessarily because I have the title of father, but I have rules now. In the past, I talked cheerfully about how I want my family to get along a certain way, but the world is scary now. I want to reveal my baby, but I feel it could come back as a knife later."

He continued, "In the future, I plan to keep a wall between work and family. It's because I don't want my family to get hurt. Having a family doesn't affect the kinds of projects I choose, but I don't want to open up about my family. I'm careful. I have guilt because of what happened to my mother in the past... There can be misunderstandings about me because I have the job of being a celebrity. You can play with me, and throw me away, but you can't cross the border of touching my family."


Rain is playing the titular character of 'Uhm Bok-dong' in the film about the famous Korean cyclist. It's set to premiere on February 27 KST. 



source : allkpop

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Jung Ji-hoon's reason why his private about his daughter.  “The world is scary now."






Jung Ji-hoon explained why he does not disclose his child.


Jung Ji-hoon (Rain), who is starring in the movie "Uhmbok-dong" directed by Kim Yoo-sung) said on February 20th that he wanted to separate his family and work through an interview conducted in Jongno. 


Jung Ji-hoon has married an actress Kim Tae-hee since 2017 and has a daughter. Jung Ji-hoon said, ““I think I'm different after having a family. There's nothing I feel I have to do necessarily because I have the title of father, but I have rules now. The world is scary now. I want to reveal my baby, but I feel it could come back as a knife later." 


Jung Ji-hoon said, “In the future, I plan to keep a wall between work and family. It's because I don't want my family to get hurt. Having a family doesn't affect the kinds of projects I choose, but I don't want to open up about my family. I'm careful. I have guilt because of what happened to my mother in the past... There can be misunderstandings about me because I have the job of being a celebrity. You can play with me, and throw me away, but you can't cross the border of touching my family."


The movie 'The Bicycle King Uhm-bok-dong' is based on the true story of famed cyclist Uhm Bok-dong, who became a symbol of pride for Koreans when he defeated Japanese cyclists and won the championship in a bicycle race which took place during the Japanese colonial rule of Korea.

Jung Ji-hoon is playing the role of Uhm. The movie will highlight the life of the titular cyclist. Uhm was known for his cycling prowess and his fearlessness during the days of Japanese occupation—he would often compete and win against Japanese racers.


Opens on February 27.







(Photo = provided by RAIN Company)

Newsen Bae Hyoju hyo @

credit : NEWSEN.COM








정지훈, 딸 공개 않는 이유 “무서운 세상, 칼이 돼 돌아와”[EN:인터뷰③]


[뉴스엔 배효주 기자]

정지훈이 자녀를 공개하지 않는 이유를 밝혔다.


영화 '자전차왕 엄복동'(감독 김유성)에 출연한 정지훈(비)은 2월 20일 서울 종로구 모처에서 진행된 인터뷰를 통해 가족과 일은 별개로 두고 싶다고 했다.


정지훈은 동료 배우 김태희와 2013년부터 공개 열애를 해 2017년 결혼, 슬하에 딸도 두고 있다. 정지훈은 "(가정을 꾸리고) 달라진 건 없다. 아빠라는 타이틀을 가졌다고 해서 앞으로 어떻게 해야 될까 하는 건 없다"면서도 "규칙이 생겼다. 예전만 해도 '우리 식구는 이렇게 지내고 있다' 밝게 이야기했는데, 이젠 세상이 무서워졌다. 공개도 하고 싶지만, 나중엔 칼이 되어서 돌아오더라"고 운을 뗐다.


정지훈은 "앞으로도 철저히 가족과 일은 벽을 치려고 한다"며 "제 가정이나 가족이 다치는 걸 원치 않기 때문이다"고 했다. 이어 "가족이 생겼다고 해서 제가 작품을 고르는 기준에 영향을 끼치지는 않지만, 가족에 대한 이야기는 드러내놓고 하지 않으려 한다. 조심스럽다"고 거듭 강조했다.


그러면서 "전 과거 어머니에 대한 죄책감이 있던 사람이다. 가족이 다치거나 누가 가족을 건드리면 이성적인 판단이 안 된다"며 "저에 대해서 오해가 있다면 그럴 수 있다고 생각한다. 연예인이라는 직업을 가졌으니까. 저를 갖고 놀다가 버리셔도 된다. 하지만 가족을 건드리면 선을 넘게 된다. 이성적인 판단이 안 되니까 선을 긋는 게 맞다고 생각한다"고 강조했다.


한편 영화 '자전차왕 엄복동'은 일제강점기 희망을 잃은 시대에 일본 선수들을 제치고 조선인 최초로 전조선자전차대회 1위를 차지하며 동아시아 전역을 휩쓴 ‘동양 자전차왕’ 엄복동을 소재로 한 작품이다. 정지훈은 평범한 물장수에서 조선 최고의 자전차 선수로 거듭나는 엄복동 역을 맡았다


. 2월 27일 개봉.(사진=레인컴퍼니 제공)




뉴스엔 배효주 hyo@


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On 2/20/2019 at 4:04 PM, willenette said:

Rain Shares Thoughts On The Future Of His Singing Career


Rain continued, “I exercise, day and night. However, I need to draw the line at some point. I don’t know when that will be. It might be two, three, or four years later. If my body allows it, I would like to continue promoting as a singer, but I’m also preparing myself to let go of the singer Rain.”


Source (1) / soompi news


I've been in a bit of a gloomy mood because of his words :( He is just being very open, honest and realistic, but still I don't want to think about that ... I guess he is much better prepared than I could ever be ...


7 hours ago, willenette said:

*** It’s his choice & we have to respect his privacy. I will always support whatever his choices are. Most of celebrity parents want their family out of the spotlight, anyway. :P


Rain Opens Up About Keeping His Daughter Out Of The Spotlight And Protecting Family From The Public

I support his decision not only because I love and respect him, but also because I totally agree.

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  Rain is cautious talking about his family







The new film "Bicycle King Uhmbok-dong" starring RAIN and Lee Bum-soo will be released in South Korea next Wednesday. Rain and other casts have been busy promoting in the past few days.



Rain accepted the Korean media interview today, mentioning that he was scared riding on the bicycle during shooting. He even experienced his veins burst due to too much exertion: "I want to step on the pedal of the bicycle again." Rain explained that because he wants to be a true cyclist who went to the Olympics to receive training like the national team, he went to the track field for training. After three and a half months, Rain said frankly: "After the movie, I will definitely ride on the bicycle again. For the time being, I just want to rest. My leg muscles become thicker." 



Rain married an actress Kim Tae Hee on 2017 and become a father on the same year. He was asked if his choices changed. Rain said: ““I think I'm different after having a family. There's nothing I feel I have to do necessarily because I have the title of father, but I have rules now. The world is scary now. I want to reveal my baby, but I feel it could come back as a knife later."  Rain said frankly that he wants to separate his work from his family. Sometimes he wants to talk openly about his wife and beautiful daughter but he doesn’t want his family to be hurt later on. He said: “Having a family doesn't affect the kinds of projects I choose, but I don't want to open up about my family. I'm careful. 



At the same time, Rain also mentioned the news that his parents had disappeared after borrowing money. Because the incident involved his late mother, Rain admitted that the incident had exceeded his limit because of his family, so he decided to separate his work from his family. I have guilt because of what happened to my mother in the past... There can be misunderstandings about me because I have the job of being a celebrity. You can play with me, and throw me away, but you can't cross the border of touching my family."




Featured Korean Wave, 喺

credit : https://hk.entertainment.appledaily.com/enews/realtime/article/20190220/59280955








【韓流】Rain要謹慎談家人 拍戲受傷揚言以後唔再踩單車







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***Awww……..I'm glad to see that RAIN has been married & a happy parent for (2) years now. His daughter is more than (1) year but he still haven’t showed their one & only up to now – hahaha – We have no idea what she looks like….. :P






14 Current And Former K-Pop Idols Who Are Loving Parents


We’ve taken the habit to keep up with our favorite idols throughout their careers until a time comes when it’s their turn to start their own family. Some current and former idols from previous K-pop generations have tied the knot and also now have kids of their own, which makes us feel equally nostalgic and old.


As they grow older and wiser with their sweet children, here is a selection of K-pop idols who are loving parents.




12. Rain

This prodigy welcomed his daughter to the world on October 25, 2017, but has chosen to keep her from the public.




(skipped unrelated.....)



credit : soompi news

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