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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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Guest joy2127

Part1: 020306 NY Concert - You Know.avi



Part3: 020306 NY Concert - I Do (encore).avi



Part4: 020306 NY Concert - Its Raining.avi



Part5: 020306 NY Concert - Dance Break.avi



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Guest fatgrrl_slim

Part1: 020306 NY Concert - You Know.avi



Part3: 020306 NY Concert - I Do (encore).avi



Part4: 020306 NY Concert - Its Raining.avi



Part5: 020306 NY Concert - Dance Break.avi



Wow, these files are huge! Thanks for sharing, joy2127! :)

:o .. What if someday I get to see him and he's running away.. :o

I would be sad.. ded... ( :blink: So better not meet him huh??.. better admire him

from far)

Aww... don't lose hope, Bam... maybe he's just dead tired these days, he doesn't want the fans nor the press to see him in that condition. He's still human after all (and not a cyborg :P).


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:o .. What if someday I get to see him and he's running away.. :o

I would be sad.. ded... ( :blink: So better not meet him huh??.. better admire him

from far)

Bam, to be honest, it's good to have this preparation....


This interview of JYP is very good and informative, any kind soul please translate it into English.

He gives many answers we want to know.

(from rainhk.com)









“好不容易邀請到的Island Def Jam等美國知名唱片公司老總和音樂家們的反應都很好。已有三、四家提出合作意向,建議成立以Rain為中心介紹亞洲音樂家音樂為主的唱片公司,而且還接連進行拍攝廣告、電影等方面的洽談。”


“我再強調,這是為繼續占領亞洲市場。有一點很明确,如果到明年,盡管目前還不清楚,也許會出來一個‘中國的Rain’,即便實力只有Rain的一半,但在華人地區很可能會給他更多的支持。我國也曾經一度為‘New Kids On The Block’組合瘋狂,但出來HOT后,几乎無人問津‘N Sync’、‘Backstreet Boys’等英美地區男孩組合。因此我們不能滿足于現狀。在美國這一最高舞台上獲得成功,才能算作‘亞洲公認的第一人’,能鞏固其地位。為占領擁有龐大人口的亞洲市場,進軍美國市場是必須的。”

朴振英不僅是捧紅“Rain”的制作人,而且在美國作為史密斯(Willard Christopher Smith)等重量級歌手的唱片制作人,擁有了自己的一片空間。朴振英赴美國是有原因的。兩年前,朴振英在洛杉磯居住區租一間民房,每天手里拿著自己錄制的CD,走訪了20多家唱片公司,但一無所獲,而當他感到絕望時,一個叫“奧博布魯克”的唱片公司找到他,希望他為史密斯的唱片配曲。這是他去美國11個月后的事情。














記者 崔乘鉉 vaidale@chosun.com

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Guest ladygurl

alecs, i forgot to log out when i went at your place. haha. please log me out. I see my name :P


guys, is the full TRL show out already?

- karen/pinkjiawen

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

I believe that these are new photos of bi :phew:

Vonin Photoshots


I am not diggin' the hair on this one, but who cares about the hair when you can stare at that marvelous torso?? :o:wub:

Thanks for sharing, Xingz!


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Guest pink_is

Part1: 020306 NY Concert - You Know.avi



Part3: 020306 NY Concert - I Do (encore).avi



Part4: 020306 NY Concert - Its Raining.avi



Part5: 020306 NY Concert - Dance Break.avi



thanks for the huge files..hope ysi love me today..appreciate it much too....:)..

Rain avoiding the crowd?..too tired..his tight schedule surely shut off some fans..let' hope they have the kind of spirit that we have..love him no matter what and understand the situation that he is at now..:(...

glad he made it safe to China..kekek...

what's that article of JYP all about?..curious..he seem to smile big.. :P

:o .. What if someday I get to see him and he's running away.. :o

I would be sad.. ded... ( :blink: So better not meet him huh??.. better admire him

from far)

speaking of experience..i think it's better off to admire him from far away rather than seeing him up close..cuz the more you see him closer..the more pain you'll get... that's why i make up my final decision..will love and support him from far away..but never never cease to go closer than he want it..

sometime..it's just too much to take in ... :tears:


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Guest LoveRain

Celeb's Valentines' Day Present: Rain wants to give a kiss

Hangeul to Chinese: Eunhye@biwithRain

Chinese to English: Rayndrop

Want to give your loved one the most beautiful and memorable Valentine's Day? Top artistes reveal their secret on how to do so:


1. Kiss: "Strong language right at the beginning?" (Laughs) A straightforward heart¡­getting a kiss from your loved one. What's better than this gift of love? :wub:

2. Nostalgia: "When holding the Marc Jacobs perfume which has a strong coconut scent; Whenever I smell that scent, I will think of that special someone."

3. Notebook (Laptop): "Slightly expensive present"¡­Is learning to compose music on the computer lately, even when I¡¯m on the move, I want to learn when I am free.

4. Keyboard: "No matter where and when, I want to play the music I compose for her as a present. Romantic, eh?"

5. An MP3 with a huge storage memory: "I'm a singer and need to be on the move sometimes, so I want something I can bring along."

thanks so much for the translation, Sam

okay here my poor pics, evne so i have not many i want to share with you:

did not made many at the concert ... cause if i use the flash...you can not see bi on the pic just smoke and fog

if i did not use the flash the pic was not sharpe so here my few pics of RD-NYC 3.2.2006

these pic are the best i have :shy1:


thanks for sharing these pics, dani!!

i love this one.. so kewL~!!

WOW. This one's amazing. Can I 'steal' this? I'm gonna make it as my cellphone wallpaper. :)


haaha.. :lol: the first time i saw i knew you would love this, pau..

Vonin Photoshots


omo!! i love this one.. so dang hot!!!


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speaking of experience..i think it's better off to admire him from far away rather than seeing him up close..cuz the more you see him closer..the more pain you'll get... that's why i make up my final decision..will love and support him from far away..but never never cease to go closer than he want it..

sometime..it's just too much to take in ... :tears:


Why is there pain when you see him upclose? However, I do agree with you that it is best to admire him from afar since some fans might be disappointed if they met him in person and he is not like their expectations.

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Guest bishie_bashie

annyong! I'm shay once again. MIA for a period of time. >.< okay.

Heard about Rain's fab NY concert and was a little disappointed tht I couldn't go. Okay.

My PS skills are going rusty.



Rusty eh? << My skills...

But nevertheless, Annyong to all Biers down here.

Ayu, Amee, Visc, Dani, Wendy, Bam, Jo, Aileen, Karen, and the rest! :D

I believe that these are new photos of bi :phew:

Vonin Photoshots




Thanks for these Xingz! He looks so nice in it. :D

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omg lia we missed in NY :tears: a pity ...

why did i switch off my cell phone such soon at the concert eve

:( Dani, yeah so sad we didn't get a chance to meet. Maybe next time when we went to Bi's concert together again. HK in Nov? :phew:

to see him in flesh and blood does not make i easier ... you get even more addicted

Exactly what I am feeling also. I was seriously thinking to go to BKK you know, but I know it will be madness. I think I am in withdrawal now..... :(

Rain should add some colors to his wardrobe. Wearing all black is too dull and makes him appear uninteresting.

Then why are my body temperatures rise up whenever I see him in black? :ph34r::P

He must be too tired... and may be he has a lot of pimples.. so

he doesn't want fans to see him in that condition...

I really pity him... look what fame does to MJ...

I hope it would never get that bad for Uri Bi

Pimples? :lol::lol: He can't be that vain? And his skins were super smooth in NY, only few pimples which barely noticable. His skins on whole body are smooth hubba hubba :phew:

MJ? :ph34r: OMG pls don't give me nightmare lah....

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Guest pink_is

Why is there pain when you see him upclose? However, I do agree with you that it is best to admire him from afar since some fans might be disappointed if they met him in person and he is not like their expectations.

well..to be on the safe side..HE'S 10 TIME GORGEOUS than the pix..the actual person is way way better..

but what i meant was...it's hard when you see him close..cuz the memory will linger more..and make you want to see him more...maybe closer..perhap..even more..and become some sort of stalker..kekek..anyway..like let's say..if you go to some gathering..something were to happen ..and thing didnt' turn out the way you plan it..then yeah..big dissappoint..but then again..he always make up for the dissappointment..so yeah....just that i sometime it's hard..and painful to be hurt in sticky situation..*kinda hard to explain.. ;) *


i dont' like this pix..something about is just..*PUSH ME AWAY*...



JOYCE Aigoo..the file got block..any clubbox link?

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Then why are my body temperatures rise up whenever I see him in black? :ph34r::P

Maybe because you love him so much that he makes you hot in whatever he wears. I am not saying he looks bad in black but a little color would add more liveliness in him. :)

well..to be on the safe side..HE'S 10 TIME GORGEOUS than the pix..the actual person is way way better..

but what i meant was...it's hard when you see him close..cuz the memory will linger more..and make you want to see him more...maybe closer..perhap..even more..and become some sort of stalker..kekek..anyway..like let's say..if you go to some gathering..something were to happen ..and thing didnt' turn out the way you plan it..then yeah..big dissappoint..but then again..he always make up for the dissappointment..so yeah....just that i sometime it's hard..and painful to be hurt in sticky situation..*kinda hard to explain.. ;) *

Thanks for answering me and it is true that letting go of him is harder once you see him in person. Fans should know that it is impossible to be close to him so it's best not to have unrealistic thoughts about Bi. We are mesmerized by Bi for his charms but he is always unreachable to any of us. That is why I never want to meet Bi in real life but I am just happy enough with admiring him from afar. ^_^

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Guest bennymtv

Part1: 020306 NY Concert - You Know.avi



Part3: 020306 NY Concert - I Do (encore).avi



Part4: 020306 NY Concert - Its Raining.avi



Part5: 020306 NY Concert - Dance Break.avi




Poor me! I'm late, al link died


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:lol: He...She is such a beautiful girl!!~~

Thanks for sharing~

1. Kiss: "Strong language right at the beginning?" (Laughs) A straightforward heart¡­getting a kiss from your loved one. What's better than this gift of love? :wub:

Woohooo~~ I'm gonna have this!! :blush:


Anyone tell me...WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS PIMPLES?? :crazy:


I love his natural face more than the photoshopped one :tongue2:

Maybe because you love him so much that he makes you hot in whatever he wears. I am not saying he looks bad in black but a little color would add more liveliness in him. :)

Oh...you don't find him hot in black. Well...we/almost all of us do.

In fact we/I find him hot in almost everything...or nothing :vicx:

And I believe it's not that we love him so much but because he really do look hot.

Just look at that torso! (said byPau :lol: )

How will he be a model if he can't carry clothes properly regardless of its look and color?

And yeah..putting a little color will not hurt at all. ^_^

*waves* Hi to all here!!~~

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