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Website Layout Designing

j i w o n.

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any recommendations?
Does anyone know any good, easy to use website layout designing?

is this something I can self teach? or will I need to ask someone experienced to help me out?

& is anyone really good at website layout designing and is willing to help? o-o

thanks in advance!

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^photoshop is a graphics program not a website design program

dreamweaver is major easy.

you can split between html or design mode or both at the same time.

the only website i did was completely with tables.

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freewebs has a decent one without all teh silly download of new programs.. however when it comes to templates, I'm all about the photoshop/illustrator combo..

But.. now that I use flash... a lot of it just doesn' tmatter anymore. =)

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Thank you guys for your suggestions<3<3<3

I really appreciate it!!

Hhaha I like photoshop too!<3

I have dreamweaver but I gotta install it haha.

I'm so gald to hear that it's easy to use haha.

ohh & thank you for the suggestion about freewebs!(:

flash? o-o haha we have a class for that at school but....... not interested in taking. it seems hard AHHA.

and thank you very much for that website. haha I see so many links linking bunch of.. computer words haha. All i can reocgnize is html, url, and png HAHA. kind of sad.


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Guest Irysinon

It would be better to learn from the fundamentals of web design by getting some books (just so you don't get confused/lost). Or, of course, going to w3.org as suggested by Jungwon.

Here are some key assets that I recommend.

Knowledge of HTML or XHTML (I prefer this one)






That's pretty much all you need to know to make some slick sites. Flash is cool, but that's really just interactive animation and eye-candy. It's not a necessity, unless of course, demanded. Static web pages are the way to go.

If you're into web development, then you should check out...

PHP w/MySQL or ASP w/Microsoft Access


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Guest Jungwon

... PHP w/MySQL ...


+1 to that! Nothing beats Open Source language and back-end software like PHP with MySQL :] A hint of AJAX and you got a "web 2.0" website :]

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o-o i need to do a lot of research


I'm just like


computer talk. hm.


I think i know what javascript is. i always get the notification that i need to download it or something.

my sql is just new to me.


I really needed that kind of narrow list of things ishould look into!

thanks mad korean!

and thank you jungwon for the +1 b/c that made me know for a fact that i HAVE to look into that.

and thanks duykato haha for the "php my sql combo " comment. haha


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Start simple and stick with the basics first. Don't get in to too much from the beginning. The basics alone could take more than a year to master. HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You can use Dreamweaver to work with all of these.

PHP/MYSQL has nothing to do with visual layout design. Don't worry about it as it provides nothing in terms of the visual design of a website.

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