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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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No it was a girl in her 3rd year of high school and she is a Shinee fan who was mad because 2PM was getting more popular than Shinee, so she went to the news with the info from Jay's myspace.

They are talking about it over at this thread: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=311867

Ridiculous... :angry:

Your group cannot be number 1 all the time!

I will say it again... she needs to contact JYP and get Jay back!

EDIT: I have something else to say... Did she go after other artists who won awards and were number 1? No! But she targeted Jay. She wants forgiveness, so she does not have to feel guilty and go back to her life, but what about Jay?

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Guest rieleva

its 1:55am here in the philippines... ive slept earyl (10pm) than my usual sleep because of how sad i am.. to be able to forget this sadness and just woke up in the morning with a new view that jay will be back, he will surely be back he just needs the encouragement from his family... but sadly i cant sleep very well and wake up from the bed to go this site if they had any new news about jay... i feel so helpless not being part of the contribution of hottest in the post it project. fans like me can only hope for the best and pray. hoping that it will be okay someday, that jay will be back.... and i just cried again about the letters of hottest and other fanclub who are giving their support to us... thank you....

to the girl who post the myspace comments and asking for forgiveness and... to me i cant forgive her.. she may be in the exact age of jaebeom when she did that.. but its a different situation to jaebeom.... can you say to a person to commit suicide!if you're in your right mind.. i thought people there are nationalistic or well mannered... its like our country is well mannered than yours... at least we know that how to have respect... our mothers/parents thought as that in your age missy... im sorry, but i cant calm down in this matters.. she had ruin a life not only life of jay but the lives of 2pm.... now she wants forgiveness??? its not just a little kid that you take a way the candy and you return it back. its like you push a person in the street causing her death and asking for forgiveness... its different.... so im sorry! i can never forgive here from what she did to jay...

to us hotttest... be strong... the other 6 members need our support at this time... remember that we are the pride of 2pm... thank you for the support of all other fanclub, cassies, elf, etc...

2pm hwaiting! hottest hwaiting!

2pm and Hottest the saddest time of day

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That's not true. That's the atittude that amkes it even moe complicated than i needs to be.

He went because he needs to recoup. Last I recall we are notrobots! Once you leave you can come back. You come back with your head held securely on your shoulders and say "this is my dream, it won't be squashed, this is my family, they won't be abandoned" Even if he doesn't come back, he hasn't abandoned them, they'd stay as a family, JYP may even take him under his wing to learn produincg and whatnot. Right now the future is not clear but we can't be so cynical so fast.

well maybe HE can comeback adn the MEMBERS will accept him..but if you think about it, he left because of teh antifans and netizens and stuff...if he comes back will tehy stay quiet? and if he wrote these things on his myspace he prolly wrote on otehr places too so everyone will dig those up too..

im not saying i dont want him to come back cause i dont...i love jay!! im just saying that he prolly CANT come back...

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Guest lec8504


We must keep on petitioning, one day our voices will be heard and JYP can't ignore us any longer! There's NO WAY I'm giving up on Jae this easily.

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Guest Staracles

So I whipped up a band-aid banner in a couple of minutes.


My sudden inspiration. I'm sorry if you think it's lame! -o-;

LOL But you can use it if you wanna.

Why the band-aid?

Just because...I think Leadja is really hurting and well, yeah. Get well soon Jay <3

We love you loads~

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Guest everybodyshout

let's forgive whoever feels remorse, guilty and willing to change for the better.

there is completely no use feeling hatred towards the starters. probably rash teenagers who did not know better, like how we were all like in our younger days.


now let's focus on just supporting jay!

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Guest Naviswtngl123

I am not a big fan of 2pm but I do like their songs. I don't usually come to this thread. I go to the DBSK thread a lot. When I read about the Myspace comments, I didn't think much of it. He made comments that any one of us would have made who have come to a country not knowing the language or the culture. I am sad that he quit. It is so unsuspected that he did that. I hope the best for him. I hope he later on doesn't regret the decision he made. I hope the other 2pm members will be able to overcome this and go on. I hope Jay will be able to overcome this and move on. I wish him the best of luck.

I am trying to download the petition but the megaupload link is not working. Can anyone tell me if there is another link from where i can download it?

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Guest entermuriel


my friend & i have made an event in facebook to go to the JYP building here in Manhattan. We are doing the same thing that kHOTTEST did. We will get post-its and place them in the JYP building! That way this can be a peaceful gathering. ^^. and we don't get in trouble hehe.

If you want to join here's the link:


now remember, this event is to support Jay through thin & thick. we do not want to bring troubles to him, so if you decide to get there, we have to do this in a peaceful way please.

once again, we're not doing this because we don't agree with Jay's decision, instead, we do it to show him support. we're doing this in case this little gathering brings a small difference in Jay's future.

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well...now that he left like this he cant just come back...

"oh yeah sorry guys..im really sorry about my myspace and for leaving and scaring yall and all but now that im back wish me luck ok?"

...somehow i dont think tahts gonna work...

... actually, this works quite well for me... :)

As for the thing about waiting for Jay to make his own decision to come back vs. demanding him to be back... I think it should be reflected to JYPE that fans want Park Jaebum, so that they will make a move to get him back. Like others have mentioned, it's unlikely that they've already terminated his contract. It does seem like it was a mutual agreement that he should leave Korea and be in a place of peace for the moment, and Jay seems to have decided for himself that it's for good, but the legalities might not be so clear-cut and for the fans, that may be a linger of hope.

And then towards Jaebum, we should just be supportive and send well-wishing messages that show that we care for him, and not necessarily rushing him back into a world of hurt. so I think people should still sign the petitions (I did.) Because that quantitates how much love we have for him (although love is hardly a thing that can be summarized in a number), but I don't think hiring a jetplane to puff out a smoke message over Seattle, telling Jay he needs to get his butt back to Korea RIGHT N.O.W. is the right thing to do... although that might be kind of cute... lol.

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Guest java_junkie
I'm sorry I might ruin the mood. Jaebum is my one of my fav members in 2PM. I'm really sad that he had to quit 2PM.

But you're asking why can't they just forgive him? You said he made a mistake that he regretted and he already apologized, so you can't understand why people can't just forgive him? But I'd like to ask you, can you forgive the girl who took the screencap of Jaebum's myspace and sent it to the reporter? She said she really regrets it and she deeply apologized for that. She's a 3rd grade high schooler, around the same age as Jaebum when he made his mistake. If you say everyone makes mistake and you can't understand why people can't forgive jaebum, then can you forgive that girl too for her mistake?

All I'm saying is, it's in human nature that we always hold grudge and can't just forgive each other. So don't be too baffled at how unforgiving people are. You and I, too, are like that.

You're absolutely right. To be able to feel emotions is what defines us as human beings. It's what makes us different from all other living creatures. Human emotion is very fickle, unpredictable and unforgiving. Some will find it impossible to forgive her and others. The netizens who do feel guilty have a long road to redemption ahead of themselves. I really, really hope that those who do feel guilty have learned an extremely important lesson today. They should feel ashamed for what they've done. They won't be able to look at themselves in the same way. They won't be able to look at their parents in the same way, and I hope, for their sakes and others, that they become better people from this. But we are better than that. As 2PM fans, we shouldn't stoop to their level. They have caused enough pain and damage. We shouldn't add fuel to the fire. By giving them a taste of their own medicine, we're only going to let this issue drag on, and that will hurt the boys even more in the long run. Jaebum wouldn't want this of us. The rest of 2PM wouldn't want this of us. Let's take the high road and hold our heads up high. If you truly find you can't, it's best to just ignore them all together.

Our focus now should be supporting Jaebum and 2PM. Jaebum has left the boys. They have lost their leader and a brother. It's our responsibility now to look after them and take care of them until Jaebum returns. In his goodbye message, he asked that we continue to love, support and take care of 2PM, and that is what we shall do. I know there's a lot of anger and resentment amongst a lot of fans, but we have to discard this negative energy and stay positive for the sake of the boys (and our own sanity)!

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Guest SjRyeoWookSj

What you guys don't understand is that Koreans are very proud of their nationality. It's really a sensitive issue and Jay unknowingly rubbed them the wrong way with his myspace incident. I certainly think that it was rash for people to demand that he be out the group. However, Jay should not have wrote something like that even if it was meant in different way. I mean when I saw his posts on myspace for the first time, I was taken aback by the language and someone could have definitely misinterpreted that the wrong way. When in Rome, you have to follow its rules and Jay should have realized that and follow Korean social rules.

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I remember the first time i saw jaebum.. i thought that he was really hot looking but i didn't care for him.. but then i got to see more of him and see who he is.. jaebum is such a charismatic and awesome person.. his personality and the way he is with his 2pm members makes me happy... thinking of him makes me happy.. but now, with him gone and quitting 2pm i feel like a part of me is gone.. i've come to care for him that much even though i didn't know him in real life.. i'm sad and hurt by the results that this accident has made..

I know jaebum is going through alot rite now and needs his family for support so leaving back home to seattle isn't such a bad idea.. but wat about 2pm? they were his family too... i really wish he didnt quit.. i wish he would just be with his family for the time being then go back to 2pm.. now that he's gone i'm utterly shock and speechless... and also really scared on the fact that he may never be shown to us again.. 2pm is not 2pm with him and i really hope that watevea happens in the future for 2pm, i wish them the best of luck..

Watching the clip when he was in the airport leaving made me see that this is so real that he's really gone.. and for the girl who did this to him.. ur apology means nothing because you didn't just make us jaebum fans hate you, you destory a really talented man's career.. and that man was the best... he never failed us with his presence and u've ruin that..

However, i only cared for 2pm the way i did was because of jaebum.. but now with him gone i don't know if i can stand to watch them go on without him... :(

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... actually, this works quite well for me... :)

haha yeah me too...but prolly not for htose crazy netizens who only care about korea's pride or whatever? idk..

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So I whipped up a band-aid banner in a couple of minutes.


My sudden inspiration. I'm sorry if you think it's lame! -o-;

LOL But you can use it if you wanna.

Why the band-aid?

Just because...I think Leadja is really hurting and well, yeah. Get well soon Jay <3

We love you loads~

omg I absolutely loved your banner..I like it you did

a good job..Jae needs to heal and hottests are here to

make him feel better

thanks a bunch ;) ;)

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omg I absolutely loved your banner..I like it you did

a good job..Jae needs heal and hottests are here to

make him feel better

thanks a bunch ;) ;)

^ love it too :]

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Guest FiddyPence
well maybe HE can comeback adn the MEMBERS will accept him..but if you think about it, he left because of teh antifans and netizens and stuff...if he comes back will tehy stay quiet? and if he wrote these things on his myspace he prolly wrote on otehr places too so everyone will dig those up too..

im not saying i dont want him to come back cause i dont...i love jay!! im just saying that he prolly CANT come back...

Everyone has anti-fans and if he's able to get over this demon that's weakened him. Those anti-fans bringing up the past won't even phase him because the fan power will be so much stronger.

"The reason JaeBum left is not because he's a coward or being selfish. He's doing it because he's human. Guilt, regret and pain is something we all feel and he needs to breathe. Whether he comes back or not is the chocie of him and the company.

We should just respect that and encourage him to feel HAPPINESS and LOVE in his heart 'again & again', everyday. We don't 'Hate you' for leaving the group because you are '10 out of 10'. Please regenerate your spirits and live your life to the fullest. It's a shame there are selfish people out there who still want to eat moldy bread and when they feel sick they blame the breadmaker.

This is not Korea's fault either, so don't blast out hate because of the section of cold hearted fools who ate what was expired."

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This is my first time posting here.

I'm HOTTEST in Thailand.When I heard this news from my sister.First I think she joking around me.

But It's truth, it's reality.I try to believe that is Nightmare.But it's the truth that I can't stand believing in it.

I started to cry again when I read message from his friend and people around him so touching TT^TT.

I do respect for his decision.I know this is the harddest time of his life to made decision like this.

Now he leaves Korea to America.His family will be on his side.I happy that He will be happy if he met his family.

But I hope HOTTEST we can show our power of love for him,we can show how Leadja Jay and 2PM important to us.

We'll support them although they're 6members and I will waiting for you Leadja JAY.You are the best Leader 4EVER.

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