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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest xclueless
The article they were referring to was the one about 2PM canceling all activities... I believe. Do not quote me on this.

And guys, Jay's bestfriend deleted his YouTube. Quite honestly, I'm not too surprised. :( Alot of messages were coming in, and he probably didn't want Jay to read how hurt the fans are... it'd probably hurt him more.

Omgosh noooooo. Honestly reading his update made me SOOOO happy. His youtube channel made me feel like I was one step closer to Jay and he closed it x.x I wonder why he closed it? Too many people harassing him? Or maybe Jay said something to him? :/

Honestly the anxiety is killing me. JYP can you release a statement already? I just want to know the answer to ONE question.. Will Jay return to us? :/

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Guest hubbaman

My take on this whole shebangs:

I understand fans heartbreaking. But it's definitely much worse for Jay, 2PM members and JYP. Even though fans are crying and protesting, this is after all a business.... multi-million business. So the decision to let Jay go won't be easy to any of them.

But Jay went back to US might be just part of the plan. Until there's any official announcement from JYP, there's no point to speculate.

But the whole situation makes me sick of how narrow-minded people can be, especially those sitting behind the computer and destroying someone's future just because they can.

That's sad.

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Guest falloutjane

I was feeling all mopey and piney about this whole Jay situation. So even though my mom isn't a fan of anything Korean besides Kdramas, she knows of my obsession with anything Korean. And I told her about the whole issue with Jay. She thinks it's ridiculous the extent of such a tiny issue can bring.

In any case, I was telling her that I'm all sad bla bla bla, and the words that came out of her mouth made me feel better. "Why are you sad? He's going home."

And as much as it sucks that Jay isn't with the rest of the 2pm members, holding the fort as leader, a place where we want him to be, I know she's right.

Jay's home. He's exactly where he needs to be.

So I'm really just wringing every little drop of comfort from that fact.

And as much as I'd like to think that he's just freaked out and needed to escape for the moment, I can't help but feel that I'm in the Denial stage of dealing with loss. Gah.

And I know it doesn't make much a difference about what we want, or what JYP wants because ultimately it's Jay's life and his decision.

But I really hope that he'd have a change of mind and come back.

I hope for his mental and physical well-being, that the love his family and friends are showing him will heal him. And he will truly realise the value of his worth. Because, even though he thinks he isn't the best rapper, or the best singer, or the most good-looking of 2pm, he's well...Jay. The most charming and charismatic of the lot. The pillar of 2pm.

The Hyung that the rest needs.

And that alone, is a good enough reason for him to comeback.

Because without Leader Jay, 2pm is incomplete.

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PLEASE stop all the dislikes towards JYP!! He hasn't said anything yet but it doesn't mean that we can jump into conclusions on our own. We're a bigger person that the netizens who drove Jay away, so act like one. I know we're frustrated and feeling helpless, but hating doesn't make things better.

im with you..whats with all the hate here..

why are we accusing someone when we ourself dont even know the real truth here..

then what make us more different here..

lets support jay..and whatever decision that come out later..just bear with it..

as to what xclueless asked..will jay return?..

im not sure myself..i wish he will..and i hope he will

my mind telling me that he wont..but i wont accept that..

i'll be waiting patiently till he return back to all of us here who keep on supporting him..

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Guest churvaness

~~I am very happy to find out that there is an actual petition to make Jay come back to


~~However, I think that even if he does come back...His feelings will never be the same

again...He was wounded...One can forgive, but to forget is ridiculous...

~~How can he perform on a stage wherein some of the audience thought of him as a

traitor...How can he walk the streets of Korea, knowing that someone who he passed by

might have been one of those who supported of him doing suicide...

~~How can he appear in variety shows laughing like he used to when the people

watching and maybe even the staffs and hosts thought of him as someone who is a disgrace and a trash...

~~Honestly, he was wounded....The turmoil that this issue has caused him was enough

evidence that he was not able to gain respect and trust, an artist must have gained from

many years of sacrifice...

~~Don't get me wrong....I hope he really does come back...But as what has been said, The

damage has been done...Even if Korean Netizens say sorry to Jay (which I highly doubt

they would do), Jay may never be the same again...

~~The image of Jay in the POV of most Koreans who misunderstood can be greatly

improved by the recent "messages of love" from the myspace comments during 2006....

~~But, maybe in Jay's case...The image of judmentality and cruelty that MOST of the

KOREAN NETIZENS have displayed over a misconstrusion can never be

improved...Especially with the sudden retraction of the negative comments...Wounds

leave scars...

~~Somehow, this act of some these netizens proved that Jay's judgments from his early

years maybe indeed true...

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Guest glfishy24

churvaness i totally agree with you!

he may come back but it'll never be the same again.

he'll be even more careful about everything he says and acts therefore making him more caution which means he'll be less spontaneous and outgoing

im so sad :( that was my favorite part about jay

just saying whatever that popped in his head

he was socute and funny

its hard to imagine seeing 2pm without that image

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Jay's friend's youtube account is closed.


The friend that kept us updated.

Please do not spread his friend's YT account even if it is closed.

We should really respect Jaebum & his friend's privacy.

Let Jaebum rest everyone. He needs time to heal.

What we should all do is continue to show support for him & the rest of the boys.

In words of Wooyoung.. "We are NOT 7 people, we are ONE"

so let's not forget the other six whom are dealing with this even harder then us.

Let's show our support to them.

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Guest wanderer335

I should really be going to sleep now. I found about the news of Jay's departure around 11am and ever since then I been going back and forth on websites hoping to hear some updates on Jay's situation and 2PM's future plans. Seems like its gonna take awhile...I hope when I wake up tomorrow I can hear some good news....

I agree with what some of you guys said....even if Jay does come back...he will/might not be the same again.

I hope Jay is resting now.....I wonder what is going on with the rest of the boys....-_-

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Not sure if this has been posted or not

My friend sent me this link

It's voting if we should let Jay come back continue with his activities or not

Please go and vote


Green is you against the idea!!!!!

We're currently behind!!!!!Everyone please go vote!!!!



thank you for posting the poll..I can't believe people

are still voting against him..do they show no mercy

once again thanks...hottests we need to fight against


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Guest chikashi

I've been selfishly wanting him to go back to being the leader of 2PM w/o realizing the plausible effects that you mentioned churvaness, if he did surface on the entertainment industry.

he'll be even more careful about everything he says and acts therefore making him more caution which means he'll be less spontaneous and outgoing

im so sad :( that was my favorite part about jay

just saying whatever that popped in his head

he was socute and funny


This is what made me love him. He was the oldest but he acted like he was the maknae of group.

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Guest a r a c h e r r y .

Oh my gosh. Everthing is going insane. I feel like the whole world is going insane.

I think we should all just take a chill pill. BREATHE guys. Let's wait for JYP, himself, to release an official statement. While we wait, we should talk about the good things about Jay. What made you get drawn into him, besides his sexy charisma? Let's think positive guys. It's wasting energy just bickering and hating.

Let's all hope for the best for Jay and if doesn't turn out the way we want, we as HOTTESTs should support whatever he does next.

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Guest churvaness


This thing about daum cafe petition that aims 160, 000 and the one with the green and red botton is really


The fact that the results are yielded differently is an indication that the netizens aren't fully ready to receive and forgive Jay ...

The daum cafe petition has a positive result, wherein the Green/Red Botton voting results that the supporters are lagging behind...even though just a 1000+ in number....

Hayyyy....Sana may patutunguhan pa to....Pinapa-asa lang nila ang mga fans....

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Guest Fueled by Ramen

here is a very rough, quick translation that my friend helped me with,

and by that I mean he translated quickly and I tried to touch it up a bit~

(I just put my soompi name on it because he doesn't have one.)

these are the fancafe responses on daum to the pic of the JYP NYC building.


original image was screencapped by someone whose soompi name I don't know.. ^^'''

alice, are you out there? haha~ well it looks like khottests appreciate our efforts..!

so please everyone in NYC try to make it out the event on saturday.


if you can't make it you can still send in a small (able to fit on a post it) message.

hottests should be proud of themselves but it doesn't stop here.


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Guest zahieyjunki

Again I listen to "you might come back" and it's so heartbreaking song!

it's so related to jay..

^^ khottests also with us..

I've already voted Jay and faster we need to catch up the votes..

for now I only listen to all 2PM songs to remembered of Jay & other members..

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Guest kuroari_nbza

i couldnt sleep last night... i cant think properly and i cant even do my work....

while i was staring at the four walls of my room last night... something hit me.... WHAT IF.... IF... someone out there (in korea i mean) actually really really really hates 2pm... and that person is so powerful that he can pay ppl to dig up stuff about 2pm and bash them with it.... i mean 2pm is getting a lot of attention lately and they're really famous, even artists love them, so maybe that person is just so jealous and he cant stand it he just had to do something about it....

i just had to say something..... and get it out of my mind.... hopefully its just my powerful imagination....

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Not sure if this has been posted or not

My friend sent me this link

It's voting if we should let Jay come back continue with his activities or not

Please go and vote


Green is you against the idea!!!!!

We're currently behind!!!!!Everyone please go vote!!!!

This is stupid, how can they vote against him coming back.

It's really surprising that this lame idea got more votes ........

Seriously! but then again if it's Jae decision to leave

Then let it be. If you guys truly love him then respect him

Of course, he might be making the wring decision to leave

But due to these circumstances, I though it was a good choice

To move to US, and hopefully come back when everything is settled.

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Guest kdsnabi426

I voted!

I've been sad about the news of Jay leaving since yesterday and have been lurking this thread for much of the time. I'm not the biggest 2PM fan so I don't call myself a Hottest. I didn't get into them until Again & Again R&B version and watching their performances more and more made me fall in love with Again & Again original version. Their Time For Change album is really awesome. But that album and a few Again & Again perfs was as about as far as I went into 2PM until I saw this one English radio interview with Jay, Khun, and Taec. From that interview, Jay became my favorite member. I loved his laid back and humble personality. Now my heart just aches for him. He's such a sweet guy and from reading all the comments from fans and celebrities, he's a really GOOD MAN too.

I totally totally understand his decision to bounce. Think about it. For 4 years he had a harsh and depressing trainee life before he was able to debut. Not only debut, but become the leader of a group. That's a lot of responsibility but from what I read, Jay did his job exceptionally well. Now think about how a leader would feel to bring shame upon his group just when their popularity is reaching new heights and not only that, it happens so soon after their 1 year anniversary. It's one thing to hurt your own self but it's another thing to hurt the people you love also. If u are a caring person (which Jay is), hurting your loved ones is more torture than you yourself getting hurt alone. I think Jay couldn't bear it. Having brought shame upon 2PM. I think all the depressing feelings he had gotten over from trainee life just came crashing down on him again. 2PM having to withdraw from being ambassadors of ICCON FAIR because of him, and his tv show appearances getting cancelled all because of this mess. I can imagine him feeling like everything around him was suddenly falling apart. It would have been nice had he been able to handle the stress and stay in Korea, but I don't think any less of him for leaving instead. I'm an empathetic person by nature. It's easy for me to put myself in another's shoes and feel what they must feel in a situation. I understand the sadness, the stress, the regret, the shame, and the helplessness Jay must've felt during all this. So I also understand why he chose to leave despite the hundreds of fans at the airport begging him to stay. In all truth, I'm grateful he has a safe haven to run to (his home in Seattle) instead of having to stay in Korea amongst all the negativity and then be driven over the edge to the place of no return like so many other celebrities. No. It's better for him to be at home with his family and friends, stress-free, until this mess can be sorted out and calmed down. It's a sad, shameful day in kpop history when netizens can have so much power to end the career of a good man like Jay. He apologized and even skipped meals for feeling regretful, but that wasn't enough for them. Shame, shame on you antis. I wish Korea would do something about their out of control netizens. Criticism is one thing, but hate should not have that much power anywhere.

I sincerely hope that 2PM will wait for their leader and will not disband. I also hope Korea learns to forgive and forget mistakes of a frustrated teenager. I plan to go search out Idol Army, Hot Blood, and Wild Bunny eps to get better acquainted with the 2PM boys. I'll keep the hope that Korea will forgive, that Leader Jay will heal from this experience and return stronger and that by that time, I will be able to proudly call myself a Hottest.

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