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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest hersheykid6914

im seriously very depressed that jay is leaving

people shouldnt push other people to the edge

give them room to compensate for what they have done

jay shouldnt be pushed to leave korea

i think people have to calm down about this.

although what he said was very wrong, it is not the end of the world

jay should be forgiven!

i just want all those jay antis to know that you might have just lost a young, hot, sexy, talented performer

forever support for 2PM & JAY!!

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Guest entermuriel







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my friend & i have made an event in facebook to go to the JYP building here in Manhattan. We are doing the same thing that kHOTTEST did. We will get post-its and place them in the JYP building! That way this can be a peaceful gathering. ^^. and we don't get in trouble hehe.

If you want to join here's the link:


now remember, this event is to support Jay through thin & thick. we do not want to bring troubles to him, so if you decide to get there, we have to do this in a peaceful way please.

once again, we're not doing this because we don't agree with Jay's decision, instead, we do it to show him support. we're doing this in case this little gathering brings a small difference in Jay's future.

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Guest car_shrimp.

i can't believe that the person who started this whole controversity is asking for forgiveness!

how can somebody be forgiven after ruining another person's dreams?!

forgiving this girl can not be easy and i thinkt hat the only way she can be and should be forgiven is if she like goes up to jay and actually apologizes.

I hope that 2pm can continue strongly after this.

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Actually, can you imagine what might happen now that she confessed it was her doing? From all we know, she might get the same treatment as that girl who got hate mails from suju fans and committed suicide, or even more. If people can hate someone so much just for taking a picture with their idol, imagine how much they can hate someone who made their idol quit. Remember, she didn't really need to confess, but she did anyway. Even though I have to say it wasn't very wise of her to confess like that. Imagine what 2PM fans can do to her once her identity is revealed. IF the same thing happens to that girl like the suju incident, can you still say 'those (2pm) fans are too obsessive' or 'i hate that kind of fans the most' with the same feeling you had when you heard about suju's incident?

My point is not to ask you to forgive her (though i hope we all do at some point), but to show that we're all the same. Human hearts are indeed scary.

PS: For someone who said 'I can forgive her stupidity, but not her person'. That's really wrong. We should hate the stupidity, but never the person.

As far as I concern, people are calm showing differences with those crazy netizens. Honestly, I'm just speechless of her stupidity and my anger points toward the real culprit here-netizens with media power.

I'm not rooting people to hold grudge against her but "What goes around, comes around". She can help doing terrible thing, and so do other people. I'm not saying it is good, it's just a karma instead. Fortunately, she made her move as revealing identity and hope for forgiveness. It's much worse if people find her out.

I believe that after what happening to Jay, people are not such freaking stupid to hold a petition calling suicide again.

Why we shouldn't hate the person? I think human are not angels, love or hate is common feeling. My point of view is if you feel angry, then hate her but NEVER demand her death. That's all.

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ive been reading several blogs about this issue and plenty of hottest are dishing out some cruel statements

i didnt read all the pages here

but i just wanted to get to the source with is soompi forum

and tell people to stop hating on this person

people should how to forgive one another

cant anyone be a good person and do that

or is that too much to ask

No it's not too much too ask...i'm actually one of those who are willing to forgive her..."to err is human, to forgive divine" and look at my signature...but fate will decide what's going to happen...what goes around comes around...

people in this forum are pretty resonable you see, there are a lot of people trying to calm everybody down...but the wound is still fresh however nobody is giving death threats out.. in time everybody will hopefully forgive her...we try not to stoop down to the level of crazy netizens/haters...we try to show that we are the bigger person...so please don't generalize everybody....it's a shame if some hottest are stooping to the haters level....

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Guest vi3tsweets

I hope Jay will come back soon and show us a cooler side to him! T.T

I'll miss him alot but hopefully he'll keep us updated with how he's doing right?

I read Boom's message to Jay and goodness I cried so badly.

Hearing Wooyoung faint because of this... Makes me concerned.

I wish Jay a whole ton of luck and come back ok?!

Wooyoung please feel better! We want 2PM to stay strong T.T~

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Guest AiMango

this is really depressing : / I thought this whole situation would be calmed down.. but after a day of not hearing about this, my friend told me this morning about how he left.. wow that is really, really sad.. i just started watching a bunch of 2PM earlier last week too.

Personally I dont hate the girl at all, she did something extremely STUPID, but I just hate the netizens' reactions. It is really unbelievable the extent they went to this. and i hope jaebum reconsiders his decision..

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Guest apatheticskittle

(I know this has been said a couple of times before but it's important to reiterate this)

Forgiveness is a touchy subject. While we may quickly look over and forgive Jaebeom for his rash comments four years ago, we must also forgive the girl who revealed Jaebeom's comments. Hottests, please do not stoop to her level or to those of the SuJu incident. Forgive, but don't forget. Learn from your past mistakes: that is what the human condition is all about. Move on, and remember to not make the same mistake again. Life is all about second chances. To angry netizens and Hottests alike, we should be able to give Jaebeom and the fangirl another chance. But please, in the meantime, continue to support Jaebeom and pray that he will regain his strength and confidence again. And do not forget to pray for the rest of 2PM and for JYP, as they have been restless about this as well.

When one member of 2PM hurts, we all hurt.

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Guest blue117

It makes me cry so hard to see such a sad face from Jay @ airport. :(

A young kid born from American where he has FREEDOM TO SPEECH make a comment on HIS myspace got that much of hate that he has to give up his beloved group, his bright future...that is ridiculous!

Well, Jay babe, We will support you. Take a break and be back soon! We will wait for you!!!


Those bs who want him to leave, to commit a suicide, you jst show the whole world how nasty you are to wish such a bad thing for him and how you ridiculous you try to show your so called KOREAN PRIDE. I bet you have nightmare every night for the rest of your life for doing these to him otherwise you are not human being!


I couldn't help but wonder what is KOREAN PRIDE that thousand of netizens try to show? This is IT?

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K-Pop Stars Believe In Jaebeom

After seeing Jonghun of F.T.Island show his support for JaeBeom, we now have Boom, 2AM's Jo Kwon, and fellow 2PM members showing their support as well.

Boom, who became close to all the members of 2PM especially JaeBeom on the show Idol Army expressed his sadness over JaeBeom's departure from 2PM.

He posted on his cyworld:

"My heart is hurting very much

My heart feels like it’s being torn apart because he is a dongseng that I love

Because I believe and love my dongseng I believe that he will return with a better appearance

Today my heart is hurting very much

Jaebeom, hyung will work harder so that when you return I can protect and hug you with a warmer embrace

Please return healthy………

I love you……………..

This brought tears to my eyes because it was very touching. Knowing they had such a great bond makes the situation more depressing than it already is.

Jo Kwon, who practiced with Jaebeom when they were both trainees expressed his grief on his cyworld:

The first song we practiced together..

We felt nervous and excited..

I always pray.

That it won't be such a hard journey..

I believe you will get stronger

because you're my brother.

Of course you can't forget JaeBeom's fellow members. They wrote on their cyworlds too.


Through the wind, fall came.

Out of nowhere, the fall scent has arrived....

The bright blue sky

It keeps making me cry.

Even the sky is making me cry

in the fall of 2009.

His background music on his cyworld is Bad News by Kanye West.


Let's walk together.

WooYoung showed his love for JaeBeom which we reported earlier.

Both WooYoung and Chansung's posts have been removed. The reason is unknown but people believe it is because netizens made some remarks again at the members about JaeBeom.

The more I hear about JaeBeom's situation, the sadder it gets. Everyone makes mistakes and learning from it is what usually happens. But when you're in the limelight you have to choose your words right or you'll be in the spotlight... for all the wrong reasons.

I just hope the best for JaeBeom.

Thanks to n klara for the tip.

SOURCE: allkpop

This made me tear up again. All his friends are so sad right now :[ and they love him so much.

So I'm guessing Jae has now arrived in Seattle? I really wish I could take the plane from Cali there just to show my support :[ ...

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Guest vindemi

Welcome back home, Jay <3

Hope that you're happy and relieved spending time with your family and friends after so long <3 We're going to wait for you.

Love & Respect

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Guest gamekyube


What I want to do is not make 1000 cranes myself but have a thousand fans (hopefully with the proper advertising, this number is plausible) each take a picture of themselves with a paper crane for Jay in addition to writing a letter if they want (hey, it can actually be in English!) with words of encouragement.

The letters will be sent to Jay himself in Seattle in a small package - I'm thinking we can get in contact with one of his friends if we tell them the proposal and they could give one of us the address privately (or something else, I'm sure we can find a way to make this happen) - and then we would create a music video of sorts of the crane pictures to give him on a DVD.

The main message in the DVD would be something like:

Our dearest Jaebum,

There's an ancient Japanese legend that promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane. Your international hottests have taken this to heart and folded you 1000 cranes, as shown in this DVD, in order to fulfill our greatest wish.

Your happiness.

Our hearts are hurting for you, and the only thing we want more is for you to be happy. I know a lot of us would love for you to return to 2PM and continue to create music and bring joy to thousands of people, but if it is not where your heart truly lies, we also want to say we understand. We just hope, from the bottom of our hearts, that whatever path you may choose you stay healthy and happy and have no regrets going into your future. We love you so much and we're wishing you the best. I hope your heart becomes warm with the hottest of thoughts we continuously send.


Your fans.

Now, I have to get to school soon and I wrote that in pretty much five minutes, so I'll be up for suggestions/editing a little later. That's just an example of the message I'd like to get across.

Interested? Please go to the website linked above and take the poll there. Depending on the response, I will decide whether or not to make this a grand-scale project or not.


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Guest SjRyeoWookSj

I know everyone is hurt and I understand that. However, I think it's wrong to blame the girl who posted the pics about myspace. It doesn't matter that she had malicious intent. Jay is the one who wrote those comments, not her. People were bound to find out about it. Misinterpreted or not, I hate that some people are dumping all these on her. As much as I love Jay, he has to take some blame too. Please think reasonably. What's done is done. Let's think about the next step and instead of bickering about a girl who who may have been show off to her friends or whatever.

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Guest ketchup?

I hope Jay will be doing well in Seattle. It's good to know he's back home now and can have some more time to reflect. I can't even begin to imagine how much pain he's in. It really breaks my heart to not have him as 2PM's leader. I hope everyone in Seattle gave him a big return party at the airport!

Man I'm just shocked..

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Guest chikashi

What I want to do is not make 1000 cranes myself but have a thousand fans (hopefully with the proper advertising, this number is plausible) each take a picture of themselves with a paper crane for Jay in addition to writing a letter if they want (hey, it can actually be in English!) with words of encouragement.

The letters will be sent to Jay himself in Seattle in a small package - I'm thinking we can get in contact with one of his friends if we tell them the proposal and they could give one of us the address privately (or something else, I'm sure we can find a way to make this happen) - and then we would create a music video of sorts of the crane pictures to give him on a DVD.

The main message in the DVD would be something like:

Now, I have to get to school soon and I wrote that in pretty much five minutes, so I'll be up for suggestions/editing a little later. That's just an example of the message I'd like to get across.

Interested? Please go to the website linked above and take the poll there. Depending on the response, I will decide whether or not to make this a grand-scale project or not.


I say we make as many people participate in this paper crane project so that he could have more than 1 wish ;]

But overall, sign me up! I support this creative idea!

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