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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest tiffanydawn

were these posted already?

Meanwhile, it was said that JaeBum’s growing affection for Korea after arriving Korea was realised too late by the Korean netizens.

An account posted on the internet says:

“JaeBum had an audition in a wine house called ‘ChinGuYa’ in north Seattle, and had gone to Korea when he was in high school. It was a difficult decision for him to go back to Korea. He was like a ‘banana’ (Asian on the outside, Americanised on the inside) who cannot speak much Korean.”

“Seattle is a city that is different from the other big cities. The community is very small there. Everyone knows everyone else there. And JaeBum’s friends there are like family to him. It must be a difficult time for him to left his family behind and to go to a place which he doesn’t even know anything about, and train as a trainee not knowing when is the end to this path.”

“So he would have the desire to go back to America badly. And for the Americans and locals there they do not use the word GAY by meaning. It is like a code word, but definitely harmless. It is a joke used by young people there.”

“In 2002 during the World Cup, JaeBum has come together with his friends and family at the church in Korea to support for Korea. He was like a real Korean who loves Korea. There is also Koreans in Korea who will say they hate Korea when times are hard for them, isn’t it. And are those people traitors? It is really sad that people label him that. Not talking about this from a point of a fan, but from a mother of a Korean child. I’m writing this for people who are supporting him in Seattle. This friend is just a ‘banana’ who can’t speak Korean well.”

source: kbites

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Guest surferdude12

I still can't believe this. As a male fan (fanboy) of 2PM, I feel... wow. I am completely shocked since yesterday. I, myself, even if i'm a guy, I feel like i'm helpless. 2PM is my role model and they're the first ever kpop boy group that I listened to (including some groups like TVXQ, Big Bang & Super Junior). What can I say about Jay Park? He's my main role model. Though I also find the other guys playful and cool, but Jay is the kind of guy I look up to. I have so much respect for this guy. When I heard this news, I just asked myself, "You don't deserved this. You're a great guy and all these happened to you? Why?". I even got my three other best friends (they're also guys and they're Americans) to listen to 2PM and shockingly, they started to listen too. I'm in school today and some of my Korean-American friends friends are speechless and frozen. I wanna go to Seattle to say to him "You have no idea international fans all over the world are supporting you so don't give up and we'll always be here." but I live in Canada/East Side. I have no choice but just to wait foe some news. Me and my 2 other siblings just became fans of kpop recently and this is what happened? NO ONE deserved this. I look up to Park Jaebeom A LOT not beause of how he looks or the way he dress but because of his personality. That's why since I started watching Wild Bunny, Hot Blood, Star King ,etc. I started to look up to him because even if he's American born, I just kept thinking, "Man. Look at him. He's a proud Korean no doubt". That's why I didn't really get mad at him, though a little, for saying that comments and blahblahblah because I exactly know what he means by that. But those anti netizens really just blew it off. I kinda lost respect now to 'some' korean netizens. Not all but those stupid ones that made that most stupid petition. I felt like I wanna kick some netizens asses. I always wished that I have an older brother like Jay but, tch, i'm an older brother. I wanna be like Jay, to be a good example to my younger brother, the way he does to his member. That's why I love to see their brotherhood. Oce you're a true fan, you'll always be a true fan. (execpt for some dimwits out there). We just need to give him some time and be with his folks. He needs rest and a lot of love from his fam & friends. Anyway, we just need to keep our head up and supprt Jaebeom hyung ALL THE WAY. Hotttests all over the world, Unite! FIGHTING! ^^

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Guest happyattacks

wow. so many ppl are reading this thread. i am too, and i've been for hecka long.

i still can't believe. our leader! :[

but we can't be upset, we've just got to hope for the best from here on out.

i actually cried a little when i found out.

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Guest angelic_gal369@hotmail.com

About that girl that started this problem how dare she to want forgivness.

only i know how much i suffered i haven't eaten anything these days,i'm sick throwing up and taking calming pills and

i try so hard to get used to thefact that Jay may not ever come back and she wants that.

All i have to say to her is that i hope she will have a taste of her own medicine because what comes around goes around.

on the other hand i'm happy that jay is going home to his loving family and friends and he is safe there.

I still hope he will comeback someday,or at least give us a sign once in a while to know he is alright.


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Guest loveshatori

you are wishing and telling a person and human being that they should go die

do you know how stupid and unreasonable you guys are sounding

what makes you better than those suicide petitioners huh?? you are just as bad or even worst since you saw the pain that the petition caused jaebom

people that signed the petition let their patriotism blind them causing them to committ an atrocious act

now you are letting your fananticism with 2pm and jaebom blind you and causing you to make death threats to a person who is asking for forgiveness

we as humans dont have the divine right to punish another human being to this degree

be compassionate and understanding

let karma take its course

one more thing be careful of your thoughts and words they are more powerful than you can ever imagine

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Guest annabanana10

wow, my heart goes out to him, i feel so much pain for him and the whole 2pm members...

it is true korean netizens are a little extreme...

i hope everything will work out, but i very much doubt he'll come back as 2pm since he made it public that he's leaving the group and if he comes back he'll probably be criticized for that too

now i don't know how 2pm will do without him...

and jaebum worked so hard, now its all down the drain... such pity! :tears::(

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Guest ninka-chan

It's touching for me... HOTTESTs from Korea are posting link to 'our' petition, saying to sign also there~


Thanks everyone for every word today... thanks to you all I feel like I'm not the only one who can't stop crying but also agree that Jay took the best from all hurtful ways :(

Hope we won't stop our support and won't lose the faith that 'he might come back' ~


What Junsu wrote made my heart aching again...

(sorry for no screen, CY is now offline)

Through the wind, fall came.

Out of nowhere, the fall scent has arrived....

The bright blue sky

It keeps making me cry.

Even the sky is making me cry

in the fall of 2009.

Source: allkpop, Junsu's CY

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Guest ANGee<3

when you are heartbroken you tend to say things you don't mean.

BUT we should forgive this little girl.

or whoever started this.


Jay should be fine once he sees his mothers face and feels secure again.

Support our leader always.

I'm trying to accept what has happened...i'm having a harder time than i thought....

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you are wishing and telling a person and human being that they should go die

do you know how stupid and unreasonable you guys are sounding

what makes you better than those suicide petitioners huh?? you are just as bad or even worst since you saw the pain that the petition caused jaebom

people that signed the petition let their patriotism blind them causing them to committ an atrocious act

now you are letting your fananticism with 2pm and jaebom blind you and causing you to make death threats to a person who is asking for forgiveness

we as humans dont have the divine right to punish another human being to this degree

be compassionate and understanding

let karma take its course

one more thing be careful of your thoughts and words they are more powerful than you can ever imagine

I'm really sorry but i've been reading every page since i woke up (that's about 50 pages or so) but i can't seem to see anyone wishing that person who spread this "to go die" .

Some are mad at her, and say that she should taste a bit of her own medicine but no one is threatening her as far as i know....or if it is so then it's just a few individuals and not the whole thread....

I dont care if this is allowed or not allowed here

but I really wish to share this:

ELF SUPPORT FOR Hottest, Park Jaebum, 2PM, & JYPE

LINK: http://sj-world.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=12678

My admin came up with this thread just not long ago.


THANK YOU ELFs!! this made me tear up again, i'm so touched :(

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Guest angelic_gal369@hotmail.com

If u are talking about what i said

i don't want her to die

it'n not good to wish for someone to die

but she was just an idiot child i think

and i guess she is already suffering enough now

but she should have though about this before she posted jay's conversation ok

and thank GOD i didn't intend to make her die

i think i was a bit cruel i'm sorry

but i can't forgive her.

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Guest _joodeee

this whole situation doesn't even feel real to me.

like everything hasn't sunk in yet. it was only a

few days ago, when i heard about him and his

myspace comments, and now he's left korea??

that's just too much to handle, seriously i just

want to wish jay and 2pm the best.

this is my first time posting in here, i just felt like

i had to say something :)

at least now, i'm closer to jay since we live in the same

city. jay will always be my favorite 2pm member<3

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Guest kriza_09

Did anyone hold a petition rushing her to commit suicide?

Did anyone make her leave the school, destroy her dream, break her friendship?

Actually, can you imagine what might happen now that she confessed it was her doing? From all we know, she might get the same treatment as that girl who got hate mails from suju fans and committed suicide, or even more. If people can hate someone so much just for taking a picture with their idol, imagine how much they can hate someone who made their idol quit. Remember, she didn't really need to confess, but she did anyway. Even though I have to say it wasn't very wise of her to confess like that. Imagine what 2PM fans can do to her once her identity is revealed. IF the same thing happens to that girl like the suju incident, can you still say 'those (2pm) fans are too obsessive' or 'i hate that kind of fans the most' with the same feeling you had when you heard about suju's incident?

My point is not to ask you to forgive her (though i hope we all do at some point), but to show that we're all the same. Human hearts are indeed scary.

PS: For someone who said 'I can forgive her stupidity, but not her person'. That's really wrong. We should hate the stupidity, but never the person.

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Guest splendidlure

Even though I feel sad about what happened with Jae Beom, I hope that the people that can forgive and forget Jay Beom's mistakes can do the same to the girl. We don't want to stoop to the netizens' level.

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;) jay should be landing at Seatac airport in about 18mins. I wonder if anyone is there to welcome him? I couldnt get out of work but then again, perhaps he'd want a non-disturbed peaceful landing home. :blush:

:D Totally secretly going bonkers here, I get to be in the same town as him. keke.


who is this girl everyone is talking about that started it all??? Did I miss something? If she is asking for forgiveness, one should do upon others as one would want for themselves..right?Well, yall cool off first then rethink it over. I think Ive cooled off since last night.

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Guest MeiLin83

K-Pop Stars Believe In Jaebeom

After seeing Jonghun of F.T.Island show his support for JaeBeom, we now have Boom, 2AM's Jo Kwon, and fellow 2PM members showing their support as well.

Boom, who became close to all the members of 2PM especially JaeBeom on the show Idol Army expressed his sadness over JaeBeom's departure from 2PM.

He posted on his cyworld:

"My heart is hurting very much

My heart feels like it’s being torn apart because he is a dongseng that I love

Because I believe and love my dongseng I believe that he will return with a better appearance

Today my heart is hurting very much

Jaebeom, hyung will work harder so that when you return I can protect and hug you with a warmer embrace

Please return healthy………

I love you……………..

This brought tears to my eyes because it was very touching. Knowing they had such a great bond makes the situation more depressing than it already is.

Jo Kwon, who practiced with Jaebeom when they were both trainees expressed his grief on his cyworld:

The first song we practiced together..

We felt nervous and excited..

I always pray.

That it won't be such a hard journey..

I believe you will get stronger

because you're my brother.

Of course you can't forget JaeBeom's fellow members. They wrote on their cyworlds too.


Through the wind, fall came.

Out of nowhere, the fall scent has arrived....

The bright blue sky

It keeps making me cry.

Even the sky is making me cry

in the fall of 2009.

His background music on his cyworld is Bad News by Kanye West.


Let's walk together.

WooYoung showed his love for JaeBeom which we reported earlier.

Both WooYoung and Chansung's posts have been removed. The reason is unknown but people believe it is because netizens made some remarks again at the members about JaeBeom.

The more I hear about JaeBeom's situation, the sadder it gets. Everyone makes mistakes and learning from it is what usually happens. But when you're in the limelight you have to choose your words right or you'll be in the spotlight... for all the wrong reasons.

I just hope the best for JaeBeom.

Thanks to n klara for the tip.

SOURCE: allkpop

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Guest tvxq_life

im just in shock right now

how cud netizens b THIS CRUEL!!!!!?!??!?

dont they understand that he came to korea by HIMSELF to fulfill his dreams???

HE LEFT HIS ENTIRE LIFE BACK IN AMERICA and came to korea so he cud b a singer

so wat if he cudnt speak korean

so wat if he acted like an american

so wat if he didnt know the national anthem

AT LEAST HE TRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

those comments he wrote on myspace were abt 4-5 yrs ago, back wen he was a trainee and i think that we all knw how hard the life of a trainee is

he waz just venting hiz feelings out in a way that all teenagers do


so heartbreaking to all hottests out there including me

think abt how MUCH energy and effort he must hv put in to get where he is and then B/C SOME STUPID GIRL IN HIGHSKOOL DECIDES TO POST STUFF UP AGAINST HIM JUST TO KILL HIS CAREER... he has to leave it all

he apologized didnt he?? wat more do u want?

i hope the girl who did this along w/ everyone else who was involved doesnt die, she shud live and then realize all the pain she's caused Jae, 2PM, his family, HOTTESTS, etc.... thats the best punishment

plz come back Jae, 2PM is not the same without u TT-TT

(sryy 4 the long post... didnt realize XD)

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Guest loveshatori
I'm really sorry but i've been reading every page since i woke up (that's about 50 pages or so) but i can't seem to see anyone wishing that person who spread this "to go die" .

Some are mad at her, and say that she should taste a bit of her own medicine but no one is threatening her as far as i know....or if it is so then it's just a few individuals and not the whole thread....

THANK YOU ELFs!! this made me tear up again, i'm so touched :(

ive been reading several blogs about this issue and plenty of hottest are dishing out some cruel statements

i didnt read all the pages here

but i just wanted to get to the source with is soompi forum

and tell people to stop hating on this person

people should how to forgive one another

cant anyone be a good person and do that

or is that too much to ask

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Guest himeko_princess

This whole situation makes me sad. I'm not even sure that I really believe it myself. I know this sounds dramatic but I'm slightly scared for 2pm as a whole. Usually when this kind of thing happens to a band it spirals downward but I really want them all to stay strong. My friend from Korea said that she almost cried and many of her friends cried at school. I just don't understand why someone would waste so much energy on hating someone that they don't even know on a personal level. I understand patriotism but this is extremist. Hottests please do not bash others. Do not waste your energy on hate- Just support Jae and 2pm. Sorry if my thoughts aren't very composed. PLEASE STAY STRONG 2PM!

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