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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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What you guys don't understand is that Koreans are very proud of their nationality. It's really a sensitive issue and Jay unknowingly rubbed them the wrong way with his myspace incident. I certainly think that it was rash for people to demand that he be out the group. However, Jay should not have wrote something like that even if it was meant in different way. I mean when I saw his posts on myspace for the first time, I was taken aback by the language and someone could have definitely misinterpreted that the wrong way. When in Rome, you have to follow its rules and Jay should have realized that and follow Korean social rules.

you're completely right, you follow the rules of a place when you go there. But what happens when you DON'T KNOW THE RULES? That's what happened right here. When Park Jaebum arrived in Korea, it might as well be some kid with the a white name "John Smith," who arrived in Korea. Jay was born in the US, raised in the US, he wasn't taught Korean values, traditions, or culture. You say he should have realized the korean rules, but how could he have? It was his FIRST TIME in Korea, and he was all alone, his mom wasn't there to teach him, he didn't have Korean friends, he didn't even know how his future was going to pan out... he was just living day to day, trying to get by. No one taught him the rules about Korea, he had to learn it on his own: speak the language, eat the food, learn the traditions. That's why it was so hard for him, and that's why he wanted to go back. That's why he wrote those things.

Korean people are proud yeah I know. Does that mean they can push their nationalistic pride on whoever they want? They expected Jaebum to know the "rules," because of his last name, because of his Korean appearance, but they didn't realize that underneath the appearance, what you had 4 years ago landing in Korea from Seattle was just another AMERICAN KID. They wouldn't try to push this "nationalistic pride," on a white person, or a black person, would they?

The ironic thing is, the girl who started this didn't do it out of patriotism, she did it out of pure pettiness and jealousy...

And those people who poured oil on this fire in the name of patriotism, they really just lowered their country even more in the eyes of international people and Korean-Americans as well. It's unfortunate because I'm sure most Koreans are NOT like crazy netizens, but it's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil, and this stuff that makes the news, is the stuff that will form people's opinions.

I know a LOT of Korean-American people, and 100% of them have made fun of the motherland in some way at one time or another. The Korean netizens who criticized Jay need to get over themselves, what they flaunt is not truly pride, but just a veneer that's shading their cultural inferiority complex. Those with truly superior skills need not bully others to see it, it should naturally shine through. If you have to enforce your "nation's honor," in this fashion by lynching a young man, then there's something else that's fundamentally wrong.

Think about it this way, growing up, how many times have we complained to our friends that we hate our parents, we hate our family, we hate our siblings or whatever words we say in anger? And what if all of a sudden 4 years later, everyone ganged up on you for saying that, according to the confucian principles of filial piety? Of course, you're wrong for saying those things. But what if people who have absolutely no interest in the situation all of a sudden decided that you should go commit suicide now, because you were a rude little teenager when you were young? And these poeple are plastering posters on your house, putting petitions that you should kill yourself in your mail box. Is that sensible? Does that make sense? IS IT RIGHT? No.

That's what happened in Korea. No one is saying what Jaebum did was "right," or "okay." But us fans are just asking for a REASONABLE and FAIR punishment, and he didn't deserve this kind of mob lynching.

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After all it's people who hurt people.

Jay hurt some so-called patriots

Crazy nationalists hurt Jay and his fans

His fans (are gonna) hurt the culprit of an uproar.

This is a never ending circle. Ridiculous, stupid and exhausted.

What makes me surprised most is the whole foolish greedy thoughts like one's success is an obstacle to others in the showbiz world still exists '___'

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I know forgiveness is good but some of you need to realize that obviously fans are just not ready yet to get over this!

Like I said before if fans just let this go, the girl will not know what she did was wrong. Everyone needs lessons to learn from their mistakes!

For all we know she might not even care, just does not want people after her or to save face!

Jay is learning from this mistake and has even sacrificed his career for it!

She has ruined the lives of MANY people.... not only 2PM, but JYP Entertainment is affected, fans around the world, other idols who were friends or liked 2PM. This could be a danger for other idols who were not born in Korea, to get antis.

Not to mention she might have started a fan war. :(

I do not hate Korea or Koreans, but there should be some changes taken in Korea for things like harassment and discrimination and so on. It is not right!

EDIT: Sorry, I have nothing to share! :(

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So did any of the other members go to the airport with him.. Because in all the pictures I see only Jay is there and visible.

Since all this happened I only got like 4 hours of sleep and I need to work soon.

I still can`t believe Jay actually left.. I still can`t believe JYP himself hasn`t said anything yet.

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I think I cried like 4 times over this issue already.

2PM has become my ultimate favorite group.

It's going to be so hard listening to their songs and watching their variety shows without getting sad now.

I just really HOPE things get better...there's still hope.


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Guest uh-ohxev
I forgive the girl for her stupidity but I don't forgive her hate. I don't believe anyone's a true fan of anyone if they can be so disrespectful to another artist. "xxxxx tried so hard, they deserve more!" Well haven't 2PM worked extremely hard?

One day are the hardest worked trainees since the old skoo H.O.T ect, but a notch higher and more freedom when they debuted. It doesn't belittle another other idol gorups hard work but it's just fact and it's in material proof. Hot Blood anyone?

The difference between Jay and Her is that

Jay was menally and physically beaten up, he was releasing steam to a good friend

This girl was jealous, hateful and knew what she was doing. She wanted people to hate him by searching on google or naver or whatever "JaeBum bad things/ sucks/ hates Korea" something to be able to get that screen cap, she stalked information about him to find a flaw to hurt him. I forgive her stupidity but not her person. I wouldn't shake he hands of a person with such evil intent.

I'm not even a dedicated Hottest or mega fan. I'm a fan of music and I'm the one you'll find raving in anti-fan topics (not so much now since everyone would ignore/laugha t me when I said they do as much harm as pulling a trigger).

Hateful netizens don't only hurt idols but some gather and hunt for information about people they don't like on the net and harass them. If they can't even treat their own classmates with respect, why would they treat celebrities, who are humans also, with respect?

The entertainment business doesn't try and stop hate crime influenced by FAN VS FAN wars, they are too busy using idols to promote public transort, votes and toilets to please the government. I hope sometime in the future come to play or star golden bell, SOME SHOW will have a real heart 2 heart special talking about bullying, anti-fans and fan vs fan issues that do affect people. One girl has already commited suicide from being bullied by "fellow" fans because she hugged a Suju mmber on star king. The hateful fans mingle in with the good ones who just love the music and the members and put on a mask whilst working in the mists manipulating and threatening people, being the catalyst of hate amongst people. I call these people "Over-fans" or just simply OBSESSIVES.

Sorry for ranting but damn, sometimes I wish I was a care free cat, don't have to consort with just stupid and hateful people, give my owner dirty looks and sleep on the window seal by sundown.

I agree so much! I can forgive her for being such an idiot, but for what she did I'm sorry but I can not get myself to forgive her. It's really hard for me to do. I've been crying for 12 HOURS! I have never in my life cried for such a long amount of time. I can't just forgive her so easily. It feels like my heart was ripped out, stepped on and given back to me.. I don't know what to do with it. And how to feel.

Bullying isn't okay, and I just can't get myself to say "Well, okay! You're forgiven!" this kind of hate is disgusting and he didn't do anything to deserve this. In the span of 4 days, his dreams were ruined. He worked SO hard for this... HELLO! Did anyone watch Hot Blood? All of the boys worked their richard simmons off.. suffered to get to where they are today. How on earth can anyone have a heart so cruel to do this?

I'm absolutely disgusted and I don't care if people hate me or call me immature but I can not forgive this girl right now... maybe in the future. But, this may have ruined 2PM as a whole. Sorry, but no.

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Guest clarachan
Guys here's what hottests really need to do right now.Do you want jay back,if so do the following.



Adress: JYP center, 123-50, Cheongdam-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea.

Postal Code: 135-955

Also,mail it to jype@gmail.com -Title it 7 or nothing

WE WONT LET JAY GO THIS EASILY!make sure to post the Link to the petition and address on every new page!

Hi there! I had already helped you to put this post on a new page! & I had enlarged some words (The petition link and address), hope you dont mind.

I hope my fellow ELFS&CASSIES will help by downloading the petition link, fill in the petition letter in MS WORD & send it to the address above!

I will try to print out the petition letter tmr and send it by mail (hopefully it will reach korea asap).

But, do you have the korean wordings for the address also? It will be better to include both languages of addresses on the letter in case it get lost (at the customs) or something. Romanized address?

& i agreed that fans from various fanclubs should come together and do something to prevent such things from happening again.


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Guest FiddyPence
oh im def not hating on korean..after all im korean too...^^;;

but im just saying that for korean people its better to just stay out in one piece rather than coming back and being ashamed of yourself...koreans have HUGE egos and self pride so..yeah

I get what you mean but I meant he should come back when he's gotten over it and those people who are complaining won't phase him, he'll have his fans.

Ghanaians have huge egos, my dad ego could be shared for 2000 people and a lot of pride but this to me just feels like haughtiness and excuse to be xenophobic, bash America and Korean Americans and to just hate.

Whenever Ghanaians get the chance they will bash Nigerians (vice versa) so I kind of know this type of behaviour and people need to grow up (not you, those crazy people) about your countries pride and realise this is the 21st century and if you can't respect another person or culture, you're not repsecting yourself or your country/culture. It's haughty behaviour!

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Guest jjjannia

전 재범군과 고등학교 동창입니다.

I'm a highschool schoolmate of Jaebeom

한때 xan** 및 mys****등 커뮤니티가 붐이었던 당시

나이로 따지면 고2? 고3? 시절에 그저 베스트프렌드와 사적으로

쓴 글이 이렇게 물의를 빚을 수 있다는게 참 안타깝네요.

When communities such as xan*** and mys**** was in boom

if we look at it by age it was during Year 11? Year 12 of high school?

It is quite sad that things written during those times in private to a best friend is recieving such public criticism

일단, 짚고 넘어가자면 미국 고등학생 사이에서

현 한국 아이돌 그룹 같은 가수는 별로 인기있는 타입이 아닙니다.

Firstly, it needs to be pointed out, idol groups such as those in Korea at the moment are not very popular

amongst US senior high school students

한국 또는 일본에서야 백스트릿보이즈/엔싱크 이런 가수들이

플래티넘히트를 치지만 미국 현지에선 남성 아이돌 그룹은

초/중등 여학생들을 타겟으로 하지요.

In Korea and Japan, groups such as Back Street Boys and N'Sync make platinum hits

but in America at the moment, boy idol groups are targeted at primary school/junior highschool girls

학교에서 백스트릿보이즈의 곡이라도 흥얼거리면

그거 백스트릿보이즈냐며 놀림감이 되기 일쑤입니다.

그나마 개방적이라는 미국도 알고보면 참 편견이 심한거 같아요.

If you go around humming a Backstreet Boys song

you get asked if that is Backstreet Boys and get teased.

While America seems relatively open minded, I think that if you come to know it, there is bad prejudice

재범군은 미국 고등학교 시절부터 인기있는 아이였어요.

또래 사이에서 나름 유명한 b-boy 크루를 결성하여 메인 멤버로 활동하고 있었고

점심시간 식당에선 재범 군 주위로 항상 아이들이 몰렸지요.

잘 노는 아이였고 물론 끼도 있었고요.

Jaebeom was a popular kid ever since high school.

He formed a b-boy crew that was relatively famous amongst peers and performed as the main member

and during lunch times, there were always kids that surrounded Jaebeom at the lunch table.

He was a kid that played a lot and of course had a lot of talent too.

제가 알기론 재범군은 이모님의 추천으로 JYP 오디션에 응모한걸로 알고있습니다.

썩히기 아까운 재능이었으니까요.

From what I know, Jaebeom participated in the JYP audition after being recommended by his aunt.

Because he had a talent that was too good to be wasted.

재범군도 자신의 재능을 활용할 수 있는 길이라는 것에 응했을테고

합격한지 얼마 후 한국으로 떠났지요.

Jaebeom also agreed to the audition because it was a way for him to use his talent

and not long after he got accepted, he left for Korea.

한국에서 학교도 안 다녀보았으니 아는 사람이 있을 리 만무하고

한국의 또래들과는 문화 코드조차 안맞으니, 말이 통할리 없고

Not having attended school in Korea, he would have not have had anyone he knew

And as he did not fit in witht he culture of his Korean peers, he wouldn't have been able to talk to them

게다가 한창 웃고 떠들며 쇼핑도 하고 친구들과 몰래 맥주도 사마시고

그럴 나이에 새장 속 새마냥 연습실에 틀어박혀 지겹도록 트레이닝만 받으니

스트레스를 받지 않을 수 없었을거에요.

On top of that, at an age when you should be laughing lots and chatting while shopping with friends and secretly drinking beer

he was always stuck in practice rooms like a bird in a birdcage, training til he was tired.

it would have been inevitable that he was stressed

게다가 헐렁한 셔츠에 흘러내리는 바지를 입고 브레이크댄스를 추며

랩을 하며 남자애들과 왁자지껄 떠드는걸 좋아하는 아이가

순식간에 자기 또래 친구들 사이에서

배척받는 보이밴드 모방형 그룹에 배치되어버렸으니 상실감도 컸겠지요.

Also, as a kid who liked to break dance and rap

with guys who wore loose shirts and loose pants, and liked to chat like crazy

he must have felt lost being quickly arranged to be in a boygroup that used be rejected by his friends.

한가지 더 짚고 넘어가자면 미국 전역이 그러한지는 모르겠지만

제가 살던, 그리고 재범 군이 살던 시애틀에선 지금 현 한국 아이돌들의 옷차림이며

눈가에 스모키화장이니 이런것들 전부 동성애자 같다며 절대 꿈도 못 꿀 스타일이에요

And if I must point something else out, I'm not sure if all of America is like this but in the Seattle that I lived in, and Jaebeom lived in, you wouldn't even dream of wearing clothes like those of current Korean idols or wear smoky eye makeup because you would be told that you looked homosexual.

스스로를 갱스터로 분류하며 (한국의 일진의 개념이지요.) 거칠고 활동적인 면모로

포장하는 아이들에겐 (재범군도 이 쪽에 가까웠던거같아요) 눈가에 짙은 화장,

다듬은 눈썹, 짝 달라붙는 바지는 어색하다 라는 표현만으로는 좀 부족했을테지요.

For kids who started to classify themselves as gangster (that's the same concept as 'iljin' in Korea) and behaved rough (Jaebeom was close to this group), it would be insufficient to say it would be awkward to wear wearing eye makeup, to shape your eyebrow and to wear tight jeans.

그렇게 스트레스를 받으며 지내던 당시,

한창 모든게 겪어보고싶은 고등학생의 나이에

유일하게 기댈 수 있는 친구에게 자신의 힘든 상황을 불평하는게

그렇게 큰 죄가 되는건가요?

In a time when you're under such stress,

and at the high school age when you want to experience everything

Does it become such a big crime

to complain about the hardships of your personal situation to the one friend you can depended on?

여러분이라면 잘나가는 현재를 전부 한순간에 버리고

5년 가까이 말도 안 통하는 어디 먼 땅에 혼자 떨어져서는

그 상황을 즐기며 만족할 수 있을까요?

If it was you would you be able to leave your present

And be satisfied and enjoy 5 years in a far land by yourself

where you cannot speak the language?

재범군이 한국을 여러분 생각마냥 싫어하는 것도 아니고

한국에서 미국 국적을 지니고 돈을 벌어들인다한들

그건 모든 걸 포기하고 새로운 시작을 견뎌낸 용기에 대한 보상이 아닐까요?

Jaebeom does not hate Korea like you all may think

But could it not be that...…

(Sorry, I don’t really understand this part. Something about earning money in Korea as an American citizen and the courage for leaving everything for a new start)

2PM 재범군의 팬은 아니지만, 시에틀의 JAY PARK의 친구로써

너무 안타깝습니다. 탈퇴라니요, 말도 안된다고 생각합니다.

한국에 첫 발을 내딛고 낯선환경을 겨우 극복하고 이제 겨우 시작점에 선

한 사람을 네티즌들의 비난일색으로 매장시켜 미국으로 돌려보내곤

평생 한국을 싫어하게 만들 셈인가요.

I am not a fan of 2pm's Jaebeom, but as the friend JAY PARK of Seattle I am very heart broken.

What do you mean quit (quitting from 2pm), I think that is something that doesn't make sense.

Are you trying to making someone who has just overcome living in unfamiliar surroundings and is only just standing at the start line hate Korea forever by burying him with criticism by netizens and making him return to America

게다가 해석한 글들을 보니...

정말 말도 안되게 부정적으로 탈바꿈시켜버리셨더군요들

작가하셔도 되겠어요.

다만 번역가는 하지 마세요.

Reading translated posting…

They were really ridiculously translated negatively.

You could become writers.

Just don't be translators.

※엊그제까지도 재범 군 관련 글들을 보면

'어쩔수없는 미국인' , '실망이다' , '미국으로 돌아가라 양키새끼'

이런 리플들이 베플을 떡하고 차지하고 있더니

Only until recently when I read replies about Jaebeom

Comments like ‘'an American', ‘'disappointing', 'go back to America you Yankee richard simmons'’

Were among the most liked replies (in some Korean sites you can "like" comments kind of like on Facebook)

탈퇴선언이 나온 지금

'안타깝다' , '아까운 인재하나 보내는구나'

를 베플에 올리네요.. 이중성인가요..

병주고 약주는건가요.

but now that a statement about quitting has come up

Comments like 'it's a shame', 'we're sending away a talented man'’

Are becoming the most liked replies... Is it hypocrisy...

Are you giving disease and now offering a remedy (this is a Korean saying )

출처 : 2pm 박재범의 2005년 ★또다른★ 글 (+추가) 네이트판 리플


from: Daum

Sorry, I tried my best to translate. My Koreans skills aren't good and I rushed through some bits but I hope you get the roguh idea of what Jaebeom's high school friend is saying.

I think the high school friend is right in everything that he is saying. Just when Jaebeom learns to adapt to the Korean culture and his new environment, some of the Korea people turn their back on him. It's very unfair...

EDIT: sorry after my original posting I edited some punctuation, grammatical and spelling mistakes


this girl perfectly caught the idea, and yeah im totally 100% agree with her..

its horrible and unacceptable this situation ...

but i have faith that jay park wel will be back soon :D as 2pm member

again and again

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Guest Angelic_illusions


Anyone have caps of jaebum and wooyoung as trending topics on tweeter?!!

I want to keep them as examples of the power of international fans. So that when some ignorant person doubts the power of international fans ill shove that on their faces! =P lol

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Guest splendidlure

I feel like there are two lessons to be learned from this incident:

Jaebum & everyone who post on the internet frequently: be careful with what you post online. There are many outlets to vent. email if you’re worried about the time zone when it comes to aim or phone. Or vent to someone privately irl like Taec yeon. If you’re going to start a blog talking about your personal life or talk about your personal life online at all, remember to have an anonymous alias. You never know what you post might cost you your job and dreams. OMG. I forgot. Letters are personable and private also.

The netizens: try to understand the celebrities’ point of view. Unless the person did something unforgivable like murder or show no remorse and regret on their part, TRY TO FORGIVE AND FORGET AND MOVE ON. Never do “suicide petitions”, esp. when there’s been an influx of celebrities committing suicide in your country. If I understand cyber-bullying is a crime in America, I don't understand why Korean Government hasn't made it a crime in Korea too.

Overall, Jaebum is my favorite member and even though that I am disappointed that he didn't stay and kind of let netizens win, I respect his decision and feelings and hope his future turn out for the best.

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Guest Staracles

clarachan - Here's the JYP address in Korean.

서울시 강남구 청담동

123-50 JYP Center

우핀번호 135-955

Hope it helps you. :)

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I'm sad that he officially left Korea. I hope he reconsiders when he's away. I'm thinking of the rest of the members and the future of 2pm, and it just makes me frustrated. I can't even think of how the rest feel, let alone how JaeBum feels right now. Everything is just so depressing right now.

I wish the fans that were at the airport didn't scream and go so near him. The video that I watched of him leaving - he looked kind of freaked out that the fans were trying to get in his face. I understand that everyone is going crazy, but I wish they could of done it in a more calmer matter. But who am I to speak, I wasn't there so I wouldn't know the rush and anguish the fans were feeling. I just, *sigh*.

I think it would of been better if he said he's taking a break, not leaving the group. I think that would of been a better approach. =/

Did he land in Seattle yet? Anyone have any updates? & I read about those updates from that one website, spewing lies that all of the members were there, wearing suits and Wooyoung crying + fainting. Please, everyone should just stop lying to us. It hurts to find out people are posting things just to make all of us worried over nothing.

I don't think Mr. JYP will say anything about it until everyone calms down. It would be good if he did some kind of press conference. I do think it is weird that he hasn't, since after all the leader of 2pm has quit. Wouldn't that deserve some kind of press conference, or just.. Anything?! What if he isn't quitting but just taking a break? What if everyone has been doped? Maybe that's why Mr. JYP hasn't said anything? Argh, I'm thinking too much.

I think at some point everyone cried or had tears in their eyes. I hope that everything was just misunderstood. =(

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I feel like there are two lessons to be learned from this incident:

Jaebum & everyone who post on the internet frequently: be careful with what you post online. There are many outlets to vent. email if you’re worried about the time zone when it comes to aim or phone. Or vent to someone privately irl like Taec yeon. If you’re going to start a blog talking about your personal life or talking about your personal life at all, remember to have an anonymous alias. You never know what you post might cost you your job and dreams.

The netizens: try to understand the celebrities’ point of view. Unless the person did something unforgivable like murder or show no remorse and regret on their part, TRY TO FORGIVE AND FORGET AND MOVE ON. Never do “suicide petitions”, esp. when there’s been an influx of celebrities committing suicide in your country. If I understand cyber-bullying is a crime in America, I don't understand why Korean Government hasn't made i a crime in Korea too.

I agree with both points. We should all learn from this.

I think after this JYPE and other Companies will encourage their artists to delete either comments like this or the whole account or at least make it private....as you said there are a lot of other ways to communicate with friends and family.

I don't understand why you should bash anyone..what do you gain from this? As someone already said. If you don't respect others then you don't respect yourself. Bullying is never ok and suicide is not a topic that should be taken lightly. :(

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I just have a thought , when the moment Jae step off the plan . . his mom is standing right there & she going to give

him a HUG he needed more anything. & that thought really brought a smile to my face becasue HOTTEST he is with

the people he love so much. That what i think will make him more happy then we thought , JAE OPPA I SUPPORT YOU FULLY (yes i'm upset but if you are happy i'll be too)

About the person who did this , do remember this will forget hunt them because they just destroy someone that have done nothing to them. I BELIEVE IN KARMA






I didn't know that this effect me so much >.< but it did & to our beautiful leader i will say goodbye for now and

i will still have hope in my heart for your return. Rest well back home , Hottest is forever be around to SUPPORT

you & Junho , khun, Junsu, Taec, Changsung , & wooyoung

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Guest mizukihimeko

It's evident how not only Hottest are affected. I, for one, grew to like 2PM alot just recently after watching their wild bunny. Prior to this, I only had eyes for DBSK. To Cassies, Shawols, E.L.F, Sone and more, thank you very much for all the suport. This issue I felt, had affected kpop lovers in general. Us slowly losing faith in them and the way things are being dealth with. I was able to hold back my tears for the past few days, even when I read about Jay leaving, and going through the whole period when he was departing from airport and constantly refreshing the pages to websites even though it breaks my heart as I do so. But what got me was when I read back at all the messages about jay;

Wooyoung: we are not 7 member but one.

Changsung: Let's walk this together.

FT Island's Jonghun openly commenting on the topic even though he know it will bring much controversy, though they are not even in the same company or even close friends, Wild bunny team's opinion of the hardworking Jay, Hot blood writer's feelings about Jay's departure, Jo Kwon's cyworld message.

Encouraging messages from fans of different fanclubs, supporting all the Hottest through this hard time.

Looking back at these, I couldn't help but tear a little. It's really touching.

Right now it's 3am at my country, but I still can't get to sleep. I'm still keeping myself awake, hoping to see perhaps an article stating that because of the comments from netizens and the revelation of the positive cyworld entry, Jay will be back with the rest of the boys even if it means that their album will be out next year. I'm still praying and hoping. Jay will be back... Even though people might laugh at our thoughts of such hope for a miracle, we still pray and believe in it. Because we believe in Jay. And without something concrete being say by JYP himself till now, we still hope and have that little hope that JYP will bring Jay back because we believe in JYP. We believe he's more than just avoiding and not responding to this topic at all. Until something is said from him, I still have this little faith in him that he will do something about it.

I don't even know how Wooyoung and Taec have to go through hosting inkigayo at a time like this.

I dont even know how Junho can focus on Dream team.

There's so many uncertainties right now that left all of us confused on top of being hurt. We are all still in denial. I very much want to come to terms with this too, but I can't. About the girl that started this whole thing, I still cannot bring myself to say that I will forgive her, because I don't know if anything worse can still possibly happen to our lovely boys. I believe right now, I am not the only one that can't sleep. Members of 2pm+2am, at their dorm, must be having insomnia too.

It's really ironic how things are... How many foreshadows there were. In the second episode of wild bunny, they said that they could feel that some BIG was going to happen this summer, but never did they thought it would be a negative thing. Then, we have episode 7 where they said should they create a scandal and raise their ranking. For those who are wondering, WB episode 8 will not be shown indefinitely, you can read that from the post by the WB team.

What left me most confused was if so much things and so many people felt that it was not right and unjust, why didn't they step out earlier to show support for him... If only they did... those PDs, writers, khottest, other celebrities... if only they dared to... things might have not been like this. Only after he left and slowly revelation of the positive comment he made about Korea was made, people started to forgive him and comment about what a loss it was.

Sorry for the long post, I don't even know what I'm saying or thinking anymore.


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