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Gazette Thread

Guest sincerelydolly

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I don't really like them. They're so... unpolished looking. Like they just ripped something out of a sketch book and decided that'd be the cover.

But meh. As long as the actual DVD is awesome, it's all good.

Totally agree with you there. But hey if one of the gaze boys did draw it that'd be cool.

EDIT: Hey I'm wondering I saw they released like wallets, cuff links (or something like that)...did that design that or are they just endorsing the brand?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest melyfreakk


Other songs:



Without a Trace


The Invisible Wall


13 Stairs[-]1


Can't wait for the other songs to be upped :( I want this DVD for Christmas, ughhh

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omg thanks for those links!! I can't help but watch these even though i should wait for my copy but it's probably gonna take so long since its xmas time now xD


^I don't think i remember that song o_O what album/single is it from? i like the song though!

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has anyone seen the whole dvd yet?

I just got my copy today! Even though i didn't really like the dvd cover, I LOVE the packaging! it's really different and nice.

I'm really impressed with everything, they have improved soo much more and I love how they added more riffs and stuff to their songs, it made it seem more lively xD though i'm kinda disappointed with the poster, since its the first official poster I ever got xD

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest replica

sigh i love this band so much! i ordered dim a while ago.

But never did recieve it, customs wanted the same price again for it 100$.. =3= gazette is indeed expensive.

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Guest choppsueyy!

^I know right?

They do not look like it though.

I miss these guys.

Haven't seen any good/interesting updates on these guys in a while.

I'm patiently waiting for another new single/album.

That'll take a while x____x

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Guest BootyFulMeh

Haven't been in here for the longest....

Wooow...time do flies since they r around 30 already..I remember when I first heard reila n cassis...it felt like I was high on suger..lol...


went back a couple of pages too see if there were updates....But too lazy to read everything...So someone wanna fill me in on new releases and new pictures update, please? ^-^

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  • 2 weeks later...

holy shiz.. i`m glad i stumbled upon this thread.

Gazette.. <3 <3 <3

i`m a new fan<3 ^^ this is my new favourite band<3 GAHH

omg reita and ruki is HOOOT!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest SleazyTerdz

Omg... haven't been in this thread/paid attention to the Gazette for so long. It was Aoi's birthday recently. Happy belated 31st to him. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi ;3 Is anyone here a HERESY member? I'm going to Japan next month and really really want to go to the standing live `10, but you have to have the newsletter to get tickets? If anyone could help me with this, that'd be great! Can I join the fanclub in Tokyo, then purchase tickets? T___T Please PM me~ <3

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Guest pocket_Kyo

I was just about to make a post about that. But instead I will talk about something else cute I seen. Someone made a post over at gazebestfriends posted a little tidbit of the convo between Sakai, and Ruki at HarajukaPS Mobile or something like that. I tried to translate it using babelfish, but it didnn't translate it completely, or clearly enough so if anyone can read portugese; I think it is, then please translate it. Ruki seemed so cute, and bubbly in this conversation. Like he really had a good time, and it's great to read because they've been looking sad, and tired a lot lately.

this is old but i'll translate anyway in case someone wants it O:


Ah well, yesterday I went shopping with Ruki-san...

Ruki: Isn't it great!! Shopping!!! This really makes me ecxited and calms me

Sakai: But you don't know any of the shopping malls here in Hiroshima!!!

Ruki: Don't worry!!! We'll go there later!! (or you can also read it "we'll go on them later")

Sakai: Wowwww!!

Ruki: If I had more time I'd be making some serious shopping!!

Sakai: Well, let's do our best then

And then our funny little Ruki-kun went around Hiroshima looking everywere.

And when we finished shopping...

Ruki: Are you hungry??

Sakai: My stomach is rumbling!!!

Ruki: Then let's eat okonomiyaki!!

Sakai: YAY!! [Now Sakai got ecxited xDDDDDDDDDD I bet this was what he was waiting for the whole time xD]

And then we ate okonomiyaki!!!!

/end translation

What the heck? x'D

-bumps the page up- ;D

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