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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guest dariav-

Hello all! I last posted here ... 4 months ago ? but I've been checking this thread regularly so :)

It's really great to see how getting all these endorsements, part of the recognition for doing so well in Coffee Prince. Love her shots in basic house, it really suits her :D

... and not that I'm trying to be sarcastic here, but jan5th, you seem to understand English yet insist on typing in Korean. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad to see a korean citizen here at Soompi, it just proves how much Soompi has grown! But yea, many of us here are Korean-illiterate and since you have a point to make, why not allow most of us to understand clearly where you are coming from :)

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Guest pattych72

i tried to search for maps and it seems to be near a river... hehe

Really snowie, then in one of these condominium building is her apartment :w00t:

- time out-

credit dceune


^^ i like seeing this side of yeh, she's so candid in this shots and really looks enjoying with her friends...

Yeah me too...one of them is her stylist noh? ;)

Wow...is that cherry blossom????...i really love that touch of violet :P

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Guest vivjelly

Hello all! I last posted here ... 4 months ago ? but I've been checking this thread regularly so :)

It's really great to see how getting all these endorsements, part of the recognition for doing so well in Coffee Prince. Love her shots in basic house, it really suits her :D

... and not that I'm trying to be sarcastic here, but jan5th, you seem to understand English yet insist on typing in Korean. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad to see a korean citizen here at Soompi, it just proves how much Soompi has grown! But yea, many of us here are Korean-illiterate and since you have a point to make, why not allow most of us to understand clearly where you are coming from :)

I agree, since this is an English viewing board, members should write in English out of courtesy for non-Korean members (or any other languages written). That way misunderstandings can be avoided. Thank you.

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Guest -kazutoshi-

I agree, since this is an English viewing board, members should write in English out of courtesy for non-Korean members (or any other languages written). That way misunderstandings can be avoided. Thank you.

I totally agree with you and dariav-. I don't really understand the dude and what the point of writing all these in Korean.

I know that you like YEH, jan5th and you want to get your message across but you took it out on the wrong people.

Go and bash the media or whoever wrote the article instead.

We are not here to dump in all the bull crap articles to this thread like you said. We are here to support YEH and you should know damn well that we do.

Let's be real here. All bad news are good news to the writers anyway. We are old enough to think and calculate the fact.

I do not appreciate that you think of us as less YEH fans than you are.

I just hope that the second one that you posted was a good one.

bas_nexus, you were not the first person who posted that article here. I have seen that before and please do not worry about anything.

Thanks smr sis for the translations. BTW, I was able to call and vote for YEH successfully. Thanks for your input on that.

bluedolphin, you have already summed it up there about the media that they like to spice things up so they can sell the news. And don't you worry about the fengshui in here. It's all good. LOVE is the reason. This all happened because of LOVE and the LOVE is for the only one, Yoon Eun Hye.

I saw that schova was here when I was backlogging. Welcome back, bro and welcome back, Bunny_tarn. I know school is tough in Waterloo but I'm glad to see your post again.

Peace out.

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Guest rickylee

I totally agree with you and dariav-. I don't really understand the dude and what the point of writing all these in Korean.

I know that you like YEH, jan5th and you want to get your message across but you took it out on the wrong people.

Go and bash the media or whoever wrote the article instead.

I just hope that the second one that you posted was a good one.

i agree with you guys....the writer of the article should get all the bashings and not the poster

and the fans here who commented on the article posted.....its not as if the comments made were

detrimental or against YEH's personality / reputation.

smr05, im not against your decision of withholding jan5th 2nd comment but if you think that

it's of "no-value" then so be it.........cause i saw yehbaby and your name on his comment.

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Guest smr05

let us know when you created the poll... will support you... :P

precisely.. i find it weird too.. with her rising fame and the CFs she's in, why wasnt she in the 08 list?!?!!? :tongue2:

hurro zacey^^

the poll will def be interesting ^^

and yeah.. kinda weird how she wasnt included in the 08 list.. <_<

Yesteryears photo, YEHs look-alike?


credit: dceune

rgds :D

thanks for the pic f927~

is that her? kind of looks like but im sure if it is..

her lips look a lot like YEH's ^^

YEHs ilchon are very lucky :lol:

i know.. tell me about it!!

I totally agree with you and dariav-. I don't really understand the dude and what the point of writing all these in Korean.

I know that you like YEH, jan5th and you want to get your message across but you took it out on the wrong people.

Go and bash the media or whoever wrote the article instead.

We are not here to dump in all the bull crap articles to this thread like you said. We are here to support YEH and you should know damn well that we do.

Let's be real here. All bad news are good news to the writers anyway. We are old enough to think and calculate the fact.

I do not appreciate that you think of us as less YEH fans than you are.

I just hope that the second one that you posted was a good one.

bas_nexus, you were not the first person who posted that article here. I have seen that before and please do not worry about anything.

Thanks smr sis for the translations. BTW, I was able to call and vote for YEH successfully. Thanks for you input on that.

bluedolphin, you have already summed it up there about the media that they like to spice things up so they can sell the news. And don't you worry about the fengshui in here. It's all good. LOVE is the reason. This all happened because of LOVE and the LOVE is for the only one, Yoon Eun Hye.

I saw that schova was here when I was backlogging. Welcome back, bro and welcome back, Bunny_tarn. I know school is tough in Waterloo but I'm glad to see your post again.

Peace out.

yo kaz bro!

welcome back!! hows things??

great to hear that u were able to vote for her!! so howd u do it?

did you take out the 0 at the front??



번역 감사합니다. 당신이 dceune에 올라오는 기사를 퍼다가 많이 해석해줘서 은혜의 소식을 해외 은혜팬에게도 알려주는 점 잘 알고 있고 또한 감사하게 생각합니다.

당신 역시 내 글을 번역하면서 기분이 나빴을거라고 생각합니다. 하지만 내 글이 soompi에 있는 친구들을 모욕하거나 비난한 것으로 비춰졌다면 그건 나의 실수입니다. 혹시 기분이 나빴다면 사과합니다. 그건 내가 의도했던 것이 절대 아닙니다.

나는 그 글을 썼던 원래의 작성자에게 화가 난건 사실입니다. 그리고 그런 글을 퍼온 분에게도 사실 조금 화가 났습니다. 꼭 저런 글을 퍼와야 하는건가 해서요. 지금은 아닙니다. 그 글을 숨파이에 퍼온 분이(bas nexus) 혹시 나 때문에 너무 상처를 받지 않았을까 걱정이 됩니다. 앞으로 은혜를 더 사랑해주시고 아껴주시길 부탁드립니다. 또한 그런 글에 대해서 자신은 윤은혜에 관해서 많이 알고 있다는 듯이 코멘트를 쓰는 사람에게도 뭐랄까. 어떤 표현이 정확한지 모르겠지만 한국식으로 말하면 좀 실망했다고 해야하나. 안타깝다고 해야하나. 아무튼 그랬습니다.

하지만 soompi 전체 은혜팬에게 하는 말은 절대 아니니 다시 한번 오해가 있었다면 사과드립니다. 내가 쓴 글 후반부의 표현 몇몇이 마치 숨파이 전체 멤버들을 비난하는 것으로 이해됐는지 모르지만 해외에서 윤은혜를 사랑하고 지지하는 팬들을 왜 무시하고 비난하겠습니까?

굳이 변명을 하자면 이렇습니다. 당신이 한국의 인터넷 게시판의 글을 읽어봤을지 모르지만 사실 표현이 조금 거칠고 그렇습니다. 나 역시 한국인이고 그런 환경에서 서로 의견을 주고받고 하다보니 내 글도 그랬던 것으로 보입니다. 나만의 변명이 아니라 여기서 문제가 됐던 며칠 전 그 글이 한국의 윤은혜 팬 모임이나 dceune 같은 곳에 올라왔으면 아마 아주 어마어마한 비난과 (욕설 몇 마디는 덤으로 ㅎㅎ) 더불어 엄청나게 비난받고 화나는 반응을 얻었을 것입니다.

그런데 여기서 나의 실수가 있었던 것 같습니다. 내가 쓴 글은 한국에서는 그렇게 강한 내용이 아님에도 불구하고 이곳에서 그게 영어로 번역이 되면 어떻게 받아들여질 것인가를 생각했어야 했습니다. 내가 쓴 글을 한줄 한줄 번역하면 분명히 여러분들이 기분나쁠 수도 있다는 것을 생각했어야 합니다.

또한 내가 당부의 글이란 것을 몇 줄 남겼는데 아마 이게 숨파이 전체 멤버들이 마치 예의도 없고 존경심도 없는 사람들인 것으로 비춰진게 아닌가 생각합니다. 절대 아닙니다. 그 말은 내가 오래 전부터 이곳 숨파이를 지켜봐 오면서 봤던 몇몇 안티들에게 하는 말이니 오해하지 말아 주세요. 한국어로 '당신들'이란 표현이 '당신들 모두'를 가르키는 것은 아닌데. 물론 이런 것 까지 생각지 못한 나의 실수겠죠. 지칭하는 표현을 더 정확하게 했어야 하는데 그렇게 하지 않은게 실수입니다.

나는 내 글을 쓰고 난 후에 많이 후회했습니다. 쓰지 말았어야 했는데 결국 쓴 것에 대해서요. 지금까지 이곳 숨파이에 은혜와 관련된 잘못된 정보나 안티성 글이 올라올 때마다 이번처럼 글을 쓸까 하다가 늘 참았습니다. 가장 큰 이유는 한국인이 해외팬들이 모이는 게시판에 한국어로 글을 쓸 때 오는 문제가 가장 컸죠. 해외팬들이 모이는 게시판의 주인공은 해외팬들입니다. 해외팬 게시판에 문제가 생기면 그 문제에 반응하고 결론이 나오도록 토론하고 의견을 나누는 것은 해외팬들이 할 일입니다. 거기에 한국인이 개입하면 문제가 커집니다. 특히나 한국 연예인과 관련한 주제에 한국인이 나타나 "나는 한국인인데~" 로 시작하는 글은 여러모로 폭발성이 있습니다. 또한 해외팬들로써는 아무래도 저 한국인의 말에 더 신경이 가고 또는 어떤 권위 같은 것을 부여할 수도 있습니다-일본 연예인과 관련한 소식을 전하는 일본인에게 조금 더 관심이 가고 그 사람이 전하는 정보에 더 신뢰를 주게 되는 것 처럼요. 우리는 누구나 같은 윤은혜 팬인데도 불구하고 말이죠. 이런 상황이 싫었기에 언제나 조금 답답해 하면서도 참았습니다.

이번에도 참았어야 했습니다. 그래서 후회합니다. 하지만 그 글을 읽는 순간 이번엔 정말 참기 힘들었습니다.

앞으로 이 문제로 더 이상 이 곳에 글을 쓰는 경우는 없을 것입니다. 이 글이 마지막입니다. 윤은혜란 사람으로 뭉쳐진 이 게시판을 어떻게 발전시켜 나갈지는 당신들의 몫입니다. 지금까지 잘 해 왔듯이 앞으로도 잘 하실거라 믿습니다.

아무튼 숨파이 모든 은혜팬 여러분 그리고 smr05님도 건강하시고 은혜를 많이 아껴주시길 부탁드립니다. 안녕히계세요.

jan5thnim~ ahnyonghasaeyo~~

thank you for the compliments and regardless of whar has happened i still intend to continue translating YEH articles and info from dceune ^^

there is really nothing to be sorry about as everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

but as u mentioned, i wasnt exactly the happiest person when i was translating ur previous post.

nonetheless, u are more than welcome to join our thread and i would really like to see you post more often, though i urge u to post it in english ^^

once again, i appreciate ur comments and i too hope that we will continue to support and cherish YEH regardless of our differences :D:D

ps. next time u have something to say to certain members, please use the "PM" function, thank you~~^^

Hi everyone,

the past few days have been a bit of a debacle :sweatingbullets:

lets just all look forward to the up and coming positive news and stop dwelling on the negativity of yesterday.

Yehbaby, i didnt mean to single you out, but as outlined in the soompi rules, it would be very much appreciated if the PM function can be used for personal conversations.

Especially when it is an argument between a and b, as the rest of the members do not need to know and do not need to get involved.

(+edit: sis, ill PM u the translation)

Anyhow, onto bigger and better things ^^

Is YEH attending Baeksang or what?????

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Guest anythingasian


by now i do hope you all are in a good, positive mood...blame it on global warming...ha ha ha...

bas_nexus & yehbabyYEH...aja fighting :) ...i wonder if i will be needing my thesaurus notes again...nose bleeding galore...love it...

smr sis, thanks for the translations...highly appreciated!!!

anyway, here are more of my YEHshops...just got inspired by watching CP again and got blown over again by YEH's outstanding performance...it is truly wonderful and satisfying to see actors who really know how to act...here's hoping YEH wins...any update on the awards night?



and as always, thank you guys for always sharing your YEHgoodies...

take care...


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Guest nhetski

glad it's calm in here again (**sigh of relief**)

thanks everyone for the links and pictures etc

any, thanks for the YEHshop.. i also remembered CP today coz i bought some chestnuts at the fruit market :) (love that picking of chestnuts scene and the song they used!)

i hope YEH goes to the Awards night so we can have picspam again :)

HAPPY WEEKEND YEH Warriors (anyone who loves YEH)

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Guest lualm

wow webby! what a pleasant surprise! yeh's cy skin was a gift from you all along! i was shocked to learn about it coz you kept it from us! wahahaha! congratulations! yeh changed her new cherry blossoms cy skin to your cherry blossoms cy skin gift right after you sent it to her!

some girls just have all the luck. <_<:lol: she probably recalls you from the cp set ? or there must be something deeper to it... i'll call agent snowie to dig out the mystery behind all these. :ph34r:

and hopefully yeh wins the baeksang award, it would be a very fitting reward after all the hard works she had put into cp. B)

and i absolutely love the pair of Nike she had on for the photo shoot. or was it because she was the one wearing it that made it more appealing to me? :w00t:

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Guest whf_violet

Thanks everyone for sharing the links and pics :D

I'm having gung withdrawal again after watching the epi 16 bts. I hope other rare episode bts will be release soon :w00t:

sorry if this pic is a repost :sweatingbullets:



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Guest lil_archer

Is there any news of Goong 2?

There will be no Goong 2... (bcoz of the cnflict between the lead stars and the production company, Eight Peaks)


Hey guys! I'm here again... thanks for welcoming me... (i'm now one of the yeh warriors ... Yipee!)

i'll be visiting this thread once in a while

by the way, thanks for all the updates... pics... etc.

May God Bless us all... :)

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Guest whf_violet

There will be no Goong 2... (bcoz of the cnflict between the lead stars and the production company, Eight Peaks)

Conflict on the lead stars schedule but not personal conflicts :lol: There's still a conflict with the other production company ( the one who made Goong S).

Welcome to the thread :)

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Guest jollibee


I'm new here... just thought to make a shout out...

I've been checking out the site but have never posted...

a lot of infos soooo00000ooo...fun....

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Guest lil_archer

Conflict on the lead stars schedule but not personal conflicts :lol: There's still a conflict with the other production company ( the one who made Goong S).

Welcome to the thread :)

ow... sorry... i got a bit messed up :wacko:

thanks :blush:

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Guest jyssandra

im avid fan of YEH. i always checked this thread.. im a silent reader for almost a month of this.

im hoping Yeh will win in 44th baeksang award.

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