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Can I Make It Based On Looks? Talent Too?

Guest sjbbsdancex3

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Guest jellotime


Thanks! :D first constructive criticism I've had in a while.

And yeah I need to work on emotion and yeah ending my notes I agree. I do flat-line a lot of notes simply because it's easier lol..

I've only really been trying at this singing stuff since I was about 15, and I just recently turned 17 so I don't have a lot of experience. I'm trying to get a vocal trainer but since I don't live in Toronto anymore I can't find anyone who does private vocal lessons for teens/adults here in Londump Onterrible Canada. >_>

blah blah blah

Why does that surprise you?! lmaoo

Is it cause I'm not scared to critique other guys' looks in the looks thread? haha

Just secure with my sexuality.

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Guest blah blah blah

blah blah blah

Why does that surprise you?! lmaoo

Is it cause I'm not scared to critique other guys' looks in the looks thread? haha

Just secure with my sexuality.

LOL... ya.. u r just too good looking... did u ever post in kimjae's thread.. cuz i'm sure i'll be noticing u if u have.. good luck!

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Guest Crazyasian3119

Perfect example of someone who didn't have training, and yet is good at singing, i feel like you developed your style untouched because of this.

Nice song choice. TOUGH, but nice! [was this song always this long? 5:00 of constant belting. DANG WHAT STAMINA lol]

Don't be so embarrassed about your loudness, this song is really supposed to be belted out in the right places, but becareful, remember this song is going to sung infront of judges, you want to show power at the right times, but don't deafen them haha, just don't tone down the intensity because of this.

There are just a few times where you hit your notes a bit off key, but you slide back into the right note. it can't be over a semi-tone off, it sounds like when your vibrato fluctuates, half of it goes on the correct pitch and half of it doesn't [which is exactly what a vibrato is supposed to do] just make sure you hit the note dead on and its not the vibrato that's hitting the correct pitches. [can't really explain this well... like a sine wave but like a sine wave -.5 LOL oh god. im a nerd]

I think some of the parts sound a bit urgh cause of the mic quality and the feedback, but this wont matter when auditioning haha. but work on warming up your tone and rounding it about a bit, in the higher registers, so it becomes less piercing. Also there are some notes that you attack too strongly and it makes it stick out, tone those down a bit.

What did you do to develop breath support like that? lol. it's crazy, some notes could be held out longer but wow. When i talk about breath support im talking about your diminishing vibrato. Has anyone ever commented you on it? Its amazing when you pull it off [like 3 notes when you didnt] but it's such an even decrescendo that doesn't lose intensity just volume... its very nice.

O M G A H.

i 've neverrr gotten such a good compliment! thank you so much!

and yeah, the camera was right next to the speaker. sorry about that.

i guess i got stamina from swimming. i used to have really bad asthma problems. i couldn't sing. my doctor suggested i swim since its a sport that really focuses on breathing and that'll expand my lungs. he also gave me some sheet of ways to help me breathe better. ever since, i haven't had asthma problems. (^_^)

also, i watched a lot of mariah carey, whitney houston, and celine dion videos. i'd take note of how they'd sing... and some filipino singers here and there (that's the kind of singing they like... charice pempengco, omgah). i'd practice singing and trying to sound the way they did.

but wow, i've never had such a nice compliment before. oh, and don't worry... i'm a nerd too. i completely understood what you meant.

really... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! also, thanks for your advice! i'll try practicing accapella and see how it turns out. do you have any song suggestions?

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Guest jellotime

LOL... ya.. u r just too good looking... did u ever post in kimjae's thread.. cuz i'm sure i'll be noticing u if u have.. good luck!

Yeah I did actually lmao.

Pretty sure you said I'm not that good looking in that thread haha..

Different pics :)

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Guest Crazyasian3119

i guess i'll be the "critique-er" now... since no one else is.

if you still want to recieve feedback (from me specifically), quote me or reply to me.

fore-warning: i'm going to be picky... i won't be mean, but i'll be picky.

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Guest Crazyasian3119

i would like a critique. =] my profile thing is on pg 6..i think. xD; or 5. lol

firstly, this is just my opinion. i know i'm not pretty either and that my voice isn't that great... don't let anything i say keep you from striving towards your goal.

*steps down from soap box*

okay, that aside.

looks: 7/10

its just one picture... but from what i can see... you're not pretty. but you're not ugly either. kind of... in the middle. i don't think your chunky... but you're hair doesn't really flatter your face. it looks like you've got nice, clear, fair skin though.


i listened to rolling star (because i like that song). there was nothing TECHINICALLY wrong with it... your notes were mostly in tune and you got all the words and etc. but being honest, your voice sounds a bit strained... and nasally. then again, YUI kinda sings like that too. so maybe that's the sound you were going for... so that's an 8/10

now, joyful joyful. firstly, i give you props for singing a Christian song. now that i listen to this song, i don't hear your nasal-tone. but, one thing that i noticed in both rolling star (but didn't say anything about) and this one was your choppy-ness. in rolling star, its in japanese and probably not your first language (plus, its a bubbly song), so i ignored it. but in joyful joyful, it sounds... bad. it sounds really whiny and like you're trying too hard... you need to sing it smoothly, more... flowing-ly(?). but, you've got a good voice, there's no need to "try too hard". be careful with that because really brings down the song since its slower-paced. again, 7/10

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Guest Crazyasian3119


Thanks for your honest opinion! And, yes, I agree that I tend to sing....choppily..or w/e. Trying to work on that. =]

Oh, and Rolling Star was a bit high for me, too. XD, but I'm not gonna make excuses.

Thanks again for your critique!

you're welcome!

i'd like to hear joyful joyful again... when its not choppy (>_<)

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i guess i'll be the "critique-er" now... since no one else is.

if you still want to recieve feedback (from me specifically), quote me or reply to me.

fore-warning: i'm going to be picky... i won't be mean, but i'll be picky.

please critique me! :D

im on page 6 i think

thank yoU!

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Guest Crazyasian3119

first off, i know i'm not so pretty myself and i can't sing that well either. this is purely my opinion and please don't let anything i say prevent you from auditioning and pursuing your dream.

(for full-profile pictures, i'm judging ONLY your body with 1-10 with 1 being disgustingly obese and 10 being a healthy slender... if you want your face to be included in the evaluation, let me know)

now that that's done...


pic 1- please don't make faces in your pictures. i understand that it seems cute and all that, but in order for me to judge your face, i want to see how you look normally. but from what i can see in this first picture, you have kind of chubby cheeks. i don't know if you really are chubby or not (you don't seem like it) and it may just be baby fat. there's nothing specifically bad about your appearance, i just need a better picture without you making a "silly" face. other than that, you seem to have big eyes and fair skin. so i give this a 7/10

pic 2- again, please take pictures from the front. i can't judge you fairly if i can't see your whole face. i'm not "judging" this picture.

pic 3- i'm assuming this is your "full-profile" shot. you're not fat... but it kind of looks like you're sucking it in. i can't see your legs either... but still, you get a good 9/10.

pic 4- another "full-profile"... i just want to let you know, that's a cute dress. you have slender broad shoulders and slender arms... so this is a 10/10.


video 1- ah, i'm no actress and i know nothing about acting... soooo... i'm not sure what i should give you. and also, i don't understand korean... but i'll give you props for emotion. it wasn't very intense or engaging, but it was clear what emotion you were trying to portray. so that's an 8/10, good job!

video 2- i didn't mention this is my last evaluation... but i applaud you for doing these with braces. when i had my braces, it was so hard for me to talk and sing without slobbering everywhere. anyway, your rap was good. but like i said, i don't understand korean... your voice is pretty good too. nothing technically wrong but nothing great or fantastic that makes you stick out... so i give you an 7/10.

video 3- hmm... you have an okay voice... but be careful with your low notes because i can't even hear you sometimes... and some parts i couldn't understand what you were saying and i know this song! i understand that you probably haven't had voice lessons (and that you're not even auditioning for this), but your "torn" at the end was... uh... i dunno how to describe it. anyway, a 7/10

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Guest superstar`kiss

If you can crtique me too. I'm on the first page. I think I might be going to the global auditions so, a little help?

haha, though, if you bring me down horribly, it's okay. I'll still go. haha.


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Guest Crazyasian3119

song 1: you seem to have a good voice... but that was short. also, you don't seem to have enough control over it too well... for this one, 7/10

pic 1: your eyebrows need some cleaning-up and you have kinda chubby cheeks... but it may just be baby fat still. maybe its just the fact that your hair is covering up half your face, but your eyes also seem to be far apart. despite all that, you have clear, fair skin, a cute nose, pink lips, and nice hair. 7/10

pic 2: this pic isn't evaluatable (if that's a word) because of the angle and the lighting. but if i were just looking at it just because (and not "evaluating"), i'd say its really artistic-looking.

pic 3: you seem to have a really strong jawline and in this picture, (it may just be the lighting, but) your nose looks really flat. but still, your skin and hair are nice. i'd give you a different hairstyle though... not sure what... but something other than the one you have now. 7/10

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Guest superstar`kiss

Ahh thank you!! haha! Okay, yess! I do have a flat nose! :( It runs in the family! lmao. Thanks! That is the shape of my jawline. Yes, I've had the same plain hair for a long time. I just don't really do much with it, but def. I'll find a new haircut. My brows, haha! Yeah, I feel like such a kid, I need someone else to do them for me, I just haven't gotten to that yet. Of course it'll be SOON! :lol: My cheeks---! Eeeeeeeek! Yeah, I have really big cheeks! I hope they decrease someday! haha! I was born with them so, what can I do. <_< Thank you about my voice. Yess, I'm actually quite new at dedicating myself to sing so, if I don't get a callback I won't be hurt. I'm def. working on it. Thank you for your views! I apprieciate your time.

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to: Crazyasian3119

thank you for the critique!

its cool that you were completely honest!

ima keep trying harder(x

p.s. the thread asked for a side

profile thats why i put one up xD


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Guest CtlunatC

blehhhhhhhh i didnt get many critiques...... >.<!

ok now MY CRITIQUES!!!

bottom up

animeeternity: her voice is alittle bit on the weaker side. especially in her lower range and its breathy. but she's pretty good. she's alot stronger when she's singing falsetto.

crazyasian3119: looks wise, when you smile you look okay. theres definitely potential in you. but when you smile your cheeks get really big. (mine do too >.<!) your tone was too sharp for that song in your clip. it made you sound kinda harsh at the parts where you hold out the notes. but when you got to the chorus parts. you were pretty good. but your voice cracked abit in some parts. practice warming up more. youre voice would be SM material. but at the high C sharps, you tend to yell those out and your tone leaves for a split second.

cassiopeia 5549: hey i have the same camera as you! my friends call it the brick cause its so thick lol. tecnically you are asian since you are Indian and India is part of asia lol. hmmm looks wise, you're not pretty, but youre not ugly either. you're inbetween. your average joe.. or joanne.. clips please

Exagerated:) : wheres the clip??? hmm in the first picture i feel like you were wayy too posey. especially how you're mouth was positioned. if you were to submit a application with that picture. no. you're pretty okay looking. but if you did get into sm, they'd probably want to make your nose "pointier" and "smaller". but you'll have to work on your talent if you want to get in.

jellotime: that picture isnt really that great since the lighting shades part of your face and your hair is covering half of your face. even tho your webcam did cause some problems with the sound of your clips. your werent that great singing from what i could here. your voice is really weak and you dont sound confident at all. and it sounds like you're using most of your throat which isnt good if you're pursuing to become a singer.

one-timeless: your friend is pretty.. but theres something off about her.. i just cant put my finger on it. but that outfit doesnt compliment her in my opinion. where are de clips?

anime freakx1000: i've heard your clip of THis is Real and it is really good. but you dont have enough presence in your voice, or charisma. so i guess that is your biggest weakness talent wise. your looks dont meet up to par with your talent tho. but if you do get in, professional make up artists, stylists, and hair stylists can take you a long way.

mspop: that first picture made your chin look really weird. your acting isnt very convincing. it seems like you're trying to act cute and sounds like you're just reading from a script. there isnt much emotion that is real. for your rapping, again you sound like you're just reading. you're not putting any attitude or emotion into it. your voice sounds pretty weak but it also sounds like you're holding back. if you're to really rap you should let it out and put more effort into it.

mssmiley: the picture quality isnt that great. but looks wise you wont make it in. where are the clips man?

ms.minhwan choi: your a bit on the chubby side. you're looks are average. where are the clips.

jzsun: those first 2 pictures werent really from the side.. but whatever lol. you have cute dimples and you might catch the judges attention. there is potential in you looks wise. your Parasite clip at first made me giggle because of the way you said JZ because i thought of the real rapper JZ for a second lol. your rap is pretty good. you have very good attitude throughout the whole song but at some parts you sound abit like your choking. but you're really good at making songs. *clap* didnt expect that.

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