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Biggest Turn Ons On The Opposite Sex?

Guest dream_angel

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Guest Kyosukemox

petite (not shorter than 5'1ft)


enjoys doing activities and sports

loves food

cute smart/sophisticated


a killer smile and/or wink

loves me for who I am and loves my family

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Guest kelliecube

Maybe you need to be more specific.

I've got $300 left in my bank account, I've paid my electric bill for the past month, and I've got Budweisers in the fridge.

But I somehow think that I don't fit your bill.

That's exactly what I mean, it's like we share the same brain ;)
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Guest laylalove

Tall ( So he makes me feel small. I don't know but I like the feeling. )Smart ( booksmart or street smart : He tells me to study or whatnot and teach me about outside stuff is okay too. Don't overdo though like he is too smart for anyone) Make me feel special  ( remember what I like and what not & give in to me sometimes just because he wants to ) Cute smile w/ dimples( I'm a sucker for guys with dimple) and no pimple; I mean like super pimples and acne. <Personal> hairstyle and fashion: I can tell what he would like if I go buy him a present like clothing. Like Exercise so he makes me exercise with him OMG He doesn't have to be like fit- just normal is fine with me. Drive well! Some guy drive so well and easy I think it is attractive ^_^ Non smoker & for drinking is occasionally is okay but not doing it excessively Can cook? or happy to go to the kitchen and cook w/ me for fun . Not saying "those are girls job" Do it but not so happy about it if you know what you mean.  

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Are we talking about the physical appearance? Or other things? Hmmm i find guys physically attractive when: - Taller than me (at least. 5'6 or 5'7) - Attractive gaze (the type when I look in his eyes, I can tell his a deep person? And when he looks at me , he just draws me in? Lol hard to explain) - Lean or slightly muscular body. - Dark hair (black), slightly styled (sometimes a little messy is hot!) - Broad shoulders - One unique/attractive part of his face (example a tall nose, or a great smile, or a mole under his eyes, or a long lashes, or kissable lips, or dimples etc.) His face doesn't have to be so perfect, just one part of his face that stands out, is more attractive to me, than all part of his face being so perfect.

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Bright contagious smile.
Quick wit and some healthy doses of sarcasm.
Sexy smirk when he is teasing.
Soft, deep and kind eyes.
Somebody that laughs alot.
Gets shy and fidgity occasionally
Wide shoulders and stands really tall (posture wise)

= MMmmm

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Guest Gold Panda

Bright contagious smile.

Quick wit and some healthy doses of sarcasm.

Sexy smirk when he is teasing.

Soft, deep and



Somebody that laughs alot.

Gets shy and fidgity occasionally

Wide shoulders and stands really tall (posture wise)

= Gold Panda

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Guest KomaeKatsura

Appearance-wise: Tan skin, dark hair, kind of short and stocky/healthy (fit) body. I really like it when guys are around my height, for some reason...
Attitude: Positive, humble, doesn't take himself too seriously, likes the outdoors, video games, animals and children. 
But... I think I just voiced an ideal type rather than turn-ons?? Hmm...  

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest aliciaatethesandwich


-a little shy in public but when we're alone we have a lot of fun


-5'9 ish

-knows style but isn't like a "diva"


-good with kids


and it might just be a regional thing because I'm from the south, but a guy that drives a nice truck is automatically sexy ;)

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Guest c.lambada

- Taller than 5'7 (my height), but preferably taller than me by a couple of inches so I can wear heels without feeling like I tower over everyone, because we'll both we towering!

- Smart when it comes to academics... definitely has to be a science major, and a math or physics major would just be wonderful. It's my silly dream to have my future lab and his do collaborations and combine biology and physics/math.

-Introspective... ponders on the meaning of life and other such things... so I can have someone to debate with on those long nights that I am unsure of existing.

- Able to accept me, despite all my darkness and inner turmoil.

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Guest bunny-chan


I don't ask for much. I just want a guy to play video games with me without me having to bribe or blackmail him. ;)

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Insomnolence

Is it just me or does anyone find guys with big hands a huge turn on?
Especially if they have nice hands <3 Like. It just fits so well when you hold their hands! :$

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Guest destinymarie

Taller than me (not that hard I am 5'0)
Not clingy. 
I don't like romantics, either. Makes me laugh awkwardly. Like what do I do with flowers? You pull them out of their home. They die and wilt. Pass on chocolates or I'll eat 3,000 at once. 
I like lip rings. That's a secret. 

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Guest Dollic

For the guys:- They have a good sense of style/nice hair- They're a gentleman- They're humorous but not offensive- They're organized- They're wise- They exercise and are well-built- They have nice eyes, nice lips, and a sexy richard simmons
For the girls:- They have a cute face/smile- They have charming/luring eyes- They're sweet/nice- They have good sense of style/nice hair- They have a cute butt and an amazing chest- They're caring...full of energy and hard-working

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  • 5 months later...
Guest ikweli

nice legs, nice hair, nice eyes, nice nose, nice a$$, nice clothes, nice arms, nice hands, nice cheeks, nice mouth, nice voice.
personality is whatevs that can come some other time

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