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How Long Do You Wait To Say "i Love You" To Ur Gf/bf

Guest freshman11

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Guest phanda

me&him were at the movies and were just cuddling. :)

and then we just got caught up in the moment and i was like "i love you"

and he said he loved me too.

we werent together yet..lol.

but like...long story short.

after that..

he said he didnt liike me and was sorry for making a mistake

broke my heart

fell head over heels for eachother later

got together

1 year 4 months.

now we've broken up cuz i moved. =[

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Guest cassie_girl

ok,,story about i love you words..heheh..

i'm not an easy kind person to say i love you.

but one day..

*my second ex boyfriend..he's so sweet, and he never want to make me mad,,so he always said yes and i''m sorry. even when it was my fault he said that.*

one day,...i really made a big mistake and he was so mad at me..and...he didnt talk to me for 2 days..

i'm going crazy..and i have to do something about that..

ok..i went to his house, which i always refused to go...

and i yelled, "I"M SORRY AND I LOVE YOU!"

i yelled it like many times until he came out and go down to take me with him inside..

he said it's ok, and i promise him to say i love you like at least 3 times a day...heheheh..

now...after 1 year we broke up...we're still friend..and he said, he had good times and memories when he was with me.

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Guest `Koko

With my ex,

I said it even before we were dating. : )

Such as, " You know I love you, right ? "

I mean, at first I felt nervous saying it, but I loved him to the point where

nervousness never even appeared to occur anymore.

So when we were dating, I would say it whenever I felt like expressing it.

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Guest 0nekhmer

i said it to one my of ex's she was actually my longest relationship :o..

anyways we were cuddling and i told her i loved her and kissed her forehead..

i think you should only say it if you truly mean it.. i think i was too caught up in the moment xP

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Guest str4wberricr3me

I told him the night before (through AIM) that i had a secret to tell him. i didn't tell him online just to keep him anxious and curious. Also i felt that the "secret" should be told in person. So we met up the next day in a park. I was hugging him and he asked me what my secret was. And i whispered "i love you" in his ear. It was the most intese feeling i have ever felt. (he's my first boyfriend). He laughed a little and said it back to me.

I guess the timing is different for everyone. But I'm pretty sure that at one point, you will feel this really really deep anxiety to say it to the person. Like you are just sooo full of love for this person that you are scared that your heart might explode if you don't tell him soon. xD. (Am i making sense?) Well, i am a very serious person (in terms of relationship) and i really take those words seriously. So i said it when i was trully feeling it and that was after we were friends for a good three years, and had been together UNOFFICIALLY for a year. and had been OFFICAL for two months. (LOLs wow, i feel bad for my boyfriend x.X)

I hope i helped...?

~ Cookie

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Guest ShadowMax76

crushes that never knew i liked/loved them , i always regretted not saying something - as much as i eventually found a reason to comfort me in not telling them.

the next person who obviously didn't like me back x3 lol , i told..

it seemed like i couldn't take it anymore. the reaction was awkward-neutral [not mutual] , but i was relieved..

>.>' unfortunately it was over the phone..~ ah well. never was good with face-to-face 'communication' anyways.

it always seemed like i had to take what time i had to say it. rather than wait for the perfect moment.

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Guest rubyx

With my ex boyfriend, he told me he loved me after the perfect date. At least is was my most memorable. We went to a punk show since he had never been to one before. everyone there was drinking a lot and we were just standing against the wall watching and kissing and being coupley. It was pretty late when we left and i was hungry so we bought food from safeway to eat. for some reason when we were at the checkout i looked at him and it was the first time i thought that i loved him. then we went on the bus home and it was so nice because we were the only ones on it, and it goes up on the hills so when you look out the window, you see half the city full of lights....... so we walked me back to my house and held me in front of the steps and told me "i love you" and i tried to pull away because i was so frightened even though i felt the same way. i just wasn't ready. we weren't even friends before we started dating because we just met online. we had been going out for less than a month before he told me. i told him like a week later. we were in the same position and he said "i love you" to me again and i said it back.

with my current bf we have been going out for over three months. once i asked him how he really felt about me, and he said "do we really have to talk about this now?" and that was it.

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Guest Loveology

I told my ex (who was my first boyfriend) that and he said it back, but I knew he didn't mean it. ;_;

We broke up a month later. =="

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Guest 0nekhmer

I said "I love you" to a krispy kreme donut after the first bite. Does that count? :sweatingbullets:

ROFL. it sure does

love is just a word :P

i say it randomly to friends .. well when im comfortable with em and they know i don't really mean it .

i also say it to my dog :ph34r:

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Guest sidney

love is so overuse.. it has no meaning whatsoever now.

my s/o said i love you to me the first week we started dating..but then we've known each other for a long time before..so yeah.....

i never say it back =X..and not planning to do so anytime soon unless i mean it

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Guest Rtistique

hmmm well after like 3 weeks of dating, i finally said i love you to my bf lol. i mean i was planning on waiting for our feelings to grow even stronger and let months pass by before i even said it, but iono i just felt like my heart was gonna explode, and also he was feeling a bit down lately, and i think he needed to be assured about how i feel and stuff. hehe.

but idk, now sometimes we just say ~love you~ at the end of phone conversation, but doesn't seem as meaningful though =/ im hoping to say it with the "i" in "i love you" tomorrow when i hang out with him. im gonna look at him face to face and stuff too and mean it

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Guest kkkkk

Some people are reticent when it comes to relationships.

I've always wanted to say it out, after someone tells me. But usually i'll just listen and take what they say in. That doesn't mean i don't love them. I think you don't have to give an answer sometimes. They'd understand.

But then sometimes i look up and see her perfect smile after a perfect day together. And i have this urge to tell her. And so i do. Its really simple. When you feel like saying it, you say it.

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Guest brightstars90

Well i just usually say "luv u" at the end of conversations through msn, phone or just face to face. I only say i love you when i actually mean it. Ive said it to my ex, but he never even truly meant it when he said them to me.

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Guest plumplum

He said it first.

6 months into our relationship.

I don't think "I love you" should be used casually.

Say it only when you mean it. And don't say it too often.

Because it's really sweet and meaningful when you do say it.


Say "I love you" to your parents every day!

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