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How Long Do You Wait To Say "i Love You" To Ur Gf/bf

Guest freshman11

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I'm still with my first boyfriend, but I think I said it too soon. I've always wanted to only say "I love you" when I meant it, but I said it before I really felt it. The thing is, I was very happy with him but I didn't know what being in love really felt like. So I think I misunderstood what I felt. We both said it 2 months in, although he told me several times before I said it. I actually fell in love about 3 months in. I don't regret saying it, because it was him, but if I ever have another boyfriend I think I'll wait until I know I feel in love.. and that time, I'd know what the feeling is like.

However, I don't plan on there ever being another guy <3

hmm i wwas like that with mah first bf.... said it a few months in but wasnt sure if it was love...

then prob 3/4 months i fell in love...

now that im in a new relationship... and way older. its goin take me a long time to fall in love...

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Guest underneathHERskin

There was this guy that I was interested in a while ago and I did love him. My boyfriend now always tells me he loves me, but I don't say it back to him. It makes me feel really bad sometimes but I believe that a person shouldn't say it when they don't completely feel or mean it. He understands that I'm not quite where he's at yet but I'm getting there.

To me, when you feel love, a lightbulb goes off and you don't question it. Love isn't a maybe thing, you know it when you love someone or something.

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Guest ljinyoungl

o-o... i said " i love you to my current girl friend after a few days..." is that bad?

but for me i felt like it's best to say "i love you" when you feel you are ready for it.

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Guest artsifartsi

when I feel it and IF I feel it.

I regret saying it so easily to my first boyfriend and giving it away.

It's really important to me.

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Guest peaches-n-cream

i usually don't say 'i love you'... i start off with a "i really like you" and keep with it for quite a while. it took me about half a year before i said it to my current boyfriend.

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Guest smilexsayumi

I want to say it when it has meaning; but some times it just

slips out of my mouth because it's like pressure. The guys that

I have been with have all said it to me first. So I feel like I have

to say it back to them D: But yeah. I'm hoping that in my other

relationships I won't say it until I'm ready so it doesn't lose meaning.

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Guest mz_imperfect

until i really and truly feel it and mean it.

i mean, being IN love and loving someone is totally different for me...so yeah

I totally agree. You can love anyone. Your parents, siblings, friends. But to be IN LOVE with someone, that's just different.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that people throw out the words "I love you" all the time and can mean it, but not imply "I'm IN LOVE with you," which in my opinion, is a much stronger phrase.

As for the Q. I've never said it before. I haven't cared for anyone that much haha. Even if they were a friend, I'd say sure I love you, but it's not like... I'd die for you meaning? LOL. So unless you can show me what love is, those three words are not coming out of my mouth.

And on another note, I hate it when they try to pressure you into saying it. I mean, sure I'll say it... but it won't mean anything, ya know? I'd just be saying it because it's what you want to hear. If you really want it to mean something and know that I do mean it, then wait and be patient until I'm ready to do so.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Me and my bf kind of said it when we were still just friends, not dating. We said it seriously pretty soon after going out... it just felt so natural and so right, I don't think it was too soon at all, and I don't think we should have waited. It's been four months and I still feel just as strongly.

It definitely has a strong meaning for us, and yes, I've told him I'm IN love with him too (as opposed to just plain loving him). I really believe I am, we're both pretty genuine. ^^ <333

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Guest PandaKiss

I never said it yet.

But I remember my ex (very short term) got mad at me 'cause I refuse to say it.

LOL, that's when I realized he was .... :\

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Guest greentea:vee xo

It takes me a while to say that to someone, maybe a year or so .. it means a lot to me, and I just don't say it to any guy.

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Guest andersennavy

i said it on our 1 month anniversary

which i think was too early

but whatever

it was gonna come out sooner or later

n i was crazy bout her !!!


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