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Harry Potter Or Twilight?


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Guest keirasketch

I cannot believe how people just continue to compare these two.

First of all, not the same genre

and second, Harry Potter series totally OWNS the Twilight saga.

I mean are you SERIOUS?? Rowling frikken thoughtout everything where Twilight was so spur-of-the moment-like EVERYWHERE in the series, like \plotholes just page after page that it gets painful.

Also the writing style (or should I say skillzzz) is so different D: Rowling can produce great narratives and whatnot with, you know, not-so-repetitive sentences unlike SM. Rowling also sounds like she knows the meaning of the words she's using in her works.

I have to admit, the first three books of the Twilight series had me hooked, even if I knew they weren't the greatest works of literature. It was my guilty pleasure, and a great summer read. But after finishing the saga (insert much hate to Breaking Dawn here) and then reading the last two Harry Potter books (I know, so late) I was blownnnn away.

Take out the Hotness factor from Twilight, and I'm sure people will see how flawed the series is. If Edward wasn't so 'omg I totally creamed in my pants' beautiful, it'd be just a mediocre (or even less than that) series. I'm sure many of us, with a decent crazy dream to fuel a story, can write just as well or even better than SM.


and question, how is Twilight sci-fi?

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Twilight is way over-hyped for a book that has pretty poor writing. I don't even get why Edward loves Bella. I get why Bella loves him because Stephanie Meyer only pointed out several hundred times how perfect and flawless Edward is. I guess I'm one of the few people who never really got into the Twilight series. At least Harry Potter has more imagination. There is no comparison between the two.

For me it's hands down Harry Potter.

It's cause of her clumsiness.

It's just oh so appealing :rolleyes:

i kidddddd.

i dont even renember anything about the book anymore. lmao XD

that's how unmemorable it is =//

the plot is too bland.

writing sucked.

all I renember is

"edward is so beautiful!"

"i love edward!"

fyi~ i've only read the first book. haha.

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Guest yongwonhi

all I renember is

"edward is so beautiful!"

"i love edward!"

Oh don't worry, that was the whole book. And perhaps the entire series.

I love Harry Potter! ^_^

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Guest mitsuki-hime


but in my eyes :


i mean,


*my conclusion about TWILIGHT series is : EDWARD love bella, so DOES bella..* xD

second, HARRY POTTER can make ALL the PEOPLE in this world put anything what they DO just to read the books..

BUT, NOT that i am a TWILIGHT SAGA anti-fan..

I'M TOTALLY IN LOVE the way SM put the words about BELLA&EDWARD.. *not mention breaking dawn,anyway*

their love IS totally unimaginable..

*i mean is that really any couple in this world can be like them?*

but SM can make me belief that THERE IS A LOVE STORY like that.. xD

but if i had to choose, sorry to say, but the flawless of Edward cant make me less curious when i wait the 7th book of Harry Potter release..

xDDDD but im totally waiting as a good girl for 21.11.08 btw.. xDDDDD

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Guest mitsuki-hime


sorry to make u confuse of my post..

my friends always said that im no good to express what i really mean..


not trying to take a fight or else..

its just my opinion..

i do LOOK the books in DIFFERENT WAY..

but I DO LOVE MORE HP than TWILIGHT for sure..

like i said before, the flawless and dazzles of EDWARD cant let me LESS CURIOUS and WAITING of HARRY POTTER books before..

he just perfect. the saga is okay. and period.

not like HARRY POTTER.. that's what i mean..

do u get it what i mean? =)

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oops sorry double posted couldn't help it :D .

omg, i can't believe the same topic is being brought up in here too... -_-

if you read carefully between the lines or what the author is getting at then you'll get the point of why she is so called "TELLING" so much and not "SHOWING". of course they are SHOWING their love for each other but it is not enough. and you wonder why? its difficult enough that Edward can't touch her in the beginning, that shes human, that he's never FELT this way before *meaning its been 80 years plus hes never been in love if you read carefully* and this doesn't exclude Bella too. how can you express your love when you can't even express it physically or whatever way you try? and believe me if you read the book, Edward did try to SHOW his love but that didn't seem like it got acrossed to Bella. i'm not for all the cheesy lines and sweet talks but seriously does this topic need be discussed or depicted apart even more? they love each, face the fact and the truth and in reality some people are like this *me not included but* hey its a romance/fantasy/adventure/sci-fi get over it :rolleyes:.


oh gosh you COMPLETELY misinterpreted what I posted.

go back to school, sure they teach ya about creative writing in the first year of lit class lol.

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Guest deeLOVELY

Also, Edward is MUCH more lovable than Harry Potter, like srsly, I would fantasize about Edward more than Harry Potter, I don't think I was a huge huge huge HP fan to the point of insanity, but I am a HUGE Edward Fan. It is more mature (thanks for being 108 yrs old), and better looking (from the movies and description, like COME ON Rob is WAY hotter than Daniel....) and is more romantic and etc etc...


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Guest stardust.

harry potter ftw! ^^;

twilight just doesn't lure me in as much as HP *shrugs* i'm not saying i didn't enjoy it, but i still choose harry potter over twilight any day.

but i just don't get why people are consistently, comparing these two books/authors/movies. the genre's are different, the style is different, and the whole plot line is different! it's just not worth the hype comparing to different books by two different people just because of the characters/actors.

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Um l3lo, we're just discussing whether we prefer Harry Potter or Twilight.

Just because mintcracker said why she couldn't stand the chessy lines in Twilight,

I don't think you should tell her to get over it.

She's only telling which one she prefers more and that's her opinion.

:lol: i know thats her opinion, i was just in a bad mood. saw the same question over

and over and it was not in the same thread :lol:. had to blow a fuse but i'm over it.

idk i'm good :P.

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oh gosh you COMPLETELY misinterpreted what I posted.

go back to school, sure they teach ya about creative writing in the first year of lit class lol.

:lol: no, not funny :huh:. no i believe i got what you were trying to say. talking about creative writing, maybe you should go find yourself a guy and ask him to "SHOW" you instead of "TELL" you? :lol: you won't find that in a book for sure and in your lit class :lol:. but anyways, i'm over that topic just had to reply to your little post since i kind of glanced at it and almost missed it :D .

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Guest sum-chick

for the record..Edward likes Bella because she is the first HUMAN that he cant read HER MIND!!..so it makes everything more interesting..and he doesnt know what shes going to do, and he always worries for her..and from there he just develops the feelings for Bella!!..but...

i still think Harry Potter is better..although i love the Twilight series..^^

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Guest Amanda Plz

:lol: no, not funny :huh:. no i believe i got what you were trying to say. talking about creative writing, maybe you should go find yourself a guy and ask him to "SHOW" you instead of "TELL" you? :lol: you won't find that in a book for sure and in your lit class :lol:. but anyways, i'm over that topic just had to reply to your little post since i kind of glanced at it and almost missed it :D .

I am entranced by your many smilies.

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Guest spuddevaughn

Both books have their own specific target readers and both authors have very different writing styles. Personally, I enjoyed both books and I have to say that for me, each book emphasized two different things. Harry Potter for me emphasized the idea of friendship and strength of character. Twilight, on the other hand, for me focused on love..both towards a lover and family. That's just my opinion...but I have to say that compared to my HP craze two years ago...I think I caught the Twilight bug really bad. I finished reading all four books in two weeks and that's only because it was very difficult to get a hold of Breaking Dawn in the Philippines during it's first week of release here. I had tried calling all the bookstores here and they've all ran out of Breaking Dawn. This was so unlike what happened to me when HBP and Deathly Hallows were released here because I didn't even have a hard time getting the books. I didn't even have to pre-order but with the Twilight saga, I should have pre-ordered because I almost had an anxiety attack every time the people at the bookshop would tell me that it's already out of stock.

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Guest ovaltinejenkins


you should make this into a poll.

i bet harry potter would trump twilight.

the unfair thing about it is that probably half the twilighters probably didnt even READ harry potter.

and harry potter is SOOO well written. no freaking kidding. and you think something will happen, but then its the other way around. and there are tiny details that are so insignificant that play a huge role later on. like in prisoner of azkaban, when harry is running away, he sees this big dog in the bushes. turns out the dog is SIRIUS BLACK <3. i just love the little things she puts in. PLUS, harry potter is actually pretty funny. i have lol'd many times... like, "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BETCH!"


and for breaking dawn, everyone KNEW that bella was gonna join edward. OOH didnt see that one coming <_<

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Guest KamichamaN

Definitely going to have to agree with the Harry Potter. I mean, sure they're two different books but they belong to a vaguely similar genre, they're both of the fantasy variety-ish. I just feel that Harry Potter really deserved all the crazy hype it got. It was well written and well planned out and the writing style and characters were not dull lovesick leeches. I swear Twilight bored the mini coopere out of me, and I only read it because Edward was interesting. I hate Bella, she's so...soooooo....*grwwwllll*. In any case, definitely Harry Potter FTW

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