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Personality Vs Physical Attractions


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honestly for me... the type of personality that i like in a guy is really hard to find... but if there's nothing about his appearance that i like physically.... then i would not be interested in dating them. i would always be interested in dating someone because of their physical appearance first and then i'll see if their personality is up to par later on. it's even in our human nature to find mates based on their physical appearance to make good offspring in the future. yes as strange as that sounds but it is true >.>. and anyways, people's personal physical preference are all different... so i'm sure that everyone will find the right person for them no matter what they look like :]

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Truthfully, I care a lot of people's appearance. I find it quite important..but if you're decent looking, that's good enough for me already.

However, even so..I often find myself liking guys with a beautiful personality too. And no, they're not ugly somehow..

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Guest starstung

Having both is great but if I can't stand listening to that person speak (probably because they get obnoxious/cocky/self-absorbed and not as a joke,) I rather just have the personality. Just my opinion.

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Although the physical attraction comes first and personality makes things waay more definite in some cases,

I think it's also possible for attraction to develop later on in the relationship, I'm talking from personal experiences where I've went for guys where the scale was favoured more on the personality than physical appearances side, the thing is that their personality made them attractive to me. strange huh?

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Guest cherrierus


I agree!!

Personality plays a huge part, but you may not know their personality unless you spend time with them, and normally when you are physically attracted to that person you try to know them better.

Even so, there are also cases where you just get to know someone through school and school activities or camps where you have to learn teamwork where you really get to know a person. My experiences, then you grdually get attracted to their personality and physically.

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i'd love to say i go for personality, but really... the physical attraction is just so important.

i mean, yes, personality is good too, but for me, no matter how good the personality is... if i can't get that physical attraction, it's just not good enough for me.

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I go for physical attractions first. Then, I get to know the person and then I weigh personality over the physical attraction.

It's always good to find someone that's good looking and has a great personality. :D

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Guest playedescapade

lol so general question:

do you think you will HONESTLY choose personality over physical attributes/attraction? (i'm not speaking about going out with a richard simmons gorgeous model or something. just the scale is tipped in favor of one over the other)

Of course not. Why choose one over the other when I can have both? :P

But honestly, how they look is what attracts me, but what their personality is like is what i use in deciding if they're worth pursuing.

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Guest LazyAzian

I go for both looks and personality.

But usually physical attraction first, then I get to know them, and if they have really boring personalities I don't bother.

Especially if they don't know how to convey their emotions towards other people (==" ) . . .

I'm not shallow :3.

Shallow people aren't always pretty IMO, strip them of their make-up and designer goodies and they'll look like everyone else.

The truly beautiful people are the ones who don't' wear make up.

My sister is really pretty, one time one of the girls at school asked her why she doesn't wear make up, she just replied "My face has nothing to hide"

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Guest Beautiful*Nightmare

What attracts me is the physical appearance.

What keeps me is the personality.

Took the words out of my mouth -_-

I won't go out with someone if I'm not attracted to their physical appearance, but at the same time, I won't stay with a person if I can't stand their personality.

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preferably i would like both...butt looks fades..personality stayss....honestly i would say personality..

i have some friends that are consider to be very attractive...i thought so as well in the beginning..but than been by their side for yearss...i dun see them as phsycailly attractive as before...me..to me they just look consderially normal, not over the top pretty (like i use to) ]..

i wouldn't say their looks had fade (common we're jsut young adults) more like i got use to their appearance..soo i dun find them that phsycally attracted anymore....more like i stayed friends with them cuz i like them...(personality wise)

ahha but i do find myself fonding over cute guyz..but like just a crush ..not anything major liking...

the guys that i have liked before were all base on personality..and gotta say they weren't the best hottest looking gusy..but decent

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Guest loveabella♥

Physical attractions ): I'm not really picky about guys being super hot/cute but I have a certain type that goes into play D:

Sometimes it's about how the person looks that makes you treat them differently from a regular friend...if that makes sense O _ o

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kumadana

well i think personality will hook you.

theres this guy i like . . .

at first i thought he looked really weird because he was ginger

well i;m asian and i generally go for the skinny pale type

then i got to know him

then i realized that he was soooo good looking.

he;s just so skinny, pale (hahah i find that funny because he;s ginger), and his teeth are amazing.

so i guess you get used to them later

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Guest Regina Rae

wellllll. of coruse, it's hard for anyone

to like someone if they are not physically

attracted to them. but, when you think about

it, looks are so petty. there are so many other

things that make up a person. looks aren't even

half of that. like i said. looks do matter. but, not

as much as everyone makes them out to.


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