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Personality Vs Physical Attractions


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Guest lavitadolce


yes i do believe that personality matters more than physical attraction

because if you aren't compatible, then there's not spark so why bother

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Guest ling_ling

i think personality can give a lot to someones physical attraction

for example, theres an average looking guy - probably slightly under average - and has the personality of like ... well you click with them like they make you laugh, smile, you just click - that guy is going to look like a 10 to you

but like you still need to be physically attracted to that person. Like if you get someone whose ugly but you click but like you still think they are abit ugly then its not gonna work out as much cos maybe the though of kissing them makes you feel abit whatev!

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Guest thirsties

i can be shallow at first, but personality is def all that matters in the end. tbh i liked a lot of guys that werent up to par with my ridic standards lookswise. hahahaha wow i sound so nice but i'm just saying. i mean of course looks matter to a certain extent, but personality is just soo much more important

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Guest My Sweet September

HONESTLY I choose personality. Personality is a lot more sustainable compared to looks...of course, I think there has to be some degree of physical attractiveness initially...

Let me put it this way

Physical attraction hooks me...

But it's the personality that will sink me!

If the guy doesn't have a compatible personality I dont even bother.

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it's personality. always have been.

and it's true, you're only doing a diservice to yourself when you rely on looks because looks doesn't mean he/she'll be there when you need them to be.

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Guest Llamallamaa

Although I REALLY hope I never find myself in this situation, I can honestly say I would pick an ugly person with an amazing personality over a gorgeous person with a crappy personality :sweatingbullets:.

Of course, it would be ideal if I could find someone relatively goodlooking (so we can make extra cute babies :P) AND with a nice personality, but I can live without the looks if they are honestly a sincere and good person.

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I think that people use physical attraction to pick the people they want to know. But after they base it on personality. So I guess if the person really loves the person personality wins?

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Guest keyhunt3r

Its against human nature to realli onli go for personality ><

but for me its nearly 50/50 even though i wuld want to say 40/60

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Guest Christinaisweird

definitely both.

they just need to be together, but once i'm with someone who has that personality i'll soon realize that physical attraction won't matter.

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Guest soulremix.

Looks are what attract me first.

Personality is what keeps me attracted xD.

It depends if the guy has a good personality or not though hahah.

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Guest vee.pee

Honestly, I would choose the personality.

Even though the looks are what attracts me first.

But in the end, It's always the personality~

Personality is the key (Y)

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Guest Ramen-C

50% looks, 40% personality, 10% background (not like ethnic).

I've been through it before, there are a lot of guys whose personality I've loved but they are placed under the bestie or friend label because of their appearance- just not someone I'd date.

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despite what anyone says, looks do matter. Why date someone your not attracted to?

yeah looks dont get you all the way, but its the first step. i wouldnt date someone ugly but nice/friendly or handsome/jerk but more like something in the middle if u no what imean, leaning more towards the handosme ;]

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Guest chocopiesarang


iono what i choose.....T.T i know its sad but ive liked reallyl hot guys and really ugly guys.

i think i like someone because im attracted to them. like this ugly guy i like right now iono what i like him for his personaltiy his smile iono im just kinda drwan towards him. f

if i were to choose i guess i would tell you i couldn t lols sorry not much of a help

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Guest Aquaflower

Personality made this above average-looking guy even hotter, lol. Later on I noticed that he was going down on the personality scale, and he didn't seem all that appealing anymore. So it's all about the personality in the end. xD

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Guest Miss Vivienne

I think for me, it's a 50/50 just as long as the guy is fit, taller than me, and wears decent clothes.

It's really not that much. Personality, I realized is what really goes for me.

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50% looks, 40% personality, 10% background (not like ethnic).

I've been through it before, there are a lot of guys whose personality I've loved but they are placed under the bestie or friend label because of their appearance- just not someone I'd date.

woah really?

hmmm guess ppl think differently then

You seem pretty young lol.

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