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Personality Vs Physical Attractions


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Guest Apple.Mint

For me it's like i want a guy with good personality

but decent looking enough that I won't puke if we kiss..or if we touch.

This guy is rather sweet and nice to me [he likes me]

but..no matter how hard i TRY, i cant get over his physical attributes..

even though he's tall [6ft, something i loooveee] but but..he's chubby..and his face..oh lord

I know it's so shallow but like iono why i can't get over it!

the last guy that i was a bit attracted to

he had really bad acne but he was so sweet i didnt care how he looks

hahah so after this experienced

i would say

70% personalities and 30% looks =]

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Guest Babiebim

well for me, physical attraction has to take place before any personal attraction. I have to be at least interested in his looks first to start noticing other things about him. Yea, I know, so shallow. But if the guy is a pigheaded beauty, still no, I can't stand stupid people.

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Guest clear_blue_rain

i'll be honest my bf is not the most handsome guy -_-;;

but he does have the sweetest personality that all my friends are jealous of!! XD

he's soo sweet

its definitely the personality

idk but when my parents see him... they'll be like, "how come you didn't get a better looking guy?"

my defence:: because nobody has a personality like him XD hehe

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Guest Black.cherry

Both.I've met ugly guys who want gorgeous girls and arrogant dudes who think they're perfect. Physical attraction is the main reason why i'm attracted to him if I dont know him initially.Good personality is def a good sign for a relationship

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Guest klassikm3

hey i think i know what song ur talkin about! its on my myspace! is it rob thomas? little wonders?

but yea to be honest i would go for physical attractions. but everyone knows in the end it comes to personality

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Guest o__xmonii

i think.. sometimes physical appearance shapes the way u associate with them/talk towards them in the future.

and after that.. personality defines whether u think positively or negatively abt them.. and like or hate them lol.

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personality over looks all the way.

at a glance, first impressions are important, in other words, their looks.

but afterwards, if you stay with them due to their looks, you might regret it.

and of course, afterwards, you get to know all the guys around you and not just the 'better looking ones,' you might find yourself attached to the right one.

you might even learn to embrace all their disfigurements ^_^

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Guest mary-xo.

Honestly, id pick personality over looks any day.

Of course, looks is what catches your attention, and makes you want to get to know that person more.

But personality is what you makes you fall for that person.

And personality can make imperfect person perfect.if that makes sense.

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Guest domoarigato

omg. this might sound shallow.. but sadly from my own experience... the physical attraction needs to occur first ... even the littlest.. if that person is FUGLY.. no matter how good their personality is... its just not going to cut it... sad.

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Guest EHNerJI

looks are what grab your attention,

but the personality is what keeps it. lol xD

personally, i will become 'attracted' first,

like if he's goodlooking or w.e i'll be like : D

and then when i get to know him better,

if he has a great personality too then.. XDD

like, the guy i like now,

i first noticed him because i thought he was cute : 3

but then i got to know him better and i really liked ... him XD

if his personality was crap, i'd prolly just have a crush on him..

the way he looks. nothing more haha.

so for me, personality is more important,

but that doesn't mean that physical attraction doesn't.

it does, just not as much =/

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Guest mintchoco

It truly is about personality.

...or at least how both your personalities mesh.

My friend dated a model who he said was gorgeous; but her indecisive and submissive demeanour made him end the relationship.

He said women should be strong and opinionated.

Confidence is key.

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Guest plumangel3

same for me. ^^ its a mix of both.

looks get my attention but then if their personality is horrible then its such a huge turn off for me :S

lik right now, my crush is pretty much based on looks cuz i think he's such a cutie ^^;;

thats why i want to get to know him more before i can truthfully say that i like him.

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physical attraction's like fashion.

it goes out of style quickly.

while personality's like an old classic movie

that you can watch over and over. :P

i'd definitely stick to the classic movie :)

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Guest p a r q u e.


The guys I really liked weren't even that great looking.

& my mom says DaeSung is ugly, but I like him. LOL.

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Looks are always first, come on your first impression is what you see. But talk to them a bit, whether or not they look good or not, their personality will show.

Either way in the end if you love him/her, all the little things you don't like won't even matter.

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Guest WendiiE

I would choose personality first. I really don't like guys who are good looking with a bad personality. It just ruin the whole thing for me. lol.

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