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Personality Vs Physical Attractions


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Guest Torento <3

For the 5645684068 time yes. Looks matter in life, everyone has to accept that. Besides relationship, if you were going to be employed, of the course the prettier person would give a better impression.

Even for males? :D

So many people on Soompi generalise. So beautiful, isn`t it?

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Guest Darude356

the way i saw it before i got a girlfriend was, i would date any girl with a great personality as long as i found her attractive.

for sake of clarity ill give an example: if i rated girls 1-100 (which i dont), 100 being amazingly beautiful and 1 being hideous. I would consider girls from 50-100 and find the one in that range that had the best personality and who i was most compatible with.

when i saw my current girlfriend for the first time i thought she was amazingly beautiful. and after talking with her i found out she had an even more amazing personality. so sometimes you don't even need to make a compromise! =D sometimes girls that are really pretty are stuck-up. BUT NOT ALWAYS!!!

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Guest itrayya

i agree with you too.

that's what i've seen so far.

i think a guy would pick looks then personality versus personality then looks.


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Guest ovovoovo

Looks are important than personality, yes everyone is shallow.

You have to find that person somewhat attractive, and that is mostly looks.

Would you still date an ugly, fat guy even if he had a great personality?

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Guest CKcrossover

I think not so much as looks over personality

someone half and half is pretty close to perfect for me

a crappy personality is a turn off no matter how that person look

and if someone is really bad looking you wouldn't even want

to approach them in the first place right?

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i'm a girl and i admit that good-looking guys are what attracts me but that's it..they're nothing more than an eye candy.

and..a lot of good-looking guys become huge turn-offs once they open their mouths. lol. it's compatibility>looks for me. if i'm gonna spend the rest of my life with that person then i better be able to tolerate his attitude.

honestly, i'm more attracted to guys who are intelligent and (will) have a good career in life, someone who i can have a smart conversation with, someone who can be a family man/role model..rather than just a good-looking one. we're all gonna grow old and wrinkly in no time anyways..

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Guest shirahime

Well look is the most important for the first step.

Personality is important for the second step.

A guy with bad personality better be very very good looking to be worth staying with.

An ugly guy must have very very good personality to be worth staying it.

Idealy is a good looking guy with average personality =P

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a guy with great personality is such a huuuuuuuuuuge turn on fo' meh~

sure, looks matter but personality beyond. i'd rather date this quite cute looking guy if i was impressed by the way he acted than that gorgeous guy with bulging muscles and the IQ of a processed potato. ^^;

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Guest endlessbeauty

for anyone saying that looks don't matter, they are lying. Think about it, when you first see someone, you think their cute and yea it'd be cool to get to know them. Don't get me wrong though, what keeps are relationship GOING is THE PERSONALITY! a relationship based on looks won't last as long.

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Guest resa_massu

for anyone saying that looks don't matter, they are lying. Think about it, when you first see someone, you think their cute and yea it'd be cool to get to know them. Don't get me wrong though, what keeps are relationship GOING is THE PERSONALITY! a relationship based on looks won't last as long.

well said~

Looks is what makes you interested but personality is what keeps you interested or not.

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Guest rOothx33

No one can honestly say they were first attracted to someone solely based on his/her "personality". I think that looks has everything to do with first impressions, but it definitely doesn't (or at least shouldn't) have a say in whether you like the person. Personally, I thought my bf was cute and that's why I talked back when he IM'd me. But his personality is what made me stay.

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Guest passmethewrinch

I'm not really impressed by good looking guys. Guys with an amazing personality or good sense of humor impress or attract me so much more. Once I'm into a guy because of his personality then I start seeing him physically in a better light. Yes, looks count, but in the end, its the personality that reels me in.

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personality matters. i can honestly say that my bf may not be the best looking guy i've met or seen but that doesn't matter to me because his personality attracts me the most. He could make me laugh and that's all that matters. We were good friends for a long time before dating so physical attraction did not play a huge role as did our personality in getting us together. As long as their decent? i guess... but for sure, you can be the hottest guy alive but if your personality sucks, i could care less.

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