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Personality Vs Physical Attractions


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Guest daldonge

to me, i honesstly choose personality over look...

personality would mean he would not look fat... since looking fat means hes lazy=personality! ....

he may not have a good looking face, but as long as hes trys to look his most decent and has a great personality! .. he b my man :)

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Guest j00n

"Looks may get you in the door, but a personality get's you invited to stay."

Teenager - Early 20's

The younger you are, the more you are going to go after looks. Which is understandable, you have your entire adult life to be dating, might as well have fun while you're young right? Your body's changing, your personality is starting its process of maturing, and you're experiencing a lot of different things. I also think that when you're young, you're immature. You don't really know what you want in a relationship, or what your feelings are. You see a cute boy, and the hormones kick in. For you dating is probably a way to experiment, process of elimination. You may not really know what you're looking for beyond the basics.

Mid 20's - 30's

As you get older and more mature you understand more fully how to see below the surface, and you've probably have had several experiences that has taught you that. You're also more rooted in your own personality, likes, dislikes, and relationships. You're at a different stage in your life, you've done the flings, the binge parties, the frat girls, etc. You've discovered one night stands to be empty and lacking in substance. You want something MORE, and so you look. For you dating is a means to an end, and most of you already know what you're looking for in a potential mate.

Ironically though, most hot girls i've met have VERY high standards. You should be rich, and have a model body and/or looks. The one's that i hear usually saying the "Looks don't matter as much as personality" are either old, ugly/fat, or really religious.

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Guest s2in_lynda

I think Asians are just generally shallow. We were raised that way and it's kind of sad. It seems like we're more close-minded than other ethnicities. The guys want the thin chicks with pretty faces and other races don't seem to care AS MUCH as us about weight. It's just something that's built in.

soooo true fat people are almost extinct on asian television especially in korea fat celeberities are like unheard of to the new generation seriously how many not so pretti celebs do you see these days?..sucha shame beauty over talent as well now not just personality lol sorry if i went topic abit haha

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Guest EmpsTreenee

well... i first notice the looks? i mean. if the person doesnt look nice to the eyes... i wouldnt start talking too much right?. this sounds so shallow. but like when someone introduce themselves to me, and if they're not at least decent looking, i wouldnt notice much about them. THEN the personality starts to jump in. hot guys + uglyass personality < decent guys + nice :D

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Guest xgreenberry

We always say personality is all that matter but when we judge someone, it's always the physical appearance that appeals to us first. So I think it's always going to be physical appearance and personality is just a plus.

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Guest Alxneeds2gopee

i need personality first i don't like sexy or hot girls i liek avg cute chicks yeah i mgiht look at hot chicks but i say to myself she's too hot let me downgrade

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Guest ashleyx

the guy i used to have a thing with was definitely not good looking.

but he had one of the best personalities and i still really liked him.

but honestly i didnt want to do anything physical with him

cause i wasn't physically attracted. you know?

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Guest Christinaisweird

i personally would go for looks first like the majority of girls.

i would think he's "hot" and like his looks, but if the guy is all

conceded and is into himself it would be wrong to like that guy.

but if there's another "hot" guy who has a not so funny hilarious personality

i wouldn't like him as i would, but if we remain friends it might work out as more than friends.

now to the personality thing. the guy has to okay good looking at least you know.

decent to where people don't hate his looks. again he has to be funny hilarious and

i would have to feel his connection that he likes me, but personality is almost everything

a girl would want.

i may sound shallow, but really i'm not. it just all depends on how the guy looks.

people have different tastes. so the choices varies. i just have "little" crushes on

cute guys not where to the point they would become my friend you know.

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Guest clear_blue_rain

the guy i'm dating is not the most handsome guy...

i definitely chose him for his personality..

but i think i might've made a mistake.......... *sorry*

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Guest blissfulmoments.

looks can catch my eye but in the end its his personality that catches my heart......

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Guest balloons*

I have to say its a balance between the two....lols...i dun want a guy with good looks but an awful personality neither do I want a ugly guy with the best personality...I know I'm vain (im so mean) T_T what I expect is a average looking guy with an average personality? I like averageness.

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Guest OukaKioshi

yup personality before looks

but then usually looks lure you in.. then personality hooks you :D hahah

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Guest Uyen Duong

Well, at first it'd be physically.. or visually,

but then when I find out how they're really like

and it's not really something I feel attracted to then it stops.

My friend isn't so.. good looking, but he's not hard to look at. NORMAL.

His personality is just so cute though ^__^ and he has a cute laugh.

An ideal personality for me. If I could, I would probably fall for him,

but my feelings towards him are more like a best friend that I really

really trust ;D!

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thanks for the honest answers =)

the guy i used to have a thing with was definitely not good looking.

but he had one of the best personalities and i still really liked him.

but honestly i didnt want to do anything physical with him

cause i wasn't physically attracted. you know?

HAHA yeah..i totally understand..

the guy i'm dating is not the most handsome guy...

i definitely chose him for his personality..

but i think i might've made a mistake.......... *sorry*

oh...uh good luck! :mellow:

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Guest SUKIloo

I never lie on my decision for this question and I could "care less" if I'm shallow -_-''''''''

but I prefer looks over personality. Come on, most of the time when you're interested

in a person the reason is because of his/her looks. Hate to admit it but you won't

be staring at that guy/girl for so long if you weren't attracted to them. I just noticed though

that all the guys I somewhat had feelings for were not the best looking guys in the

world ..... haha

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I always pick personality over appearance. To me, a handsome jerk is nothing compared to an average joe with the biggest personality.

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Guest Sweetraindrops

I always pick personality over appearance. To me, a handsome jerk is nothing compared to an average joe with the biggest personality.


handsomee jerkk gott the look... ppll cann changee perssoonliity...

look.. you cant changee...NOO.. surgurii no countt.. lol.. perssonnnilityy you can...

one again... LOOK ALLL THEE WAYYY FORR MEE... :mellow:

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Guest kryiss

i think that they both coincide with one another. all things with dating start off with having a physical attraction towards the person. think about it, when you're first dating around... you'll judge by how people look first. you'll go up to them, say hi, say do you wanna hang out... and then by that point you'll start know each other's personalities. if the personalities aren't compatible... then i'm pretty sure that that weighs out over how good looking the person is.

but then again.. i've seen people staying together for the looks and not for the heart. it's sad... but all people are different i guess.

for me, personality ALWAYS outweighs physical attraction. if we do not like each other for what we are in the inside... then it will not work out at all. there are other fish in the sea... and anyways... you can change how you look (exceptions apply)... but you can't change who you are.

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