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Personality Vs Physical Attractions


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Guest curious_george_43545

Both are important, but I'm much more attracted to girls that are average looking and great people than hot girls that aren't so.

A great personality can make someone much sexier to you than what they are from a purely physical standpoint.

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Guest iluvdonghae

^both are important

most relationships start out wit looks right?

for me wen i first saw my bf i thought he was really cute and everything so i started liking him

then we started talking and i got to know him and i liked him even more

so yea i agree with curious_george_43545, a great personality can make a person much more sexy to u =p

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Guest abstractmistress

For me, there usually has to be a physical attraction first. Cause I can't honestly say that looks don't matter to me at all.

Usually, it's the physical attraction that captures your attention first. Then, by getting to know them, you start liking them more and more. For example, as said in Music and Lyrics, when you listen to a song, the first thing you listen to is the music [which is the equivalent to the physical attraction]. Once the lyrics come out, you start learning more about the song [this is equivalent to getting to know the personality of the person].

&I agree with curious_george_43545. A person's personality affects the way I look at the person too.

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Guest linuhhparkk

For me, I go for the looks first, because...I can't say they don't matter at all.

But, I think personality tops it all.

Because my current crush, he isn't all that great looking, but he has a really good personality :D

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Guest sweetmomo

i have to admit i choose looks over personality most of the time.

but sometimes, personality stands out. and you give that guy a shot. :)

but i think that the level of importance of looks you place on your interests should be relative to how goodlookin you yourself are. ^^

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Guest plumangel3

for me i would choose personality over looks any day :)

it means alot more in the long run.

and besides beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

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Guest pinguvxd

truthfully, i actually might choose a guys look first, but then while i go out with him, i would realize that he was a bad person (if he had a bad personality/snobby) then i would learn to not date a guy for his looks.

even though i know that the inside is better than the out. I'm guessing that it would take me to do something stupid before I learn my lesson.

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Guest XtremeNuisance

For me... personality kind of... affects how attracted I end up to a guy. There have been quite a few times when I have thought that a guy wasn't like... gorgeous or hot or even adorable or anything and I still end up thinking he's good looking because he's got this excellent personality.

But hey, that's just me.

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i honestly honestly with all my heart choose personality over looks

personality all the way.. a good personality can be soooo attractive

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Guest manlytoe

we all know physical attraction is a huge plus, but when that physically attraction comes with an attractive personality who can resist?

hahah! personally, that's what i'm going through and i can't really choose.

but i know in the end i'd go with something i wouldn't expect.

but i would love to have both. lmao.

so i'm ending off without choosing because i haven't decided what is it i prefer. lmao.

although i know in my heart i would always want an attractive personality.

my head differs from my heart. meaning i wouldn't know.

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Guest <3 Kim

Both count. Honestly I wouldnt want to be with someone with a great personality but with butt ugly looks :x

Looks is what attracts you to the person in the first place

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Guest Sweetraindrops

LOOK all the way for me...

peruisonlity no for me...

dont care if someone got best peprsonaility... if aint got the look... NEXT or let be friend n that all.. haha..who wann make ugly baby now... haha

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Guest daphodil

looks first and then after I get to know the person it's the personality that counts.

No matter how hot they are, if our personality's don't click then it's a no go.

But looks matter because there are just certain people I would never be attracted to no matter how great of a personality.

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first impressions (when i first see him)

90% looks, 10% posture

first Personality impressions (first conversation)

40% strong manly voice, 45% He can form logical sentences, 15% eye contact

100% humor (if he ties all of those with humor, he;s magic)

Later on.... if we date.

Personality 80% Physical attractiveness 15% other 5%

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Guest sam sik

Physical attraction only goes so far. I care if a girl at least is decently good looking. But I do have low standards. I mean all the girl has to do is be healthy, be positive, hygienic, etc etc. and I'm good. I crushed on a girl one time not because her face was a face of a model. But because she was always positive and happy. She smiled and laughed a lot. And that's what I like in a girl. She was also really cute (I guess that gave it away).

Then comes the couple date. Once I'm up to this point, looks is the last thing I care about. It literally becomes 90% personality and 10% looks. If the girl can wear the proper clothing for an outing then I'm cool with that. Everything else is reliant on how she acts towards me.

So in a way, like most people have said in here and in past threads that relate to this. Physical attraction draws the person closer, personality keeps it going. Something like that, and it's true.

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Guest CitrusFlower

Physical attraction is what attract me to them and I would like to get to know them more first, thats when personality comes in but if the person isn't attracted I have to like his personality alot to consider it. I'm being honest here.

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Guest hammy_chan

the truth is that virtually everyone WANTS A GOOD LOOKING SIGNIFICANT OTHER!!!

but most are willing to settle for less, who have a great personality...

lets say if two people had the same personality...one is gorgeous and the other one, not so much...which one would u pick??

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Guest Autumn1430263885

of course everyone always goes :"personality of course" and as much as i'd like to say that too,

i can't help but to admit i do notice looks over personality first :X

but like everyone else say, if u can get both then that's awesome! : )

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