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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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I couldn't post earlier! So frustrating ~ >__<;


We're on page 195! So close to page 200!

We'll make it in no time! We have 4 days, with 5 more pages to go! ;)

I'm glad it's the weekend, gives me chance to catch up with SuYin Love~ =)

Thanks everyone for sharing pictures/links/fanfics.

Lol. SuYin love is coming soon, and the SuYin related things are POURING out!

So awesome ~ ^^

Starrysky21 Waa, thanks for the picture spam! I love the crying Junsu picture too. ^^

Lynn LMAO. That was so corny!! But adorable! Keke. Dongsaeng xD! Lynn~ I actually haven't seen some of those SuYin pictures before. LIKE JUNSU'S YELLOW HAIR?!?!! [I love Yellow<3] Thanks for picture spamming. :P Both of them have a lot of similarities~ =) Both dorky and cute.

KyoSa Yay, SuYin has an angel watching over their love! And it's Teukie! Haha.

I love how Teukie is the one that's always calling Ri In, Rinnie~ & getting Junsu's attention. TEEHEE

Carmen Thanks for the screen caps! They're so clear! O_O; I love the first picture, staring at each others eyes and standing so close too! ^___^

4 Days Til

2nd Year of Timeless Love

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thank you for the suyin picture spam! some of those pictures i never saw

before and you see so much similarities between junsu and liyin. :lol:

i was wondering if anyone reads chinese suyin fanfics and i was wondering

if anyone can recommend any good suyin fanfics...? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest purplesoompi


haha, i'll be waiting for the PM

and i'll edit the list of vids

yeah i PMed her about it...

haha, so suyin newbies

get to know more about the couple...

yeah, the song is really sweet ^^

oober pic spam

i like the dorky suyin pics haha

woah, that was her when she was a teen??

she could have been part of a girlband in that outfit


i'm pretty sure we can reach

200 by sept. 9 we need only

5 more pages and if everyone posts

we'll make it in time ;)_

and it's time for me to show off a new suyin tribute

our lovely suyin sister, KyoSa made it

and it'd be really cool if you guys check it out....

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Guest haruno_xiah

TQ for sharing!!

i reli loves XIAH JUNSU!!

reli loves HIM.. till the end of my life!!!

reli TQ TQ TQ~~ ^_^

i reli loves him...

ah.. now..

i more knows bout himm.. reli happy can know bout him much~ ^^

timeless reli gud song!

junsu's voice reli make me felt comfort... ^V^

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Guest donna_xD

This is what happens when homework bores me to death


Ladies and gentlemen... this is what we call, procrastination.


And did someone once ask for a banner for that picture? Well I made it anyways, haha.


edit/ I topped a page ;)

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Guest yongie_wonhi

Thanks for the pic spams Suyin Sisters~

Now I feel bad because I've got nothing to share...T.T But I'm sure I can share something when I finally figure out how to use photoshop! xD I just got mine yesterday, so I still need to learn how to use it first...but yeah, thank you everyone for keeping this thread and the SuYin Timeless love alive! :D As long as we still are here for our beloved Timeless Angels, they are definitely going to keep fighting for thier love, I just know it!

donna_xD: I really like the pic and the banner! it's so simple yet so super sweet! I also really like that phrase, because it really matches their love right now.

purplesoompi: Thanks for the vid, it was really sweet! ;)

Just 5 more pages, and we'll reach our goal soon! :w00t: Hwaiting! I'm sure the Suyin sisters will always be there for SuYin! :) OMG, their second anniversary is in 4 days! September 9th! And I am really looking forward to the Thailand concert, I hope that they'll have some kind of interaction with each other that we can all squeal over! Even a simple smile, look or touch is enough to get me to be on Cloud Nine dreaming about this heavenly couple! XD How about another duet Lee Soo Man? Or better yet, maybe a DRAMA TOGETHER?! I would so watch it, would you? Just imagine, a drama featuring SuYin as the main couple! :wub: That would surely be a dream come true! Or even a single would be fine!

Their love is as scorned and forbidden as forever...but they won't let go just yet.]


Let's all work together to keep the timeless love alive, okay sisters? Just five more pages to go, and we'll get to our goal! SUYIN SISTERS HWAITING~

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Guest plumblossoms

We're so close, Chocophins <3 Only...4 more pages ^^;; It's exciting... and thanks so much for the pic spam :) I saw some pictures I never seen before LOL. Hwaiting everyone~

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Im gonna answer these questions from the first post

(first 5)

What was your first impression of SuYin?

"GOSH! Dont they look good together, and what pretty voices that intertwine nicely together o_0!"

He was like the strong prince and she was this petite lil princess who really had such a powerful voice.

How does your first impression of SuYin differ from your impression of them now?

Still the same XD - except now i realise they have a lot more in common than i had thought

If you have been a fan from the very beginning, what are the most significant changes you've noticed between "then" and "now"?

Not much actually, maybe Riin is sorta getting warmer and playful towards him now, i dunno - right from the beginning hes been so watchful and protective of her.

On what level do you think SuYin as solos/duet needs improving?

Be more natural, actually I think its more Riin, Junsu seems to have no problem singing his heart out in the song [cough. cos Junsu cant lie, he really does feel it XD]

Maybe Riin's the only one worried people would see the true relationship if she let her true feelings show in the song... XD

what is it about them that entices you?

Everything about them just somehow seems to fit, from their voices to their personalities. Like a lock and a key [and ahaha, that was cheesy.]

oooh and i just want to answer this one:

SuYin inspires you? and why?

Suyin, i owe a lot to them. If it wasnt for them, i would be listening to all the great music the k-music industry offers. It was their duet that really got me into K-pop, i liked a few of BoAs songs before but i only explored k-pop and music after i was introduced and captured into Timeless. ^-T memories..

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Guest lovehyuksu

Three more days!

I'm so excited! I wonder what Junsu got her for an

anniversary gift & vice versa. ;D

Can't wait to see if she does something on the 9th.

She should perform Timeless for the good old times.

Hehe. The very good old times. ^^

I love all of the new graphics, and thanks for posting

up the old + new pictures of the two. I haven't seen

some of them before. XD

Hold tight baby, Timeless .. <3

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Yeah, sisters, you guys are rocking the pages!!!

Just 3 days to go and we are sure going to make it!!

I JUST Love the SuYin pics spam! They are great! They are so cute and matchy!

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i know some are kinda late

but welcome suyiners; hope we all can share thoughts and spazz

and also for silent reader to join onto conversation and discussion as well


let's hope that suyin sister that's going to concert

will use all of our ideas to send message across to SuYin

so they can realize that fans are supportive of their love

and they do not need to hide. We know the truth already. :phew:


your poster is pretty, i love the choice of your pictures.

they are one of my many favorites of both SuYin..


of course you can use them and yes i don't remember exactly

but both are from LynneDot and the last one is from & Laydee A;

let me know if you want more ...


*HUG* im glad to have you back at thread. miss you a whole bunch.

btw, don't mind them and let's bring SuYin love in here kkay?

i liek that idea of flooding fanfiction thread with only SuYin since lately

there's not as much to feed onto my highly obsess SuYin :P


how cute of http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk96/KyoSa888/Suyin/2zfrih0.jpg"]this; i can

totally imagine them goofing off with each other till they're dead tired & sleepy then afterwards LiYin wakes up early

to find her dolphin still sleeping and get naughty/playful thoughts... sound familiar?


ROFLMAO..how cute. i can totally imagine su pouted and upset over

it ...haha. in fact, this sound so familiar dont you think?


wow *speechless*

im totally using and credit of course

&& thanks for helping me with front page


it's weird to say but i was listen to that song while

reading your post and as always its my all time favorite

how coincedence is that..haha.


i think since LiYin love going to amusement

park and for Su state for liking to take his girl there due to his breaking up years back

for being shy ~ maybe JUNSU ask lsm to let him take a day off and reserve the whole

park just for the two of them and at night, JUNSU would throw fireworks and both cuddle

under to watch, and for him to sing the verse we all love to hear from the good-old day

while feeding each other f00d then later kneel on one knee and present the gift from his heart.


your dream is so adorable.. i wish to actually caught them red-hand helding each other hand

while walking around enjoying each other company & warmthness with theiR big sun-glasses

and disguise.

On what level do you think SuYin as solos/duet needs improving?

Be more natural, actually I think its more Riin, Junsu seems to have no problem singing his heart out in the song [cough. cos Junsu cant lie, he really does feel it XD]

Maybe Riin's the only one worried people would see the true relationship if she let her true feelings show in the song... XD

sorry for cutting off your post

your replied is so cute ... and i totally adores this answer of yours

gosh, your answers giving me hope of them actually confessing it to the world that they have been secretly dating..

and that inhwan is actually their child. :blink:i think i went to far with this...


anyone have more LiYin picture looking liek that and also in Y?

and before i go, just curious ~ i wonder if JUNSU or maybe DBSK ever check out this thread

since SME knew of soompi and also what screen name did they go under?

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

Just looked at some pages I miss. Gosh I love the fanart and the cute pics of them!

I haven't seen alot of those pics of Ri In and Junsu! keep them coming!

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just finished backtracking...thanks for the pic spam!!!

i love the pictures that shows the real Ri In when she's not on-stage/on-cam..

she just looks so natural and beautiful...

and the pic with junsu crying as ri in walks away.....656388.gif

just want to share a baby ri in gif from her baidu bar..i remember junsu also has a same gif..i just can't find it anymore..


and i just find this shot funny..this was during timeless era..they were on Music Wave..


be back later..i'm gonna go on a "suyin picture hunt" mode...

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Guest capri-shiqi


`Niiie - Yesh darling! I'm back!! ^^ *HUGS* Am writing a SuYin one-shot for their anniversary! Hope i'm able to finish it in time!!


And SuYin sisters/Chocophins!

I've updated my fic, like finally~ ^^

To celebrate that Ri In is back in Korea!! hahahah~


She's My Fanclub's President Chapter o3!!

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There's simply so much to catch up on!!!

In think I missed two pages......

Suyin rocks!!

and three more days to gooooooooooooooooo!!!

Timeless angels anniversary!

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and now i feel gross......hahahahahaha....


Ri In: He's a very handsome oppa.

Junsu's heart: *does backflips*

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