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★╗╚☆ Junsu 。◕‿◕。 Liyin ★╗

Guest `Niiie

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Guest capri-shiqi

Sorry that I'm soo long.

In Only Love, Junsu sang right AFTER Ri In.

Funny how SM always put their voices together. ^^


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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

Pic spam makes us happy~


















..and there's some good news coming your way. ;)

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There are so much new pages :]!!

I've been SOOO busy with school.

It's really nice to see there are so many dedicated Suyin sisters here :]!



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Guest capri-shiqi

YAY!! PAGE 199!



Here's something for Ri In to laugh! ^^

and sorry sisters!

I missed 2 days of posting Timeless performance and screencaps!

Was busy investigating some SuYin. LOL~


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yes! we are almost there!! ^^ and two more days till the day =D

Julie: you find so many things in that fancam!! haha <33 I havent watched that Mochin Oppa vid yet T.T

I'll watch it asap.. have hw right now >_<

Vane: thanks for the pic spam!!all of them are really cute! these are my favs ^^

capri-shiqi: "more SuYin, please" awww so cute!!

liljdazngal06: I just read wat u said about the Star King thing, omg so true!poor Su, the 'age difference' was a problem for him back then =[ I like wat Jae said

" people who speak different languages can fall in love, age shouldn't matter much." he is such a great Hyung/Oppa for our SuYin <33

just one more page sisters, we can do it!! ^^

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Guest jaejoong_love33




Pictures to share:



credit as tagged


credits to forever_fleeting at chocolyn forums


creidt to starrysky21

^they are mostly banners that people made.

but it shows off the timeless love very nicely right?


does suyin have a color? like chocolates have gold, and cassiopeia have red...

put them together you get.........

(just out of curiosity)

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1 more page!!!!!

starrysky21 - Yes. I love the pic spam. It does make me very happy. Thanks.

capri-shiqi - Yes. More Suyin please! ;)

Love the picture. Sooo cute and the other is just hilarious!

jaejoong_love33 - Lovely pics. Thanks for sharing.

Color? Haven't decided on that yet...

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plumblossoms - no problemo!!

capri-shiqi - haha more suyin please kawaii!!

jaejoong_love33 - yay another suyin pic spam!!! thnx!!

if u mix red and gold together u'll get....

red chocolate?? lol haha iono!!

purplesoompi - hey i pmmed u the suyin video list =D

yay only one more page!!

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Guest purplesoompi

omo, 1 more page


anyways, i have another question:

if suyin were to do a cf, what kind of cf do you they would do or you would like them to do?

(scenarios are accepted) haha

not to make it a spam, i'll post some pics:

(they just love looking at each other while they talk/sing)





thanks....got it

updated the vid section guys....page 193

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Guest stardust.

if suyin were to do a cf, what kind of cf do you they would do or you would like them to do?

a cf is an advertisement right? 0.o cuz if it is, i remember chinese commercial, a family was doing a soy sauce advertisement and the mom was cooking for the husband and child :3 so ri in, junsu & inhwan should play the family ^^ that'd be hella cute haha i can't think of a scenario right now. the ones i came up with are all too corny XD

i LOVE this picture: http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj105/m...eadatsoompi.jpg << anyone want to make a banner of that? :3

OMO. 1 MORE PAGE! like purplesoompi said, POST SUYIN SISTERS!! POST!! :lol::w00t:

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Guest yongie_wonhi

Since I'm bored and I love Suyin to death, I'm just going to answer all the questions listed on the first page! :P:D

1. What was your first impression of SuYin?

I thought they would make a beautiful couple! Actually, Timeless was the second MV I saw that was DBSK-related, so at first, I was just like...eh. But now I'm in total love with them! But I did think they would make a good couple! :D

2. How does your first impression of SuYin differ from your impression of them now?

I used to think that they would just look cute as a couple, but now I think that they DEFINITELY ARE A PACKAGE! xD I can't deny it now, because I just know the love is still there. :ph34r:

3. If you have been a fan from the very beginning, what are the most significant changes you've noticed between "then" and "now"?

Junsu really gets more comfortable with Liyin in their Timeless perfs and they are more comfortable around each other in general. And their love has gotten stronger over time as well! :P

4. On what level do you think SuYin as solos/duet needs improving?

They're really awesome at live performances, but I think Liyin's voice just needs a TIIINY bit more improvement. It's only when she goes high though; she needs to keep her voice more constant. But she's getting there! :) But as a duet, they're perfect because their voice ranges are similar so their voices blend in with one another! :]

5. what is it about them that entices you?

I don't know...their strong love for each other? xD but yeah I think that they both have voices sent from heavens and they both are very VERY VERY passionate about singing, which is good! Also they both have tremendous talents and their voices can meld very well with any one they're dueting with! :)

6. How has SuYin changed your life/made you a better person?

They made me realize that true love can come from anywhere(not that I don't know that, but I've understood it in deeper depth because of them) and that even a simple glance can be a sign of love. Because of Suyin, I started to respect Liyin more and love Junsu more.

7. What would you say your level of fandom is?

From a scale of 1-10, I'm probably at 9.6 right now. Very close to the 10 point mark though, because I even fangirl over whatever they have in common now, and I usually don't do that with couples! x]

8. Do you advertise/recommend SuYin to the people around you?

Yes of course. I tried to get my sister in Suyin, but she loves Junsu waay too much to give him away, so she covers her ears every time I talk about them to her. xD

8. What is the craziest/biggest thing you've done for them?

I've completed a fanfic for them(but I don't think I'm gonna post it up xD) and I've made a shirt for them. Even though it's ugly. xD

9. SuYin inspires you? and why?

They have given a TON of ideas for fanfics and I really always have the urge to jot something down when I see some interaction of them! Also, I'm writing a short story for my English class about them too! xD

10. Which verse of TIMELESS made you cry the first time you listened to it?

I actually cried for the whole song, especially on the chorus though. So sad! :tears:

11. What is one song you would love SuYin to cover/remake?

Ierno...Any cute/romantic/sad duet song would do fine to satisfy my hunger! :D Or Maybe Epik High feat Youngjin Love Love Love! :w00t: It'd be awesome to hear Junsu rapping! xD

12. Do you prefer their Chinese or Korean one?

I'm not too sure what this meant, but I'm guessing that you're talking about the Timeless song. I'd prefer the Chinese one, because even though Junsu's Chinese wasn't the best, he tried really hard and I can hear it in his voice. Also, I think the Chinese version is sadder.

13. Whose singing voice do you like the most? Describe and how it makes you feel when you hear them sing.

Out of Suyin? Both! I can't pick. When I hear them sing together, it gives me a really mellow/melancholy feeling and it tugs on my heart. Truly touching voices they have.

14. Have you attended any official events or concerts? If so, which ones?

I've only been to the HB. xD

15. What is your favorite memory?

The TIMELESS memory. Whenever they're on stage. :]

16. How many SuYin fan forums do you belong to? as many as possible. lols.

Only one. :( Sadly yes, because I don't speak Korean and Chinese and there's only one international forum, so that's the only one I joined. :(

17. Do you have a blog, website or forum dedicated to SuYin?

Not really, i stink at making websites! xD

18. Have you taken a fancam of them and want to share it with us to include in the fans' greeting DVD?

Sadly no. :(

18. Which is your favorite music video and why?

TIMELESS duh. TIMELESS FTW~ It was so effin sad! :tears:

19. What is something that surprised you the most about them?

I was truly surprised at how much they seem to love each other! And I was also amazed at how well their voices blend together, it's as if they're made for each other!

20. Is there any moments that touch your heart?

yes, whenever they perform Timeless on stage. i'm truly very happy to see them on the same stage together, singing and sharing the same passion.

21. Is there any moments that makes you cry?

Yes, whenever there is a Timeless perf. But it's tears of happiness, because they are finally reunited.

22. What do you like most about SuYin?

I like that their love is a little bit more on the quiet side and they don't try to make it obvious to the world that they love each other. It's almost like a secret love, and I like that! Also, I love how hardworking they are and I am glad that they're where they are now.

23. What is your impression of SuYin personality?

I'd say they have very compatible personalities! Liyin is all shy and cute, while Junsu's all outgoing and hyper! They're not too different or too similar to each other, their personalities are really balanced!

24. If there was one thing you could change about SuYin, what would it be?

I'd put them on more stages together! And I'd make them realize their love for each other. xD

25. What makes them unique?

Theya re a modest couple and they try to do everything behind everyone's backs, even if we sisters can see it. xD

26. Who do you think DBSK is closest to Ri In, besides Junsu- we all know they are the closest?

Jaejoong. There's been some Jaeyin interaction lately. Besides him, probably Yoochun. But hey, we all know they're the biggest Suyin supporters! xD

27. Why do you think Junsu was chosen to duet with Ri in, or Ri In is chosen for this song?

I think it's because they both have beautiful, strong voices and their voices can melt into each others'. Junsu was probably chosen because his voice range is about the same as Ri In's voice range, and Ri In because her voice fits with their song.

28. If timeless was not sing by Junsu and Ri In, can you imagine what it would be like? for example a different person for one of them.

If jaejoong was singing Timeless with Liyin, I think they would do fine as well! Liyin and Junsu just has a bit more of a compatibility that most other people probably don't have with neither of them. If it was Hankyung instead of Junsu dueting with Liyin, it wouldn't be as bad, but it won't be as good as Suyin's duet I think.

29. What do you think is next for Suyin?

Well I'm really hoping for a drama featuring them as the lead couple! But I think the next big thing for Suyin is CONFESSION~ Junsu's gotta get his duck butt up the stage sooner or later to confess to Liyinnie before she gets taken by another guy! xD

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Guest plumblossoms

One more page @____@ I changed my mind and shall post the gift not when we reach 200 pages, but on the 9th ^^ I think I heard somewhere in an interview that Li Yin accidentally called Junsu a squid bun in nervousness, when she was trying to say he was handsome :D

jaejoong_love- I'm actually using the first pic as my cell wallpaper, it's so cute! Where did you find it?

If suyin were to do a cf, what kind of cf do you they would do or you would like them to do?

Hm... a dramatic/romantic one? For...either a cellphone or coffee...ohh also that um...the dessert CF that Jo In Sung did. What was it called...it was something French? Ack >_< My brain is not working properly at the moment. But it'd be cute if they did a CF and for the "theme song" another duet by them <3

Question: (I know such dorky questions ^^;;)

IF SuYin got married...who would be the first to propose? Junsu or Li Yin?

How would they plan out the proposal plan?

Where would SuYin go on a vacation or honeymoon?

If SuYin were married, how many kids will they have?

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IF SuYin got married...who would be the first to propose? Junsu or Li Yin?


How would they plan out the proposal plan?

After singing Timeless (doesn't matter where but the whole words has to see it!)

Junsu gets down on his knees and propose! and then there will be fireworks shooting

out and sm coming to congratulate them! and a HUGE SUYIN BANNER!

Where would SuYin go on a vacation or honeymoon?

ooh man i donno that's a tough one. HMMM china? or Hawaii?

or a cruise?

If SuYin were married, how many kids will they have?

A BAJILLION. haha JUST KIDDING! umm, 2? one boy and one girl.

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plumblossoms: they are not dorky! they are cute!!!

the cf one... I dont know cuz I dont have any in mind right now, but kinda comedy and romance would be <33

IF SuYin got married...who would be the first to propose? Junsu or Li Yin?

JUNSU!!!! remember the boys said that he would be the 1st one to say he has a gf from the group

so I think of him as a really hyped up boy xD Ri In is so shy <33

How would they plan out the proposal plan?

omg I can imagine all the boys working on it!!!! those dorks xP

singing a song (Timeless) maybe Ihwan bringing the ring xD

Where would SuYin go on a vacation or honeymoon?

Bora Bora!! xD hahaha seriously idk.. but I think he loves that place

or maybe Paris, the place of love.. ^^

If SuYin were married, how many kids will they have?

Junsu wanted 3, I think he said it before, but maybe he changed his

opinion and wants many mini Li Yins walking around hehe =]

first time answering questions!! im so happy I never have time.. we are almost there sisters!!!

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Guest stardust.

IF SuYin got married...who would be the first to propose? Junsu or Li Yin?


How would they plan out the proposal plan?

Changmin, Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Yunho will trick Liyin into going to a
DBSK concert, where Junsu will sing a special song dedicated to Liyin. After that, he proposes to her on stage so the whole world will hear it
and all SuYin fans will be chanting for them <33

Where would SuYin go on a vacation or honeymoon?

Wherever they're gonna be safe and alone XD

If SuYin were married, how many kids will they have?

One girl and one boy

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IF SuYin got married...who would be the first to propose? Junsu or Li Yin?

Of course, Junsu.

How would they plan out the proposal plan?

emm...Junsu setting up a candle light dinner for Liyin and then propose to her.

I can imagine the DBSK boys hiding somewhere spying on them.

Where would SuYin go on a vacation or honeymoon?

hmm..I was thinking Hawaii or maybe somewhere in Asia with beautiful beaches so they can watch the sunset together...very romantic.

If SuYin were married, how many kids will they have?

wow...haven't thought of that. At least 2, but Junsu likes soccer, right? Maybe more?

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Guest kimigasuki


IF SuYin got married...who would be the first to propose? Junsu or Li Yin?

Junsu. Speaking of getting married, I had a SuYin dream that Junsu proposed to Ri In :Dand then one of my dbsk posters fell of the wall... so I woke up T_____T

How would they plan out the proposal plan?

Hmmm... them performing Timeless, and then the DBSK/SuJu guys bring a rose one by one and give it to Ri In :D okay 11 of them, (but the first person please be Inhwan! it doesn't matter who the rest are...) but 11 cuz 11 roses means in 1 lifetime you'll be the one I love :D and then Junsu comes in with a ring :D... corny i know @_@

Where would SuYin go on a vacation or honeymoon?

somewhere, where no one can find them ^^

If SuYin were married, how many kids will they have?

ehhh one girl... one boy

plumblossoms: you don't have dorky questions... their cute ^^... I have dorky answers though :D

- e d i t -

ohh something to share ^^

DBSK Message To Future Wives

Junsu will call Ri Innie SWEETIE ♥

and I'm sure he'll make her happier than anyone else vice versa too :D

he also said that he will sing for her anytime she wants and since Ri In sings great too. They can sing Timeless whenever they want ^^

sorry if someone already posted this :(

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