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[variety] Ya Shim Man Man Season 2 야심만만2

Guest `starry.night

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I also having the same problem last night... it seem that I can't login to soompi >_< anyway it's good today soompi's get to be normal.

Speaking of MC's, I think they were just bubbling to much especially on the first 15 minutes to bad I can't really understand what they were saying. I really love when the guests appear ^^

DKYang thanks for the link... sorry just thanking now ^^

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Guest redevilica

available in CB



[HQ] Yashinmanman Season 2 (2008-08-04).avi [665.1MB]

MCs: Kang Ho Dong, Seo In Young, JunJin, Nick Khun, MC Mong, Kim Jae Dong, Yoon Jung Shin

Guests: Lee Hyori, Jang Geun Seok

File renamed to 'Y 5 [iVI] [iVI]' in cb.

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Guest WitchGoddess

I just watched it. Like mentioned above, SIY was somewhat rude towards Hyori in the first episode.

Seriously now, I'm a guy first of all, and I remember I use to see her on shows few years back, she used to be humble, and I thought she's not too bad, but I guess that was because she was in the shadow of JungAh and JiHyun. Now she got some fame off of that one song and "WGM", she's showing her true self, and may I say her type is the type I detest the most, acting like she's the best thing in the world... she made me respect Crown J alot more (Whom I did not like before for the way he talked), due to the fact that he was able to put up with her and made her/their marriage look good on TV...I guess her personality is good for TV, but for somebody to say they like that kind of girl, I don't think I can ever understand that.

Back on topic, if her showing in the first episode is how she really felt with regard to Hyori, then somebody urgently needs to tell her that she's not anywhere near Hyori's level, and never will be.

Even though she acts rude on tv, people shouldn't judge her just for that. It might just be her character that she acts as to gain more attention for her and her group, Jewelry. A lot of celebrities have management companies that tell them to act a certain way so that the general public can remember them and they can stand out from the crowd. Like WGM's Solbi once cried on a show when she confessed that people make fun of her for sounding stupid on tv, but she had to do it because it was the character her company made for her. So unless we know the person in real life, I don't think we should judge them for the few minutes we see them on tv.

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Guest bubbbletea

Bit Spoiler:

I didn't find SIY rude at all. Are you guys talking about the part in 선수대기실 where before Hyori came, when one of the MCs asked, "So you think you're better dancer than Hyori?" SIY couldn't really reply? Because if so, how is that rude.. Saying "No I'm not" would have been humble but boring- she's out there to make people laugh. Even if she said "Yes I am," that'd have been just a funny line.

Or are you guys talking about the dance battle between them? Because Hyori is the one who said "Do I have to answer that myself 그걸 꼭 제입으로 말해야 되나요" when the MCs asked her who is the better dancer. SIY just copied what she said when MCs asked her too because that'd have been the only witty line she could have said, really.

I mean, yeah, there are some senior-junior thing in 연예계 so I guess it could been seen rude when SIY just treated Hyori same way as Hyori treated SIY, but I personally don't agree.

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Guest kkam jjak

does anyone know where i can download the remix song that SIY danced to in the first episode?

it's that ol-cheng-ee song. the remix version sounded hella cool

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Guest innocent_se

Bit Spoiler:

I didn't find SIY rude at all. Are you guys talking about the part in 선수대기실 where before Hyori came, when one of the MCs asked, "So you think you're better dancer than Hyori?" SIY couldn't really reply? Because if so, how is that rude.. Saying "No I'm not" would have been humble but boring- she's out there to make people laugh. Even if she said "Yes I am," that'd have been just a funny line.

Or are you guys talking about the dance battle between them? Because Hyori is the one who said "Do I have to answer that myself 그걸 꼭 제입으로 말해야 되나요" when the MCs asked her who is the better dancer. SIY just copied what she said when MCs asked her too because that'd have been the only witty line she could have said, really.

I mean, yeah, there are some senior-junior thing in 연예계 so I guess it could been seen rude when SIY just treated Hyori same way as Hyori treated SIY, but I personally don't agree.

Yeah i completely agree. I don't think she was out of line in terms of the fact that I think the show wanted to set the two against each other to make it interesting. And SIY did mention that hyori was doing it for a long time, and things like that.

In terms of the dancing thing, it was JGS in the beginning that said he'd be better than Junjin because JGS is younger, and when the same question was asked to SIY, she can't exactly say 'no hyori's better than me' cuz then that would be way boring.

I think the netizens are being too harsh on her. She's there to make the situation more interesting, and it's not like she bashed hyori, she basically answered the things the others asked her and added a couple of ad libs on her own.

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Guest bubbbletea

I know all the sunday shows were canceled due to the olympics-

are monday shows canceled too? (As in no YaSimManMan for this week?)

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Guest silverwingz

I know all the sunday shows were canceled due to the olympics-

are monday shows canceled too? (As in no YaSimManMan for this week?)

i looked at SBS' TV guide and it says it did air.

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Guest baqinardo

I know all the sunday shows were canceled due to the olympics-

are monday shows canceled too? (As in no YaSimManMan for this week?)

weekdays shows, especially at night (YSMM, SSP, YJS-KWH Come To Play) werent canceled.

coz the olympic just until 10 PM at Live.

N not all of sunday show were cancelled. Coz last week 1N2D was aired :)

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‘그들만의 리그’ 된 야심만만 해결책은? 시청자와의 ‘소통’ [2008-08-12 11:43:48]

[뉴스엔 박세연 기자]

월요일 심야시간대 SBS 예능프로그램의 부흥을 꿈꾸며 야심차게 시작된 '야심만만2-예능선수촌'에 대한 시청자 반응이 심드렁하다.

11일 방송된 '야심만만-예능선수촌'(이하 야심만만2)은 동시간대 방송된 KBS 2TV '미녀들의 수다', MBC '놀러와'에 이어 동시간대 최하위의 시청률을 기록했다.

어떤 장르의 프로그램이든 시청률이 전부는 아니지만 재미 없으면 채널을 돌리는 게 상식인 예능프로그램의 특성 상 동시간대 1위를 기록한 첫방송 이후 3주 만에 최하위권으로 떨어진 데 대한 원인 분석의 필요성이 제기되고 있다.

강호동을 중심으로 윤종신, 김제동, MC몽, 전진, 서인영, 닉쿤 등 총 7명의 MC가 나선 '야심만만2'은 무엇보다도 시청자들과 동떨어진 '그들만의 리그'로 전락해가는 느낌을 지울 수 없다.

우선 강호동은 특유의 큰소리 개그로 시선을 사로잡는 데 성공했지만 '무릎팍도사', '1박2일' 등 타 프로그램에서 보여주는 흡입력을 보여주고 못하고 있다. 강호동이 유재석과 자웅을 겨루는 1인자임은 부인할 수 없지만 그의 진행스타일에 염증을 느끼는 시청자들이 적지않은 것.

또 재간둥이 김제동과 예능늦둥이 윤종신은 많은 MC와 포커스가 집중된 게스트 사이에서 그들이 가진 장기를 십분 발휘하지 못하고 있으며, MC몽과 전진은 업다운 브라더스를 결성, 나름대로의 캐릭터를 형성해가며 고군분투 하고 있지만 소소한 웃음을 선사하는 데 만족하는 정도다.

그런가하면 예능기대주로 예능선수촌에 입성한 서인영과 닉쿤 역시 한시간 여 방송되는 '야심만만2'에서 특별한 장기를 보이지 못하고 간간이 화면에 얼굴이 나오는 정도여서 굳이 7명의 MC를 기용한 의미를 찾기 힘들게 한다.

적자생존의 '예능선수촌'에 나름의 복안을 갖고 입성했지만 살아남아야 한다는 중압감 때문인지 오히려 웃음을 유발하지 못하는 서인영 닉쿤 등 모습을 지켜봐야 하는 시청자들은 "어떤 부분에서 웃어야 할지 모르겠다" "MC들은 배꼽을 잡고 웃는데 도대체 뭐가 웃기다는 건지 모르겠다"는 의견을 내놓고 있다.

이밖에 '야심만만2'가 극복해야 하는 점은 예능선수로서의 맹활약 덕분에 굳어진 MC들에게서 묻어나는 타 프로그램의 잔상이다. 사실 '야심만만2' 대한 첫인상은 11일 방송분에 게스트로 출연한 탁재훈이 지적한 바와 같이 "방송3사 예능프로그램을 합쳐놓은 듯한 느낌"이라는 게 중론이다.

나름의 장기를 가진 예능선수들의 집합소이지만 강한 개성의 MC들이 뭉쳐 '야심만만2'만의 새로운 분위기와 느낌을 만들어야 한다는 것은 어찌 보면 당연한 일. 이제 겨우 출발선을 막 떠났을 뿐이지만 정상 궤도 안착을 위해 '야심만만2'는 하루 빨리 타 프로그램의 잔상을 떨쳐내야 한다.

또 프로그램의 성격은 다르지만 MBC '무한도전', KBS 2TV '해피선데이-1박2일' 등의 프로그램이 오랫동안 사랑받고 마니아층을 형성한 이유는 시청자들과의 무언의 소통이 가능했기 때문이다. 첫 술에 배부를 수는 없으며, 호탕한 웃음 유발까지는 아니어도 좋다. 하지만 '야심만만2'와 시청자와의 괴리감은 분명 극복해야 할 과제다.

'그들만의 잔치'에 시청자들을 동참시켜 함께 즐길 수 있는 '야심만만2'가 되길 기대한다.

Who can translate?Please...Thx

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Guest jjashik

I just watched it. Like mentioned above, SIY was somewhat rude towards Hyori in the first episode.

Seriously now, I'm a guy first of all, and I remember I use to see her on shows few years back, she used to be humble, and I thought she's not too bad, but I guess that was because she was in the shadow of JungAh and JiHyun. Now she got some fame off of that one song and "WGM", she's showing her true self, and may I say her type is the type I detest the most, acting like she's the best thing in the world... she made me respect Crown J alot more (Whom I did not like before for the way he talked), due to the fact that he was able to put up with her and made her/their marriage look good on TV...I guess her personality is good for TV, but for somebody to say they like that kind of girl, I don't think I can ever understand that.

Back on topic, if her showing in the first episode is how she really felt with regard to Hyori, then somebody urgently needs to tell her that she's not anywhere near Hyori's level, and never will be.

I see nothign bad about her. i think its cute.

i mean its her TRUE self. and i'm proud that she doesn't

like being fake like all the other celebrities.

i mean before WGM have you seen her on some variety shows?

no. i mean even if you do. BARLEY. see the reason was because

the people there haves scripts for you to go by and they tell

you to do this and that and to be quiet or act like your a

shy girl or something.and she didn't liek that

so she never went on shows.

until WGM. they told her that she can do what ever she wants on that

show. no fakes or anything. so she was okay with that.

and now she's finally out and popular because of the

way she is. and now so many programs are being okay with that.

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Guest pro000

It is like it always is, people totally overreact as soon as someone is funny on someone else cost. Even though it is the common thing, to create something interesting! I have heard a lot of things on Korean TV which just pass by, so why not this lol.

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