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Rdl Whitening Soap

Guest charmaine17

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Guest exene

My family use to use the likas papaya as a regular soap but I don't like it because it's too dry and doesn't lighten up skin at all. You already have good looking skin in the first picture. I didn't say you photoshop but you didn't need a whitening soap.

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Guest -PaperSkies-

Interesting but I do agree I'd like to ask if you could take another picture in the same spot with the same lighting then maybe it'd convince me more. So far Likas is okay, it did turn my skin a tad bit whiter but it's hardly noticeable. I really need to even out the t-shirt tan i got. D:

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Guest blissfulmoments.

why does everyone wanna get "whiter" skin?! ..... i think your skin was alreadly white in the first pic .... but eh ...you still look good anyways

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Guest AngelsWhisper

Aww I think you look better in the before picture. Very natural, soft/warm skin color. It's more lively. And is the "After" picture taken by a webcam? Computer screen bleaches every skin type white >> Oh yes, I can sorta tell that you used photoshop to smooth out your skin texture and add a blush ^^;

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Guest miyomi

why is everyone picking on the op? come on people i realize she's new and all but you know now the first impression she's going to have of soompi is that everyone here is a bully :angry:

if you're skeptical/dont believe thats her in the photos or that she edited them in ps then FOR GODSAKES DONT BE SO RUDE ABOUT IT!>=( HECK YOU CAN EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS BUT YOU DONT NEED TO BE SO BLATANTLY ARROGANT AND CONDESCENDING!

and to the ppl who said she posted just so she could put pics of herself on soompi: honestly in the post she's neither bragging or trying to sell us anything she's just telling us her experience wether or not its true.

and i agree with the other ppl who said she could have used ps to crop the photos, my phone camera and my webcam have the same lighting effect as her photos so that huge contrast can be acheived w/o ps, and even if you do ps its not like you can go from super dark skin to --->white w/o making your eyebrows/hair almost disappear jeez

plus she's prolly scared away from soompi now, good job guys...

to all the ppl who who werent rude/even if they were skeptical, good job you have good values =)

and the soap doesnt have mercury its papaya, the papain?i think its calle din the papaya is a natural exfoliant and it loosens up dead skin so its not actually making you white, its getting rid of the dead skin on top, so that new skin underneath is light b/c it hasnt been exposed to sunlight, also combined w/ sunscreen this keeps the new skin white and thats how it works=P hehe

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Guest Onichan~

^^^^^^ that's what you guys call ownage now?

...'cause i thought that was pretty low.

agreed, that was really low.

people can be so mean these days >;/

give the girl a break.


i think you were fine to begin with!

you had a great skin tone (:

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Guest ~koe*no*sainou~

That's not the point -_-;; At first I thought that too "Well she could've used photoshop to just crop the pic..." But then I realized Sel1na was trying to say that the girl said she didn't use it AT ALL. So if she only innocently used it to crop her pics, why did she have to lie and act like she didn't know what photoshop was? o.o

I checked out your pictures ~ you lied about Photoshop ... ~

You used Photoshop 7.0 for your pictures and you said YOU DON'T USE Photoshop !!!



It's in german but you can see in this picture that you used Photoshop 7.0 for your picture !

For everyone who can read german, can proof my statement

^^Um hello, just a thought, BUUT just because it said that she used Adobe Photoshop that doesn't necessarily mean that she used it to look "white". As Colloquy said, she could have used it to crop or resize her photos.. I do that too, so.... :blink:
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Guest xrisqueitx

those pics are not a good example.

in the "before pic u were already fair skinned

and the after seems the same

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Guest ginger

The pictures are ridiculous if you're offering them as proof. I'm not saying that you're lying about this product working, but it's obvious that they've been adjusted and that the lighting isn't natural. If you're trying to persuade soompiers into believing them, you'll have to do better than washed out, light-adjusted photos.

Ohhhhh, when will the whitening madness end?!?!


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  • 11 months later...


You look beautiful , i wanna ask u if this RDL whitening produts worked with Male ( men ) bodies .

because I have some dark places in my skin

can you tu tell me if it will work

or not


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest chorus
;) That's amazing, if it is real, why not trying it. My skin is dark so I have to try this, if it is effective or not, guys I will let you know.
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Guest jhsu327

hydroquinne whitens skin! for all you American people, your nearest drugstore has hydroquinne whitening products. I believe they work over a long period of time and they are quite affordable (~$8). Another reason why asian people are almost always white is because they stay inside almost all the time studying (my mom told me that :P)

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Guest Jello.

ehh. seems sketchy.

And anyways, i cant really find any good reviews on google (lol) that seem to be real.

Anyways, if it DOES lighten ur skin in 7 days,

its probably filled with chemicals and such that will bleach ur skin.

no joke.

lmao, i'll just stick with likas ty. (:

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