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Official Shinee 샤이니 Thread


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Guest ~hAeLiN~



Here ya go.. XD


I've read some fan accounts about the concert but none about the boys so far.

They included new people on the dance battle.. I was hoping keybum could participate

and minho would be doing the rap battle. XD

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Guest poupeesi115

i've just got back from the SM concert.SHINee is so amazing!!!!!

now i'm too tired to type and now my head is full of memories

so i need sometime to revise my memories haha.promise to be back with more about SHINee in the con.

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poupeesi115, Thank you for the Jongkey picture! Key smile so cute.

I will wait for more from you. Have a good rest. :)

I'd like to know do they perform "Take it to the Floor"?!

Thanks randy for the nanas'b cf videos. Omg, I have heart attack but it was so cute. :D

Thanks <3. and Alison for the links.

lala and haelin, Thanks for so many pictures.

V Thank you idyllic.

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Guest _idyllic

some links i found of SM Town in Bangkok:

[fancam] SHINee - Run It @SMTOWN LIVE'08 IN BANGKOK

cr kiLLuaXkeita

SHINee A.Mi.Go@SM Town Bangkok

cr belladonna81

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Shinee's perfs are soooo amazing 'n awesome.

i'm just wondering, taeminnie wears the same outfit everytime they perform run it. but i'll forever looooove it!

and minho's getting hotter lately eh?

and key, still the almight key.

i watched jh and kyu's duet on yt and i was just mesmerized.

i'm looking forward to more fancams and pics,

and oh, how can i forget dubu, he's smile is just, gawd, it just melts my heart,

SHINEE jjang!

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Guest doremii*

^ no download links in the music section =T sorry.

anyways, their nana's B cf was so adorable! I can't wait for Key, Jonghyun, and Onew's version to come out =)

I haven't seen many fancams/pics of shinee from the Thailand concert yet, but that's prob cause the Thai fans are sleeping right now ^__^ shinee are so impressive live<3

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Guest aibohatsukoi

OH MY GOD. That's all I can say. Oh, and also: My SHINee Ache feels soooo much better now. ^__^

So many many lovely pictures and videos of our boys. (I've yet to watch the CFs, but judging from everyone's reacting [including SFI sbox] I'm guessing I'll end up crying/screaming? haha, all those "TT"s on the comments were funny.)

-edit- I just saw the CF's... ;____; now i understand the tears. Bulko!!!! ...Taeminaaaaahh! why?????? -sniffles- I guess I'll just have to screenshot those actions and PS my face on top of her's ne? ....kukuku. >__<;; -pathetic- Sorry.

I hope Key/Jong/Dubu get their own CF's too! haha, I'm sure their fans will probably die too. -sighs- I'm still sad. Taeminahh~ Hold noona's hand, ne?

-edit again- OMG. The comments are hilarious! ahaha! Those crying gifs.. LMFAOO. and what's up with the angry mop bit? O__O;;;

Thanks so much to everyone who uploaded a pic/video/everything else~~

And yes! Our boys are coming to HB! ^___^ Now.. I just need to either raise my grades and sneak off to HB (screw my AP Exams, mind you) or focus on SHINee and sneak of to HB anyways. >___<;;;

And yay for the Bangkok cams! I heard security was REALLY tight, so thank you Thai fans for all your love~!

Now, for something that I've been voting constantly for the past 3 days and advertising like mad on the SFI sbox:


PRE FIRST OFF: In both polls, SHINee's "Stand By Me," an OST to the Korean Boys Before Flowers is going against SS501 "-uh.. i dunno the title -fails-" Well, another song on the drama.

Link to "Stand By Me" in case you haven't heard it before: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCEllWPRUb4&fmt=18

To be fair, link to SS501's song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKhfnqmfzMQ&fmt=18

(Oh, it's called "Because I'm Stupid" ..lols, really now? ^__^;;; Just kidding)


Alright, first off. Vote on BOTH of the polls please. I think the MTV is a little more important because it's on.. well, MTV.. -shrugs- But the yahoo one is also very important, we want to give as many bragging rights to our boys right?

Now, some have asked: what do the boys get from winning these polls?

Truthfully, I don't know. I asked on the sbox and someone replied: "bragging rights? lol"

AND!!!! As Global SHINee World, we can't attend their lives, their fansigns, or even stalk them ;_____; , so these polls are one of the only few things we can really do to help out our boys.

Please help?

Link to MTV poll: http://www.mtv.co.kr/poll/matjjang_view.php?idx=597

1. You don't need any accounts or anything to vote.

2. Just click the link, and vote for our boys.

3. Vote once every 10 minutes.

HINT: Set a timer (I'm not joking), for every ten minutes since you've last voted. It helps reminds you to vote when you're aggressively voting for the yahoo poll (cause you ARE voting, right?).

HINT2: Get a pen and paper and mark the next time you should vote so you'll remember better!

SOMETHING TO KNOW: This poll ends on Feb 9th! 1~2 more days of massive voting!

Link to Yahoo poll: http://kr.rival.kids.yahoo.com/rival/scrip...view&cd=225

1. You need to be logged into yahoo. It doesn't need to be korean yahoo. Regular yahoo is fine.

1a) if you don' have a yahoo account, feel free to make one to help support our boys and vote.

2. If you can't read hangul, IT'S OKAY!, just follow this instruction: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/but...92/TUTORIAL.jpg

3. Vote once every 10 seconds.

HINT: There are two ways to vote, but the method I linked is better because HINT2 will explain it. Credit link to Jess.

HINT2: Stare at the picture of our lovely boys in the light green box. You'll notice that several pictures will cycle through. The second picture is off Jandi and JoonPyo (or for non-BBF fans, a chick and a guy), and then the third picture: JoonPyo again (again, for non-BBF fans, a guy with curly black hair staring at the left).

As SOON as you see the third picture, vote! That is approximately 10 seconds, the BEST method to time yourself (because if you stare at the boxes moving up and down, sometimes it lags and it also takes more then 10 seconds to move twice. Trust me<--been voting for 3 days straight)

SOMETHING TO KNOW: This poll ends on the 20th! But we all have school and homework, so vote on the weekend/days as much as you can!

If you have any more questions.. um, spam the sbox on SFI<--SHINee Forums International, I'll probably be off voting but coming back to advertise (or post here, someone will answer!) so you can catch me then, or post them on this thread and hopefully I, or someone else here can answer it.

My personal question: for the yahoo polls, does SHINee receive more points through votes (10pts) or uploaded pictures (i dunno how many, someone who can understand hangul, can you help me figure out the numbers?)?


1. Make a SHINee playlist, or if you already have one, play it.

2. Listen to our lovely boys serenading us while we vote for them.

3. It gives magical energizing power to those killing their eyesights staring at the pictures to vote.

4. It helps you learn the lyrics~ Kinda... well, at least some of the english parts. ^___^

UM. I think I covered everything. ^___^ Please help out guys~ -goes off to vote/advertise for voting once again-

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Guest iChangmin

Oh my god, Jonghyun's hair.. There used to be so much of it. Good thing his hair is better now.

Ooh, these are really nice pictures. Thanks for posting them.

Awesome gifts for SHINee! the fans are really sweet to prepare gifts for the staff at Byulbam radio too :)



There's too many pictures.. I'll just post one and the rest can be found here.. :)


Whoa, that's a lot of presents. They're so nicely packaged! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Official pic from SM Concert


Just one for now

cre: as tagged

I think this is my first time seeing Taemin wear a tank top. And wow, his arms are more defined than I thought they were. He still looks too skinny, though.

I love the boys' clothes.

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Guest petiiil

some links i found of SM Town in Bangkok:

[fancam] SHINee - Run It @SMTOWN LIVE'08 IN BANGKOK

cr kiLLuaXkeita

SHINee A.Mi.Go@SM Town Bangkok

cr belladonna81

thanks for these, il be sure to see them. thanks to everyone else for pics/info updates on the sm concert

i cant even be excited right now after seeing the nanas b cf. :( my shinee citzn heart just died a little. </3

one things for sure il never watch it again. i wonder.. if nanas b did the right thing advertising like that..

will it sell? i know korea shinee world isnt happy d: and the other members versions arent even out yet..

oh why mino.....


T_T. (from mkmf.) cr. as tagged & petiiil for reupload.

ondubu shii's heart for comfort..


cr. as tagged & petiiil for reupload.

thats awesome if shinee is going to hb. they will do amazing, and shineeworld thats going will be amazing too, i know it.

represent us well and scream your hearts out okey? sneak in pics and vids too. ah sorry this post is so half-hearted today.. :/

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re: Nana's B CF

I know eh? I scrolled down to see the comments that were left on bestiz ... although I do not know korean, the pictures and gifs that were posted gave me the idea that the fans weren't taking the CFs too well

I hope someone has fancam of SHINee's Take It To The Floor perf *crosses fingers*

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Oh, how I've missed you guys ♥~

Thanks everybody for ALLL THE GOODIESSSSS ♥♥♥.

Qin, for the lovely translations, as always.

Weng, Jean, Haelin, Nikki, Achel, sherie_smith, doremii*, deNain, lala_land, and everybody else for all those lovely lovely pictures.

Sarah, for your random stuff, hahah XD ♥.

Randy ♥♥♥, FOR ALL YOUR GREAT VIDEO UPLOADAGE. Which I will be watching catching up on soon, lol.

And just.. EVERYBODY for giving me my SHINee Ache meds, hahaha XD ♥. Sorry if I didn't personally thank you D;, but I appreciate you guys just as muchhh ♥.


Lol, okay, now random ramblings...

Is it just me or does Dubs look much skinnier? Gash, I hope he hasn't been working out like crazy during his break. Speaking of which, not really, THE BOYS ARE GOING TO HB! Buttocks, I'm really going to have to butter up my familia, lol. TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE GOING, YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO TAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES AND SUCHH, ahha XD ♥. And uhm... THE CFS! Oh man, lol ♥. I LOVEE THEM. Idk, lol, but I don't really mind the skinship, ol! Hahah, Lee Seyeong is really really cute and lucky X333 :D ♥. Ahhhh, Bulkooo, you guy, you, LOL! That was suchh a cute peck, hahah XD. And ahh, the way maknae grabbed Seyeong's hand in his CF was cutee, lol. Knd of awkward, but they have pretty hands so it worked out, LOL. And speakkingg of CFs, I am in love with Bling's Reeboks shoes, lol. THEY ARE HOT. I wantttt themm, haha XDD. Oh, and completely random, but lolll about those untrue rumors about Dubs past, lol. Theyyy made me laugh a lottt XDXD. Dubs being a delinquent? Hahahahhahahahha XDDDDD. Nooowayyy.

Okay, I think I'm done for now, lol.

I'm off to make another photobucket account so I can share stuff with you guyss ♥♥♥, haha XD~ BBL!


Back, with SMTOWNLIVE'08BANGKOK goodiess

:D! They're kind of like playing "Where's Waldo?" lol.

I attempted to put these in chronological order, since they weren't when they were posted and I was confuse the whole time, lol.

AND THIS IS DEDICATED TO THE PEOPLE I PROMISED TO DEDICATE A PIC SPAM TO, LOL. You guys know who you aree ;D ♥, XDXD. AkaIforgot...WengandHaelin,possibly?LOLI'MSORRYGUYS.

Somebody's face got slammed in cake, lol. Not one of our boys though X3.

Edit: 'Twas Yunho, lol, for all those curious XD. They celebrated his birthday :P~









Credit: As tagged and 힐링진기 @ Bestiz

Reuploaded by walll fl0wer



Videos from Youtube that I fond while skimming Bestiz, lol! People in Korea are quicker on the uptake than we are, even when it's on Youtube!! LOL.

090207 SM TOWN Bangkok FANCAM SHINee - Noona Neomu Yeppeo Replay

Credit: PeacefulxChaos

090207 - SM Town Live Bangkok (Eunhyuk, Yesung, Leeteuk, Henry, Key)

Credit: thantida

I loveee this fancam X3. Key is adorable in it, haha XD. And Bulko's still running around kicking balls, lolll. There're some Jonghyun and Jessica (SNSD) interactions, Henli (SJM) and Key interactions, and much more :wub:! Just lots of loveee being spread, ahah XDD ♥!!

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SHINee's Nanas'B CF is out!!!!

there are two versions! watch and die in envy! rofl!


cr: bestiz... the comments on the page are funny too. lol

I just saw this. LOL! I didn't even need to know what the comments are, the pictures are just hilarious! I don't know with them, but they're taking it too much to the heart, It's just a CF.. I find it rather sweet and absolutely adorable, I'd want to buy me some Nana's B because of that! ^_^

Awesome gifts for SHINee! the fans are really sweet to prepare gifts for the staff at Byulbam radio too :)

Man, I totally love these gifts! <3

Hello ^^

Shinee : Nanas'B CF (Taemin ver.)


Shinee : Nanas'B CF (Minho ver.)


Thank you Randy! You're the best! :)

i've just got back from the SM concert.SHINee is so amazing!!!!!

now i'm too tired to type and now my head is full of memories

so i need sometime to revise my memories haha.promise to be back with more about SHINee in the con.

now i have pic from the con it's key ang jonghyun at the end of con.

credit: U-June @ KNS DBSK Village www.pantip.com

please take out with full credit

I'll be waiting for your story! ^_^ Hope you have a good rest! :)

some links i found of SM Town in Bangkok:

SHINee A.Mi.Go@SM Town Bangkok

cr belladonna81

Ohh, so they performed Amigo! I didn't see Amigo on the list of performances that Nikki posted way back. ;P

More pics with Other SM Town Artists

SHINee World Thailand

Lovely, Amazing pictured! I wonder how Shinee World USA would look like on HB! It'd be awesome if they're all sitting together to cheer for Shinee! :)

090207 - SM Town Live Bangkok (Eunhyuk, Yesung, Leeteuk, Henry, Key)

Credit: thantida

I loveee this fancam X3. Key is adorable in it, haha XD. And Bulko's still running around kicking balls, lolll. There're some Jonghyun and Jessica (SNSD) interactions, Henli (SJM) and Key interactions, and much more :wub:! Just lots of loveee being spread, ahah XDD ♥!!

You know why I love this. XD Yes? Yes?

I love that pic of Onew that doremii* posted! Thank you! Thanks to everyone who shared and all the links to vids and stuff! I'm sorry for coming empty-handed! LOLZ! You guys fill me up, and that's enough! :P

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Hi Jenni, happy to see you! Miss you.

Thanks for the pictures. Yeah, "Where's Waldo?" game LoL. The boys are so cute laughing. I don't see any SHINee on 5th picture?

Thanks for the links. More "Where's Waldo?" game. :D

Dubu looks skinnier? idk. I know Taeminie gain weight though. :D

petiiil, sherie_smith, doremii*, deNain, Thanks for sharing the pictures.


Noona is very pretty - SHINee

now i delete my file Sorry.

daeda, can you pm me the file? Thank you.

You can upload on youtube and post the link here. :)

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