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[official] ☜♥☞ Joongbo Couple ☜♥☞ Newly Wed's 1st Open House


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hwang bo can't leave the show, she have to be joking. I really like this couple, and she can't just leave her Groom that is just opening his heart!

That is like Alex and Shinae, no, I love this couple. I want both of them on there, even though I don't know how they are going to manage all the couples time!

Man, I was all worried about Joong going to Japan, and then HwangBo is thinking about leaving. NONONNONO>>.

So does anyone know if she is going to celebrate his birthday?

I kind of wish Hwang Bo would go to Japan and be like apart of his function haha, my dream, but is Japan that faraway from Korea, I think it is pretty close right?

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Guest suju sarang

NOOOOOO!! hwangbo cant leave the show..this couple is soo cute..and i love this couple..if she does leave i might not have the urge to even watch this show anymore..T.T

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I know. I practicially watch this show for JoongBo now, even though the other couples are also awesome!

Man, they were only on here for 3 epi right?

how could they possibly leave, everyone would complain and sad Joongbo is playing with their feelings haha.

I hope they wouldn't leave, not in the first 10 epi!

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Guest AlecRuby


i hope this news was just fake and that people were trying to mess with them.

it would be totally not cool to leave.

i doubt hb would really be anixous or uneasy with hj.

she had so much fun with him and will continue to.

in addition, hj already confessed that he is no longer awkward with hb, so what is there to worry about?

by the way, did anyone notice how hj slide the garbage can out for hb to sit and he was practically just fake sitting?

that was so nice of him, he also touched her arm, hehehehe...

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^AlecRuby that's news is true but it seems like when she said "...divorce soon" was for a joke. I wish that it's definitely a joke!

yeah, i saw that HJ did slide a trash can which he sat on before to HB..so nice husband..how could pple in their right mind want to divorce such husband?


the female MC of the star wrestling is HB's guest. did you see her make fun of HB when she confronted HJ something like HB got nervous when facing him..hehe

those caps, i just downloaded for youtube..yeah..but i'm happy that she wasn't in the same team so that they had a chance to face each other.


really have no clues about his birthday. Do you ever wonder how many times have they recored for WGM? i seems to me that they only did it for one time and sliced it into many episodes. Why when these two shot the WGM..there were no fans got a single picture of them? SS501 has many fans...or is it because the shooting only took place in some kind of private place?

For download link, if you have problem with that server and can't download just tell me I'll re-upload on another host maybe zshare.net?

sorry for scaring you guys (it scared the hell out of me as well) but she really said it..i used to post before that she said to HJ about this too at the swimming pool scene but she used the word "awkward" not "anxiuos or uneasy" just like she said on the other program. HJ suggested that we would try to avoid the awkwardness and Hb said it would be better soon. That news made me down for hours, I'm sober now.

Just heard a song "Nuna is very pretty" by shinee. I thought of HJ, he should dedicate this song to HB 555

I've been thinking about this quite a while but couldn't figure out , there was something about HB when I was watching her on WGM that bothered me..now I remember what it is. Lately, HB always wear trousers if it's not trousers then she'll wear colorful clothes like this.

(all these pix are recent)


Went to quanite501.com new pix of the groom...he's too good-looking!

Credits: on pix+ss601.com+quainte501.com


GIF from me..so love this scene, if a guy who i like walks pass by me this close, I melt!


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Guest AlecRuby

muize: thank you so much for comment.

it is long and great, and i just love reading what you have to say.

that's sad that hb said something like this.

i am really down now.

maybe she was just saying that to make more news, but she shouldn't have done that.

what are joongbo fans going to do.

my sis made this thread dedicated to them and they cannot just leave so soon.


as for the trousers and colorful clothing, i think hb looks great.

she is probably having a good time and since it is almost summer, why not wear cool clothings?

anyway, they are looking great.

who wouldn't blush upon seeing a guy lik hj walk by.

i would have been trying to get closer, hahahaha...

anymore more recent news about them?

i really hope they overcome the barrier of awkwardness.

actually everyone is loving their awkwardness so i don't get what's wrong.

well, i am watching their xman shows and it is always too bad that hj was never on hb's team.

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Guest CrazyYochy

I hope this is a rumor. I don't want Hwanbo to leave the show.. I love this couple (maybe not as much as AnBi couple) but, I DON'T WANT THEM TO DIVORCE! :tears::(

To me the make a good couple, they have made me laugh since their first episode together, the awkwardness, the bluntness, how witty HJ is and all that.

I think this couple can really take out all the stress the moment we watch them on TV. Hopefully they would still stay in the show.

By the way.. thanks a lot for the screen caps... I laughed so hard with them at X-man.

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Guest AlecRuby

true that crazyyochy!

they are one cool couple.

and to love a couple they also have to make me laugh.

and since their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ep, these two had made me laugh nonstop.

whatever they do, say, or just using their expressions make me laugh.

having this couple really does take out the stress, same with the other new couple.

both adds a different taste to WGM.

JOONGBO definitely makes the atmosphere happy and silly at times, which is what i like about them.

and knowing how blunt hj is sometimes make the show even more exciting.

if you guys didn't also notice this, but hb loves to clap her hands together when something funny happens.

well, their latest ep. hj did that.

obviously, hb isn't only giving hj a good image, but also enough to make him have times to copy her.


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ahhh watching the caps and GIF makes me excited .emm should i watch it without subs

but then it would kill the fun ishhh

i hope hwangbo just joking they're only on three episode and want to divorce already.this is too much nooooooooo

i don't even watch 10 and 11 episodes yet and she want to left this show . scary.

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Guest maricris

honestly, i only watch WGM bcoz of Andy--- [ i'm a shinhwa fan ] then Hwang Bo arrives w/ the Young Groom..BOOOMMMM i'm soooooo happy! been happy for the past three weeks eventhough i still dont understand the last 2 weeks of it....subs subs!

then this?! [ If its TRUE then ].....Hwang Bo YAH!!!! Cmon.....Stay!...You and Hyun Joong ..ohhh you've been giving us such joy.

...Dont give up just like that!... :tears:

YAH!!!! Hyun Joong!!! Fight for YOUR WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest AlecRuby

yeah, isn't that a bad choice for her to d?

she suppose to be a general and she never backs out at anything.

yet, three eps into the show and she wants to leave?

general must have had a flu or something.

hj give her some of your best medicine.

help her to be conscious.

i can't wait for the subs to come.

they kept on saying that all the parts are done, except one, which is nearly done.

so why can't they upload it in a couple more hours.

i really appreciate their hardwork, but JOONGBO fans can't wait.

two weeks is like oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




he even said that he will continue to record even if his Japan tour is on.

hint hint... he wants to stay by hb's side.

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AlecRuby you don't hate her right? this may sound like an excuse or protecting her, like DW oppa said she was a sincere and straight person ..she even said to HJ that she'd get over it...so don't hate her pls T___T

CrazyYochy we, joogboers here, don't want them to divorce too ..hope that she'll get over it soon..real soon.

maricris haha...i can get a picture when you said "BOOOMMMM" it brightened my mood now.

I don't want to loose them too..at first..I wasn't scared at all if Al-Shin would come back or if they would want to leave this show by themselves. But right now, they make my Sunday worth to be "Sunday"! I've never longed for this day before and i saw no difference between Sunday and the other days.

Again, don't worry cos this is not a big news so i don't think she really wants to leave since she belongs to MBC right now. Hey, the president of MBC force her write a contract (HJ too) now. Saying that "we won't leave the show until this show is cancelled by MBC's board...if any breaches this rule, it'll cost 10 million wons!"...how much is that???? 555

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Guest ibmp2005

...if any breaches this rule, it'll cost 10 million wons!"...how much is that???? 555

i thinks one million u.s dollar not sure,

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Guest AlecRuby

of course i don't hate hb.

i love her so much.

she is one korean entertainer that is true and real.

she isn't afraid to do things and that's what i like about her.

she isn't like some actress who always depend on their sexiness to get things.

hb unnie is awesome, no way would i hate her in a million years.

by the way muize, what does 555 means? like fight fight fight?

hahahaha... cancelling the contract would cost them 1 million USD?

they are no way going to leave.

probably even if they were to ask to leave, they would say no.


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Guest maricris

maricris haha...i can get a picture when you said "BOOOMMMM" it brightened my mood now.

Again, don't worry cos this is not a big news so i don't think she really wants to leave since she belongs to MBC right now. Hey, the president of MBC force her write a contract (HJ too) now. Saying that "we won't leave the show until this show is cancelled by MBC's board...if any breaches this rule, it'll cost 10 million wons!"...how much is that???? 555

eheheheeh^^ i stayed up like almost the whole day, aside from subbing songs~ lol~ waiting for the subs of Ep 10 and 11...damn its 2:30am here and there's still NONE <_<

they were forced to sign? why bcoz of the other couples leaving like that? 10 million won? lets see its always around 900 to 1000 wons against a dollar so......ok I HATE MATH! :ph34r:

well I hope that they will REALLY FINISH this show! I was like.............. Hwang BO!----HOW ABOUT THE SWEATER, the one you promised Hyun Joong to finish for him...and how about the PIANO song that Hyun Joong promised to play for you after after receiving the finished sweater you made for him....~~~~~ :blush:

i made another GIF of JOONGBO......its not working.....

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AlecRuby 555 is sound of laughter and thank you for not hating her ^___^

probably even if they were to ask to leave, they would say no.


Aha! by saying that, you'll be banned from SS501 fans just like me too (except from subdwfreaky, our hardcore joongbo fan hehe) j/k no one really bans me.

maricris you made me laugh again! "i hate math"..you're not alone!!! :sweatingbullets:

Now you mentioned about the sweater, I was surprised when I knew that she did it for him. Don't think that she originally would do it for someone else and when HJ saw it she just said that it was for him. It's very kind of her to do that without anybody asking her to do and to think of him.

According to subdwfreaky SS501 will record a concert in korea on June 7th and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS501 the 1st concert in Japan will start Concert in Tokyo, Japan - July 12 & 13, 2008

which means that there's a chance of him being in korea on his birthday...still have hope!

Well, there doesn't have to be a party at least she'll go to see him rehearsal and give him something..something that the other members will go "Wow~~ HJ, that's so sweet" or "Nuna, it'd be great if it was me who was your couple."..and now I'm living in my fantasy again~~~~ :rolleyes:

่ีjust rewatched the star arm wrestling again.she was so shy.


forgot forgot

Funny part 2 lines but made me laugh so many times

remember the guitar scene when Hj asked her to open it?

there's line on the screen showing their conversation

황보 : 나랑 결혼한 이유가 뭐야?

HB : What is the reason for marrying me!?

현중 : 안락한 삶

HJ : For a comfy life!!!!

hey, you little gag-maker groom, you don't have to answer it. if it's not "I love you" !!!

he's so funny..never thought that he would be this funny.

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Guest AlecRuby

AlecRuby 555 is sound of laughter and thank you for not hating her ^___^

According to subdwfreaky SS501 will record a concert in korea on June 7th and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS501 the 1st concert in Japan will start Concert in Tokyo, Japan - July 12 & 13, 2008

which means that there's a chance of him being in korea on his birthday...still have hope!

Well, there doesn't have to be a party at least she'll go to see him rehearsal and give him something..something that the other members will go "Wow~~ HJ, that's so sweet" or "Nuna, it'd be great if it was me who was your couple."..and now I'm living in my fantasy again~~~~ :rolleyes:

่ีjust rewatched the star arm wrestling again.she was so shy.


forgot forgot

Funny part 2 lines but made me laugh so many times

remember the guitar scene when Hj asked her to open it?

there's line on the screen showing their conversation

황보 : 나랑 결혼한 이유가 뭐야?

HB : What is the reason for marrying me!?

현중 : 안락한 삶

HJ : For a comfy life!!!!

hey, you little gag-maker groom, you don't have to answer it. if it's not "I love you" !!!

he's so funny..never thought that he would be this funny.

i didn't know that she was making the sweater for hj.

that is maga cute.

who would have even knew hb could make sweater?

and as for the convo btw them during the guitar scene was just so memorable.

i didn't think hb would ask that question.

but then again i could see where that was coming from.

hj's answer was sweet, he knew that being with hb would be comfy and relaxing.

too cute, i'm having chills here!

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Omg, that is so cute!

Gosh, i can't wait for the subbed version to come out.

I have been rewatching the epi over and over again, so many time!

That is so sweet Joongbo are totally making me smile everytime!

Did you guys saw, how Hyun Joong was sitting on the garbage can first, then he slide it over for Hwangbo to sit on it? That is why there is 3 dents, 1 overlapped another!!

I want to see them celebrate the birthday together!!!

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