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ok, i'm not really HJ's fan before WGM so i want to ask the rumor about him and tiff (sorry..this is her name?) dating..what is it about? why there is such a rumor? they were caught going out together or something? I never wanted to know but right now..i'm dying to know!

it started with tiff saying that she is a fan of ss501 before she debuted and says that HJ is her ideal type/her fav(i dont remember which one). after that they were on star king which they were put together in a box for a magic show..its just a brief "scandal"..it never got any further as far as i know~

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Guest AlecRuby

i hope hj won't date tiffany.

she comes off as girl who thinks she is know it all, just because she is from the states.

i am also from the states, and i don't act like what she does sometimes on variety shows.

the recent news of her correcting kim ji suk was embarassing.

she already got slammed once, why is she stirring up news again.

anyway, lets not talk about who hj likes or dislikes.

this is dedicated to joongbo, so of course hj is all for hb.

she is his wife afterall.


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Guest subdwfreaky

if Hwangbo liked Hyesung before this, i...well, i wouldn't mind....cuz i used to dislike him in Shinhwa....but finally admit his cute charms..lolol..he's my fav now....wait a sec, we're supposed to be talking bout hwangbo here...xD.....and i just watched kim kyung rok with her now...Gosh, i swear that dude's so crazy bout her. argh. the more hwangbo coupling i watch, the more i like all, i think except for Shinhwa guys......cuz them n Hwangbo are too much like brothers n a poor odd one out sister lol. am i even making sense....ok, maybe hyesung is ok, cuz i'm biased XD. and plus, it's so cute if hwangbo really like him. i don't think she's one who expresses her real feelings easily, but if one looks close enough, one could see what her facial n body language tries to tell. argh, why do i sound like hwangbo stalker/analyzer now? iono. she's such an interesting creature. n my current obsession now...i've been blabbering bout her nonstop to my sis today.

btw, talking bout dbsk members, omo, i don't want hwangbo be coupled with them again though i really enjoyed the attention micky n uknow gave to her. it's cuz some of their fangirls were calling hwangbo with all sort of bad names on youtube. gross. ok, shoot i should stop. it's outta topic. sorry for my little hwangbo craze over there.

Don't think HJ will be in Korea on his birthday. He'll be on tour i guess.

ehhh? this is so sad. i think he should be back to Korea by then, cuz they're having dream concert recording on 7th, and i saw their schedule saying they'd be back from Thailand on 3rd.

this is unfair. Thailand is sooo near to us. i wanna goooo n see them n send my love for JoongBo couple


ahhh, i remember that clip. haha. i think it's either Hyungjun or Jungmin.....i think it's Hyungjun....what a dork. but i love how they take care n handle their fans. didn't let the fans go out of control

i hope that hb will become hj's ideal woman.

God bless you. :lol: . i hope so too, pleasseee. i somehow believe in hwangbo's charms. so many guys actually like her xD. Go Unnie! and i hope he'd get more touchy =x . cuz after observing hwangbo...i don't think she'll take first step when it comes to this stuffs. but i never know.

Last year, there was a news that two celebrities confessed their loves to her but she turned them down.

whoa....really? this is soo awesome! *fangirly mode* =x

wait. does hwangbo has an international forum? if there is i'm soo interested to join

:lol: i've been such a fangirl today.

ok, i'm not really HJ's fan before WGM so i want to ask the rumor about him and tiff (sorry..this is her name?) dating..what is it about? why there is such a rumor? they were caught going out together or something? I never wanted to know but right now..i'm dying to know!

maybe i could be one to answer this? ;) ...(ok, somebody did it first..but since i've typed this much...^^)

the rumour with tiffany started becuz of on the show Star Golden Bell, Tiffany confessed that she like hyunjoong n said he's handsome and stuffs, and at one part where ss501 n snsd had to vote each other for most popular member(their fav), hyunjoong admitted that he voted for tiffany, so i guess medias took it seriously since both groups are popular at the moment.....but if you watch it, hyunjoong also gave same attention to some other snsd member, so it's not the case i guess. pretty much a rumour. since medias love kim hyunjoong the most in the group lol. actually, hyunjoong had rumours with other female celeb as well haaa. the thing that made this seem like such a big thing, is medias making a riot out of it(like predicting there's something between them..

<_< duh, and all sorts of freaky reaction from fans who love/hate it.....oh, i forgot, they're immediately paired up in another show, i forgot ok, so it's star king xD....where hyunjoong was again paired with tiffany, and he step forward in a couple game or sumthin' involving tiff, but he(or dsp..i forgot) made a statement afterwards that it's scripted and he's asked to volunteer so he just did it for the show. lol. hope i explained enough. and hope no haters would come n gimme a blow out of a sudden *hides*

oh, and after watching their xman over n over again, i think there are some really interesting(or just my imagination) scenes that kinda show their pre-attraction/attachment to one another or sumthin' like that. i'll post 'em up later. :lol:

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hi newbie here

anyway i really become restless waiting for the subs iknow subbing is a REALLY REALLY hardwork

but i'm too excited and i'm not really fond of idea watching it without subs it will spoil the feeling ? huh

anyway i've read Dongwan comment about how he can bring out feminine hwangbo. i think he just said that to make hyunjoong angry ( not angry but somewhat jealous aishh it's not jealous .it's sort of encouragement but on hardway huh?) whatever is it i hope hyunjoong know what dongwan has said who know he will do a BIGGER action hehe.

i only watch ep 1.. the conclusion is AWKWARD

but i hope their relationship will improved, hunjoong is so blunt haha

when hwangbo ask whether he would save her if he falls into the sea

his response is so haha what can i say. priceless keke

i've checked (is this right? my english is so T__T)

@quainte501's channel they are in encoding process which is nearly done .i think i just go to sleep first since it's already 2:38 AM here.hopefully when i wake up they have finish subbing and uploading

thanks for the information,caps,pictures and everything ^__^

Kiss me:I am also surprise that Joong would say such touching lines.

i really really thought hj said that to hb and you know what i can imagine how hwangbo would react but then reading another reply haha it's not hj said it just you forgot to bold her name ishh i think i'm too excited ahah i have to sleep

and thanks again for all the updates

actually i really worried if hwangbo get any harm from hj fan. since hj is an idol so

i'm really worried about it. i hope there is none but seriously. i hope she didn't get more antis coming

i think antis is really SCARY thing :ph34r:

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they0me Welcome!!!! so happy newbie's here! no, HB got not many but still has some anti-fans. Well, judging from youtube and quainte501, non-korean speaking fans support her and HyunJoong..oh! and i read some comments at SS501 korean fansite, they like her too although not all of them.

About what DongWan oppa said, I'm glad that he said it out cos it'll make HJ know how HB really is..i mean how sincere HB is and not regret to get coupled with her.

Yeah, our used-to-be-awkward couple, they got bashing so much about this but less right now. If you've watched all 3 episodes, you'll see how groofy HJ is. Always showing his love and careness in an odd and funny way.

1.ep.9: when HB fell, look at the way he helped her..grabbing her neck

2.ep.10: fight with mosquitoes so seriously to protect his wife.

3.ep.11: afraid that his wife would be exhausted because of taking care of the house alone, he bought her energy drinks. ^__^

subdwfreaky your reply make me feel both amused and relieved . I've never known tiff nor her band before but lately i saw her name almost everywhere and isn't good so I was worried if he really dated/ is dating her ... she's kinda cute too.

no HwangBo has no an international fansite only way to find out about her is her cyworld or shinhwa's websites

oh really? they're having a concert on June 7th? and when will they leave for Japan then? God, pls keep him in Korea and MBC's PD, this is your precious chance to plot something on his Birthday...do something...plsss

AlecRuby well i have to say again you're not lone about he and tiff.

ibmp2005 very observant, you are! better go and check it myself before going to bed.

laydybutterfly thanx to your answer too!

ok that's it for right now..ah today i go to bed earlier..just 2 am right now Lalalala~~~~

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Guest Enchanted

Hi everyone! I've been lurking around this thread for awhile but too afraid to post, lol. I'm loving this couple since day 1 and was really surprised when I first found out Hwangbo is going to be on this show. I'm a big fan of her and somehow I just love her pairing up with younger guys. I was crazy over Hwangbo and Yunho coupling awhile back when I first saw them on Love Letter and Xman :).

Anyway, I can't wait for the sub to come out like the rest of you. I've been watching the last three episodes at least several times now. Yay for Joongbo!

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^ hey what's up!? you HwnagBo thread founder right? yeah i saw you coming in here and i waited if you would post anything but you didn't T__T

it's o.k. right now welcome... don't be affraid we won't bite! j/k

now i forgot why i returned here again....Oh God i totally forgot! can't recall....sigh..should go to see a doctor soon.


I remember!

ok. i saw picture of andy-solbi at amusement park, i have to say they look so lovely and jealousy wish our JoongBo would receive that kinda of scene too. But right now can't say much cos they just got a beautiful honeymoon trip which the others didn't have so i guess i should be silent for a while.

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Guest AlecRuby

muize: true that, anbi were cute going to the amusement park.

it definitely made me jealous, i wished our joongbo would do the same thing.

that's why i wished so much that they would appear on the street, walking or shopping, eat ice cream cones and holding hands.

they would be super kawaii.

wouldn't it be even better just imagine him holding onto her shoulder and hb wrapping her arms around hj?

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... i am going crazy over them.

why do they have to meet???????

anyway, subs seemed to be coming out soon.

i hope that it will be out today.

i am desperate for them!!!!!!!!!!

edit: welcome all the newbies.

don't be afraid to post.

joongbo love you guys!

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^ you asked "why do they have to meet?" ? it's destiny ..it's heart's calling 555 (banned for good from SS501 fans -___-")

I'll surely go after this post..really.

on her cyworld, somebody made fun of her..

he said "Hyung (refers to HB 555)..WGM is reall good...HyunJoong, if you get hurt, give me call (my little sweet dongseang )"

no way, HB will never hurt her young groom..so funny her younger male fans always tease her like this.

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Guest AlecRuby

i am pretty sure hb would never hurt her lovely groom.

what kind of joke is that?

i bet hb would only hit him lightly like a girl.

anyway, has hb actually been updating ger cyworld?

where are the subs?!?!?!

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Guest CrazyYochy

If anyone thought that Hwanbo and Hyun Joong haven't been together in another variety show check their 'Dangyunhaji' game from Xman #44 subbed by coolsmurf.. hilarious!

He was so young there.. who would have thought that they would be pared to be together in WGM at that time, uhmmm... lets called it destiny.


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Guest subdwfreaky

they0me: i hope so, that dongwan meant it that way. :D . thanks for giving me some ideas to be calm about...lol. but you should continue watching them. even with no subs, it can move you for real if you're up for this couple. so many can be interpreted from their actions. :lol: . and don't worry. i've seen fan of other boyband *coughscoughs* talking s____ bout hwangbo after a single(or just a few) coupling in show, but hyunjoong fangirls...nah, so far responds have been good....or at least even his fans who doesn't really like it don't talk bull____ . n i can see that even if any of his fans over there 'bullies' hwangbo, hyunjoong will protect his wife. we have already witness how protective he is, in his own little weird ways of course. and even outside the show, like the entries where he told fans not to hate hwangbo.

Enchanted: what? hi5! i too, loveee seeing hwangbo paired up with younger guy. i mean, i thought i won't like seeing her paired up with other than hyunjoong.....but gotta agree she looked pretty good with

dbsk dudes u-know n micky in that show, esp u-know

but it's ok, i'm sooo glad she's with hyunjoong in this show, cuz looking back at the old shows they're both in, and the hidden connection :lol: ...it's just so fated. i can only hope they'd (at least) last in We Got Married as long as possible. it's just something in their personalities that make them a most unexpected couple, yet from there the charms came so vividly. i guess. lol.

Muize: thanks for the infos bout hwangbo........heyy...i been analyzing her with so many guys now .....and i think i know why she always reject guys who show interest in her n choose random ones but.....=x that's besides the topic here n over-analyzing i guess......

this is driving me insane. maybe i should start writing a joongbo fic.lmao


yesss, i really hope hyunjoong's b'day would be highlighted in the show too since it's really around the corner. what a waste to not made use of it. :D

AlecRuby well i have to say again you're not lone about he and tiff.

hello! pls count me in too! :P . and i dare say, i'm not even a fangirl to go against it strongly.


okay..there's newer replies....

^ you asked "why do they have to meet?" ? it's destiny ..it's heart's calling 555 (banned for good from SS501 fans -___-")

wth. *waves* SS501 fan here. :lol:

he said "Hyung (refers to HB 555)..WGM is reall good...HyunJoong, if you get hurt, give me call (my little sweet dongseang )"

no way, HB will never hurt her young groom..so funny her younger male fans always tease her like this.

Hwangbo hurt hyunjoong? nah. never. haha. she seem so timid around him. to the point of freaking out. remember the scene she heard a doorbell and rushed to see who's it? the shock n drawback when hyunjoong popped in. :lol: (and then she tried to pretend that she's not shock or anything. c'mon, action speaks louder than words. esp her facial expressions^^.)

i heart this girl even more. haha.

again, wlcome to newbies, and you guys rockz for supporting this couple. they seriously worth all the love. haha.

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Omg, there is so many comments, i am so behind!

Omg, totally I agree with you, I don't want anyone to steal either the bride or groom, they have to stick together.

I mean looking at them slowly opening eachother's heart.

hwang bo is so considerate, she even asked him if he feel awkward. I kind of feel this couple is the opposite of Alex and Shinae, in the sense, Hwang bo is Alex and Joong is Shinae. But this couple seem like they are happier, while alex and shinae seem to have alot of deep soul talking, which I hope Hwang Bo and Joong will do soon.

I won't give up on this couple, I mean it took Alex and shinae, 6-7 weeks to hold hands, I am hoping it would take 5 weeks for Hwangbo and Joong to hold hands, they kind of did in epi 10 already! at teh beach hahah and many touches here and there!

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Guest AlecRuby

ah... they are so lovely.

i hope we hit page 19 and 20 soon.

holding hands won't be a problem for them.

hj is alreayd getting touchy.

too touchy...maybe? NO! More!

if hj was to ever leave, which i really hope not.

I would love to see Micky from DBSK with hb.

seeing them in love letter was cute.

it was sweet seeing them sitting side by side next to each other near the pool.

hb was so considerate.

hj giving energy drink to hb was cute too.

whoever said the ep. was boring was wrong.

their relation only got better.

by the way, does anyone know what hj was showing to hb, while they were standing?

it was something like a poster?

what was their convo?


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I like Micky too, but he is way too busy also.

Anyway, I wish Hyun Joong was on Love letter, than we could have seen JoongBo even more.

Talking about touchy joong, I think he is not touchy enough haha, I wish Hwangbo and Joong would hug.

Make them play like a game, a mission like other couples.

Noticed with most couples they have mission, with these two, they are just starting off so nicely, honey moon, opening house.

I hope we get a peek at what their first mission is soon!

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Guest maricris

i've been a silent reader, but i posted here once... hehehe, i really love this couple they are so entertaining and act naturally... as far as I remember micky from tvxq dream girl and fave celeb is hwang bo i dunno if until now.... but as of now she is hj wife. :wub:

hehehe, i was wondering, if the dong bang boys do watch this, what were they thinking? --- Micky & U-Know-- What if were on Hyun Joong's place? hmmmm lol...i love hwang bo since day 1-- i think it was late 2006 when i started reading/ watching anything about her [ from xman, loveletter and other programs ] she's really fun...i can see why a lot of guyz likes her^^

god i really like this couple^^ Joongbo! AJA!!!!!

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Guest maricris

From variety shows she appeared in, as I recall.

3 times with: Shin HyeSung

2 times with: Minwoo, Kim KyungRok, Lee JiHoon (i think he's funny), Rain..not sure if the same episode but it seems like she was with him twice

1 times with: Kim HeeChul, Kim KiBum, Kim DongWan (he was beside her all the time both on-off screen...she's shinhwa's good friend I think)

She got both Micky and U-Know and now HyunJoong! Oh one time Brian from Paran chose her at first she picked him but left him later for Ji SungRyo (is this his name?)

Come to think about it, she got paired up with the guys from hot boy bands:Shinhwa,SJ,SS501,Paran,V.O.S

Am I doing a record or something!?

hehehe i do look out on these things too...i love the way how they pick Hwang Bo---all those hotties...Hwang Bo's really popular w/ boys^^

first time i saw Hyun Jong was also in Xman---- I remember Stef from The Grace singing to him--- it was Hero by Mariah---then HJ said: "I dont understand what she's singing! " lol.....

and Btw I Love Your TOUCHY screen caps..^^ LOVELY

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